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Elite specialization character icon.

"Unleashed, unbound—the rage of the Echovald Forest lives in us."

The Untamed share a primal bond with nature through their pet, juggling control of raw power back and forth to defeat foes—your pet uses debilitating nature-based skills to weaken enemies, then relinquishes that power to you for the final strike.

— In-game description

Untamed concept art 3.png

Untamed is an elite specialization for the ranger unlocked with the End of Dragons expansion. The untamed have learned to use the ancient magics of The Echovald Forest to create a deep, primal bond with their pets. They juggle this raw power between one another, unleashing their strength. This also allows the untamed to better control their pets, gaining command over their full range of skills.

Untamed have learned cantrip skills, channelling the power of the forest into defence and offence. They can wield hammers, heavy weapons that change their skills as the ranger or their pet Unleashes, pounding their enemies into dust. Untamed focus on damage dealing.

List of untamed skills[edit]

See also: List of ranger skills

Profession mechanic[edit]

Time to let loose!

— Untamed

Untamed pet interface while on Unleash Pet.
Untamed pet interface while on Unleash Ranger.
Appearance of an Unleashed Pet.

Unleash is the untamed's profession mechanic, activate to swap between pet skills and unleash pet skills. The Unleash mechanic puts a green aura either on the ranger or the pet.

Your pet will not use their first and second skill automatically, you will have to command them to use it manually through F1 and F3.

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
F5 Unleash Pet.png Unleash Pet 1 Unleash your pet to draw on the raw power of its bond with nature, granting it new abilities.
F5 ChainUnleash Ranger.png Unleash Ranger 1 Unleash the raw power of your primal bond with nature and your pet.
# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Unleash Pet[edit]

F1 Venomous Outburst.png Venomous Outburst 10 Your pet teleports to your target and lashes out, poisoning enemies and applying vulnerability to disabled or defiant enemies.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
F2 Rending Vines.png Rending Vines 10 Your pet strikes nearby enemies with vines, removing boons. Disabled or defiant enemies are also slowed.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
F3 Enveloping Haze.png Enveloping Haze 20 Summon a swirling spore cloud around your pet, destroying projectiles and chilling disabled or defiant enemies.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.

Weapon skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


Unleash Ranger
1 Hammer Strike.png Hammer Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Slam.png Hammer Slam 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainHeavy Smash.png Heavy Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRelentless Whirl.png Relentless Whirl 2 Unleashed Ambush. Spin and attack nearby foes, moving faster while channeling. Create a spore when striking an enemy for the first time.
2 Unleashed Wild Swing.png Unleashed Wild Swing 0.5½ 7 Strike nearby enemies, inflicting damage. Deals increased damage to disabled or defiant enemies.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
3 Unleashed Overbearing Smash.png Unleashed Overbearing Smash 0.25¼ 12 Quickly strike the ground, blinding nearby enemies. If this strikes an enemy, follow up with a leaping strike that removes boons.
4 Unleashed Savage Shock Wave.png Unleashed Savage Shock Wave 0.75¾ 15 Smash the ground, creating three shock waves that deal damage. Deal increased damage to disabled enemies, defiant enemies, and enemies with conditions.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
5 Unleashed Thump.png Unleashed Thump 0.75¾ 20 Leap forward and slam the ground with your hammer, gaining boons for each target struck.
Unleash Pet
1 Hammer Strike.png Hammer Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Slam.png Hammer Slam 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainHeavy Smash.png Heavy Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
2 Wild Swing.png Wild Swing 0.5½ 7 Strike nearby enemies, inflicting cripple. Gain barrier for each target struck. Barrier is reduced for each target struck beyond the first.
3 Overbearing Smash.png Overbearing Smash 0.25¼ 12 Quickly strike the ground, dazing nearby enemies. If this strikes an enemy, follow up with a leaping strike that dazes enemies again. If you strike an enemy that is using a skill, gain barrier.
4 Savage Shock Wave.png Savage Shock Wave 0.75¾ 15 Smash the ground, creating three expanding shock waves that apply conditions.
5 Thump (untamed).png Thump 0.75¾ 20 Leap forward and slam the ground with your hammer, knocking down nearby enemies.

Unleashed Ambush skills[edit]

