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Disambig icon.png This article is about the skill type. For the guild hall decoration, see Well (decoration). For the open world object, see Well (object).

Wells are a skill type that causes a temporary area effect.

List of well skills[edit]

Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Scrapper icon small.png Scrapper

Medic Gyro.png Medic Gyro 0.5½ 20 Well. Deploy a medic gyro to heal yourself and nearby allies.
Blast Gyro.png Blast Gyro 0.25¼ 15 Well. Unleash a blast gyro to begin a countdown to a tremendous blast.
Bulwark Gyro.png Bulwark Gyro 20 Well. Deploy a bulwark gyro to grant barrier to allies in the area.
Purge Gyro.png Purge Gyro 20 Well. Deploy a purge gyro to remove conditions from you and your nearby allies.
Shredder Gyro.png Shredder Gyro 0.5½ 20 Well. Deploy a shredder gyro to attack foes near you and repeatedly use whirl finishers.
Sneak Gyro.png Sneak Gyro 0.75¾ 45 Well. Deploy a sneak gyro to provide stealth to nearby allies.

Specter icon small.png Specter

Well of Gloom.png Well of Gloom Not available underwater 1 20 Well. Shadowstep to your target location and drop a well that cripples foes and heals allies.
Well of Bounty.png Well of Bounty Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Well. Shadowstep to a targeted point and create a well that grants boons to allies.
Well of Silence.png Well of Silence Not available underwater 0.5½ 25 Well. Shadowstep to the target area and lay down a well that removes conditions from allies. Gain shadow force for each condition removed. The first strike of the well dazes foes.
Well of Sorrow.png Well of Sorrow Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Well. Shadowstep to your target location and create a well that inflicts foes with any damaging conditions they don't already have. Foes that already have all conditions will be inflicted with torment.
Well of Tears.png Well of Tears Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Well. Shadowstep to the target location and drop a well that repeatedly strikes foes.
Shadowfall.png Shadowfall Not available underwater 0.5½ 75 Well. Shadowstep to the target location and drop a well that continuously pulls foes to its center, increasing intensity with each hit.

Chronomancer icon small.png Chronomancer

Well of Eternity.png Well of Eternity Not available underwater 0.25¼ 30 Well. Create a well that rewinds time, removing conditions from allies. When it expires, the well heals all allies in the area.
Well of Action.png Well of Action Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Well. Create a well of delayed time, damaging and slowing foes. When the well expires, time snaps back, granting boons to allies.
Well of Calamity.png Well of Calamity Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Well. Create a well that rends time, damaging, weakening, and crippling foes in the area. When the final pulse of Well of Calamity triggers, it deals massive damage to foes in the area.
Well of Precognition.png Well of Precognition Not available underwater 0.5½ 30 Well. Create a well that gives allies the ability to see the future, allowing them to block incoming attacks. When the well ends, allies within the well regain endurance.
Well of Senility.png Well of Senility Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Well. Creates a well that steals memories from foes, damaging and chilling them. When it expires, foes still inside the well have boons removed from them.
Gravity Well.png Gravity Well Not available underwater 1 60 Well. Create a powerful well that warps space in an area, knocking down, floating, and pulling foes caught in its event horizon. When it expires, foes still inside the well take heavy damage.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

Well of Blood.png Well of Blood 1 25 Well. Conjure a well of blood to heal allies.
Well of Corruption.png Well of Corruption 0.25¼ 32 Well. Target area pulses, converting boons on foes into conditions.
Well of Darkness.png Well of Darkness 0.25¼ 25 Well. Target area pulses, blinding foes with each pulse.
Well of Power.png Well of Power 0.25¼ 20 Well. Target area pulses, converting conditions on allies into boons and granting might.
Well of Suffering.png Well of Suffering 0.25¼ 25 Well. Target area pulses, damaging foes and inflicting vulnerability.

Related traits[edit]

Necromancer wells render.jpg

Trait skills that have the type well

Traits that improve well skills

Related equipment[edit]


Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Well.
  • Conceptually, as seen in the original Guild Wars, necromancer wells spring forth from a corpse, just like minions. Due to corpses not being 'exploitable' in Guild Wars 2, wells are instead summoned from the ground, as are most minions.
  • Prior to March 5, 2019 game update the skill type for Scrapper wells was Gyro.


Concept art