Sequence skill

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Sequence skills are skills which, once activated, give access to another skill for additional effect. They are effectively multiple skills sharing one slot on a skill bar and activated in strict order. In some sequences, additional skills become available only if a special condition has been met by a previous skill, for example, an enemy has been successfully hit or an attack has been blocked.

Chains is a subset of sequence skills that occupy the first weapon skill slot and are set to auto-attack by default.

List of sequence skills[edit]

Weapon, bundle and transform skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

1 True Strike.png True Strike 0.5½ Chain. Smash your foe.
1 ChainPure Strike.png Pure Strike 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainFaithful Strike.png Faithful Strike 0.75¾ Hit your foe with a final strike and heal nearby allies.
5 Jurisdiction.png Jurisdiction 2 20 Charge up a ball of blue flame and activate this skill again to fire it. The ball damages, burns, and knocks targets it hits a short distance. Deals bonus defiance bar damage when fully charged. Projectile behavior changes slightly based on charge level.
5 ChainFire Jurisdiction.png Fire Jurisdiction Fire the Jurisdiction projectile.
5 ChainFire Jurisdiction.png Detonate Jurisdiction Detonate the Jurisdiction projectile.
1 Sword of Wrath.png Sword of Wrath Chain. Slash your foe once.
1 ChainSword Arc.png Sword Arc 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe again.
1 ChainSword Wave.png Sword Wave 0.5½ Send out waves of attacks that strike multiple targets.
4 Zealot's Flame.png Zealot's Flame 15 Set yourself alight, periodically burning up to three nearby foes. The final pulse applies additional burning.
4 ChainZealot's Fire.png Zealot's Fire 0.75¾ Throw your Zealot's Flame to damage the targeted foe.
5 Shield of Absorption.png Shield of Absorption 4 24 Create a dome around you that pushes foes back and absorbs projectiles.
5 ChainShield of Absorption (sequence).png Shield of Absorption Detonate the dome to heal nearby allies.
1 Strike.png Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainVengeful Strike.png Vengeful Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainWrathful Strike.png Wrathful Strike 0.5½ Attack with a final, powerful strike that applies might for each foe you strike.
5 Binding Blade.png Binding Blade 0.75¾ 25 Throw blades at your foes, causing damage over time. Bound foes can be pulled to you. The effect ends when a foe moves out of range.
5 ChainPull (guardian skill).png Pull 0.75¾ Pull your foes to you.
1 Hammer Swing (guardian skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (guardian skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainSymbol of Protection.png Symbol of Protection 1 Symbol. Smash a mystic symbol onto the ground that gives protection to you and your allies.
1 Bolt of Wrath.png Bolt of Wrath 0.5½ Fire a bolt that damages foes.
1 ChainSearing Light.png Searing Light 0.5½ Fire a projectile that explodes upon impact and damages enemies.
1 ChainSeeking Judgment.png Seeking Judgment 0.5½ Fire a seeking projectile that explodes upon contact and damages enemies.
1 Light Ball.png Light Ball 0.5½ Fire a sundering ball of light that damages foes.
1 ChainDetonate Light.png Detonate Light 0.5½ Fire a ball of light that detonates on impact to heal allies and damage foes.
1 ChainJudgment of Light.png Judgment of Light 0.75¾ Fire a barrage of bouncing light missiles that damage enemies and heal allies.
2 Purify.png Purify 0.5½ 12 Release an orb of cleansing light that cures conditions on allies it passes through and detonates on enemies struck. Burns foes and cures conditions on allies within the blast radius.
2 ChainBrilliance.png Purifying Blast 8 Detonate the orb to burn foes and cure conditions on allies in the blast radius.

Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand

1 Core Cleave.png Core Cleave 0.5½ Cleave at your enemy with a physical and a magical axe.
1 ChainBleeding Edge.png Bleeding Edge 0.5½ Slice through your foe again, physically and magically, as your weapon is heating up.
1 ChainSearing Slash (firebrand).png Searing Slash 0.5½ Unleash your searing axe in an overhand slash, following it up with a magical edge.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant

1 Misery Swipe.png Misery Swipe 0.25¼ Swing your mace at your foe.
1 ChainAnguish Swipe.png Anguish Swipe 0.5½ Sweep your mace back for a second blow.
1 ChainManifest Toxin.png Manifest Toxin 0.5½ Deliver a crushing blow that sends toxic energy chaining to enemies behind each target.
1 Serene Slash.png Serene Slash 0.5½ Condense Mists energy into a solid form to strike enemies in front of you.
1 ChainAcerbic Cut.png Acerbic Cut 0.5½ Slash at enemies again with Mists energy. Grant boons to allies after striking an enemy.
1 ChainMotivating Whirl.png Motivating Whirl 0.5½ Whirl around, damaging enemies and granting barrier to allies if an enemy is struck.
2 Blossoming Aura.png Blossoming Aura 0.75¾ 8 Envelop target friend or foe with energy from the Mists. The energy explodes outward after a short delay or when manually detonated, granting barrier to nearby allies. The amount of barrier granted increases over time. If targeting an enemy, the aura also deals damage over time, and it does additional damage when the aura explodes based on how long the aura lasts.
2 ChainDetonate Blossoming Aura.png Detonate Blossoming Aura Detonate your Blossoming Aura manually.
3 Otherworldly Bond.png Otherworldly Bond 0.75¾ 8 Form a tether through the Mists to a target ally or enemy. The strength of the tether increases over time. You can only be tethered to one target at a time, and the link is severed if you are too far away from your target or when you swap weapons.
3 ChainOtherworldly Attraction (ally).png Otherworldly Attraction 5 Release the tether, shadowstepping toward your tethered ally and granting barrier to allies in the surrounding area.
3 ChainOtherworldly Attraction (enemy).png Otherworldly Attraction 0.5½ Release the tether, pulling the tethered enemy toward you and applying vulnerability to them.
3 ChainDeactivate Otherworldly Bond.png Deactivate Otherworldly Bond Disable the tether.
1 Preparation Thrust.png Preparation Thrust 0.5½ Stab your foe with your sword, inflicting vulnerability.
1 ChainBrutal Blade.png Brutal Blade 0.75¾ Slice foes, damaging them and inflicting vulnerability.
1 ChainRift Slash.png Rift Slash 0.5½ Slash foes, creating a rift on them that explodes for additional damage after a short delay.
5 Deathstrike.png Deathstrike 0.5½ 15 Shadowstep to your foe and deliver a quick attack, then deliver a second devastating blow if it hits.
5 ChainDeathstrike.png Deathstrike Deliver a second devastating blow.
1 Rapid Swipe.png Rapid Swipe 0.5½ Swipe your staff at your foe.
1 ChainForceful Bash.png Forceful Bash 0.5½ Bash your foe with your staff.
1 ChainRejuvenating Assault.png Rejuvenating Assault 1 Cleave foes around you with your staff, healing nearby allies.
3 Abyssal Blitz.png Abyssal Blitz 0.5½ 10 Dash in a direction and slightly recharge Abyssal Raze while leaving portals in your wake that detonate when foes walk over them.
3 ChainAbyssal Blitz.png Blitz Mines Drop mines behind you as you dodge.
3 Venomous Sphere.png Venomous Sphere 0.75¾ 8 Launch a sphere outward from the Mists. The sphere will attack nearby foes as it travels, poisoning them.
3 ChainFrigid Discharge.png Frigid Discharge Detonate the sphere to cause it to explode, damaging and chilling foes.
4 Igniting Brand.png Igniting Brand 0.5½ 12 Throw your spear at your foe. Upon impact, damage your foe and connect to them through the Mists. While the connection is active it will apply burning.
4 ChainDevour Brand.png Devour Brand 0.5½ Step through the Mists toward the branded foe, dealing damage in an area to nearby foes.

Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator

1 Mist Swing.png Mist Swing 0.5½ Swing at enemies with your greatsword.
1 ChainMist Slash.png Mist Slash 0.5½ Swing your greatsword again, inflicting vulnerability.
1 ChainArcing Mists.png Arcing Mists 0.5½ Cleave your foes, inflicting vulnerability and chilling them.
4 Imperial Guard.png Imperial Guard 0.5½ 12 Block incoming attacks for a prolonged duration, and ready a counterattack that deals increased damage based on the attacks blocked.
4 ChainTrue Strike (vindicator).png True Strike 0.75¾ Strike your foes with empowered energy. Deals increased damage based on attacks blocked by Imperial Guard.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior

1 Chop.png Chop 0.25¼ Chain. Chop your foe.
1 ChainDouble Chop.png Double Chop 0.25¼ Chain. Chop your foe twice.
1 ChainTriple Chop.png Triple Chop 10.5½ Deliver three final chops to your foe.
1 Mace Smash.png Mace Smash 0.5½ Chain. Smash your foe.
1 ChainMace Bash.png Mace Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainPulverize.png Pulverize 0.75¾ Thrash your foe, leaving them weakened.
2 Counterblow.png Counterblow 7 Block the next attack. Counter with an attack if you are in melee range. Gain adrenaline if not attacked.
2 Chain"On My Mark!".png Adrenaline Rush Stop blocking and gain adrenaline.
1 Sever Artery.png Sever Artery 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe with a slash.
1 ChainGash.png Gash 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe with a gash.
1 ChainHamstring.png Hamstring 0.25¼ Cripple your foe with a precise slash.
4 Impale (warrior sword skill).png Impale 0.5½ 15 Throw your sword at your foe to impale them.
4 ChainRip.png Rip 0.75¾ 1 Rip your sword from your foe for extra damage.
5 Riposte.png Riposte 20.25¼ 15 Block the next attack. Riposte and bleed your foe if you block a melee attack. Gain adrenaline if you are not attacked.
5 Chain"On My Mark!".png Adrenaline Rush Stop blocking and gain adrenaline.
1 Greatsword Swing.png Greatsword Swing 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe.
1 ChainGreatsword Slice.png Greatsword Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainBrutal Strike.png Brutal Strike 0.5½ Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.
1 Hammer Swing (warrior skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (warrior skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Smash.png Hammer Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
1 Balanced Strike.png Balanced Strike 0.5½ Chain. A balanced staff strike.
1 ChainReverse Strike.png Reverse Strike 0.5½ Chain. A follow-up reverse-handed staff strike.
1 ChainInspiring Whirl.png Inspiring Whirl 0.75¾ Whirl your staff, damaging nearby enemies and inspiring allies.
5 Bullet Catcher.png Bullet Catcher 2 20 Focus your mind on the battle, blocking incoming attacks. After activating this skill, Defiant Roar becomes available for a short duration. Blocking attacks empowers Defiant Roar.
5 ChainDefiant Roar.png Defiant Roar 0.5½ Unleash a defiant roar, healing nearby allies and granting them resolution. Blocking attacks with Bullet Catcher grants bonus healing per block, up to 3 stacks.
1 Stab (warrior skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (warrior skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainImpale (warrior spear skill).png Impale 0.75¾ Impale your foe and cripple them.
1 Smash (Rampage).png Smash 0.5½ Physical. Smash your foe.
1 ChainBash (Rampage).png Bash 0.5½ Physical. Bash your foe with another blow.
1 ChainUppercut.png Uppercut 1 Physical. Finish the chain with a pulverizing uppercut.

Spellbreaker icon small.png Spellbreaker

1 Precise Cut.png Precise Cut 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack deals increased critical damage.
1 ChainFocused Slash.png Focused Slash 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack has increased critical-hit damage.
1 ChainKeen Strike.png Keen Strike 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe and gain might. Gain additional might on critical hit.

Bladesworn icon small.png Bladesworn

Unsheathe Gunsaber
1 Swift Cut.png Swift Cut 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe, then fire off a ranged shot. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.
1 ChainSteel Divide.png Steel Divide 0.5½ Chain. Swing your gunsaber and fire a second shot. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.
1 ChainExplosive Thrust.png Explosive Thrust 0.75¾ Chain. Hit your foe with a final, brutal stab, and fire a shot that causes a secondary explosion. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

1 Sun Edge.png Sun Edge 0.5½ Strike your foe and inflict vulnerability.
1 ChainSun Ripper.png Sun Ripper 0.5½ Strike your foe again and inflict vulnerability.
1 ChainGleam Saber.png Gleam Saber 0.75¾ Unleash a burst of stored energy with your sword and recharge your other sword skills.
4 Magnetic Shield (engineer skill).png Magnetic Shield 3 20 Create a magnetic field that reflects projectiles and can be released to knock back foes.
4 ChainMagnetic Inversion.png Magnetic Inversion Release the magnetic field to knock back nearby foes.
5 Static Shield.png Static Shield 20.5½ 24 Electrify your shield, preparing to throw it at foes. Stun nearby enemies that attack you while blocking.
5 ChainThrow Shield.png Throw Shield 0.75¾ Throw your charged shield. Dazes foes it hits on the way out and back.
1 Hip Shot.png Rifle Burst 0.5½ Deliver a quick burst of fire that pierces targets, followed by an explosive grenade.
1 ChainGrenade Barrage.png Rifle Burst Grenade Fire an explosive grenade from your rifle.
1 Puncturing Jab.png Puncturing Jab 0.5½ Stab your foe, inflicting bleeding. Inflict vulnerability if your target is focused.
1 ChainRending Strike.png Rending Strike 0.5½ Swing your spear, inflicting bleeding. Inflict vulnerability if your target is focused.
1 ChainAmplifying Slice.png Amplifying Slice 0.75¾ Strike your foe, refreshing your focus and bleeding your target. Inflict vulnerability if your target is focused.
3 Lightning Rod (engineer spear skill).png Lightning Rod 12 Prime your lightning rod to deal damage to nearby enemies. Focused enemies receive extra punishment. Gain charges for your Electric Artillery skill.
3 ChainElectric Artillery.png Electric Artillery 0.5½ 1 Hurl your charged rod at a foe, immobilizing them. Foes take increased burning duration and vulnerability stacks based on your lightning rod's charge.
5 Devastator.png Devastator 1 20 Traverse the area and unleash lighting[sic] around you, directly targeting focused foes a number of times.
5 ChainDevastator.png Focused Devastation Repeatedly strike your foe, inflicting conditions.
Elixir Gun
5 Super Elixir.png Super Elixir 0.5½ 16 Elixir. Shoot an elixir orb, healing allies when it bursts and creating an area of continual healing.
5 ChainSuper Elixir.png Super Elixir Elixir. Burst the orb, instantly healing your allies and creating an area of continual healing.
Tool Kit
1 Smack.png Smack 0.5½ Chain. Smack your foe. Repair turrets.
1 ChainWhack.png Whack 0.5½ Chain. Whack your foe. Repairs turrets.
1 ChainThwack.png Thwack 1 Thwack your foe. Repairs turrets.

Scrapper icon small.png Scrapper

1 Positive Strike.png Positive Strike 0.5½ Chain. Smack your hammer into your foe while empowering yourself.
1 ChainNegative Bash.png Negative Bash 0.5½ Chain. Slam your hammer into your foe to leave them vulnerable.
1 ChainEqualizing Blow.png Equalizing Blow 0.5½ Chain. Bring down your hammer on your foe.

Holosmith icon small.png Holosmith

1 Sun Edge.png Sun Edge 0.5½ Strike your foe and inflict vulnerability. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
1 ChainSun Ripper.png Sun Ripper 0.5½ Strike your foe again and inflict vulnerability. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
1 ChainGleam Saber.png Gleam Saber 0.75¾ Unleash a burst of stored energy with your sword and recharge your other sword skills. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
Engage Photon Forge
1 Light Strike.png Light Strike Swing a holographic blade.
1 ChainBright Slash.png Bright Slash 0.5½ Slash with a blade of light energy.
1 ChainFlash Cutter.png Flash Cutter 0.5½ Cleave through all foes in front of you twice.
1 Light Strike.png Light Strike—Storm Launch an arc of light at your foe.
1 ChainBright Slash.png Bright Slash—Storm 0.5½ Launch another arc of light at your target.
1 ChainFlash Cutter.png Flash Cutter—Storm 0.5½ Fire two light blades in quick succession.

Mechanist icon small.png Mechanist

1 Mace Strike.png Mace Strike 0.5½ Strike your target.
1 ChainMace Smash (mechanist).png Mace Smash 0.5½ Smash your target with a heavy blow from your mace, inflicting confusion.
1 ChainMace Blast.png Mace Blast 0.75¾ Smash your target with a final heavy strike, inflicting additional confusion.

Ranger icon small.png Ranger

1 Germinate.png Germinate 0.5½ Chain. Strike with your mace.
1 ChainBurgeon.png Burgeon 0.5½ Chain. Slam your target.
1 ChainCultivate.png Cultivate 0.75¾ Swing an uppercut at your target, crippling them and granting vigor to nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.
1 Slash (ranger sword skill).png Slash 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe.
1 ChainCrippling Thrust.png Crippling Thrust 0.25¼ Chain. Stab your foe, crippling them for a short time.
1 ChainPrecision Swipe.png Precision Swipe 0.75¾ Deliver a blow to your foe. Your pet gains might for each foe struck.
1 Slash (ranger greatsword skill).png Slash 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe.
1 ChainSlice (ranger skill).png Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainEnduring Swing.png Enduring Swing 0.75¾ Slash at your foe. This attack restores endurance if it hits.
4 Counterattack.png Counterattack 3 15 Block incoming attacks. If an attack is blocked, Counterattack Kick can be used.
4 ChainCounterattack Kick.png Counterattack Kick 0.75¾ Kick your foe, knocking them backward.
1 Drake's Swipe.png Drake's Swipe 0.5½ Chain. Swing your spear. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 ChainWyvern's Lash.png Wyvern's Lash 0.5½ Chain. Strike with your spear, crippling your foe. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 ChainCheetah's Strike.png Cheetah's Strike 0.75¾ Heave your spear, gaining swiftness if you strike an enemy. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 Stab (ranger skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (ranger skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainToxic Strike.png Toxic Strike 0.5½ Deliver a final poisonous attack.
4 Counterstrike.png Counterstrike 10.5½ 20 Prepare to throw your spear while blocking. If you block, push back your attacker with a kick.
4 ChainSplinter Shot.png Counter Throw 0.5½ Throw your spear at foes.

