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Effects currently present on the character are indicated by their status icons:

Conditions are temporary negative effects that provide damage and control over time in one second intervals, playing a major role in combat. Player characters primarily inflict conditions through use of skills and traits as well as certain equipment like relics and sigils. Certain conditions may be more common to some professions than others, characterizing their playstyles and thematic roles. Conditions can also be inflicted by attacks from NPC foes, through environmental effects, and other mechanics. Condition damage is separate from strike damage and ignores the attributes Armor and Toughness as well as the effects that reduce strike damage, such as Protection.

Damage inflicted by conditions is increased by the attribute Condition Damage and duration – by Condition Duration, derived from the attribute Expertise. All these attributes can be increased by skills, traits, equipment through its attribute combinations, and bonuses from upgrade components. Conditions can be stacked by re-applying them: conditions with control effects like Crippled stack in duration while damaging conditions like Bleeding stack in intensity. Most non-damaging conditions have a maximum duration of 10 seconds (see duration stacking effects). Damaging conditions stack up to 1500 times and vulnerability up to 25 times (see intensity stacking effects).

Incoming conditions are primarily counteracted by condition removal, available in skills, traits, sigils, and relics. Some abilities instead convert conditions on allies into boons, and vice versa – on enemies. A number of skills as well as the boon Resolution reduce all incoming condition damage, while certain runes provide condition damage reduction both in general and from specific conditions. Control effects from conditions are temporarily negated by the boon Resistance. Independently, incoming condition duration can be decreased by some traits, runes, and consumable food items.

In the user interface, conditions are displayed via red-colored icons that appear to the right of the health orb, on the bottom row of active effects. The white outline surrounding the icon indicates the time left before the condition expires. Hovering the mouse cursor on the condition's icon will also show a tooltip with the remaining time. A flashing icon indicates that the condition will expire within 5 seconds.

List of conditions[edit]

Icon Name Description Converted into
Damage Conditions
Bleeding.png Bleeding Deals damage every second; stacks intensity. Vigor.png Vigor (10s)
Burning.png Burning Deals damage every second; stacks intensity. Aegis.png Aegis (5s)
Confusion.png Confusion Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity. Resolution.png Resolution (5s)
Poisoned.png Poisoned Deals damage every second; decreases healing effectiveness by 33%; damage stacks intensity. Regeneration.png Regeneration (5s)
Torment.png Torment Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity. Might.png Might (3 stacks, 10s)
Control Conditions
Blinded.png Blinded Next outgoing attack misses; stacks duration. Fury.png Fury (5s)
Chilled.png Chilled Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration. Alacrity.png Alacrity (2s)
Crippled.png Crippled Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration. Swiftness.png Swiftness (10s)
Fear.png Fear Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration. Stability.png Stability (3s)
Immobile.png Immobilized Unable to move; stacks duration. Resistance.png Resistance (2s)
Slow.png Slow Skills and actions are slower. Quickness.png Quickness (3s)
Taunt.png Taunt Involuntarily attack foes. Stability.png Stability (3s)
Weakness.png Weakness Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage). Stacks duration. Might.png Might (3 stacks, 10s)
Other Conditions
Vulnerability.png Vulnerability Damage and condition damage taken are increased; stacks intensity. Protection.png Protection (3s)

Some effects are considered conditions for some game mechanics so they can be removed with condition removal effects, but are not available in any profession or race skill sets, and cannot be converted into boons. Here are some examples of such conditions:



For damaging conditions that have a non-integer duration (eg. 3.5 seconds), the full seconds of the damage apply as normal, and the fraction of a second will apply the same fraction of damage. For example, if Bleeding is applied for 3.5 seconds at 22 condition damage per second, it will apply 3 ticks of 22 damage over the first 3 seconds, followed by 1 tick of 11 damage as the condition ends.


