Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content


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Disambig icon.png This article is about the elementalist specialization. For the Sanctum Sprint skill, see Tempest (Sanctum Sprint).
Elite specialization character icon.

"My power, coming to a peak!"

Overload your attunements to become a powerful singularity of elemental power, shouting at your foes and calling upon your allies. The tempest specialization offers superior area-of-effect abilities in exchange for a slower attunement rotation.

— In-game description

Spec image Tempest.jpg

Tempest is an elite specialization for the elementalist unlocked with the Heart of Thorns expansion. Tempests have learned to overload their attunements to create powerful area effects at the expense of a longer attunement recharge. They imbue their voices with magic to use shouts that support nearby allies and damage enemies.

They can wield warhorns to command the elements to deal even more area damage, or crowd control, or support. Tempests are naturally supportive, having access to a plethora of boons and heals to empower and aid their allies; but they can also opt into damage to overwhelm their enemies with the power of their overloaded elements.

List of tempest skills[edit]

See also: List of elementalist skills

Profession mechanic[edit]

Overload is a profession mechanic exclusive to tempests that grants additional skills while in each attunement, causing an effect while the tempest channels it and for a short period afterwards. Each overload skill is able to be used after 6 seconds in the attunement. Using the overload causes the attunement to go on recharge. If the remaining overload cooldown time is longer than the normal 10 second attunement change cooldown (including the reduction allowed by Elemental Enchantment), it will be used instead of the normal attunement change cooldown.

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
F1 Fire Attunement.png Fire Attunement Attune to fire, gaining heavy damage and burning abilities.
F1 ChainOverload Fire.png Overload Fire 4 20 Overload. Unleash your flames, granting might to allies and burning enemies. Finishing the cast creates a tornado that continues to grant might and burn foes. Using this skill causes the attunement to have a longer recharge.
F2 Water Attunement.png Water Attunement Attune to water, gaining superior support and healing abilities.
F2 ChainOverload Water.png Overload Water 4 20 Overload. Create a surge of accumulated water magic, healing and cleansing allies. When the cast ends, heal the area and apply regeneration. Using this skill causes the attunement to have a longer recharge.
F3 Air Attunement.png Air Attunement Attune to air, gaining heavy damage and control abilities.
F3 ChainOverload Air.png Overload Air 4 20 Overload. Use your air magic to summon a nimbus that repeatedly strikes nearby enemies. When this ability is complete, imbue your allies with electricity and create a lingering static region that strikes enemies at the same interval. Using this skill causes the attunement to have a longer recharge.
F4 Earth Attunement.png Earth Attunement Attune to earth, gaining superior damage-over-time and defensive abilities.
F4 ChainOverload Earth.png Overload Earth 4 20 Overload. Ride your stored earth magic around, granting protection to other allies you move over and crippling enemies, then deliver a final immobilizing blast of power to the area, leaving behind a dust cyclone that delivers the same effects as the overload. Using this skill causes the attunement to have a longer recharge.

Weapon skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


Fire Attunement.png Fire Attunement
4 Heat Sync.png Heat Sync 0.75¾ 30 Give might and fury to yourself, then spread boons you have to allies.
5 Wildfire.png Wildfire 0.75¾ 30 Release a fiery torrent that burns enemies.
Water Attunement.png Water Attunement
4 Tidal Surge.png Tidal Surge 0.25¼ 30 Send out a tidal wave that regenerates and heal[sic] allies, then knocks enemies back.
5 Water Globe.png Water Globe 0.5½ 30 Blast out a watery orb that heals allies as it travels.
Air Attunement.png Air Attunement
4 Cyclone.png Cyclone 1 25 Blast out a cyclone that pulls enemies toward its location and grants swiftness to allies it affects.
5 Lightning Orb.png Lightning Orb 0.5½ 25 Launch an orb of lightning that fires projectiles at nearby foes.
Earth Attunement.png Earth Attunement
4 Sand Squall.png Sand Squall 0.75¾ 30 Apply protection to you and your allies, then increase the duration of all boons currently existing on you and your allies. Gain magnetic aura.
5 Dust Storm.png Dust Storm 0.75¾ 30 Summon a dust storm that inflicts conditions.