Soulbeast icon small.png Soulbeast

1 Groundwork Gouge.png Groundwork Gouge 0.25¼ Swipe past your foe's defenses, exposing their vulnerability.
1 ChainLeading Swipe.png Leading Swipe 0.25¼ Rake your dagger across your foe, leaving them bleeding.
1 ChainSerpent Stab.png Serpent Stab 0.25¼ Slash across your foe, poisoning them.
1 ChainSerpent Stab.png Deadly Delivery 0.25¼ Strike deeply into your foe, inflicting multiple conditions.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

1 Hammer Strike.png Hammer Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Slam.png Hammer Slam 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainHeavy Smash.png Heavy Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.

Thief icon small.png Thief

1 Double Strike.png Double Strike Chain. Strike your foe twice.
1 ChainWild Strike.png Wild Strike Chain. Strike your foe again, bleeding them. Gain endurance with a successful strike.
1 ChainLotus Strike.png Lotus Strike 0.25¼ Strike your foe and inflict Poison.
3 Shadow Strike.png Shadow Strike (with offhand Dagger) Dual Wield. Stab your foe, then shadowstep away and shoot them. Unlock Repeater at reduced initiative cost for a short time.
3 ChainRepeater.png Repeater (with offhand Dagger) 10.25¼ Dual Wield. Blast your foe with rapid fire from your pistol.
1 Slice (thief skill).png Slice Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainSlash (thief skill).png Slash 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe again.
1 ChainCrippling Strike.png Crippling Strike 0.5½ Cripple your foe with a final strike.
2 Infiltrator's Strike.png Infiltrator's Strike Shadowstep to a foe and strike them. Use Shadow Return[sic] to shadowstep back and cure one condition.
2 ChainInfiltrator's Return.png Infiltrator's Return 0.25¼ Return to your original location. Cure one condition.
3 Flanking Strike.png Flanking Strike (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ Dual Wield. Evade and stab your foe.
3 ChainLarcenous Strike.png Larcenous Strike (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ Dual Wield. Stab your foe and steal boons from them. Deals increased damage if it hits a foe with no boons.
Short bow
2 Cluster Bomb.png Cluster Bomb 0.5½ Fire a cluster bomb at the target area. Detonate in midair for multiple explosions.
2 ChainDetonate Cluster.png Detonate Cluster 1 Detonate your cluster bomb in midair.
1 Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (thief skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainPoison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike 0.75¾ Poison your foe with a final attack.
2 Mantis Sting.png Mantis Sting 0.5½ Lead Attack. Cripple your foe with a quick strike.
2 ChainEntangling Asp.png Entangling Asp 0.75¾ Follow Up. Poison your foe with a sweeping strike. Movement impaired foes are immobilized.
2 ChainFalling Spider.png Falling Spider 0.75¾ Finisher. Strike nearby enemies, inflicting multiple conditions. Deal more damage and inflict additional conditions against controlled and immobilized foes.
3 Nine-Tailed Strike.png Nine-Tailed Strike 10.5½ Block your foe and counterattack with a series of strikes. Gain initiative if you are not attacked.
3 ChainBreak Stance.png Break Stance Spend initiative to break your blocking stance and immediately initiate the nine-tailed strike.
3 Unsuspecting Strike.png Unsuspecting Strike 0.75¾ Lead Attack. Leap at your foe and inflict conditions. Inflict additional stacks against foes above the health threshold.
3 ChainVampiric Slash.png Vampiric Slash 0.5½ Follow Up. Strike your foes and siphon health from them. Siphon additional health from vulnerable foes.
Striking an enemy with a follow-up attack enables finisher attacks.
3 ChainShattering Assault.png Shattering Assault 0.5½ Finisher. Strike foes in front of you and remove boons from them, then enter stealth. Remove additional boons from weakened foes.
4 Tow Line.png Tow Line 0.5½ Throw a spear that pulls enemies to you. Gain stealth and access to Hooked Spear if this skill hits.
4 ChainHooked Spear.png Hooked Spear 0.75¾ Spin around quickly, bleeding enemies caught in your spear's path.
Harpoon gun
5 Ink Shot.png Ink Shot 0.25¼ Shoot an ink shot that blinds foes in a line. Detonate the shot and shadowstep to it.
5 ChainSmoke Trail.png Smoke Trail Detonate your ink shot and shadowstep to it. Gain stealth if enemies are struck by this skill.

Daredevil icon small.png Daredevil

1 Staff Strike.png Staff Strike 0.5½ Strike your enemies with your staff.
1 ChainStaff Bash.png Staff Bash 0.5½ Swing your staff a second time, striking multiple enemies.
1 ChainPunishing Strikes.png Punishing Strikes 1 Whirl your staff around, striking nearby enemies.
3 Debilitating Arc.png Debilitating Arc Strike enemies in front of you and roll backward, breaking immobilizing effects. Gain access to Helmet Breaker.

Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye

1 Brutal Aim.png Brutal Aim 0.75¾ Fire a shot that inflicts vulnerability on your target. Applies additional vulnerability when used against your marked target.
1 ChainDeadly Aim.png Deadly Aim 0.75¾ Kneel. Fire a shot that inflicts vulnerability on your target. Applies additional vulnerability against your marked target.
2 Skirmisher's Shot.png Skirmisher's Shot 0.5½ Fire a bullet that inflicts conditions on your target and grants you a boon.
2 ChainSpotter's Shot.png Spotter's Shot 0.75¾ Kneel. Fire a bullet that grants you boons and inflicts conditions on your target.
3 Double Tap.png Double Tap 0.75¾ Fire two bullets that grant might if they hit your target.
3 ChainThree Round Burst.png Three Round Burst 1 Kneel. Fire three bullets that grant might if they hit your target.
4 Death's Retreat.png Death's Retreat 0.25¼ Shadowstep away from your target and lose conditions. Poisons foes at your starting location.
4 ChainSniper's Cover.png Sniper's Cover 0.25¼ Kneel. Create a barrier of shadows that blocks incoming missiles. Kneeling while within the barrier allows you to use Death's Advance.
4 ChainDeath's Advance.png Death's Advance 0.25¼ Kneel. Shadowstep forward while granting yourself stealth.
5 Kneel.png Kneel 0.5½ 0.5½ Your base and maximum movement speed is reduced. Gain access to kneel skills, which have increased projectile velocity. You can still dodge roll while kneeling. Kneeling is canceled if you swap weapons or use Free Action.
5 ChainFree Action.png Free Action Kneel. Stop kneeling and move freely. If you used at least one kneel skill, gain swiftness.

Specter icon small.png Specter

1 Shadow Bolt.png Shadow Bolt 0.75¾ Chain. Fire a projectile that hinders foes and helps allies.
1 ChainDouble Bolt.png Double Bolt 0.75¾ Chain. Fire two projectiles that hinder foes and help allies.
1 ChainTriple Bolt.png Triple Bolt 10.5½ Fire three missiles that hinder foes and help allies.
3 Measured Shot.png Measured Shot (with offhand Pistol) 0.5½ Dual Wield. Shadowstep and fire a shot that hinders foes and helps allies.
3 ChainEndless Night.png Endless Night (with offhand Pistol) 20.25¼ Dual Wield. Fire a beam that hinders foes and helps allies.