If the duration is not round to a second, any remaining fractional seconds will be inflicted either at the beginning or end of the duration. In skill tooltips, the duration of conditions is rounded to the nearest quarter of a second, but the actual duration is still precise. Condition duration bonuses obtained from runes are not shown on skill tooltips, but still provide their effect.

Condition removal and conversion

A condition is removed independent of its intensity, so 3 stacks and 100 stacks of Bleeding are equivalent when considering condition removal. For generic condition removal, the most recently applied condition or conditions will be removed first. Conditions dealt by converting enemies' boons will always have a fixed duration, regardless of the duration and intensity of the original boon. The same behavior is applied to boons obtained by converting conditions.

Related skills[edit]

Many skills apply or remove specific conditions. To find skills related to a specific condition, refer to the page on that condition. The following are skills related to non-specific conditions.

Skills that remove conditions[edit]

Weapon skills that remove conditions

  • Guardian icon small.pngCleansing Flame.png Cleansing Flame — Remove conditions from yourself then breathe magical flames that damage foes and cure conditions on allies. Inflicts burning on the final attack.
  • Guardian icon small.pngSolar Storm.png Solar Storm — Throw a spear above the targeted point. The spear explodes, raining shards that damage enemies and remove conditions from allies. Your next spear attack is illuminated if you are within range of your own shards. Illuminated. More shards are produced. Removing conditions from allies also heals them. Damage is reduced per target each time they are struck by this skill.
  • Guardian icon small.pngPurify.png Purify — Release an orb of cleansing light that cures conditions on allies it passes through and detonates on enemies struck. Burns foes and cures conditions on allies within the blast radius.
  • Guardian icon small.pngBrilliance.png Purifying Blast — Detonate the orb to burn foes and cure conditions on allies in the blast radius.
  • Revenant icon small.pngRenewing Wave.png Renewing Wave — Release a burst of Mists energy that heals and removes conditions from allies. Create a healing orb for each ally that loses conditions.
  • Warrior icon small.pngCall of Valor.png Call of Valor — Removes conditions from allies and grants them vigor. Affected targets also gain barrier.
  • Berserker icon small.pngFlames of War (warrior skill).png Flames of War — Cleanse conditions and become a mobile fire field that burns nearby foes. When the field expires, it explodes, damaging foes and burning them again.
  • Engineer icon small.pngEssence of Living Shadows.png Essence of Living Shadows — Fire an arrow equipped with a device that spreads shadow magic across the ground on impact, healing and removing conditions from allies with the initial detonation, and healing allies with each pulse afterward. Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will remove additional conditions from allies.
  • Ranger icon small.pngThistleguard.png Thistleguard — Envelop yourself in thorns, striking nearby enemies and gaining stability for a brief duration. Gain additional bonuses and Nature's Strength if you strike an enemy.
  • Thief icon small.pngInfiltrator's Return.png Infiltrator's Return — Return to your original location. Cure one condition.
  • Deadeye icon small.pngDeath's Retreat.png Death's RetreatShadowstep away from your target and lose conditions. Poisons foes at your starting location.
  • Elementalist icon small.pngCleansing Wave.png Cleansing WaveHeal yourself and nearby allies, curing conditions.
  • Elementalist icon small.pngPhoenix.png Phoenix — Release a fiery phoenix that attacks foes in a line before exploding and returning to you, curing a condition and granting you vigor. Inflict additional burning against foes that are already burning.
  • Elementalist icon small.pngMagnetic Wave.png Magnetic Wave — Damage foes, cure three of your conditions, and reflect projectiles with a magnetic surge.
  • Elementalist icon small.pngHealing Rain.png Healing Rain — Call down a healing rain on the target area, granting regeneration to allies and curing conditions once every three seconds. Allies are healed for each condition removed.
  • Elementalist icon small.pngRipple.png Ripple — Evade attacks and remove conditions from yourself. Your next spear skill recharges faster.
  • Weaver icon small.pngElutriate.png ElutriateDual Attack. Remove a damaging and a nondamaging condition from yourself. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
  • Catalyst icon small.pngCleansing Typhoon.png Cleansing Typhoon — Strike nearby foes, cleansing a condition for each target struck.
  • Mesmer icon small.pngThe Prestige.png The PrestigeDisappear in a cloud of smoke, blinding nearby foes and losing conditions. Reappear three seconds later, burning nearby foes.
  • Mesmer icon small.pngAbstraction.png Abstraction — Detonate your beacon, debilitating enemies and bolstering allies.
  • Mesmer icon small.pngImaginary Inversion.png Imaginary Inversion — Cleanse conditions and evade while preparing a strong attack. If you successfully evade, heal yourself. Healing is improved if you have Clarity.

