Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire content


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Tome is a profession mechanic of guardians specialized as the Firebrand. Their passive effects are identical to virtues, but using a tome replaces your weapon skills with tome skills. Each tome skill costs a certain amount of pages to cast, and the available page count is shared by all tomes. By default, firebrands have a maximum of 5 tome pages and it takes 8 seconds to generate a tome page.

List of tome skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
F1 Tome of Justice.png Tome of Justice Virtue: Burn foes every few attacks.
Activate: Pull forth a magical tome on the dangers of the blazing heat in Kourna.
F2 Tome of Resolve.png Tome of Resolve Virtue: Regenerate health.
Activate: Draw forth an enchanted tome that recounts the trials undergone by the people of Vabbi.
F3 Tome of Courage.png Tome of Courage Virtue: Gain aegis periodically.
Activate: Conjure a mystic tome containing stories about the heroes of Istan.

Tome of Justice[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Page Cost Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Chapter 1- Searing Spell.png Chapter 1: Searing Spell 0.5½ 1 Tome. Fueled by tales of the desolation in Istan, incite a great swelling of heat before you.
2 Chapter 2- Igniting Burst.png Chapter 2: Igniting Burst 0.5½ 1 8 Tome. Ignite the air around you in an expanding burst.
3 Chapter 3- Heated Rebuke.png Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke 0.75¾ 1 10 Tome. Call forth a heated vortex to collapse your enemies together.
4 Chapter 4- Scorched Aftermath.png Chapter 4: Scorched Aftermath 0.5½ 1 15 Tome. Detail the suffering in fire and blood inflicted during Vabbi's occupation.
5 Epilogue- Ashes of the Just.png Epilogue: Ashes of the Just 0.75¾ 1 20 Tome. Recall the memory of fallen heroes, granting allies the searing blades of justice.

Tome of Resolve[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Page Cost Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Chapter 1- Desert Bloom.png Chapter 1: Desert Bloom 0.5½ 1 Tome. Tales of desert blooms create a wave of healing for your allies.
2 Chapter 2- Radiant Recovery.png Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery 0.75¾ 1 4 Tome. Release magic from pages detailing the rebuilding of Vabbi, cleansing conditions on nearby allies. Allies are healed for each condition removed.
3 Chapter 3- Azure Sun.png Chapter 3: Azure Sun 0.75¾ 1 8 Tome. Inspired by countless poems describing the comforting powers of the water-reflected sun, grant boons to allies.
4 Chapter 4- Shining River.png Chapter 4: Shining River 0.5½ 1 10 Tome. Release a torrent of pages describing the water cycle of the Elon River. Heal allies and grant them swiftness.
5 Epilogue- Eternal Oasis.png Epilogue: Eternal Oasis 0.75¾ 2 20 Tome. Purify your allies with the waters of Amnoon and increase the healing they receive.

Tome of Courage[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Page Cost Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Chapter 1- Unflinching Charge.png Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge 0.5½ 1 Tome. Roused by tales of mythical Sunspear charges, ground and motivate allies before you.
2 Chapter 2- Daring Challenge.png Chapter 2: Daring Challenge 0.25¼ 1 4 Tome. As the tales recount of Turai, taunt your enemies by issuing an insightfully inciting challenge.
3 Chapter 3- Valiant Bulwark.png Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark 0.75¾ 1 15 Tome. Manifest the shimmering purity of the desert sun, reflecting enemy missiles.
4 Chapter 4- Stalwart Stand.png Chapter 4: Stalwart Stand 0.25¼ 2 20 Tome. Recount the stand of Elonian loyalists against Palawa Joko, granting resistance to your allies.
5 Epilogue- Unbroken Lines.png Epilogue: Unbroken Lines 0.75¾ 2 25 Tome. Recalling the memory of heroes past, enchant nearby allies with formidable defenses.

Related traits[edit]

See also: Virtue#Related traits
Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand


  • Swapping in and out of tomes triggers weapon swap effects.
  • Equipping a tome will cause its respective passive virtue effect to go into a dormant state (on cooldown).
    • The cooldowns are different for each tome, and are shown on each tome's respective wiki page.
    • Stowing and re-equipping the same tome while its virtue is dormant will not cause the cooldown to restart; it will only go on full cooldown again when you equip the tome while the virtue passive effect is not dormant (not on cooldown).
    • Active effects from traits like Inspired Virtue will only apply when the respective Tome's passive is not dormant.
  • Tomes can be stowed while you are casting one of their skills, and the skill will still finish casting.
  • You can swap from tome to tome; you don't have to un-equip a tome or re-equip a weapon before equipping a new tome.
  • When drawing a tome, the firebrand will occasionally shout one the following lines:
History is mine!
Knowledge is power!
I wield great wisdom!
