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Shattering is the primary profession mechanic of the mesmer profession. It consists of shatter skills occupying the F1-F4 slots of the mechanic bar which are used to destroy any clone s the mesmer has cast prior to shattering to cause a variety of effects like confusion or daze. Shatter skills are more powerful the more clones the mesmer had active; for instance, Distortion will last longer for each shattered clone.

There are four shatter skills, all of which are instant-cast, have different cooldowns, and do not interrupt any action that the mesmer is performing. Activating any of them will cause all clones to run to their respective assigned targets and shatter, causing effects around each clone corresponding to the shatter skill used. The shatter effect also happens at the location of the mesmer/chronomancer/mirage. Both Distortion and Continuum Split cause all clones to shatter immediately, without running towards their targets, and deal no damage.

Note that clones will move towards their own targets e.g. the foe the mesmer targeted when casting the illusion, and not the enemy who is currently being targeted by the mesmer while activating the shatter skill. The clones can still be killed while they are moving towards their targets to prevent their shattering.

List of shattering skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

F1 Mind Wrack.png Mind Wrack 12 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, damaging nearby foes. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.
F2 Cry of Frustration.png Cry of Frustration 25 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, confusing nearby foes. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.
F3 Diversion.png Diversion 38 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, dazing their targets. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.
F4 Distortion.png Distortion 50 Shatter. Gain distortion and destroy all your clones, gaining additional distortion for each one shattered.

Chronomancer icon small.png Chronomancer

F1 Split Second (skill).png Split Second 12 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, damaging nearby foes. Strikes again after a delay.
Shatter traits only affect the first strike of this skill.
F2 Rewinder.png Rewinder 30 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, confusing nearby foes and recharging this skill for each clone shattered.
F3 Time Sink.png Time Sink 38 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, dazing and slowing their targets.
F5 Continuum Split.png Continuum Split 105 Destroy all your clones and create a rift in the space-time continuum. When it expires, you will revert back to your original point with your previous health, endurance, and skill recharges. Duration increases with each illusion shattered.
This skill's recharge cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
F5 ChainContinuum Shift.png Continuum Shift Revert back to the previous timeline. Your health, endurance and cooldowns are reverted to their previous states. You are transported back prematurely if the rift is destroyed.

Virtuoso icon small.png Virtuoso

F1 Bladesong Harmony.png Bladesong Harmony 0.75¾ 12 Bladesong. Fire all stocked blades at your target.
F2 Bladesong Sorrow.png Bladesong Sorrow 0.5½ 20 Bladesong. Fire all stocked blades, inflicting your target with conditions.
F3 Bladesong Dissonance.png Bladesong Dissonance 0.5½ 30 Bladesong. Combine all your blades into one large blade that dazes targets based on the number of blades consumed.
F4 Distortion.png Bladesong Distortion 50 Bladesong. Gain distortion and consume all stocked blades, gaining additional distortion for each consumed blade.
F5 Bladeturn Requiem.png Bladeturn Requiem 30 Bladesong. Send your blades spinning around you to hit nearby foes. Spinning blade duration scales with number of blades consumed.

Related traits[edit]


  • Signet of Illusions recharges all shaters when activated.
  • Clones do not carry out the command to shatter if the target dies before they are able to shatter, even in melee range.
  • Clones will play the shatter animation if their target dies, even if they weren't shattered.
  • The shatter skills are unlocked at the following levels[1]:


  • Originally, phantasms behaved much like clones, attacking until they or their target died. Mesmers could only summon a maximum of three illusions at any time. Shatter skills would shatter all illusions, meaning all clones and phantasms.
    • The game update of 6th of February 2018 changed Shatter skills to only shatter clones. Phantasms were reworked into ephemeral summons that turned into clones after attacking once. The maximum of three illusions summoned was changed to only count clones.
  • In earlier iterations of the game, mesmers didn't count themselves for Shattering skills, the functionality came from a trait called Illusionary Persona. This effect was eventually added by default, and the trait was removed.
    • The game update of 16th of July 2019 reworked chronomancer Shatters to give them additional effects, but removed the "illusionary persona" effect from them, and chronomancers became unable to use Shatter skills without having any active clone(s).
    • The game update of 7th of July 2020 restored the "illusionary persona" effect for chronomancer Shatters.
  • The game update of 16th of July 2019 removed chronomancers' access to Distortion, moving Continuum Split to F4, and making it apply the distortion effect on cast.

See also[edit]
