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Disambig icon.png This article is about the condition. For other uses, see Burning (disambiguation).



Effect type
Game link

Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.

— In-game description

Burning is a condition that inflicts damage over time and stacks in intensity. Like all damaging conditions it can stack up to 1500 stacks. Characters suffering from burning will have flames emanating from them. Damage is determined by the following formula:

(0.155 * Condition Damage) + (1.55 * Level) + 7 damage per stack per second,
(0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131 damage per stack per second at Level 80.

Related skills[edit]

See also: Condition#Related skills

Skills that burn[edit]

Weapon skills that burn

Bundle skills that burn

Transform skills that burn

Utility skills that burn

Elite skills that burn

Profession mechanic skills that burn

Pet skills that burn

Skills that convert aegis into burning

Primary article: Condition#Skills that convert boons into conditions

Combos that apply burning

Racial skills that burn

Skills that remove burning[edit]

See also: Boon#Skills that convert conditions into boonsCondition#Skills that remove conditions

Healing skills that remove burning

Profession mechanic skills that remove burning

Racial skills that remove burning

Other skills[edit]

Skills that benefit from burning on foes[edit]

Related traits[edit]

See also: Condition#Related traits

Traits that grant burning

Trait skills that grant burning

Traits that improve burning

Traits that remove burning

Traits that benefit from burning on self[edit]

Traits that convert aegis into burning[edit]

Primary article: Condition#Traits that convert boons into conditions

Related effects[edit]

Effects that apply burning when struck[edit]

  • Fire Aura.png Fire Aura — Enveloped in a fiery shield that burns foes, grants might each time you are struck (1-second cooldown per attacker).

Related equipment[edit]

See also: Condition#Related equipment

Relics that apply burning[edit]

Upgrade components that affect burning on foes[edit]



Related consumables[edit]

See also: Food#Burning

Player chatter[edit]

Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Burning.
  • When burning is applied to a character they will occasionally shout out one of the following lines, depending on their race and gender.
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura I've been immolated! Burning, burning, burning!
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr It burns! I'm burning!
Human tango icon 20px.png Human It burns! I'm on fire!
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn Fire burns! Fire! Fire!
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari It's burning me! It burns!

Version history[edit]

Patch Changes
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • All damage conditions will now stack up to 1500 times.
  • This condition will now stack in intensity.
  • The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat.
  • New damage over time: 7.5 + (1.55 * Level) + (0.155 * Condition Damage)
March 19, 2015
  • Updated condition damage. Previously, a condition that had a fractional remainder of time after it dealt damage would not inflict the rest of its damage.
  • For example, a 1.5-second burn would deal 1 second of burning damage, then fail to inflict the remaining 0.5 seconds of burning.
  • Conditions will now deal this fractional damage either at the beginning or end of their duration, depending on when the next damage pulse would occur and their remaining duration.
August 28, 2012 Game release:
  • Burning has been added to the game.
