Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire content

Tome of Resolve

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Tome of Resolve

Guardian icon small.png Guardian (skill list)
Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand
Profession mechanic
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.png
Tome of Resolve.png
 → Leave Transform.png
Game link

41780, 45023, 68648, 68649
Tome of Resolve

Virtue: Regenerate health.
Activate: Draw forth an enchanted tome that recounts the trials undergone by the people of Vabbi.

Tome of Resolve.png Tome of Resolve: 84 (0.06)? Heal

— In-game description


# Skill Activation.png Page Cost Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Chapter 1- Desert Bloom.png Chapter 1: Desert Bloom 0.5½ 1 Tome. Tales of desert blooms create a wave of healing for your allies.
2 Chapter 2- Radiant Recovery.png Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery 0.75¾ 1 4 Tome. Release magic from pages detailing the rebuilding of Vabbi, cleansing conditions on nearby allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.
3 Chapter 3- Azure Sun.png Chapter 3: Azure Sun 0.75¾ 1 8 Tome. Inspired by countless poems describing the comforting powers of the water-reflected sun, grant boons to allies.
4 Chapter 4- Shining River.png Chapter 4: Shining River 0.5½ 1 10 Tome. Release a torrent of pages describing the water cycle of the Elon River. Heal allies and grant them swiftness.
5 Epilogue- Eternal Oasis.png Epilogue: Eternal Oasis 0.75¾ 2 20 Tome. Purify your allies with the waters of Amnoon and increase the healing they receive.

Related traits[edit]

See also: Virtue#Related traits

Honor Honor

Virtues Virtues

Firebrand Firebrand


  • Applies Tome of Resolve.png Tome of Resolve when the passive is available.
  • When activated, this skill applies the  Dormant Resolve.png Dormant Resolve effect on the player character.
    • The effect lasts for 50s, or 42.5s with Power of the Virtuous Power of the Virtuous traited.
    • Furthermore, the skill icon changes to the same icon as the Dormant Courage effect for the effect duration.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
February 14, 2023
  • Exiting a firebrand tome will now put that tome on a 0.5-second cooldown.
December 13, 2022
  • A tome's dormant status will now also be visible on the tome activation skill.
  • Fixed an issue that caused firebrand tomes' page-generation timer to stop while the player was mounted or downed.
November 29, 2022
  • The page mechanic for firebrand tomes has been reworked. Pages are now shared across all tomes and refill at a set interval instead of when summoning a tome.
December 11, 2018
  • The base cooldown of this skill has been increased from 40 seconds to 50 seconds.
November 07, 2017
  • Firebrand tome skills now set each other on a 0.5-second cooldown upon equip.
September 22, 2017 Path of Fire release:
  • Tome of Resolve has been added to the game.


See also[edit]