Bundle skills that remove conditions

Transform skills that remove conditions

  • Druid icon small.pngSeed of Life.png Seed of LifeCelestial Avatar. Summon a seed that heals and cleanses nearby allies of conditions when it blossoms.
  • Druid icon small.pngSeed of Life.png Seed of LifeCelestial Avatar. Summon a seed that heals and cleanses nearby allies of conditions when it blossoms.
  • Specter icon small.pngGrasping Shadows.png Grasping ShadowsShroud. Unleash darkness in a targeted area, inflicting conditions on foes. Cleanse conditions from yourself while healing and cleansing your tethered ally, based on targets struck.
  • Specter icon small.pngGrasping Shadows.png Grasping ShadowsShroud. Unleash darkness on your target's location, inflicting conditions on foes. Cleanse conditions from yourself while healing and cleansing your tethered ally, based on targets struck.

Healing skills that remove conditions

Utility skills that remove conditions

Elite skills that remove conditions

Profession mechanic skills that remove conditions

Pet skills that remove conditions

Combos that remove conditions

Racial skills that remove conditions

Common skills that remove conditions

  • Antitoxin Spray.png Antitoxin Spray — Use antitoxin to heal yourself, then remove toxic pollen and conditions from allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.
  • Throw Antidote.png Drop Antidote — Drop a vial of antidote that cleanses conditions.
  • Pacified Magical Storm.png Healing Rain — Heal, cure conditions, and grant regeneration to allies once every second.
  • Pacified Magical Storm.png Pacified Magical Storm — Call down a pacified magical storm on the target area, healing, curing conditions from allies, and granting regeneration to allies once every second.
  • Zealot's Embrace.png Purify — Purge up to five conditions from nearby allies and give yourself might and regeneration.
  • Throw Healing Concoction.png Throw Healing Concoction — Throw this concoction at allies to heal them, remove conditions, remove goop, and apply regeneration.
  • Detonate Static Conduit.png Ward Breaker — Creates a magical area, damaging and blinding enemies on impact. Allies who stand in the area will have conditions removed and receive regeneration. Removes 2 stacks of Reinforced Armor from opponents.

Skills that reduce condition damage[edit]

Weapon skills that reduce condition damage

  • Weaver icon small.pngDual Orbits Fire and Water.png Dual Orbits: Fire and WaterDual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  • Weaver icon small.pngDual Orbits Water and Air.png Dual Orbits: Water and AirDual Attack. Summon projectiles of ice and air that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  • Weaver icon small.pngDual Orbits Water and Earth.png Dual Orbits: Water and EarthDual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  • Catalyst icon small.pngIcy Coil.png Icy Coil — Summon a projectile of ice that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.

Transform skills that reduce condition damage

Healing skills that reduce condition damage

  • Untamed icon small.pngPerilous Gift.png Perilous GiftCantrip. While active, you take no damage from incoming attacks or conditions. When the cantrip ends, heal based on a percentage of your missing health.

