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Celestial Avatar

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Disambig icon.png "CA" redirects here. For the raid boss, see Conjured Amalgamate.

Celestial Avatar.png

Celestial Avatar

Ranger icon small.png Ranger (skill list)
Druid icon small.png Druid
Profession mechanic
Attack My TargetWeapon slot empty tango.pngReturn to MeSwap petsWeapon slot filled tango.png
Celestial Avatar.png
 → Release Celestial Avatar.png
Game link

31869, 33557
10 Recharge time
20 Recharge time
Celestial Avatar

Consume your accumulated astral force to become a celestial avatar.

Duration.png Duration: 15 seconds

— In-game description


When under the effect of Celestial Form, these skills replace the normal weapon skill bar. They can't be changed but can be upgraded through the use of traits. The same skills are used underwater, but utilize a point-blank area of effect instead of ground targeting.

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 Cosmic Ray.png Cosmic Ray 0.5½ Celestial Avatar. Call down energy onto the targeted area to heal allies.
2 Seed of Life.png Seed of Life 4 Celestial Avatar. Summon a seed that heals and cleanses nearby allies of conditions when it blossoms.
3 Lunar Impact.png Lunar Impact 0.75¾ 8 Celestial Avatar. Call down a massive lunar beam to heal allies and daze foes.
4 Rejuvenating Tides.png Rejuvenating Tides 20.75¾ 8 Celestial Avatar. Gather tidal force to rapidly heal nearby allies.
5 Natural Convergence.png Natural Convergence 20.5½ 10 Celestial Avatar. Channel your celestial powers, pulsing cripple and slow. Once the channel ends, any foes still within its radius will be trapped by a black hole, immobilizing them.


1 Cosmic Ray.png Cosmic Ray 0.5½ Celestial Avatar. Call down energy onto the targeted area to heal allies.
2 Seed of Life.png Seed of Life 0.5½ 1 Celestial Avatar. Summon a seed that heals and cleanses nearby allies of conditions when it blossoms.
3 Lunar Impact.png Lunar Impact 0.75¾ 5 Celestial Avatar. Call down a massive lunar beam to heal allies and daze foes.
4 Rejuvenating Tides.png Rejuvenating Tides 20.75¾ 8 Celestial Avatar. Gather tidal force to rapidly heal nearby allies.
5 Natural Convergence.png Natural Convergence 20.25¼ 10 Celestial Avatar. Channel your celestial powers, pulsing cripple and slow. Once the channel ends, any foes still within its radius will be trapped by a black hole, immobilizing them.

Slot skills[edit]

While in Celestial Avatar form, glyph skills will have their standard effect replaced with an alternative function. The glyphs will give more healing and ally support effects compared to the glyph's standard function. The standard and Celestial forms of the glyphs also share cool downs with each other.

Redirect Arrow.png denotes a skill replacement when in Celestial Avatar


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Glyph of Rejuvenation.png Glyph of Rejuvenation Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Glyph. Greatly heal yourself and your pet, while healing nearby allies for a minor amount.
ChainGlyph of Rejuvenation (Celestial Avatar).png Glyph of Rejuvenation Not available underwater 1 20 Glyph. Greatly heal your allies while healing yourself and your pet for a minor amount.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Glyph of Alignment.png Glyph of Alignment Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Glyph. Inflict bleeding and debilitate nearby foes.
ChainGlyph of Alignment (Celestial Avatar).png Glyph of Alignment Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Glyph. Heal and remove conditions from nearby allies.
Glyph of Equality.png Glyph of Equality Not available underwater 24 Glyph. Daze nearby foes.
ChainGlyph of Equality (Celestial Avatar).png Glyph of Equality Not available underwater 24 Glyph. Break stun for nearby allies.
Glyph of the Tides.png Glyph of the Tides Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Glyph. Push nearby enemies away from you.
ChainGlyph of the Tides (Celestial Avatar).png Glyph of the Tides Not available underwater 0.5½ 20 Glyph. Pulls enemies toward you.
Glyph of Unity.png Glyph of Unity Not available underwater 0.5½ 30 Glyph. Tether yourself to nearby foes. Whenever you take damage, deal damage to the foes tethered to you.
ChainGlyph of Unity (Celestial Avatar).png Glyph of Unity Not available underwater 0.5½ 30 Glyph. Tether yourself to nearby allies. Whenever you're healed, heal the tethered allies as well.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Glyph of the Stars.png Glyph of the Stars Not available underwater 1 48 Glyph. Heal allies, cleanse conditions, and grant stability to allies in the area.
ChainGlyph of Empowerment (Celestial Avatar).png Glyph of the Stars Not available underwater 1 48 Glyph. Prevent health drain while downed and revive downed allies in the targeted area. Heal and grant boons to allies in that area.

Related traits[edit]

Skirmishing Skirmishing

Druid Druid

  • Druidic Clarity Druidic Clarity — Becoming a celestial avatar removes conditions from you and nearby allies.
  • Natural Balance Natural Balance — Upon entering and leaving celestial avatar form, deal increased damage and gain boon duration for a brief period.
  • Lingering Light Lingering Light — While in Celestial Avatar form, your healing of others is significantly increased. Healing another player with a Celestial Avatar skill reduces the cooldown of Celestial Avatar. Cooldown can only be reduced once per outgoing heal and will occur even if the affected player is at full health.
  • Celestial Being Celestial Being — Gain access to Glyphs. Become a celestial avatar once you gain enough astral force. Generate astral force by healing allies and damaging foes.


  • Weapon swap mechanics are triggered as soon as you enter or exit Celestial Form.
  • Applies the Celestial Avatar.png Celestial Avatar effect to the player while active.


Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
August 17, 2021
  • Players can now use the mount key while in Celestial Avatar. Doing so will automatically deactivate Celestial Avatar. Any remaining Astral Force is lost upon deactivating Celestial Avatar in this way.
March 27, 2018
  • Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP only.
August 08, 2017 Path of Fire pre-patch:
  • Fixed a bug that was causing druids in Celestial Avatar form to lose access to their energy and transformation if they were frozen by Ice Storm (in Bitterfrost Frontier).
  • Glyphs: Fixed a bug in which being transformed while in the Celestial Avatar state would leave your glyphs in that mode.
October 18, 2016
  • The recharge time of this ability has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.
April 19, 2016
  • Fixed a scaling and placement issue with the Celestial Avatar skill icon after the druid elite specialization is equipped.
October 27, 2015
  • Astral force no longer degenerates out of combat.
October 23, 2015 Heart of Thorns release:
  • Celestial Avatar has been added to the game.
