Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Legendary Dragon Stance

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Legendary Dragon Stance.png

Legendary Dragon Stance

Revenant icon small.png Revenant (skill list)
Herald icon small.png Herald
Profession mechanic
Weapon slot filled tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.png
Game link
Legendary Dragon activation render.png

Click to enlarge

Legendary Dragon Stance

Invoke the power of the legendary dragon Glint.

— In-game description

All skills in the Legendary Dragon Stance have two parts. The first half of the skill is an upkeep skill which drains resources. The second half of each skill blasts the facet to release the energy.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Energy/Upkeep cost Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


Facet of Nature.png Facet of Nature -2 Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Nature on yourself to grant nearby allies enhancements based on your channeled legend.
ChainOne with Nature.png True Nature 0.25¼ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Increase the duration of allies' boons. Remove conditions from allies.


Facet of Light.png Facet of Light 0.25¼ -1 Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Light on yourself to grant nearby allies regeneration every few seconds.
ChainInfuse Light.png Infuse Light 30 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Light to heal yourself and convert all incoming strikes to heals for a short duration.


Facet of Darkness.png Facet of Darkness -2 Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Darkness on yourself to grant nearby allies fury every few seconds.
ChainGaze of Darkness.png Gaze of Darkness 15 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Darkness to reveal the area around you, pulling foes out of stealth and blinding them.
Facet of Elements.png Facet of Elements -1 Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Elements on yourself to grant nearby allies swiftness every few seconds.
ChainElemental Blast.png Elemental Blast 0.25¼ 12 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Elements to cover the target area in magical dragon breath.
Facet of Strength.png Facet of Strength -2 Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Strength on yourself to grant nearby allies might every few seconds.
ChainBurst of Strength.png Burst of Strength 1 12 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Strength, granting increased damage for successful hits. Facet of Strength will be disabled while this skill is recharging.


Facet of Chaos.png Facet of Chaos -4 Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Chaos on yourself to grant nearby allies protection every few seconds.
ChainChaotic Release.png Chaotic Release 0.75¾ 20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Chaos, releasing chaotic winds damaging and knocking back foes while granting superspeed to allies. Facet of Chaos will be disabled while this skill is recharging.

Related traits[edit]

The image of Glint shown when activating the stance

Corruption Corruption

Retribution Retribution

Salvation Salvation

Invocation Invocation

Traits that allow use of Legendary Dragon Stance[edit]


Upon activating Dragon Stance
Glint: It has been too long, allow me to act!
Glint: Our moment has finally come!

Idle conversations[edit]

Glint: Everything has unfolded as I knew it would.
<Character name>: Yes, well...sadly, the world remains a dangerous place. (asura)
<Character name>: You keep me alive, I'll keep making a difference. (charr)
<Character name>: Sadly, the world remains a dangerous place. (human, norn, or sylvari)


Primary article: Glint

Glint was a champion and scion of the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik. After the Forgotten had purified her from Kralkatorrik's corruption, she began empathizing with other races and turned against her master.


Legendary Dragon Stance ground texture
  • Facets are similar in design to signets of other classes, having a passive (upkeep) and active (consume) effects, as well as similar icon artwork.
  • In order to display the status of Herald skills, whenever any of the skills is in aura mode, a dragon sigil appears underneath the character, displaying all 6 possible aura skills with the active ones highlighted. This information is visible to other players as well as the Revenant.
  • Applies the Legendary Dragon Stance (effect).png Legendary Dragon Stance effect.
  • All facets and consume skills can be used while in mid-air.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
July 07, 2020
  • Swapping legends can now be done in midair.
May 08, 2018
  • Updated the border thickness of the icons for the Ventari and Glint enhancements. They now have the same border thickness as the other legends.
  • Facets: Fixed a bug in which these skills could be used outside of the herald specialization.
November 17, 2015
  • Fixed an issue causing upkeep skills to not end immediately when invoking another legend.
October 29, 2015
  • Fixed a bug so that active facets, besides Facet of Nature, will now immediately be removed when the player invokes another legend.
October 23, 2015 Heart of Thorns release:
  • Legendary Dragon Stance has been added to the game.


  • All of the Legendary Dragon category skills, including the Herald profession mechanic Facet of Nature, are named after bosses found in Glint's Lair.
  • While any of the Facets is active, an arrangement of a Guild Wars music theme called 'Crystal Oasis' will subtly and intermittently play in the background. The more facets are active, the clearer and less intermittent the song is. This sound is affected by the player instrument slider.