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Disambig icon.png This article is about the necromancer Minions. For the Elder Dragon minions, see Elder Dragon#Dragon minions.
Flesh Golem render.png

Minions are undead servants bound to the will of their master. Fueled by the dark magics of their creator, these amalgamations of corpses defy mortality and make a mockery of life. Made of bones, flesh, and even shadow, minions are forced to obey their master, and will fight by their side until the end of their life in death.

Minions are summoned by practitioners of all branches of necromancy, and those necromancers that specialise in this art are commonly nicknamed minionmancers. Beyond this, there exist powerful undead necromancers known as liches, who specialise in the art of reanimation and can control hordes of undead.

Minion utility skill[edit]

Minions are one of the types of utility skills available to necromancers. These skills summon a minion of the same level as the necromancer, they stay alive until destroyed by damage, do not have health decay, and their health regenerates while out of combat. When a minion dies or is sacrificed, that minion utility skill goes on recharge, and the minion can be re-summoned after the recharge. Minions are destroyed if the necromancer dies or if the minion utility skill that summoned it is switched from the skill bar. Minions only inherit the player's Condition Damage, Condition Duration, and Boon Duration attributes. Conditions applied by minions are counted as being applied by the Necromancer, which is important for traits like Parasitic Contagion and Corrupter's Fervor. All other attributes, such as health, are determined by the minion type.

Some minions can be sacrificed to produce a variety of effects, while others can be ordered to perform a special attack. This is done through the sequence skill of that minion utility skill. This also means that the number of summoned minions is limited to the number that each minion utility skill summons, most minion utility skills summon one single minion. The summoning skill starts its cooldown when the minion dies.

Other minions[edit]

Beyond the minion utility skills, minions can also be summoned by necromancers through the Death Nova trait, the Summon Madness skill of Lich Form, and by the "Rise!" Reaper shout skill. Minions are also rarely encountered free-roaming in some locations throughout Tyria, the Underworld and the Mists; and summoned by hostile necromancers.


See also: Category:Minions

List of minion skills[edit]

Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer[edit]

Summon Blood Fiend.png Summon Blood Fiend 10.5½ 16 Minion. Summon a blood fiend that transfers health to you on each attack.
ChainTaste of Death.png Taste of Death 0.75¾ Sacrifice your blood fiend to heal yourself.
Summon Bone Fiend.png Summon Bone Fiend 10.5½ 24 Minion. Summon a bone fiend that attacks foes at range. Delivers a crippling attack once every ten seconds.
ChainRigor Mortis.png Rigor Mortis 50 Immobilize your bone fiend, and it will immobilize foes.
Summon Bone Minions.png Summon Bone Minions 10.5½ 16 Minion. Summon two bone minions.
ChainPutrid Explosion.png Putrid Explosion 1 Explode a bone minion.
Summon Flesh Wurm.png Summon Flesh Wurm Not available underwater 10.5½ 25 Minion. Summon an immobile flesh wurm to attack foes.
ChainNecrotic Traversal.png Necrotic Traversal Sacrifice your flesh wurm, teleport to it, and poison foes.
Summon Shadow Fiend.png Summon Shadow Fiend 10.5½ 24 Minion. Summon a shadow fiend to attack foes.
ChainHaunt.png Haunt 20 Command your shadow fiend to teleport to a foe and attack all nearby foes, inflicting conditions.
Summon Flesh Golem.png Summon Flesh Golem 10.5½ 48 Minion. Summon a flesh golem to attack foes with crippling claws.
ChainCharge (necromancer skill).png Charge 0.75¾ 40 Command your flesh golem to gain stability and charge a foe, knocking down or launching enemies in its path.
Lich Form.png Lich Form
ChainMark of Horror.png Summon Madness 10.5½ 30 Minion. Repeatedly summon minions that explode after a period of time if they are not killed.

List of skills that also summon minions[edit]

Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Reaper icon small.png Reaper[edit]

"Rise!".png "Rise!" 32 Shout. Damage foes around you. Summon a shambling horror plus additional horrors near each enemy struck. Deal additional damage and summon a second horror when striking foes within melee range. Shambling horrors absorb damage for their master as long as they are attacking.

Related traits[edit]

Necromancer minions render.jpg

Minion attributes[edit]

  • The level 80 minions have the following attributes:
Minion Armor Health
Blood Fiend 2000 13000
Bone Fiend 2600 7000
Bone Minion 2125 5000
Flesh Golem 2600 13000
Flesh Wurm 2470 9000
Jagged Horror 2125 8700
Shambling Horror ? ?
Shadow Fiend 2125 10700
Unstable Horror ? ?
  • In PvE, all necromancer minions have approximately 71% more health than the amounts listed above.