Slot skills[edit]


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
"Wash the Pain Away!".png "Wash the Pain Away!" 10.5½ 20 Shout. Mists billow from you, healing allies in range and cleansing conditions on the final pulse.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
"Feel the Burn!".png "Feel the Burn!" 25 Shout. Heat waves blast out from the player, causing damage and granting fire aura to allies.
"Eye of the Storm!".png "Eye of the Storm!" 30 Shout. Imbue your voice with the element of air, massively increasing speed and breaking stun for nearby allies.
"Aftershock!".png "Aftershock!" 0.25¼ 30 Shout. Call upon the earth to cripple and immobilize foes in the area around you. Allies in the initial blast gain a magnetic aura.
"Flash-Freeze!".png "Flash-Freeze!" 0.25¼ 25 Shout. Unleash a torrent of ice on enemy locations, chilling those who cannot escape. Grant frost aura to allies in range.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
"Rebound!".png "Rebound!" 0.25¼ 75 Shout. Shout and infuse your allies with arcane energy. Allies who would take lethal damage while this is active ignore the deathblow and are healed instead. If the effect expires naturally, grant an aura based on your current attunement.

List of tempest traits[edit]

See also: List of elementalist traits
Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Warhorn Proficiency.png Warhorn Proficiency You can wield the warhorn weapon.
Minor Adept Singularity.png Singularity Attain elemental singularity by remaining in an attunement for a period of time. Upon attaining singularity, you may overload the attunement to your vicinity. Gain access to Shouts.
Major Adept Gale Song.png Gale Song Grant protection to nearby allies when you use a healing skill.
Major Adept Latent Stamina.png Latent Stamina 10 Grant vigor to nearby allies when attuning to water. Restore endurance to allies you grant vigor.
Major Adept Unstable Conduit.png Unstable Conduit Overloads grant an aura based on your attunement.
Minor Master Gathered Focus.png Gathered Focus Your concentration is increased.
Major Master Tempestuous Aria.png Tempestuous Aria Using a shout grants allies might. Granting an aura to an ally increases your outgoing damage for a period of time.
Major Master Harmonious Conduit.png Harmonious Conduit Gain stability and swiftness when starting an overload.
Major Master Invigorating Torrents.png Invigorating Torrents Auras you grant also grant regeneration and vigor.
Minor Grandmaster Hardy Conduit.png Hardy Conduit Overloads grant protection to nearby allies. Protection gains increased damage reduction.
Major Grandmaster Transcendent Tempest (effect).png Transcendent Tempest Time to attain singularity is reduced. Upon successfully completing an overload, gain increased damage.
Major Grandmaster Lucid Singularity.png Lucid Singularity Apply boons to nearby allies while channeling and when successfully completing a channel.
Major Grandmaster Elemental Bastion.png Elemental Bastion 30 Heal allies you grant an aura to. Grant frost aura to nearby allies when struck while below the health threshold.


Wielding an off-hand warhorn and utilizing shouts, tempests blast out elemental power to support allies at close range and deal constant damage to enemies. Tempests will be able to overload their attunements at the penalty of recharge in order to deliver high-pressure sustained damage, control, and healing to nearby areas.

— Tempest release notes

With the coming of fierce enemies and the Elder Dragons, elementalists reach deep into the elements in order to harness some of the most pure and dangerous aspects of natural magic and even infuse them into sound. While elementalists have mastered the elements of fire, water, air, and earth, tempests look to extend the boundaries, allowing them to overload each element to unleash chaotic and draining abilities that are able to temporarily exhaust the elements.[1][2]


Promotional material

Associated items[edit]

Related achievements[edit]

External links[edit]
