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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Guardian area of effect. For the crafting component used to craft Sigils, see Symbol (ingredient).

A symbol is a marked effect that guardians can place on the ground. It lingers for a few seconds, where upon creation and with every pulse, it inflicts damage to enemies and delivers a boon to allies that stand on it. All symbols are light fields.

List of symbols[edit]

Weapon skills[edit]

# Skill Weapon Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

2 Symbol of Faith.png Symbol of Faith Mace 10.25¼ 8 Symbol. Smash a mystic symbol onto the ground that damages foes and regenerates allies.
3 Symbol of Ignition.png Symbol of Ignition Pistol 0.25¼ 12 Symbol. Create a symbol that ignites when you strike an enemy inside it or shoot a projectile into it, damaging and burning enemies inside it. If the symbol is ignited by a projectile, it enchants that projectile to burn its target.
2 Symbol of Punishment.png Symbol of Punishment Scepter 0.25¼ 10 Symbol. Create a symbol on the ground that strikes foes and grants might to nearby allies.
2 Symbol of Blades.png Symbol of Blades Sword 8 Symbol. Teleport to your target, and blind nearby foes. Create a symbol at your feet that damages nearby enemies and benefits allies.
4 Symbol of Resolution.png Symbol of Resolution Greatsword 0.25¼ 12 Symbol. Pierce the ground with a mystic symbol that damages foes while granting resolution to allies.
1 Symbol of Protection.png Symbol of Protection Hammer 1 Symbol. Smash a mystic symbol onto the ground that gives protection to you and your allies.
3 Symbol of Swiftness.png Symbol of Swiftness Staff 0.75¾ 12 Symbol. Sear a mystic symbol into the target area, damaging foes and granting swiftness to allies.
4 Symbol of Spears.png Symbol of Spears Spear 0.5½ 20 Symbol. Create a spear wall in front of you that damages foes that remain in its area.
5 Skill control (blue).png Symbol of Luminance Spear 0.5½ 20 Symbol. Places the Symbol of Luminance on the ground, knocking back enemies on initial cast. While active, the symbol grants resistance to allies that don't have it already and inflicts weakness on enemies. While standing within the symbol, your spear attacks are automatically illuminated and do not consume the illuminated effect when used.
Illuminated. While the symbol is active, all other spear skills are illuminated, even if you move out of the range of the symbol.
3 Symbol of Light.png Symbol of Light Trident 0.5½ 15 Symbol. Create a pillar of light that does damage every second at your foe's location.

Dragonhunter icon small.png Dragonhunter

4 Symbol of Energy.png Symbol of Energy Longbow 0.5½ 12 Symbol. Fire a slow, arcing arrow that explodes on impact to burn targets and sear a symbol of energy into the ground.

Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand

2 Symbol of Vengeance.png Symbol of Vengeance Axe 1 8 Symbol. Cleave your axe into the ground, reducing enemy movement and carving a razor-sharp symbol of vengeance.

Downed skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

3 Symbol of Judgment.png Symbol of Judgment 0.5½ 20 Draw a symbol on the ground that heals allies and damages foes.

Related traits[edit]

Trait skills that have the type symbol

Traits that improve symbols




  • All symbols except for Symbol of Punishment apply their effects once upon activation and pulse once per second thereafter. A 4-second symbol will pulse its effect 5 times.
  • After the July 26, 2016 game update, all of guardian's main-hand and terrestrial two-handed weapons include 1 symbol skill.
    • The May 08, 2018 game update expanded that treatment to underwater weapons, so that now all possible weapon combinations include 1 symbol skill each.