Player Chatter[edit]

  • When summoning a minion, the character will occasionally shout out one of the following lines, depending on race and gender.
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura Each more hideous than the last!
I've made life! Of a sort.
Arise, my brainless, arise!
Up on your... uh, feet!
This one's kind'a cute!
Never waste a corpse!
Look! Life after death!
You live by my whim!
Go forth, my undead minion!
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr Go forth, my minion!
Live my puppet, live!
Attention, my creation!
Present arms!
Life! ...Let my creation live.
Look! Life after death!
Go forth, my undead minion!
Never waste a corpse.
Go forth, you disposable soldier.
Forward, you dispensable soldier!
Ah, fresh fodder.
Human tango icon 20px.png Human Go forth. my minion!
Live, my puppet! Live!
Grenth... your power flows through me!
Arise, my creation!
Life! Give my creation life!
Grenth! I call upon your power!
Arise my creation.
Servant of mine, walk this land.
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn Live... now!
Live again!
Kill, my servant, kill!
Arise, minion!
My creature!
Not dead after all...
My minion!
It has a life!
Go, fodder, go!
Come forth.
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari Your duty lies at my side now.
Come to me, minion... and do my bidding.
No rest for you yet, sweet soul; kneel.
I command you to rise again!
Death cannot hold you, minion.
Arise and do my bidding!
I summon you, minion. Rise!
Come forth from death, my beauty!
Your time has come again, lost soul.
Join me, creation; I give you purpose.
  • When a minion dies, the character will occasionally shout out one of the following lines, depending on race and gender.
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura I'll remember you always, you nameless thing.
These things should come with a warranty!
Neutralized already?
I need to work on making those last longer.
I'll summon another!
I didn't think it would pop like that.
Good thing I didn't name that one!
I can always summon more!
I should have given that one a brain!
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr Oops, there goes another one.
My minion!
They're so disposable.
Rest useless.
No! Not my minion!
That's ok. They're easy to make.
It was only fodder.
It served well.
Human tango icon 20px.png Human Now I'll have to make another one!
It's my own fault for making them so disposable.
It had a good life. Short, but good.
My minion!
Praise Grenth, for it served me well.
No! I hand-raised that minion!
It started out as a corpse, and now it's a corpse again.
Now I'll have to make another one!
It's my own fault for making them so disposable.
It had a good life. Short, but good.
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn My minion!
I'll remember that one.
So fragile.
They die like flies.
Dead again, dead again.
My servant!
It served me well.
There goes another!
That's never pretty...
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari Oh, no; I'll miss it.
You killed my minion!
Rest well, my loyal friend.
Back to dust, my minion.
Another minion down... I'll have to make more.
Killing my minions? I'll make more!
Life is fragile; rest now.
Return to dust, my friend.
That minion was so loyal.
I loved that little fellow.


  • They are called "necrominions" by the Tyrian Explorers Society.[1]
  • Necromancer minion kills count as hammer kills for Weapon Master.
  • Their approximate DPS numbers(unbuffed) are as follows: Bone fiend 160, Bone minions(together) 115, Blood fiend 100, Flesh golem 670, Flesh wurm 260, Shadow fiend 380.
  • Player-owned minions take 95% reduced damage and condition duration from nonplayer attacks that do not specifically target them. When the attack specifically targets the minion, then it deal full damage and condition duration.[2]


Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Minion.
  • Conceptually, as seen in the Original Guild Wars, necromancer minions spring forth from a corpse. Due to corpses not being 'exploitable' in Guild Wars 2, most minions are instead summoned from the ground.
  • Trahearne explains at one point in the story step Reconnaissance that his summoned minions were never alive, unlike the Risen.[3] It can be assumed, though, that minions are formed from dead body parts, based on their appearance.


  1. ^ Kessex Hills map completion mail
    Tyrian Explorers Society: We write to you today to express our congratulations! You have successfully charted all of Kessex Hills. When you entered the region, it was but a blank slate, and now you leave it with no stone left unturned. Fantastic! Your persistence is admirable. Through centaurs, krait, bandits, and necrominions, you pressed onward. We urge you to continue your quest.
  2. ^ Update October 23, 2015
  3. ^ Reconnaissance
    Trahearne: My necromantic servants have never been alive; thus, they are immune to the ravages of Orr.