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Devouring Visage

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Devouring Visage.png

Devouring Visage

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer (skill list)
Off hand sword
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.png
Devouring Visage.png
 → Consume.png
Game link
0.75¾ Activation time  
20 Recharge time
25 Recharge time
Devouring Visage

Fire an orb of death magic that explodes on impact, inflicting fear on enemies. Gain life force for each target struck. Reactivate this skill to drain the strength of all enemies struck by the explosion.

Damage.png Damage: 550 (1.5)?
Damage.png Damage: 4 (0.01)?
Fear.png Fear (10.5½s): Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration.
Fear.png Fear (10.5½s): Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration.
Miscellaneous effect.png Life Force: 10%
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Pierces.png Pierces
Range.png Range: 900

— In-game description

Related traits[edit]

Spite Spite

Curses Curses

Death Magic Death Magic

Soul Reaping Soul Reaping

Reaper Reaper

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
February 27, 2024
  • Devouring Visage has been added to the game.
  • This skill has been reworked. It now throws a projectile at your target that explodes on impact, inflicting fear on enemies hit.
November 28, 2023
  • Devouring Visage was available during the beta event.