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist

Water Attunement Water Attunement
4 Frost Aura.png Frost Aura 10 Protect yourself with frost armor that reduces incoming damage by 10%. While active, it chills foes that hit you. Each attacker can be affected by this only once per second.
4 ChainTransmute Frost.png Transmute Frost 0.5½ 10 Cause your frost aura to violently explode, healing allies and damaging foes.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
3 Shocking Aura.png Shocking Aura 10 Envelop yourself with electrical energy that stuns nearby foes if they attack you. Each attacker can be affected by this only once every 2 seconds.
3 ChainTransmute Lightning.png Transmute Lightning 0.5½ 10 Cause your shocking aura to violently explode, stunning enemies who are struck by it.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
3 Aerial Agility.png Aerial Agility 0.5½ 12 Dash then fire a quick shot. If the shot hits, you can dash again for a short time.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to remove inhibiting conditions at the start of the dash. If not, create an air bullet.
3 ChainAerial Agility (chain).png Aerial Agility 0.5½ Dash then fire a quick shot. If the shot hits, you can dash again for a short time.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to remove inhibiting conditions at the start of the dash. If not, create an air bullet.
3 ChainAerial Agility (dash).png Aerial Agility 0.5½ Dash again.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
2 Rock Barrier.png Rock Barrier 1 8 Envelop yourself in a stony barrier that improves toughness.
2 ChainHurl.png Hurl Hurl the rocks from your barrier at your foe.
Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
5 Fire Shield.png Fire Shield 25 Envelop yourself in a fiery shield that burns foes and grants might each time you are struck (cooldown of 1 second per attacker).
5 ChainTransmute Fire.png Transmute Fire 0.5½ 10 Use the energy of the fire aura to cause an explosion, damaging enemies and benefiting allies.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
3 Magnetic Aura.png Magnetic Aura 30 Reflect projectiles with magnetic energy.
3 ChainTransmute Earth.png Transmute Earth 0.5½ 10 Cause the surrounding magnetic aura to violently explode.
Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
5 Etching- Volcano.png Etching: Volcano 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that creates a violent eruption. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Volcano.png Lesser Volcano 0.75¾ Create a violent eruption that damages foes.
5 ChainVolcano.png Volcano 0.75¾ Create a violent eruption that damages foes.
Water Attunement Water Attunement
5 Etching- Jökulhlaup.png Etching: Jökulhlaup 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that invokes a glacial flood. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Jökulhlaup.png Lesser Jökulhlaup 0.75¾ Invoke a glacial flood that damages enemies. Heals for each target struck.
5 ChainJökulhlaup.png Jökulhlaup 0.75¾ Invoke a glacial flood that damages enemies. Heals for each target struck.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
5 Etching- Derecho.png Etching: Derecho 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that summons an intense windstorm. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Derecho.png Lesser Derecho 0.75¾ Summon an intense windstorm that damages and dazes foes.
5 ChainDerecho.png Derecho 0.75¾ Summon an intense windstorm that damages and dazes foes.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
5 Etching- Haboob.png Etching: Haboob 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that creates a violent eruption. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Haboob.png Lesser Haboob 0.75¾ Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.
5 ChainHaboob.png Haboob 0.75¾ Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
3 Air Pocket.png Air Pocket 0.5½ 12 Release a slow-moving, detonatable air pocket. When it explodes, you teleport to that location.
3 ChainVacuum.png Vacuum Detonate your air pocket to teleport to its location.
Conjured Flame
1 Lava Axe.png Lava Axe 0.5½ Throw a lava axe at your foe. Using another Lava Axe ability grants Double Lava Axe.
1 ChainLava Axe.png Double Lava Axe Throw two lava axes at your foe.
Lightning Hammer
1 Lightning Swing.png Lightning Swing 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainStatic Swing.png Static Swing 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainThunderclap (Lightning Hammer skill).png Thunderclap 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
Magnetic Shield (bundle)
1 Shield Smack.png Shield Smack 0.5½ Smack your foe with the magnetic shield.
1 ChainShield Smash.png Shield Smash 0.75¾ Smash your foe with the magnetic shield.
1 ChainCrippling Shield.png Crippling Shield 0.75¾ Throw your shield in a line, crippling struck foes. This attack deals bonus damage if you have barrier.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver

Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
1 Fire Strike.png Fire Strike 0.5½ Build elemental flames into your sword and strike your enemies.
1 ChainFire Swipe.png Fire Swipe 0.5½ Heat your sword a second time and strike your enemies for increased damage.
1 ChainSearing Slash (weaver).png Searing Slash 0.75¾ Heat your sword a final time and use the full power of your flames to sear enemies and ignite them.
Water Attunement Water Attunement
1 Seiche.png Seiche 0.5½ Imbue your blade with water, healing yourself for each target you strike.
1 ChainClapotis.png Clapotis 0.5½ Deliver a second strike that heals yourself for each target it hits.
1 ChainBreaking Wave.png Breaking Wave 0.75¾ Strike your enemies and unleash a wave that heals allies.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
1 Charged Strike.png Charged Strike 0.5½ Strike your foe with shocking force.
1 ChainPolaric Slash.png Polaric Slash 0.5½ Deliver a second strike, gaining swiftness.
1 ChainCall Lightning (weaver).png Call Lightning 0.75¾ Deliver the final attack, calling lightning strikes onto enemies.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
1 Crystal Slash.png Crystal Slash 0.5½ Strike your opponent with your serrated blade.
1 ChainCrystalline Strike.png Crystalline Strike 0.5½ Attack enemies with a second vicious attack.
1 ChainCrystalline Sunder.png Crystalline Sunder 0.75¾ Unleash a final crushing blow.
Fire AttunementWater Attunement Fire + Water Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Fire and Water.png Dual Orbits: Fire and Water 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Fire AttunementAir Attunement Fire + Air Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Fire and Air.png Dual Orbits: Fire and Air 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Fire AttunementEarth Attunement Fire + Earth Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Fire and Earth.png Dual Orbits: Fire and Earth 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and earth that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Air AttunementWater Attunement Air + Water Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Water and Air.png Dual Orbits: Water and Air 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of ice and air that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Water AttunementEarth Attunement Water + Earth Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Water and Earth.png Dual Orbits: Water and Earth 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Air AttunementEarth Attunement Air + Earth Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Air and Earth.png Dual Orbits: Air and Earth 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of air and earth that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.

Catalyst icon small.png Catalyst

Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
3 Flame Wheel.png Flame Wheel 18 Summon a projectile of fire that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Water Attunement Water Attunement
1 Stream Strike.png Stream Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe with a watery blow.
1 ChainWater Rush.png Water Rush 0.5½ Chain. Slam your foe with a rush of water.
1 ChainChilling Crack.png Chilling Crack 0.5½ Crack the ground to chill your foes.
3 Icy Coil.png Icy Coil 18 Summon a projectile of ice that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
3 Crescent Wind.png Crescent Wind 18 Summon a projectile of air that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
3 Rocky Loop.png Rocky Loop 18 Summon a projectile of earth that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

1 Ether Bolt.png Ether Bolt 0.5½ Chain. Shoot a bolt of energy at your target.
1 ChainEther Blast.png Ether Blast 0.5½ Chain. Shoot a second bolt of energy at your target.
1 ChainEther Clone.png Ether Clone 0.75¾ Clone. Deliver a damaging attack directly to your target. Summon a clone that casts Ether Bolt. Inflict torment instead if you have the maximum number of illusions.
2 Illusionary Counter.png Illusionary Counter 2 6 Clone. Block the next attack, and counter by inflicting torment and creating clones that cast Ether Bolt.
2 ChainCounterspell.png Counterspell 0.5½ Shoot out a bolt that blinds enemies in a line and summons a clone to attack the first foe it strikes.
1 Mind Slash.png Mind Slash Chain. Slash your foe to make them vulnerable.
1 ChainMind Gash.png Mind Gash 0.5½ Chain. Gash your foe to make them vulnerable.
1 ChainMind Spike.png Mind Spike 0.5½ Stab your foe and rip a boon off of them. Does additional damage when the target has no boons.
3 Illusionary Leap.png Illusionary Leap 0.5½ 12 Clone. Summon an illusion that leaps at your target, crippling them. After the initial leap, the clone will execute the Mind Slash sword chain.
3 ChainArcane Thievery.png Swap Swap places with your clone. Immobilize nearby foes.
4 Illusionary Riposte.png Illusionary Riposte 20.25¼ 12 Clone. Block your foe and create an illusion when attacked.
4 ChainCounter Blade.png Counter Blade 0.75¾ Shoot out a bolt that dazes foes in a line.
4 Temporal Curtain.png Temporal Curtain 0.25¼ 25 Create a wall of energy that grants swiftness to allies who cross it and cripples foes who touch it. Allies may cross the wall more than once but receive less swiftness after the first crossing.
4 ChainVortex.png Into the Void Shatter your Temporal Curtain, pulling nearby enemies toward its position.
3 Inspiring Imagery.png Inspiring Imagery 0.75¾ 12 Throw an inspiring beacon to a target location. The beacon will explode after a short duration, granting boons to nearby allies. The beacon can be detonated early to heal allies and damage enemies.
3 ChainAbstraction.png Abstraction Detonate your beacon, debilitating enemies and bolstering allies.
5 Singularity Shot.png Singularity Shot 0.5½ 20 Shoot a bullet at a target location that explodes upon arrival, granting resistance and barrier to allies. A singularity lingers at the impact point.
5 ChainDimensional Aperture.png Dimensional Aperture Collapse your singularity, creating a single-use portal that will teleport the user to your current location. Increase the cooldown of Singularity Shot.
1 Psycut.png Psycut 0.5½ Slash your spear in front of yourself. Gain might per target struck.
1 ChainPsystrike.png Psystrike 0.5½ Rend your foe with an upward swing. Gain might per target struck.
1 ChainMind Pierce.png Mind Pierce 0.75¾ Deliver a finishing thrust, breaking your opponent's mind and inflicting weakness.
1 Stab (mesmer skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (mesmer skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainEvasive Strike.png Evasive Strike 0.5½ Evade while delivering a powerful final attack.

