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Disambig icon.png This article is about the type of weapon. For the specific weapon item sold by NPC weaponsmiths, see Hammer (item).


Icebreaker concept art.jpg

Hammer concept art.

The hammer is a type of a two-handed weapon. Hammers are known for their wide variety of control skills and breadth of their attacks. They are melee weapons with the exception of the Revenant who uses them as a long range weapon.

Skills by profession[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

1 Hammer Swing (guardian skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (guardian skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainSymbol of Protection.png Symbol of Protection 1 Symbol. Smash a mystic symbol onto the ground that gives protection to you and your allies.
2 Glacial Blow.png Glacial Blow 0.75¾ 4 Crush nearby foes with a chilling slam. If your target has been struck by Banish, teleport to them.
2 Mighty Blow.png Mighty Blow 0.75¾ 4 Damage nearby foes with a mighty ground slam. If your target has been struck by Banish, teleport to them.
3 Zealot's Embrace.png Zealot's Embrace 1 12 Send a wave toward your foe that immobilizes foes in a line. Gain barrier for each target struck. Barrier is reduced for each target struck beyond the first.
4 Banish.png Banish 1 15 Launch your foe with a powerful smash. Striking a foe refreshes Mighty Blow and allows your next Mighty Blow to teleport to that foe.
5 Ring of Warding.png Ring of Warding 0.75¾ 30 Ward. Create a ring around you that foes cannot cross. Trapped foes cannot exit the ring while it is active.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant

1 Hammer Bolt.png Hammer Bolt 0.75¾ Hurl your weapon at enemies, striking foes in its path.
2 Coalescence of Ruin.png Coalescence of Ruin 0.75¾ 4 Slam the ground with your hammer, creating a cascading eruption of energy.
3 Phase Smash.png Phase Smash 10.25¼ 8 Leap through the Mists to the target area. When you land, damage and chill foes in an area, then teleport back to your previous location.
4 Field of the Mists.png Field of the Mists 0.75¾ 12 Create a field from the Mists that blocks incoming projectiles in front of you, then fire bolts at foes around your target.
5 Drop the Hammer.png Drop the Hammer 0.5½ 15 Summon a massive hammer from the Mists to strike the ground. Recharge Coalescence of Ruin if you strike an enemy.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior

1 Hammer Swing (warrior skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (warrior skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Smash.png Hammer Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
2 Fierce Blow.png Fierce Blow 0.75¾ 6 Weaken your foe with a fierce blow, dealing increased damage when striking a controlled or defiant foe.
Controls include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
3 Hammer Shock.png Hammer Shock 0.5½ 8 Smash the ground and send out a crippling wave.
4 Staggering Blow.png Staggering Blow 0.5½ 18 Push back nearby foes with a staggering blow.
5 Backbreaker.png Backbreaker 1 25 Knock down your foe. Weakened foes stay knocked down longer. Recharges Fierce Blow if you control a foe with this ability.
Recharges Fierce Blow if striking a target with a defiance bar.
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngEarthshaker.png Earthshaker 0.75¾ 8 Burst. Jump to the targeted location and slam your hammer down, damaging and stunning foes.

Berserker icon small.png Berserker

F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRupturing Smash.png Rupturing Smash 0.75¾ 5 Primal Burst. Jump to the targeted location and slam your hammer down, creating a deadly chain of earthen shock waves that immobilize and daze foes.

Scrapper icon small.png Scrapper

1 Positive Strike.png Positive Strike 0.5½ Chain. Smack your hammer into your foe while empowering yourself.
1 ChainNegative Bash.png Negative Bash 0.5½ Chain. Slam your hammer into your foe to leave them vulnerable.
1 ChainEqualizing Blow.png Equalizing Blow 0.5½ Chain. Bring down your hammer on your foe.
2 Electro-whirl.png Electro-whirl 1 6 Spin around, reflecting missiles and hitting enemies.
3 Rocket Charge.png Rocket Charge 10.75¾ 12 Dash forward with a rocket-charged hammer to damage enemies.
4 Shock Shield.png Shock Shield 10.75¾ 18 Block attacks while striking foes in front of you, gaining barrier with each enemy you hit.
5 Thunderclap.png Thunderclap 0.75¾ 20 Ionize an area, bringing down the power of lightning to stun foes and damage them over its duration.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