# Skill Weapon Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSundering Volley.png Sundering Volley Axe 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Throw multiple axes at nearby enemies, inflicting conditions.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngNeurotoxin Burst.png Neurotoxin Burst Dagger 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Shadowstep behind your target and unleash a burst of toxic spores.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRampant Growth.png Rampant Growth Mace 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Strike the ground with your mace, creating a cascade of verdant growth that immobilizes targets struck and heals nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngDeft Strike.png Deft Strike Sword 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Leap forward and strike the ground, creating a spore under each enemy struck.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSavage Slash.png Savage Slash Greatsword 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Attack in an area around you, creating a spore under each enemy struck.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRelentless Whirl.png Relentless Whirl Hammer 2 Unleashed Ambush. Spin and attack nearby foes, moving faster while channeling. Create a spore when striking an enemy for the first time.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngMultishot.png Multishot Longbow 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Fire arrows at your target and other enemies near your target. Striking an enemy reduces the recharge of other longbow skills.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngToxic Shot.png Toxic Shot Short bow 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Fire three arrows that explode on impact, inflicting poison on enemies in the area. Inflict additional conditions on enemies who are already poisoned.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSolar Brilliance.png Solar Brilliance Staff 1 Unleashed Ambush. Enchant yourself with solar energy, healing nearby allies and damaging nearby enemies over time.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSkill cone (yellow).png Ravager's Abandon Spear 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Release a wave of corruption in front of you, damaging enemies and spawning spores under targets struck.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngVicious Pike.png Vicious Pike Spear 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Spin and strike foes repeatedly. The final attack creates a spore under targets it strikes.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngJagged Fan.png Jagged Fan Harpoon gun 1 Unleashed Ambush. Fire a piercing spread of harpoons that inflicts conditions on enemies.

Slot skills[edit]


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Perilous Gift.png Perilous Gift 0.75¾ 30 Cantrip. While active, you take no damage from incoming attacks or conditions. When the cantrip ends, heal based on a percentage of your missing health.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Exploding Spores.png Exploding Spores Not available underwater 0.25¼ 25 Cantrip. Create a ring of spores around yourself that explodes after a short duration. Enemies hit by all spores are knocked down.
Mutate Conditions.png Mutate Conditions 20 Cantrip. Convert all your conditions into vulnerability.
Unnatural Traversal.png Unnatural Traversal 0.25¼ 40 Cantrip. Teleport to your target, making nearby enemies vulnerable. If an enemy is struck, this skill's recharge is reduced.
Nature's Binding.png Nature's Binding Not available underwater 0.75¾ 35 Cantrip. Surround nearby foes with a cage of nature they cannot escape. Enemies that were not struck are unaffected by active cages.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Forest's Fortification.png Forest's Fortification 1 90 Cantrip. Surround yourself with elements of nature, gaining defensive boons and damage reduction. Striking an enemy while this fortification is active reduces the cooldown of this ability.

List of untamed traits[edit]

See also: List of ranger traits
Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Hammer Proficiency.png Hammer Proficiency You can wield hammers.
Minor Adept Unleashed Power.png Unleashed Power 9 Gain access to Cantrips and Unleash. While your pet is unleashed, its skills are replaced with larger area-of-effect skills. Once per interval, Unleashed Ambush skills become available for a short period of time after you unleash.
Major Adept Debilitating Blows.png Debilitating Blows 1 Disabling a foe applies conditions to that foe based on your current state.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Major Adept Nature's Shield.png Nature's Shield Cantrips grant barrier to you and your pet.
Major Adept Blinding Outburst.png Blinding Outburst Venomous Outburst deals more damage and applies blindness in addition to its other effects. Unleashed Ambush skills deal more damage.
Minor Master Natural Fortitude.png Natural Fortitude Gain vitality. Unleashed Ambush skills siphon health if they hit. Siphon healing is reduced for each target struck beyond the first. Cannot siphon the same target more than once per skill.
Major Master Enhancing Impact.png Enhancing Impact 1 Disabling a foe grants you boons based on your current state.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Major Master Cleansing Unleash.png Cleansing Unleash 10 Remove conditions when you or your pet unleash.
Major Master Corrupting Vines.png Corrupting Vines Rending Vines corrupts boons into conditions instead of removing them. Unleashed Ambush skills remove boons from enemies. Cannot affect enemies more than once per skill.
Minor Grandmaster Vow of the Untamed.png Vow of the Untamed Your outgoing strike damage is increased while you are unleashed. You take reduced damage from strikes while your pet is unleashed.
Major Grandmaster Let Loose.png Let Loose 9 Unleashed Ambush skills grant boons to nearby allies. Refresh Unleashed Power when you swap weapons.
Major Grandmaster Restorative Strikes.png Restorative Strikes When you or your pet unleash, gain protection and convert a percentage of strike damage into healing for a short duration.
Major Grandmaster Ferocious Symbiosis.png Ferocious Symbiosis 0.5½ You and your pet grant each other increased damage and movement speed when striking enemies. When this triggers, it refreshes the duration of all stacks


Ancient forces of nature dwell within Echovald, and the untamed channel these primal energies through their bond with their pets.

— Official site

The traditions and power of the untamed descend from warriors of archaic Echovald. They are one with nature—the pulse of nature beats in their hearts as the relentless rhythm of life and death. The untamed share a primal bond with nature through their pet, juggling control of raw power back and forth to defeat foes—your pet uses debilitating nature-based skills to weaken enemies, then relinquishes that power to you for the final strike.

Elite specialization lore

Associated items[edit]

Related achievements[edit]


Promotional material



External links[edit]
