Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Legendary Centaur Stance

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Legendary Centaur Stance.png

Legendary Centaur Stance

Not available underwater  
Revenant icon small.png Revenant (skill list)
Profession mechanic
Weapon slot filled tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.png
Training cost
4 Hero points
Game link

28141, 28195
Legendary Centaur activation render.png

Click to enlarge

Legendary Centaur Stance

Invoke the power of the legendary centaur Ventari.

— In-game description


Legendary Centaur training.
Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Energy/Upkeep cost Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


Project Tranquility.png Project Tranquility Not available underwater 2 Project Ventari's tablet into the world. The tablet will heal allies near it every few seconds.
(The tablet will disappear if you move outside the tether distance.)
ChainVentari's Will.png Ventari's Will Not available underwater 0 0.25¼ Legendary Centaur. Will the tablet toward the target location.


Protective Solace.png Protective Solace Not available underwater 5 / -8 5 Legendary Centaur. Summon a protective barrier around the tablet that blocks enemy projectiles.

If this skill is empowered, it also grants protection to allies around the tablet.
ChainDiminish Solace.png Diminish Solace Not available underwater 0 5 Collapse the protective barrier that formed around the tablet.
Natural Harmony.png Natural Harmony Not available underwater 20 2 Legendary Centaur. Collect energy, pulling it into the tablet to build up its power. After a short delay the energy will be released, healing nearby allies.

If this skill is empowered, healing is increased and endurance is granted to affected allies
Purifying Essence.png Purifying Essence Not available underwater 25 5 Legendary Centaur. Remove conditions from allies near the tablet, and heal them for a small amount per condition removed.

If this skill is empowered, remove additional conditions from allies.


Energy Expulsion.png Energy Expulsion Not available underwater 35 2 Legendary Centaur. Force energy to erupt from the tablet, knocking down nearby foes and healing nearby allies.

If this skill is empowered, grant stability to allies near the tablet.

Related traits[edit]


Corruption Corruption

Retribution Retribution

Salvation Salvation

Invocation Invocation

Devastation Devastation

Vindicator Vindicator


Upon activating Centaur Stance:

Ventari: Together, we shall gallop!
Ventari: Nothing will harm you while I am here!

Idle conversations[edit]

Ventari: Is it true that my words have inspired an entire race?
<Character name>: Absolutely. The Pale Tree raised us according to the standards you set. (sylvari)
<Character name>: It is. Sylvari society is built on your teachings. (otherwise)
Ventari: Sometimes I miss the simple joy of galloping across an open field.
<Character name>: There are far faster ways to travel. (asura)
<Character name>: Just as long as we're galloping toward the enemy. (charr)
<Character name>: I'll have to take you to Shaemoor Valley someday. (human)
<Character name>: One day soon, we'll find one and run as fast and far as we can. (norn or sylvari)


Primary article: Ventari

Ventari was a centaur who planted the Pale Tree with Ronan in what would become the Grove.


Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
July 07, 2020
  • Swapping legends can now be done in midair.
May 08, 2018
  • Updated the border thickness of the icons for the Ventari and Glint enhancements. They now have the same border thickness as the other legends.
February 22, 2017
  • Project Tranquility will now instantly activate when invoking this legend.
October 23, 2015 Heart of Thorns release:
  • Legendary Centaur Stance has been added to the game.