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Disambig icon.png This article is about the type of weapon. For the specific weapon item sold by NPC weaponsmiths, see Pistol (item).


Seathunder Pistol concept art.jpg

Pistol concept art.

The pistol is a type of one-handed weapon that may be wielded in the main hand and off-hand. Pistols are characterized by their mid-range rapid projectile attacks.

Skills by profession[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

1 Through the Heart.png Through the Heart 0.5½ Fire a piercing shot that inflicts bleeding.
2 Peacekeeper.png Peacekeeper 10.5½ 6 Fire a beam of searing light that damages and burns all enemies in its path.
3 Symbol of Ignition.png Symbol of Ignition 0.25¼ 12 Symbol. Create a symbol that ignites when you strike an enemy inside it or shoot a projectile into it, damaging and burning enemies inside it. If the symbol is ignited by a projectile, it enchants that projectile to burn its target.
4 Hail of Justice.png Hail of Justice 10.25¼ 1 Shoot a volley of rapid-fire piercing shots that inflict bleeding and cripple.
5 Jurisdiction.png Jurisdiction 2 20 Charge up a ball of blue flame and activate this skill again to fire it. The ball damages, burns, and knocks targets it hits a short distance. Deals bonus defiance bar damage when fully charged. Projectile behavior changes slightly based on charge level.
5 ChainFire Jurisdiction.png Fire Jurisdiction Fire the Jurisdiction projectile.
5 ChainFire Jurisdiction.png Detonate Jurisdiction Detonate the Jurisdiction projectile.

Bladesworn icon small.png Bladesworn

4 Gunstinger.png Gunstinger 0.5½ 15 Quickly step forward to strike your foe while reloading your gun. Restores ammo to skill 5.
5 Dragon's Roar.png Dragon's Roar 0.5½ 1 Fire all the barrels in your hand cannon to deal damage to foes in front of you. This skill consumes all your ammo when fired and pushes you back slightly based on the amount of ammo expended.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

1 Fragmentation Shot.png Fragmentation Shot 0.5½ Fire a shot that bleeds the impacted target and then shatters, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
2 Poison Dart Volley.png Poison Dart Volley 10.25¼ 8 Fire a volley of darts that poison foes.
3 Static Shot.png Static Shot 10 Discharge a lightning shot that bounces between multiple foes, blinding and confusing them.
4 Blowtorch.png Blowtorch 0.5½ 12 Unleash flames from your pistol to burn foes. Deals more damage the closer you are.
5 Glue Shot.png Glue Shot 0.5½ 20 Coat the target area with a glue puddle that immobilizes foes on impact, then cripples foes that remain within.

Thief icon small.png Thief

1 Body Shot.png Vital Shot 0.5½ Bleed your foe with a shot to the vitals.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSneak Attack.png Sneak Attack 1 1 Stealth Attack. Sneak attack with rapid fire from your pistol and make your foe bleed.
2 Bola Shot.png Bola Shot 0.5½ Fire a set of immobilizing bolas at your foe.
3 Repeater.png Repeater (without offhand) 10.25¼ Blast your foe with rapid fire from your pistol.
3 Shadow Strike.png Shadow Strike (with offhand Dagger) Dual Wield. Stab your foe, then shadowstep away and shoot them. Unlock Repeater at reduced initiative cost for a short time.
3 ChainRepeater.png Repeater (with offhand Dagger) 10.25¼ Dual Wield. Blast your foe with rapid fire from your pistol.
3 Unload.png Unload (with offhand Pistol) 10.5½ Dual Wield. Blast your foe repeatedly with both pistols. Gain initiative if all attacks hit.
4 Headshot.png Head Shot Daze your foe with a head shot.
5 Black Powder.png Black Powder 0.5½ Fire a black-powder shot, blinding your target and nearby foes with smoke.

Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngMalicious Sneak Attack.png Malicious Sneak Attack 1 1 Stealth Attack. Sneak attack with a rapid fire from your pistol that makes your foe bleed. Consumes all malice when striking your mark to inflict torment with a duration equal to twice the consumed malice.

