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A shout is a skill type that generally affects a wide area. Certain shouts give bonuses to allies while others can be used to debuff enemies. Many shouts have an instant cast time and may be used during other skills.

List of shout skills[edit]

Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

"Receive the Light!".png "Receive the Light!" Not available underwater 20.25¼ 24 Shout. Heal yourself and allies in a cone in front of you.
"Advance!".png "Advance!" 5 Shout. Grant aegis and swiftness to up to five nearby allies.
"Hold the Line!".png "Hold the Line!" 20 Shout. Grant protection and regeneration to allies.
"Save Yourselves!".png "Save Yourselves!" 25 Shout. Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself. Gain multiple boons for a short duration.
"Stand Your Ground!".png "Stand Your Ground!" 24 Shout. Grant stability to yourself and allies.
"Feel My Wrath!".png "Feel My Wrath!" 0.25¼ 30 Shout. Grant fury and quickness to nearby allies. The duration of the quickness you grant yourself is doubled.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior

"To the Limit!".png "To the Limit!" 1 24 Shout. Heal yourself and regain all adrenaline. Nearby allies gain endurance.
"Fear Me!".png "Fear Me!" 48 Shout. Induce fear in your foes. Fear duration increases based on your distance to the enemy.
"For Great Justice!".png "For Great Justice!" 5 Shout. Grant fury and might to yourself and allies.
"On My Mark!".png "On My Mark!" 5 Shout. Call out target foe to make them vulnerable.
"Shake It Off!".png "Shake It Off!" 5 Shout. Cure conditions on yourself and nearby allies. Also breaks stuns for affected allies.

Tempest icon small.png Tempest

"Wash the Pain Away!".png "Wash the Pain Away!" 10.5½ 20 Shout. Mists billow from you, healing allies in range and cleansing conditions on the final pulse.
"Aftershock!".png "Aftershock!" 0.25¼ 30 Shout. Call upon the earth to cripple and immobilize foes in the area around you. Allies in the initial blast gain a magnetic aura.
"Eye of the Storm!".png "Eye of the Storm!" 30 Shout. Imbue your voice with the element of air, massively increasing speed and breaking stun for nearby allies.
"Feel the Burn!".png "Feel the Burn!" 25 Shout. Heat waves blast out from the player, causing damage and granting fire aura to allies.
"Flash-Freeze!".png "Flash-Freeze!" 0.25¼ 25 Shout. Unleash a torrent of ice on enemy locations, chilling those who cannot escape. Grant frost aura to allies in range.
"Rebound!".png "Rebound!" 0.25¼ 75 Shout. Shout and infuse your allies with arcane energy. Allies who would take lethal damage while this is active ignore the deathblow and are healed instead. If the effect expires naturally, grant an aura based on your current attunement.

Reaper icon small.png Reaper

"Your Soul Is Mine!".png "Your Soul Is Mine!" 0.75¾ 16 Shout. Heal yourself, gain life force, and strike foes around you, absorbing additional life force from each foe struck. Deal additional damage and gain bonus life force when striking foes in melee range.
"Nothing Can Save You!".png "Nothing Can Save You!" 0.5½ 16 Shout. Damage foes around you, converting their boons into vulnerability. Your next few attacks become unblockable. Deal additional damage and gain additional unblockable attacks when striking foes within melee range.
"Rise!".png "Rise!" 32 Shout. Damage foes around you. Summon a shambling horror plus additional horrors near each enemy struck. Deal additional damage and summon a second horror when striking foes within melee range. Shambling horrors absorb damage for their master as long as they are attacking.
"Suffer!".png "Suffer!" 16 Shout. Damage foes around you and chill them. Transfer conditions to each foe you strike. Deal additional damage and transfer additional conditions to foes struck within melee range.
"You Are All Weaklings!".png "You Are All Weaklings!" 20 Shout. Damage foes around you, and gain boons. Inflict conditions on struck foes, and gain boons per foe struck. Deal additional damage and gain additional boons when striking foes within melee range.
"Chilled to the Bone!".png "Chilled to the Bone!" 10.25¼ 30 Shout. Freeze all enemies around you, inflicting conditions on them. Gain boons for each foe you freeze. Deal additional damage and increased stun duration and gain additional boons when striking foes in melee range.

Related traits[edit]

Trait skills that have the type shout

Traits that improve shout skills

Related equipment[edit]

Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Shout.

