Earth Attunement

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Earth Attunement.png

Earth Attunement

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist (skill list)
Profession mechanic
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.png
Game link
Earth Attunement

Attune to earth, gaining superior damage-over-time and defensive abilities.

— In-game description

Hand aura of an elementalist attuned to earth

Earth Attunement is an elementalist attunement skill that attunes the elementalist to earth. While attuned to earth the elementalist's weapon skills are earth magic skills. Elementalists unlock Earth Attunement at level 15.

Skills by weapon[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Impale (elementalist skill).png Impale 0.75¾ Spear your foes on a giant stone spike.
2 Ring of Earth.png Ring of Earth 1 6 Use the earth to launch yourself into the air and strike foes in a small radius. Deliver a larger ring of earthen spikes upon impact.
3 Earthen Rush.png Earthen Rush 0.5½ 12 Quickly dash along the ground, summoning spikes along the way and then delivering an area strike.
4 Earthquake.png Earthquake 0.75¾ 16 Trigger a quake at your location, knocking down foes and dealing massive damage.
5 Churning Earth.png Churning Earth 0.75¾ 20 Leap at your foe and unleash a seismic wave that inflicts damages and bleeding.
1 Piercing Pebble.png Piercing Pebble 0.5½ Bleed your foe with sharp stone.
2 Shattering Stone.png Shattering Stone 0.5½ 6 Fire a shot that shatters into multiple shards.

If you have an earth bullet, consume it to enhance your next few attacks to inflict bleeding. If not, create an earth bullet.
3 Boulder Blast.png Boulder Blast 0.5½ 12 Fire a shot that bleeds and immobilizes your foe.

If you have an earth bullet, consume it to gain barrier when striking an enemy. If not, create an earth bullet.
1 Stone Shards.png Stone Shards 10.5½ Fling stone daggers at your foe to bleed them.
2 Rock Barrier.png Rock Barrier 1 8 Envelop yourself in a stony barrier that improves toughness.
2 ChainHurl.png Hurl Hurl the rocks from your barrier at your foe.
3 Dust Devil.png Dust Devil 15 Create a dust storm that inflicts cripple to bleeding foes. The first strike of the storm blinds foes.
4 Magnetic Wave.png Magnetic Wave 25 Damage foes, cure three of your conditions, and reflect projectiles with a magnetic surge.
5 Obsidian Flesh.png Obsidian Flesh 3 50 Envelop yourself in stony armor, making yourself invulnerable.
1 Stoning.png Stoning 0.75¾ Hurl a rock and weaken your foe.
2 Eruption.png Eruption 10.25¼ 6 Shake the ground until it erupts and damages foes.
3 Magnetic Aura.png Magnetic Aura 30 Reflect projectiles with magnetic energy.
3 ChainTransmute Earth.png Transmute Earth 0.5½ 10 Cause the surrounding magnetic aura to violently explode.
4 Unsteady Ground.png Unsteady Ground 0.25¼ 30 Create unsteady ground that foes cannot cross.
5 Shock Wave.png Shock Wave 0.75¾ 25 Create a shock wave that bleeds and immobilizes your target.
1 Skill range (yellow).png Stone Strike 0.75¾ Toss a light spear of stone to bleed your foe.
2 Skill range (yellow).png Earthen Spear 0.75¾ 6 Hurl a heavy earthen spear that cripples your foe.
3 Skill defensive (yellow).png Harden 15 Gain barrier. Your next spear skill inflicts daze.
4 Skill ground target (yellow).png Fissure 0.75¾ 20 Create a fissure at the target location, crippling foes. Foes at the center of the fissure take increased damage and are weakened.
5 Skill area circle (yellow).png Etching: Haboob 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that creates a violent eruption. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainSkill area line (green).png Lesser Haboob 0.75¾ Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.
5 ChainSkill area line (yellow).png Haboob 0.75¾ Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.
1 Rock Blade.png Rock Blade 0.5½ Shoot three rocky blades at your foe.
2 Rock Spray.png Rock Spray 0.5½ 10 Spray a cone of gravel to bleed foes.
3 Magnetic Current.png Magnetic Current 0.5½ 18 Launch a large magnetic force that reflects projectiles along its path, crippling foes that touch it.
4 Rock Anchor.png Rock Anchor 1 20 Anchor a rock to your foe, making them sink.
5 Murky Water.png Murky Water 10.25¼ 25 Cloud the water to blind your target and nearby foes.
Warhorn (requires Tempest icon small.png Tempest)
4 Sand Squall.png Sand Squall 0.75¾ 30 Apply protection to you and your allies, then increase the duration of all boons currently existing on you and your allies. Gain magnetic aura.
5 Dust Storm.png Dust Storm 0.75¾ 30 Summon a dust storm that inflicts conditions.
Sword (requires Weaver icon small.png Weaver)
1 Crystal Slash.png Crystal Slash 0.5½ Strike your opponent with your serrated blade.
1 ChainCrystalline Strike.png Crystalline Strike 0.5½ Attack enemies with a second vicious attack.
1 ChainCrystalline Sunder.png Crystalline Sunder 0.75¾ Unleash a final crushing blow.
2 Earthen Vortex.png Earthen Vortex 0.75¾ 10 Burrow into the ground, then erupt with earth-shattering force.
3 Rust Frenzy.png Rust Frenzy 0.5½ 15 Strike your enemies with deadly force.
Hammer (requires Catalyst icon small.png Catalyst)
1 Stonestrike.png Stonestrike 0.75¾ Arc your hammer, creating a ring of jagged rock to damage your enemies.
2 Whirling Stones.png Whirling Stones 2 8 Encase your hammer with earthen spikes to deliver a powerful blow.
3 Rocky Loop.png Rocky Loop 18 Summon a projectile of earth that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
4 Immutable Stone.png Immutable Stone 10.5½ 20 Block the next attack. If you blocked an attack, gain barrier and an aura based on your current attunement.
5 Ground Pound.png Ground Pound 1 20 Smash your hammer into the ground to bleed and immobilize your enemies.

Related traits[edit]

Earth Earth

Arcane Arcane

Weaver Weaver

Catalyst Catalyst


  • This skill has an instant cast time and may be cast during other actions.
  • This skill can be activated while in the air.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • Reduced base attunement recharge from 13 seconds to 10 seconds.
August 28, 2012 Game release:
  • Earth Attunement has been added to the game.


  • Gwwlogo.png A Guild Wars skill bears the same name as this skill.
  • When attuning to earth, the character will occasionally shout out one of the following lines, depending on race and gender.
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura Earth!
Geological forces at my command!
Rocks and stones will break your bones.
I command stone and soil!
The earth is my weapon.
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr Earth!
I summon the power of our lands!
I can move mountains!
Rock solid!
Strong as stone!
Human tango icon 20px.png Human Earth!
I can move mountains!
I summon the power of Melandru!
I can move mountains!
I summon the power of earth.
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn Earth!
Rocks and mountains!
The power of the land!
Solid like rock!
Stronger than stone!
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari Element of earth, hear me!
I am rock and soil!
Solid earth!
Earth and stone conform to my will!
I channel rock and soil!
Supportive earth!

See also[edit]