Weapon swap

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Weapon swap (default keybind: ~ UK: ` Nordic: §) is the mechanic of switching between the two equipped weapon sets in order to get access to a different set of weapon skills. This ability is unlocked when the character reaches level 10 for all professions. It is automatically unlocked at all levels in the Structured PvP game mode. All professions can equip two sets of weapons and swap between them, although engineers, elementalists, and bladesworns can only swap weapons when out of combat.


  • During combat, swapping has a cooldown of 10 seconds, but one can swap repeatedly out of combat.
  • Weapon swap cooldown is not affected by Alacrity or any cooldown reducing effects such as Adrenal Mushrooms.
  • If the same type of weapon is equipped in both sets, their weapon skills share the cooldown.
  • If you choose to leave either the main hand or offhand weapon slot empty in one of the sets, the game will not swap the empty slot, and instead automatically use the weapon in that slot from the first set when you switch to the second.
  • Rearranging or equipping a different set of weapons is not the same as swapping. This can be done outside of combat, but never during combat. It never triggers on-swap effects.

On-swap effects[edit]

There are several traits and sigil effects that are activated when swapping weapons; other ways to trigger these on-swap effects include:

Related traits[edit]

Traits that improve weapon swapping

Related equipment[edit]





Revenant legend swapping count as weapon swapping for "on weapon swap" sigils, but not for other weapon swap mechanics such as Brutality trait
If a character below level 10 equips both weapon sets in Heart of the Mists and then returns to PvE, they will retain the ability to weapon swap for as long as they keep the second set equipped.
