Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Soul Shards

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Soul Shards.png

Soul Shards

Effect type
Game link

Striking an enemy with Perforate siphons health from them.

Miscellaneous effect.png Healing Increase at Low Health: 100%
Radius.png Health Threshold: 50%
Damage.png Siphon Damage: −1,604
Damage.png Siphon Damage: −644
Damage.png Damage Increase vs. Low Health: 100%
Healing.png Siphon Healing: 860 (0.15)?
Healing.png Siphon Healing: 576 (0.15)?

— In-game description ?

Soul Shards is an effect applied when striking an enemy with Sinister Stab, Addle, and Distress. Soul Shard charges are consumed when striking an enemy with Perforate. The duration of Soul Shards refreshes when gaining new shards.

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that grant Soul Shards