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist

1 Elemental Explosion.png Elemental Explosion 0.5½ Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
1 Scorching Shot.png Scorching Shot 0.5½ Burn your foe with a blazing bullet.
2 Raging Ricochet.png Raging Ricochet 0.5½ 6 Fire a bullet that bounces to nearby enemies. Gain might for each target struck.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to increase your outgoing condition damage for a duration. If not, create a fire bullet.
3 Searing Salvo.png Searing Salvo 0.5½ 12 Fire a shot that explodes into fragments of fire when it hits the ground.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to gain a fire aura. If not, create a fire bullet.
Water Attunement Water Attunement
1 Soothing Splash.png Soothing Splash 0.5½ Shoot a bullet of water. Heal for each unique condition on the enemy.
2 Frigid Flurry.png Frigid Flurry 10.25¼ 5 Fire a volley of icy bullets that inflict bleeding.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to heal for each strike. If not, create an ice bullet.
3 Frozen Fusillade.png Frozen Fusillade 0.5½ 15 Fire a shot that freezes the ground underneath it, creating an area that speeds up allies while slowing enemy movement.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to cause the frozen ground to shatter when it expires. If not, create an ice bullet.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
1 Electric Exposure.png Electric Exposure 0.5½ Electrify your enemy, making them vulnerable.
2 Dazing Discharge.png Dazing Discharge 0.25¼ 8 Fire a shot that dazes your foe and leaves them vulnerable.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to reduce the cooldown of your next pistol skill. If not, create an air bullet.
3 Aerial Agility.png Aerial Agility 0.5½ 12 Dash then fire a quick shot. If the shot hits, you can dash again for a short time.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to remove inhibiting conditions at the start of the dash. If not, create an air bullet.
3 ChainAerial Agility (chain).png Aerial Agility 0.5½ Dash then fire a quick shot. If the shot hits, you can dash again for a short time.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to remove inhibiting conditions at the start of the dash. If not, create an air bullet.
3 ChainAerial Agility (dash).png Aerial Agility 0.5½ Dash again.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
1 Piercing Pebble.png Piercing Pebble 0.5½ Bleed your foe with sharp stone.
2 Shattering Stone.png Shattering Stone 0.5½ 6 Fire a shot that shatters into multiple shards.

If you have an earth bullet, consume it to enhance your next few attacks to inflict bleeding. If not, create an earth bullet.
3 Boulder Blast.png Boulder Blast 0.5½ 12 Fire a shot that bleeds and immobilizes your foe.

If you have an earth bullet, consume it to gain barrier when striking an enemy. If not, create an earth bullet.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver

Fire AttunementWater Attunement Fire + Water Attunement
3 Frostfire Flurry.png Frostfire Flurry 1 15 Dual Attack. Fire multiple bullets of fire and ice, inflicting conditions.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to increase the burning duration of the fire shots. If you have an ice bullet, consume it to cause the ice shots to inflict additional conditions.
Fire AttunementAir Attunement Fire + Air Attunement
3 Purblinding Plasma.png Purblinding Plasma 0.5½ 12 Dual Attack. Fire a ball of plasma that explodes when it hits, striking enemies behind the target.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to create an area of fire beneath the initial target. If you have an air bullet, consume it to reduce the cooldown of this skill.
Fire AttunementEarth Attunement Fire + Earth Attunement
3 Molten Meteor.png Molten Meteor 0.5½ 12 Dual Attack. Bombard your foe with a meteor that inflicts multiple conditions.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to cause the shot to explode when it strikes an enemy, damaging other enemies in the blast. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to inflict additional bleeding.
Air AttunementWater Attunement Air + Water Attunement
3 Flowing Finesse.png Flowing Finesse 0.75¾ 12 Dual Attack. Evade backward and grant yourself boons.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to gain frost aura. If you have an air bullet, consume it to gain superspeed.
Water AttunementEarth Attunement Water + Earth Attunement
3 Echoing Erosion.png Echoing Erosion 0.5½ 15 Dual Attack. Bleed your foe with bullets of ice and stone.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to heal yourself. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to grant yourself barrier.
Air AttunementEarth Attunement Air + Earth Attunement
3 Enervating Earth.png Enervating Earth 0.75¾ 12 Dual Attack. Fire a quick shot that debilitates your target.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to also inflict daze. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to also inflict bleeding on your target.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

4 Phantasmal Duelist.png Phantasmal Duelist 0.5½ 20 Phantasm. Fire multiple crippling bullets at your target and summon an illusion that unloads its pistols on your target.
5 Magic Bullet.png Magic Bullet 0.5½ 25 Hit up to four foes with a single shot, inflicting confusion on each foe. In addition, the first target is stunned, the second is dazed, and the third is blinded.

Harbinger icon small.png Harbinger

1 Vicious Shot.png Vicious Shot 0.5½ Fire a tormenting bullet that bounces between nearby foes.
2 Weeping Shots.png Weeping Shots 10.25¼ 6 Pierce your enemies with a series of corrosive bullets, inflicting torment and vulnerability. Gain life force for the first target hit by each bullet.
3 Vile Blast.png Vile Blast 0.75¾ 12 Fire a dart that shatters on impact, releasing noxious liquid that stuns, weakens, and poisons foes in the area. Gain life force for each target struck.

Related traits[edit]



Weapon strength[edit]

See also: Weapon strength

Related achievements[edit]


  • In Ghosts of Ascalon, Ember Doomforge uses a pistol.
  • After firing you can hear a sound of falling shells, which differs depending on the material of the ground.
  • Many weapons overwrite the sounds of pistol skills as they do with other weapons; however, all pistol skins on elementalists project the same default sound.
  • Pistol on elementalists lacks any muzzle flash animations like all other professions pistol skills have.

See also[edit]