Chronomancer icon small.png Chronomancer

4 Echo of Memory.png Echo of Memory 10.5½ 30 Phantasm. Block incoming attacks for a short duration. If this skill fully channels, summon a phantasm that slows enemies and grants protection to allies. If an attack is blocked, Deja Vu is usable for a short time and the phantasm is summoned instantly.
4 ChainDeja Vu.png Deja Vu 10.5½ Phantasm. Block incoming attacks for a short duration. If this skill fully channels, summon a phantasm that slows enemies and grants protection to allies. If an attack is blocked, the phantasm is summoned immediately.

Mirage icon small.png Mirage

1 Lacerating Chop.png Lacerating Chop 0.5½ Inflict bleeding on your target.
1 ChainEthereal Chop.png Ethereal Chop 0.5½ Inflict Torment on your target.
1 ChainMirror Strikes.png Mirror Strikes 0.5½ Inflict bleeding and torment on your target.

Virtuoso icon small.png Virtuoso

3 Illusionary Leap.png Blade Leap 0.75¾ 12 Leap to your target and stock a blade if you hit. Can be recast to return to your starting point.
3 ChainArcane Thievery.png Returning Edge Shadowstep back to your previous location, crippling foes as you retreat.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

1 Necrotic Slash.png Necrotic Slash Chain. Slash your foe twice.
1 ChainNecrotic Slash.png Necrotic Stab Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainNecrotic Bite.png Necrotic Bite 0.25¼ Strike your foe and gain life force.
1 Blood Curse.png Blood Curse 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe.
1 ChainRending Curse.png Rending Curse 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe.
1 ChainPutrid Curse.png Putrid Curse 0.5½ Chain. Poison and bleed your foe.
1 Enervation Blade.png Enervation Blade Chain. Fire a wide piercing projectile from your blade. Heal if a target is struck. Healing is reduced for each target beyond the first.
1 ChainEnervation Echo.png Enervation Echo 0.5½ Chain. Fire another wide piercing projectile from your blade.
1 ChainDeathly Enervation.png Deathly Enervation 0.75¾ Fire an even wider piercing projectile that inflicts chill.
2 Ravenous Wave.png Ravenous Wave 0.25¼ 6 Send a wave of necrotic energy cascading toward your target. Gain life force if you hit an enemy. Reactivate this skill to inflict additional damage on all targets hit by the wave.
2 ChainSatiate.png Satiate 0.5½ Sacrifice health to inflict additional damage on all targets hit by the wave, dealing additional damage to targets below the health threshold.
3 Path of Gluttony.png Path of Gluttony 0.75¾ 10 Dash forward, releasing dark energy on nearby targets. Damage enemies hit and heal per target hit with reduced healing beyond the first. This skill can be reactivated to dash again.
3 ChainGorge.png Gorge 0.75¾ Sacrifice health to dash again. Corrupt boons on enemies struck.
4 Hungering Maelstrom.png Hungering Maelstrom 1 16 Create a dark maelstrom that deals damage, inflicts vulnerability, and steals health. Reactivate this skill to inflict additional damage and conditions on all targets hit by the maelstrom.
4 ChainGormandize.png Gormandize 0.5½ Sacrifice health to inflict additional damage and conditions on all targets hit by the maelstrom.
5 Devouring Visage.png Devouring Visage 0.75¾ 20 Fire an orb of death magic that explodes on impact, inflicting fear on enemies. Gain life force for each target struck. Reactivate this skill to drain the strength of all enemies struck by the explosion.
5 ChainConsume.png Consume 0.5½ Sacrifice health to drain the strength of your enemies, inflicting weakness while granting might to yourself for each target affected.
1 Cruel Strike.png Cruel Strike 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainWicked Strike.png Wicked Strike 0.75¾ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainReaper's Scythe.png Reaper's Scythe 0.75¾ Reap life force from nearby foes.
1 Dark Slash.png Dark Slash 0.75¾ Chain. Slash your foes with your spear.
1 ChainDeadly Slice.png Deadly Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice foes in front of you with your spear.
1 ChainSinister Stab.png Sinister Stab 0.75¾ Stab foes and chill them. Gain a soul shard if you strike a foe.
4 Isolate.png Isolate 0.5½ 18 Throw a spear at your target. If it strikes a foe, it inflicts conditions and you may reactivate to teleport to that foe.
This skill recharges when exiting death shroud.
4 ChainDistress.png Distress Teleport to the foe marked by Isolate, recharge Perforate, and gain soul shards. Gain additional soul shards if there are no other enemies nearby.
Death Shroud
2 Dark Path.png Dark Path 0.75¾ 8 Shroud. Send out a claw. If it hits a foe, it inflicts bleeding and chill on nearby foes and you may cast Dark Pursuit to shadowstep to the initial target.
2 ChainDark Pursuit.png Dark Pursuit Shadowstep to the foe marked by Dark Path.
Lich Form
3 Ripple of Horror.png Ripple of Horror 0.5½ 15 Launch a wave that terrorizes foes it hits. You may activate March of Undeath to shadowstep to the wave.
3 ChainMarch of Undeath.png March of Undeath 12 Shadowstep to your Ripple of Horror, destroying it.

Reaper icon small.png Reaper

1 Dusk Strike.png Dusk Strike 0.75¾ Chain. Cleave foes in front of you.
1 ChainFading Twilight.png Fading Twilight 0.75¾ Chain. Cleave foes in front of you again.
1 ChainChilling Scythe.png Chilling Scythe 1 Chain. Strike foes, and chill them. A successful strike reduces the recharge on Gravedigger.
Reaper's Shroud
1 Life Rend.png Life Rend 0.5½ Chain. Shroud. Cleave foes in front of you. This skill inherits traits from Life Blast.
1 ChainLife Slash.png Life Slash 0.5½ Chain. Shroud. Cleave foes in front of you again. This skill inherits traits from Life Blast.
1 ChainLife Reap.png Life Reap 0.5½ Shroud. Cleave foes around you, gaining life force for each foe struck. This skill inherits traits from Life Blast.
3 Infusing Terror.png Infusing Terror 25 Shroud. Shroud yourself with dark armor that grants stability and reduces incoming damage. You may shatter this armor to fear foes around you.
3 ChainTerrify.png Terrify 0.5½ Shroud. Detonate your armor to make foes around you flee in fear.

Profession mechanic skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Dragonhunter icon small.png Dragonhunter

F1 Spear of Justice.png Spear of Justice 0.75¾ 20 Virtue: Burn foes every few attacks.
Activate: Hurl a spear of light that passes through foes. Enemies struck become tethered and receive conditions periodically.
F1 ChainJudgment (skill).png Hunter's Verdict 0.5½ 40 Pull all enemies tethered by the Spear of Justice to you, breaking the link. This ability's recharge is separate from that of Spear of Justice.

Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand

F1 Tome of Justice.png Tome of Justice Virtue: Burn foes every few attacks.
Activate: Pull forth a magical tome on the dangers of the blazing heat in Kourna.
F2 Tome of Resolve.png Tome of Resolve Virtue: Regenerate health.
Activate: Draw forth an enchanted tome that recounts the trials undergone by the people of Vabbi.
F3 Tome of Courage.png Tome of Courage Virtue: Gain aegis periodically.
Activate: Conjure a mystic tome containing stories about the heroes of Istan.

Herald icon small.png Herald

F2 Facet of Nature.png Facet of Nature Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Nature on yourself to grant nearby allies enhancements based on your channeled legend.
F2 ChainOne with Nature.png True Nature 0.25¼ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Strip boons from nearby enemies.
F2 ChainOne with Nature.png True Nature 0.25¼ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Cleanse conditions from nearby allies. Heal for each condition removed.
F2 ChainOne with Nature.png True Nature 0.25¼ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Transfer conditions to nearby enemies. Gain might for each condition transferred.
F2 ChainOne with Nature.png True Nature 0.25¼ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Grant stability to nearby allies.
F2 ChainOne with Nature.png True Nature 0.25¼ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Increase the duration of allies' boons. Remove conditions from allies.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

Detonate Elixir.png Detonate Elixir B Elixir. Burst the bottle to grant stability and one of the following boons to allies: fury, might, retaliation[sic], or swiftness.
Elixir C.png Detonate Elixir C Elixir. Burst the bottle, converting conditions into boons for allies in your area.
Detonate Elixir.png Detonate Elixir H Elixir. Burst a bottle of Elixir H, randomly granting protection, regeneration, or swiftness to allies.
Detonate Elixir.png Detonate Elixir R Elixir. Burst the bottle, reviving allies.
Detonate Elixir.png Detonate Elixir S Elixir. Transform. Burst the bottle, granting allies stealth.
Detonate Elixir.png Detonate Elixir U Elixir. Detonate Elixir U, causing it to grant allies superspeed and break them out of stun.
Toss Elixir X.png Toss Elixir X 0.5½ 120 Elixir. Toss your Elixir X forward. When the bottle bursts, transform enemies in the area into tuna.
ChainDetonate Elixir.png Detonate Elixir X Elixir. Transform. Burst the bottle, transforming enemies.
Mine Field.png Mine Field 1 17 Plant five mines around yourself.
ChainDetonate Mine Field.png Detonate Mine Field Detonate your mine,[sic] damaging nearby foes.

