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Disambig icon.png This article is about the skill type. For other uses, see Venom (disambiguation).
Venom Training background in the Training tab.

Venom is a type of skills exclusive to Thief profession that add offensive effects similar to conditions to the next few attacks made. Once used, the venom effect will last for a moderately long time on the character, until the stated amount of strikes (venom charges) hit an enemy. During this time, venom skills will recharge normally. On activation, venom's effects are also granted in a radius around the Thief to nearby allies (player characters and friendly NPCs), enhancing their attacks as well. Venoms that apply damaging conditions will use the condition damage and duration attributes of the character who applied the venom. All venom skills can be activated in mid-air.

As venoms are applied to the enemy on strike/direct hit, most attacking abilities can make use of them, including hits from preparation skills and other area of effect abilities. Area of effect attacks will expend the venom charges by one per target hit, and only hit as many targets as could be hit. Abilities that don't produce a strike on target will not apply venoms, for example, Caltrops or the life stealing effect from the Cloaked in Shadow trait.

List of venom skills[edit]

Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Thief icon small.png Thief[edit]

Skelk Venom.png Skelk Venom 1 25 Venom. Heal yourself. Your next few attacks heal you.
Devourer Venom.png Devourer Venom 40 Venom. Your next few attacks immobilize foes.
Ice Drake Venom.png Ice Drake Venom 36 Venom. Chill foes with your next few attacks.
Skale Venom.png Skale Venom 30 Venom. Apply vulnerability and torment with your next few attacks.
Spider Venom.png Spider Venom 30 Venom. Poison foes with your next few attacks.
Basilisk Venom.png Basilisk Venom 1 40 Venom. Your attacks are unblockable and turn foes to stone.

Thief icon small.png Stolen skills[edit]

Soul Stone Venom.png Soul Stone Venom Venom. Use a corrupted soul stone to remove conditions on allies and apply a stack of venom for each condition removed. Allies that hit with this venom will initiate a strike that originates from the thief.

Related traits[edit]


  • Since July 26, 2016 game update using a venom skill shares the effects to up to 4 nearby allies as well.
  • June 25, 2024 update increased the maximum number of venom charges that allies can gain to 25 for most venom skills, allowing multiple thieves to share venoms effects to the same ally.