1 Hammer Strike.png Hammer Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Slam.png Hammer Slam 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainHeavy Smash.png Heavy Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRelentless Whirl.png Relentless Whirl 2 Unleashed Ambush. Spin and attack nearby foes, moving faster while channeling. Create a spore when striking an enemy for the first time.
2 Unleashed Wild Swing.png Unleashed Wild Swing 0.5½ 7 Strike nearby enemies, inflicting damage. Deals increased damage to disabled or defiant enemies.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
2 Wild Swing.png Wild Swing 0.5½ 7 Strike nearby enemies, inflicting cripple. Gain barrier for each target struck. Barrier is reduced for each target struck beyond the first.
3 Overbearing Smash.png Overbearing Smash 0.25¼ 12 Quickly strike the ground, dazing nearby enemies. If this strikes an enemy, follow up with a leaping strike that dazes enemies again. If you strike an enemy that is using a skill, gain barrier.
3 Unleashed Overbearing Smash.png Unleashed Overbearing Smash 0.25¼ 12 Quickly strike the ground, blinding nearby enemies. If this strikes an enemy, follow up with a leaping strike that removes boons.
4 Savage Shock Wave.png Savage Shock Wave 0.75¾ 15 Smash the ground, creating three expanding shock waves that apply conditions.
4 Unleashed Savage Shock Wave.png Unleashed Savage Shock Wave 0.75¾ 15 Smash the ground, creating three shock waves that deal damage. Deal increased damage to disabled enemies, defiant enemies, and enemies with conditions.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
5 Thump (untamed).png Thump 0.75¾ 20 Leap forward and slam the ground with your hammer, knocking down nearby enemies.
5 Unleashed Thump.png Unleashed Thump 0.75¾ 20 Leap forward and slam the ground with your hammer, gaining boons for each target struck.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver

Fire AttunementWater Attunement Fire + Water Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Fire and Water.png Dual Orbits: Fire and Water 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Fire AttunementAir Attunement Fire + Air Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Fire and Air.png Dual Orbits: Fire and Air 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Fire AttunementEarth Attunement Fire + Earth Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Fire and Earth.png Dual Orbits: Fire and Earth 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and earth that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Air AttunementWater Attunement Air + Water Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Water and Air.png Dual Orbits: Water and Air 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of ice and air that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Water AttunementEarth Attunement Water + Earth Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Water and Earth.png Dual Orbits: Water and Earth 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
Air AttunementEarth Attunement Air + Earth Attunement
3 Dual Orbits Air and Earth.png Dual Orbits: Air and Earth 18 Dual Attack. Summon projectiles of air and earth that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.

Catalyst icon small.png Catalyst

3 Grand Finale.png Grand Finale 0.75¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles towards your target.
Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
1 Singeing Strike.png Singeing Strike 0.5½ Singe your foes by unleashing a burst of flame from your hammer.
2 Surging Flames.png Surging Flames 0.75¾ 8 Sweep your hammer forward to send flames rushing at your enemies.
3 Flame Wheel.png Flame Wheel 18 Summon a projectile of fire that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
4 Triple Sear.png Triple Sear 0.75¾ 20 Sear a path to burn your enemies.
5 Molten End.png Molten End 1 25 Slam your hammer into the ground, damaging nearby enemies. If this strikes a burning enemy, gain offensive boons.
Water Attunement Water Attunement
1 Stream Strike.png Stream Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe with a watery blow.
1 ChainWater Rush.png Water Rush 0.5½ Chain. Slam your foe with a rush of water.
1 ChainChilling Crack.png Chilling Crack 0.5½ Crack the ground to chill your foes.
2 Rain of Blows.png Rain of Blows 10.5½ 6 Strike your foes repeatedly. Enemies hit by all strikes become chilled.
3 Icy Coil.png Icy Coil 18 Summon a projectile of ice that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
4 Crashing Font.png Crashing Font 0.75¾ 20 Leap at your target and strike nearby foes.
Heal for each target struck. Heal for a lesser amount for each target struck beyond the first.
5 Cleansing Typhoon.png Cleansing Typhoon 0.5½ 25 Strike nearby foes, cleansing a condition for each target struck.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
1 Wind Slam.png Wind Slam 0.75¾ Slam your foe with a gust of wind.
2 Hurricane of Pain.png Hurricane of Pain 3 10 Manifest a powerful cyclone at the target location, periodically damaging enemies.
3 Crescent Wind.png Crescent Wind 18 Summon a projectile of air that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
4 Wind Storm.png Wind Storm 0.5½ 20 Release a burst of air to knock down your enemies and gain superspeed.
5 Shock Blast.png Shock Blast 0.25¼ 25 Fire a blast of lightning that explodes when it reaches its destination, stunning nearby foes.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
1 Stonestrike.png Stonestrike 0.75¾ Arc your hammer, creating a ring of jagged rock to damage your enemies.
2 Whirling Stones.png Whirling Stones 2 8 Encase your hammer with earthen spikes to deliver a powerful blow.
3 Rocky Loop.png Rocky Loop 18 Summon a projectile of earth that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
4 Immutable Stone.png Immutable Stone 10.5½ 20 Block the next attack. If you blocked an attack, gain barrier and an aura based on your current attunement.
5 Ground Pound.png Ground Pound 1 20 Smash your hammer into the ground to bleed and immobilize your enemies.

Related traits[edit]



Weapon strength[edit]

See also: Weapon strength

Related achievements[edit]


See also[edit]

Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Hammer.