Holosmith icon small.png Holosmith

F5 Engage Photon Forge.png Engage Photon Forge 1 Activate your Photon Forge, gaining access to new skills. Generate heat while Photon Forge is active. Take damage if you overheat. Disables use of kits for a short duration.
F5 ChainDeactivate Photon Forge.png Deactivate Photon Forge 6 Cancel Photon Forge and begin cooling after a delay. Cooling effectiveness increases over time.
F5 ChainDeactivate Photon Forge (hot).png Deactivate Photon Forge 6 Cancel Photon Forge and begin cooling after a delay. Cooling effectiveness increases over time.

Mechanist icon small.png Mechanist

F4 Recall Mech.png Recall Mech 0.75¾ 10 Recall your mech for repairs. The cooldown of Crash Down is determined by the amount of damage your mech has taken.
Right-click to rename your mech.
F4 ChainCrash Down.png Crash Down 0.75¾ 50 Summon your jade mech at the target area. Foes in the area are damaged. The recharge time of this skill is based on how damaged your mech is.
Right-click to rename your mech.
Hard Strike.png Hard Strike 0.25¼ Strikes foes in front of you.
ChainHeavy Smash (Mech).png Heavy Smash 0.5½ Perform a second, powerful strike.
ChainTwin Strike (Mech).png Twin Strike 0.5½ Strikes foes in front of you.

Druid icon small.png Druid

F5 Celestial Avatar.png Celestial Avatar 10 Consume your accumulated astral force to become a celestial avatar.
F5 ChainRelease Celestial Avatar.png Release Celestial Avatar Leave the celestial avatar form.

Soulbeast icon small.png Soulbeast

F5 Beastmode.png Beastmode 10 Meld with your pet.
F5 ChainLeave Beastmode.png Leave Beastmode Separate from your pet.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

F5 Unleash Pet.png Unleash Pet 1 Unleash your pet to draw on the raw power of its bond with nature, granting it new abilities.
F5 ChainUnleash Ranger.png Unleash Ranger 1 Unleash the raw power of your primal bond with nature and your pet.

Specter icon small.png Specter

F2 Enter Shadow Shroud.png Enter Shadow Shroud 8 Ally target: Enter shadow shroud and tether a targeted or previously siphoned ally, granting them barrier. If no target is selected, one will be chosen randomly in the indicated radius.
F2 ChainExit Shadow Shroud.png Exit Shadow Shroud Exit your shadow shroud, breaking the tether between you and your ally.

Chronomancer icon small.png Chronomancer

F5 Continuum Split.png Continuum Split 105 Destroy all your clones and create a rift in the space-time continuum. When it expires, you will revert back to your original point with your previous health, endurance, and skill recharges. Duration increases with each illusion shattered.
This skill's recharge cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
F5 ChainContinuum Shift.png Continuum Shift Revert back to the previous timeline. Your health, endurance and cooldowns are reverted to their previous states. You are transported back prematurely if the rift is destroyed.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

F1 Death Shroud.png Death Shroud 10 Assume a spectral form and gain new skills, turning your life force into health.
F1 ChainEnd Death Shroud.png End Death Shroud Leave Death Shroud and return to your normal form.

Reaper icon small.png Reaper

F1 Reaper's Shroud.png Reaper's Shroud 10 Assume the form of a reaper and gain new skills, turning your life force into health.
F1 ChainExit Reaper's Shroud.png Exit Reaper's Shroud Leave Reaper's Shroud and return to your normal form.

Harbinger icon small.png Harbinger

F1 Harbinger Shroud.png Harbinger Shroud 10 Enter Harbinger Shroud, granting powerful offensive skills but leaving you vulnerable to attack.
As you remain in Harbinger Shroud, you accumulate blight over time.
Blight decreases your maximum health.
F1 ChainExit Harbinger Shroud.png Exit Harbinger Shroud Leave Harbinger Shroud and return to your normal form.

Healing, utility and elite skills[edit]

Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand

Mantra of Solace.png Mantra of Solace 20.25¼ 24 Mantra. Prepare to heal yourself and grant boons to allies.
The final charge of this ability is more powerful.
ChainRestoring Reprieve.png Restoring Reprieve 1 Gain health. Grant boons to yourself and allies in front of and around you.
ChainRejuvenating Respite.png Rejuvenating Respite 1 Final Charge. Gain significant health. Grant boons to yourself and allies in front of and around you.
Mantra of Flame.png Mantra of Flame 20.25¼ 20 Mantra. Prepare a chant to sear your enemies.
The final charge of this ability is more powerful.
ChainFlame Rush.png Flame Rush 1 Unleash a wave of purging fire in front of and around you.
ChainFlame Surge.png Flame Surge 1 Final Charge. Unleash a powerful wave of flame.
Mantra of Lore.png Mantra of Lore 20.25¼ 20 Mantra. Chant the ritual of cleansing, removing conditions and speeding recovery.
The final charge of this ability is more powerful.
ChainOpening Passage.png Opening Passage 1 Recite a cleansing word, purifying allies of conditions and helping them recover.
ChainClarified Conclusion.png Clarified Conclusion 1 Final Charge. Recite the concluding passage, converting corruption into enhancements for your allies and aiding them in recovery.
Mantra of Potence.png Mantra of Potence 20.25¼ 20 Mantra. Recite a hymn from the annals of Turai to quicken yourself and your allies.
The final charge of this ability is more powerful.
ChainPotent Haste.png Potent Haste 1 Inspire allies before and beside you, enhancing their speed and strength.
ChainOverwhelming Celerity.png Overwhelming Celerity 1 Final Charge. Inspire allies before and beside you, greatly enhancing their speed and strength.
Mantra of Truth.png Mantra of Truth 20.25¼ 20 Mantra. Prepare the tenets of truth to debilitate your foes.
The final charge of this ability is more powerful.
ChainEcho of Truth.png Echo of Truth 1 Recount a truth to enemies in front of and around you, inflicting them with conditions.
ChainVoice of Truth.png Voice of Truth 1 Final Charge. Reveal a harsh truth to enemies before and beside you, devastating them with conditions.
Mantra of Liberation.png Mantra of Liberation 20.25¼ 40 Mantra. Echo remnants of an ancient pamphlet from Vabbi that urged Elonians to freedom. Grant stability and resolution to allies while breaking stun.
The final charge of this ability is more powerful.
ChainPortent of Freedom.png Portent of Freedom 1 Hints of freedom echo around, stabilizing and breaking stuns on you and your allies.
ChainUnhindered Delivery.png Unhindered Delivery 1 Final Charge. Your whispers guard your allies, stabilizing and breaking stuns on them while weakening enemies.

Willbender icon small.png Willbender

Flash Combo.png Flash Combo Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Physical. Shadowstep to your target and strike at them multiple times. If the skill completes without being interrupted, gain access to Repose.
ChainRepose.png Repose Not available underwater Physical. Shadowstep to Flash Combo's starting point.
Roiling Light.png Roiling Light Not available underwater 0.75¾ 15 Physical. Break stun and dodge backward, blinding foes and gaining resistance. Then, gain access to Quick Retribution.
ChainQuick Retribution.png Quick Retribution Not available underwater 0.5½ Physical. Lunge forward and unleash a disorienting strike at your foe, dazing them.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant

Legendary Assassin Stance
Impossible Odds.png Impossible Odds Legendary Assassin. Empower yourself with Shiro's incredible speed and destructive prowess, gaining great movement speed and striking foes an additional time when you hit them.
This effect can occur once per interval.
ChainRelinquish Power.png Relinquish Power Legendary Assassin. End the Impossible Odds skill.
Legendary Centaur Stance
Project Tranquility.png Project Tranquility Not available underwater 2 Project Ventari's tablet into the world. The tablet will heal allies near it every few seconds.
(The tablet will disappear if you move outside the tether distance.)
ChainVentari's Will.png Ventari's Will Not available underwater 0.25¼ Legendary Centaur. Will the tablet toward the target location.
Protective Solace.png Protective Solace Not available underwater 5 Legendary Centaur. Summon a protective barrier around the tablet that blocks enemy projectiles.

If this skill is empowered, it also grants protection to allies around the tablet.
ChainDiminish Solace.png Diminish Solace Not available underwater 5 Collapse the protective barrier that formed around the tablet.
Legendary Demon Stance
Embrace the Darkness.png Embrace the Darkness 0.5½ 3 Legendary Demon. Summon the power of the legendary demon to transform into a powerful avatar. Pulse torment to nearby foes. Using skills that cost energy increases the torment applied on the next pulse.
ChainResist the Darkness.png Resist the Darkness Legendary Demon. End Embrace the Darkness early.
Legendary Dwarf Stance
Vengeful Hammers.png Vengeful Hammers Legendary Dwarf. Invoke hammers to circle around you, damaging foes.
ChainRelease Hammers.png Release Hammers Legendary Dwarf. Release the hammers to end Vengeful Hammers.