Utility skills that reduce condition damage

Profession mechanic skills that reduce condition damage

  • Holosmith icon small.pngFlash Spark.png Flash Spark — Release a blinding burst of light from your holographic emitter. While above the heat threshold, gain light aura.
  • Thief icon small.pngDrink Ambrosia.png Drink Ambrosia — Gain damage reduction and multiple boons.

Skills that transfer conditions[edit]

Weapon skills that transfer conditions

Transform skills that transfer conditions

Healing skills that transfer conditions

Utility skills that transfer conditions

Profession mechanic skills that transfer conditions

Trait skills that transfer conditions

Skills that convert boons into conditions[edit]

Weapon skills that convert boons into conditions

  • Necromancer icon small.pngDark Pact.png Dark PactBleed yourself. Immobilize your foe and remove their boons. Gain life force for each boon removed.
  • Necromancer icon small.pngDevouring Darkness.png Devouring Darkness — Corrupt boons from enemies around your target. Inflict torment and gain life force for each condition on your initial target up to the threshold. Gain extra life force for each extra foe struck.
  • Necromancer icon small.pngFeast of Corruption.png Feast of Corruption — Strike your target, gain life force, and corrupt boons on your foe. For each condition on your target up to the condition threshold, gain additional life force and inflict torment.
  • Necromancer icon small.pngGorge.png Gorge — Sacrifice health to dash again. Corrupt boons on enemies struck.
  • Necromancer icon small.pngPath of Gluttony.png Path of Gluttony — Dash forward, releasing dark energy on nearby targets. Damage enemies hit and heal per target hit with reduced healing beyond the first. This skill can be reactivated to dash again.
  • Reaper icon small.pngNightfall.png Nightfall — Call down a growing column of shadows that damages and conditions foes every pulse.

Healing skills that convert boons into conditions

Utility skills that convert boons into conditions

Elite skills that convert boons into conditions

Pet skills that convert boons into conditions

  • Ranger icon small.pngPanopticon.png PanopticonBeast. Fire malignant magic at nearby enemies, corrupting boons on enemies it hits.

Skills that convert conditions into boons[edit]

Primary article: Boon#Skills that convert conditions into boons

Skills that benefit from conditions on foes[edit]

Weapon skills that benefit from conditions on foes
Pet skills that benefit from conditions on foes

Related traits[edit]

To see the traits which relate to a specific condition, refer to the page on that condition. The following is a list of traits related to non-specific conditions

Traits that remove conditions

Trait skills that remove conditions

Traits that benefit removing conditions

Traits that reduce incoming condition damage

Traits that benefit from or improve conditions

Traits that transfer conditions

Trait skills that transfer conditions

Traits that benefit from transferring conditions

Traits that copy conditions onto foes

Traits that convert boons into conditions

Trait skills that convert boons into conditions

  • Scourge icon small.pngSandstorm Shroud.png Sandstorm Shroud (Herald of Sorrow) — Shade. Enter the final shroud, pulsing barrier to allies around yourself and priming the shroud for a powerful detonation that damages enemies and bolsters allies. Targets can only be affected by this skill once per activation.

Traits that benefits converting boons into conditions

Traits that convert conditions into boons[edit]

Primary article: Boon#Traits that convert conditions into boons

Related equipment[edit]

To find equipment related to a specific condition, refer to the page on that condition. Following is a list of equipment that affects non-specific conditions.

Relics that remove conditions[edit]

Relics that convert boons into conditions on enemies[edit]

Relics that benefit from removing conditions[edit]

Upgrade components that remove conditions[edit]


Upgrade components that transfer conditions to enemies[edit]


Upgrade components that affect conditions on enemies[edit]


See also: Condition Duration#Runes that increase Condition Duration

Upgrade components that affect conditions on self[edit]


See also: Condition Duration#Runes that decrease Condition Duration (on you)

Related consumables[edit]

To find consumables related to a specific condition, refer to the page on that condition. Following is a list of consumables that affect non-specific conditions

Consumables that remove conditions[edit]

See also[edit]