Herald icon small.png Herald

Legendary Dragon Stance
Facet of Light.png Facet of Light 0.25¼ Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Light on yourself to grant nearby allies regeneration every few seconds.
ChainInfuse Light.png Infuse Light 30 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Light to heal yourself and convert all incoming strikes to heals for a short duration.
Facet of Darkness.png Facet of Darkness Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Darkness on yourself to grant nearby allies fury every few seconds.
ChainGaze of Darkness.png Gaze of Darkness 15 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Darkness to reveal the area around you, pulling foes out of stealth and blinding them.
Facet of Elements.png Facet of Elements Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Elements on yourself to grant nearby allies swiftness every few seconds.
ChainElemental Blast.png Elemental Blast 0.25¼ 12 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Elements to cover the target area in magical dragon breath.
Facet of Strength.png Facet of Strength Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Strength on yourself to grant nearby allies might every few seconds.
ChainBurst of Strength.png Burst of Strength 1 12 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Strength, granting increased damage for successful hits. Facet of Strength will be disabled while this skill is recharging.
Facet of Chaos.png Facet of Chaos Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Chaos on yourself to grant nearby allies protection every few seconds.
ChainChaotic Release.png Chaotic Release 0.75¾ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Chaos, releasing chaotic winds damaging and knocking back foes while granting superspeed to allies. Facet of Chaos will be disabled while this skill is recharging.

Renegade icon small.png Renegade

Legendary Renegade Stance
Soulcleave's Summit.png Soulcleave's Summit Not available underwater 0.5½ 3 Legendary Renegade. Summon Lieutenant Ofela Soulcleave to grant your allies' strikes incredible bloodthirst, inflicting damage and restoring health. Soulcleave will also strike enemies and heal allies in the area when you use a Legendary Renegade skill.
Lieutenant Soulcleave can only empower players to siphon life once per interval, and does not benefit nonplayers.
ChainDismiss Lieutenant Soulcleave.png Dismiss Lieutenant Soulcleave Order Ofela Soulcleave to leave the field.

Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator

Legendary Alliance Stance, Kurzick
Selfless Spirit.png Selfless Spirit 10.5½ 10 Legendary Alliance. Heal allies in an area.
Battle Dance.png Battle Dance 0.25¼ 3 Legendary Alliance. Evade backward, granting boons to allies.
Awakening.png Awakening 10 Legendary Alliance. Break stun on nearby allies and grant protection.
Tree Song.png Tree Song 1 3 Legendary Alliance. Grant regeneration and cleanse conditions from allies in the targeted area, healing them for each condition removed. Gain endurance for each affected ally, and gain additional endurance for each condition removed.
Urn of Saint Viktor.png Urn of Saint Viktor 2 Legendary Alliance. Become the Urn of Saint Viktor, taking continuous damage while healing nearby allies. You take reduced damage while in this state, but you cannot be healed.
ChainDrop Urn of Saint Viktor.png Drop Urn of Saint Viktor 1 1 Legendary Alliance. Slam your Urn into the ground, ending the ability. Grant boons and heals[sic] allies based on your health threshold.
Legendary Alliance Stance, Luxon
Selfish Spirit.png Selfish Spirit 10.5½ 10 Legendary Alliance. Channel your rage into the nearby area, healing and empowering yourself for each enemy struck.
Nomad's Advance.png Nomad's Advance 0.75¾ 3 Legendary Alliance. Lunge forward, damaging foes and gaining might for each target struck.
Reaver's Rage.png Reaver's Rage 0.5½ 10 Legendary Alliance. Break stun and attack nearby enemies, gaining stability for each target struck.
Scavenger Burst.png Scavenger Burst 0.75¾ 3 Legendary Alliance. Unleash your rage at foes in the area, gaining boons and endurance for each foe struck.
Spear of Archemorus.png Spear of Archemorus 0.5½ 12 Legendary Alliance. Call upon the spirit of Archemorus to hurl his spear at your foe, dealing significant damage.

Bladesworn icon small.png Bladesworn

Overcharged Cartridges.png Overcharged Cartridges 1 Armament. Your next few explosion attacks deal more damage. Using this skill while you already have stacks of Overcharged Cartridges causes you to use Detonate Cartridges instead.
ChainOvercharged Cartridges.png Detonate Cartridges 0.5½ Expends your remaining charges by throwing them at the ground in front of you, launching and damaging foes. Explosion radius increases based on the number of charges spent.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

Engineering Kit
Med Kit.png Med Kit Engineering Kit. Equip a kit that replaces your weapon with healing skills.
ChainLeave Transform.png Stow Med Kit Stow your med kit.
Elixir Gun.png Elixir Gun Engineering Kit. Arm yourself with an elixir gun that replaces your weapon skills.
ChainLeave Transform.png Stow Elixir Gun Stow your elixir gun.
Flamethrower.png Flamethrower Not available underwater Engineering Kit. Arm yourself with a flamethrower that replaces your weapon skills.
ChainLeave Transform.png Stow Flamethrower Stow your flamethrower.
Throw Mine.png Throw Mine Not available underwater 0.5½ 12 Gadget. Throw out a remote-controlled land mine that damages, knocks back [sic], and removes a boon from nearby foes.
ChainDetonate Mine Field.png Detonate Detonate your mine to damage foes and remove a boon from them.
Throw Mine.png Deploy Mine Underwater skill 0.5½ 15 Gadget. Deploy a remote-controlled mine that damages nearby foes and removes a boon.
Healing Turret.png Healing Turret Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Turret. Deploy a turret that heals you briefly, then regenerates you and your allies. This turret overcharges when it is first placed.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Healing Turret Not available underwater Detonate your healing turret.
Flame Turret.png Flame Turret Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Turret. Deploy a turret that burns foes. This turret overcharges when it is first placed.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Flame Turret Not available underwater Detonate your flame turret.
Rifle Turret.png Harpoon Turret Underwater skill 0.5½ 20 Turret. Build a harpoon turret that shoots at foes. This turret overcharges when it is first placed.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Harpoon Turret Underwater skill Detonate your harpoon turret.
Net Turret.png Net Turret 0.5½ 30 Turret. Build a net turret that immobilizes nearby foes. This turret overcharges when it is first placed.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Net Turret Detonate your net turret.
Rifle Turret.png Rifle Turret Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Turret. Build a rifle turret that shoots at foes. This turret overcharges when it is first placed.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Rifle Turret Not available underwater Detonate your rifle turret.
Rocket Turret.png Rocket Turret 0.5½ 40 Turret. Build a turret that fires rockets. This turret overcharges when it is first placed.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Rocket Turret Underwater skill Detonate your rocket turret.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Rocket Turret Not available underwater Detonate your rocket turret.
Thumper Turret.png Thumper Turret Not available underwater 0.5½ 40 Turret. Build a high-health thumper turret that damages nearby foes. This turret overcharges when it is first placed.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Thumper Turret Not available underwater Detonate your thumper turret.
Supply Crate.png Supply Crate Not available underwater 1 75 Turret. Request a supply drop of turrets. Turrets overcharge when they are first dropped.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Supply Crate Turrets Not available underwater Detonate your supply crate turrets.
Supply Crate.png Supply Crate Underwater skill 1 75 Turret. Request a supply drop of turrets. Turrets overcharge when they are first dropped.
ChainDetonate Net Turret.png Detonate Supply Crate Turrets Underwater skill Detonate your supply crate turrets.

Holosmith icon small.png Holosmith

Photon Wall.png Photon Wall 0.25¼ 25 Exceed. A defensive barrier appears in front of you that blocks you and your allies from incoming attacks. Reactivate Exceed to fire the barrier at foes as an attack. This skill grants projectile reflection if you are above the heat threshold.
ChainLaunch Wall.png Launch Wall 0.5½ 0.5½ Exceed. Launch your photon wall forward, causing the wall to explode when it strikes a foe, inflicting conditions on nearby enemies. When fired above the heat threshold, launch additional walls.

Ranger icon small.png Ranger

Water Spirit.png Water Spirit 0.75¾ 20 Spirit. Summon a water spirit at a target location and heal yourself and your pet. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
ChainAqua Surge.png Aqua Surge 0.75¾ Your water spirit slams the ground and creates a wave that heals nearby allies.
Frost Spirit.png Frost Spirit 0.25¼ 20 Spirit. Summon a frost spirit at the target location and apply resistance to nearby allies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
ChainCold Snap.png Cold Snap 0.75¾ Your frost spirit slams the ground and creates a cold snap that cleanses conditions from nearby allies.
Stone Spirit.png Stone Spirit 0.25¼ 25 Spirit. Summon a stone spirit at a target location and apply aegis to nearby allies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
ChainQuicksand.png Quake 0.75¾ Your stone spirit slams the ground and creates an earthen blast that inhibits enemies.
Storm Spirit.png Storm Spirit 0.25¼ 20 Spirit. Summon a storm spirit at a target location and apply vulnerability to nearby enemies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
ChainCall Lightning (Ranger).png Call Lightning 0.75¾ Your storm spirit slams the ground and generates a powerful blast of electricity.
Sun Spirit.png Sun Spirit 0.25¼ 20 Spirit. Summon a sun spirit at a target location and apply blindness to nearby enemies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
ChainSolar Flare.png Solar Flare 0.75¾ Your sun spirit slams the ground and releases the brilliance of the sun on nearby foes.
Spirit of Nature.png Spirit of Nature 10.5½ 90 Spirit. Summon a spirit at a target point and convert conditions on allies into boons. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
ChainNature's Renewal.png Nature's Renewal 0.75¾ Your spirit of nature slams the ground and creates a blast of vital energy that revives nearby downed allies.

Thief icon small.png Thief

Shadowstep.png Shadowstep Not available underwater 30 Deception. Shadowstep to target area. Becomes Shadow Return, which returns you to your starting area and cures three conditions.
ChainInvisible Stalker.png Shadow Return Not available underwater Deception. Return to your starting location, and cure three conditions.
Prepare Pitfall.png Prepare Pitfall Not available underwater 0.5½ 25 Preparation. Mark your current area with controlling magic, readying the location to crush enemies when Pitfall is released.
ChainPitfall.png Pitfall Not available underwater 3 Unleash your pitfall on the area, knocking down foes and delivering constant damage over time.
Prepare Seal Area.png Prepare Seal Area Not available underwater 0.5½ 35 Preparation. Mark your current area with stifling magic, readying the location to seal enemies in.
ChainSeal Area.png Seal Area Not available underwater 3 Create an area that blocks projectiles and prevents enemies from entering or leaving.
Prepare Shadow Portal.png Prepare Shadow Portal Not available underwater 0.5½ 60 Preparation. Mark your current area with shadow magic, which can be detonated.
ChainShadow Portal.png Shadow Portal Not available underwater 3 Unleash shadow magic at your prepared location, creating a one-way portal for you and your allies. Allies traveling through the portal gain stealth. Weakens foes around the portal's exit.
Prepare Thousand Needles.png Prepare Thousand Needles Not available underwater 0.5½ 30 Preparation. Mark your current area with inhibiting magic, readying the location to poison enemies.
ChainThousand Needles.png Thousand Needles Not available underwater 3 Unleash a hail of needles that immobilizes enemies on impact and poisons the ground, inflicting conditions over time.

Daredevil icon small.png Daredevil

Bandit's Defense.png Bandit's Defense Not available underwater 10.5½ 16 Physical. Briefly block incoming attacks. Blocking an attack grants access to a retaliatory attack.
ChainReflexive Strike.png Reflexive Strike Not available underwater 0.5½ Physical. Deliver a massive kick that knocks enemies down.
Fist Flurry.png Fist Flurry Not available underwater 1 16 Physical. Strike your enemy multiple times. If all attacks hit, gain access to Palm Strike.
ChainPalm Strike.png Palm Strike 0.5½ Physical. Strike your foe once to deal massive damage and stun them, marking your target with a Pulmonary Impact.
Impact Strike.png Impact Strike Not available underwater 0.5½ 25 Physical. Strike your enemy and stun[sic] them.
ChainUppercut (Daredevil skill).png Uppercut Not available underwater 0.75¾ Deal a heavy blow with your fist, sending enemies flying.
ChainFinishing Blow.png Finishing Blow Not available underwater 10.5½ Deal a downward strike on your foe. Downed enemies struck with this ability are finished.

Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye

Shadow Flare.png Shadow Flare Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Cantrip. Throw an orb of shadow magic that damages nearby foes at your targeted location. You may reactivate this skill to swap places with the orb. Deals increased damage to your marked target.
ChainShadow Swap.png Shadow Swap Not available underwater Swap places with your shadow flare, causing it to detonate and deal damage to enemies at your original location. Deals increased damage to your marked target.

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist

Shocking Bolt.png Shocking Bolt Not available underwater 15 Command your air elemental to fire a stunning bolt at its target.
Stomp (Glyph of Elementals skill).png Stomp Not available underwater 18 Command your earth elemental to stomp the ground, granting protection to allies and crippling foes.
Flame Barrage.png Flame Barrage Not available underwater 15 Command your fire elemental to bombard its target and surrounding foes with burning bolts and then release a burst of fire around itself.
Crashing Waves.png Crashing Waves Not available underwater 15 Command your ice elemental to knock back its target and then release a wave of water that heals allies and removes a condition.
Glyph of Elementals (fire).png Glyph of Elementals Not available underwater 10.25¼ 40 Glyph. Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elementals (water).png Glyph of Elementals Not available underwater 10.25¼ 40 Glyph. Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elementals (air).png Glyph of Elementals Not available underwater 10.25¼ 40 Glyph. Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elementals (earth).png Glyph of Elementals Not available underwater 10.25¼ 40 Glyph. Summon an elemental based on your attunement.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver

Weave Self.png Weave Self 0.75¾ 90 Stance. Temporarily reduce the recharge time of attunements while gaining bonuses for attuning to new elements. Successfully attuning to all elements ends this stance and grants Perfect Weave.
ChainTailored Victory.png Tailored Victory 0.75¾ Release all of your woven elements and end your Weave Self stance, causing gravity itself to unravel around you.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

Portal Entre.png Portal Entre 72 Glamour. Create an entry portal at your location that teleports allies to your exit portal.
(Creating a new entrance portal while you have an active portal will destroy the active portal.)
ChainPortal Exeunt.png Portal Exeunt Glamour. Create an exit portal.
Mantra of Recovery.png Mantra of Recovery 20.25¼ 10 Mantra. Meditate, charging a spell that will instantly heal you when activated. Heal yourself and nearby allies when this spell fully charges.
ChainPower Return.png Power Return 1 Instantly heal yourself. Receive increased healing if you are below the health threshold.
Mantra of Concentration.png Mantra of Concentration 20.25¼ 15 Mantra. Meditate, charging a spell that will break stuns and grant stability to nearby allies. Grant boons to nearby allies when this skill fully charges.
ChainPower Break.png Power Break 2 Break stuns on yourself and grant stability to nearby allies.
Mantra of Distraction.png Mantra of Distraction 20.25¼ 12 Mantra. Meditate, charging a spell that will daze your target. Diversion's recharge time is partially refunded when this spell fully charges.
ChainPower Lock.png Power Lock 4 Daze your target and nearby foes.
Mantra of Pain.png Mantra of Pain 20.25¼ 1 Mantra. Meditate, charging a spell that will damage your target. Grant might to nearby allies when this spell is fully charged.
ChainPower Spike.png Power Spike 1 Damage your target and nearby foes. Inflict vulnerability on foes whose skills aren't active.
Mantra of Resolve.png Mantra of Resolve 20.25¼ 12 Mantra. Meditate, charging a spell that will cure conditions for you and nearby allies. Cure conditions on yourself and nearby allies when this spell fully charges.
ChainPower Cleanse.png Power Cleanse 1 Remove conditions from you and nearby allies.

Mirage icon small.png Mirage

Mirage Advance.png Mirage Advance 0.75¾ 25 Deception. Shadowstep and unleash an attack that blinds and dazes your target and nearby foes. You may reactivate this skill to return to your original position.
ChainMirage Retreat.png Mirage Retreat Return to your starting point and leave behind a clone at your previous location.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

Summon Blood Fiend.png Summon Blood Fiend 10.5½ 16 Minion. Summon a blood fiend that transfers health to you on each attack.
ChainTaste of Death.png Taste of Death 0.75¾ Sacrifice your blood fiend to heal yourself.
Summon Bone Fiend.png Summon Bone Fiend 10.5½ 24 Minion. Summon a bone fiend that attacks foes at range. Delivers a crippling attack once every ten seconds.
ChainRigor Mortis.png Rigor Mortis 50 Immobilize your bone fiend, and it will immobilize foes.
Summon Bone Minions.png Summon Bone Minions 10.5½ 16 Minion. Summon two bone minions.
ChainPutrid Explosion.png Putrid Explosion 1 Explode a bone minion.
Summon Flesh Wurm.png Summon Flesh Wurm Not available underwater 10.5½ 25 Minion. Summon an immobile flesh wurm to attack foes.
ChainNecrotic Traversal.png Necrotic Traversal Sacrifice your flesh wurm, teleport to it, and poison foes.
Summon Shadow Fiend.png Summon Shadow Fiend 10.5½ 24 Minion. Summon a shadow fiend to attack foes.
ChainHaunt.png Haunt 20 Command your shadow fiend to teleport to a foe and attack all nearby foes, inflicting conditions.
Summon Flesh Golem.png Summon Flesh Golem 10.5½ 48 Minion. Summon a flesh golem to attack foes with crippling claws.
ChainCharge (necromancer skill).png Charge 0.75¾ 40 Command your flesh golem to gain stability and charge a foe, knocking down or launching enemies in its path.
Spectral Walk.png Spectral Walk 20 Spectral. Create a shadowy tether and become spectral, consuming conditions for life force. You may return to your initial position by using Spectral Recall.
ChainSpectral Recall.png Spectral Recall Return to the point where Spectral Walk began.

Common skills[edit]

  • Sequence skills are also available from many common skills, such as the aspect skills Light Dash & Sun Break. There are too many to list on this page.