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Jade Mech CJ-1

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Mechanist concept art 3.png

Jade Mech CJ-1 is the profession mechanic of the mechanist, engineer's elite specialization. It is a combat mech summon from the Canthan line of Jade Mech automated assistants. Jade Mech CJ-1 is controlled similarly to ranger's pets, while its skills and attributes can be customized by mechanist's traits.



Mechanist's skill bar of the Jade Mech CJ-1, displaying controls, Mech Command skills, health status, and Recall Mech skill

Jade Mech CJ-1 is always present by default and can be stowed by using  Recall Mech.png Recall Mech skill. The skill is replaced by  Crash Down.png Crash Down which respawns the mech if it was defeated or recalled. The mech can be renamed by Right-Clicking Recall Mech or Crash Down.

The Jade Mech has its own attributes, which can be viewed by mouse hovering over its healthbar and modified by changing mechanist's equipment and certain traits. It can also be damaged or killed by enemies; the health pool replenishes when out of combat. The mech is immune to control effects in PvE game mode but is not in Structured PvP or World versus World modes. If the mech was defeated or recalled while at low health, the recharge of the  Crash Down.png Crash Down is increased proportionally to missing health.


Similarly to ranger's pets, Jade Mech CJ-1 can be set either to Guard Guard or Avoid Combat Avoid Combat mode by mouse-clicking the toggle button on the skill bar or by pressing "Ranger Pet Combat Toggle" keybind (unassigned by default in Control Options → Miscellaneous).

The mech on "Avoid Combat" behavior will never attack enemies until specifically commanded to do so with Attack My Target.png Attack My Target (default keybind F6 ). Depending on the auto-attack type determined by the traits, the mech will either move in melee to perform the attack or will stay ranged.

If the Jade Mech is set to "Guard", it will automatically join the mechanist in attacking its target or will defend the owner if they were attacked. The mech stops attacking and returns to the mechanist if the command Return to Me.png Return to Me was used ( F7 ). The always selected Mechanical Genius Mechanical Genius trait provides special benefits if the mech is in close range to its owner.

Active combat skills[edit]

Mech Command skills replace engineer's tool belt abilities and are determined by the currently selected mechanist's traits. Mech Command skills can be set to auto-attack and will be used in combat automatically whenever they are recharged (only in "Guard" mode). Two additional active abilities of Jade Mech CJ-1 are triggered by using mechanist's mace skill 3,  Rocket Fist Prototype.png Rocket Fist Prototype, and their elite skill,  Overclock Signet.png Overclock Signet.


F1 Explosive Knuckle.png Selected Mech Command skill 1 — commands the mech to use their first skill on the current target.
F2 Crisis Zone.png Selected Mech Command skill 2 — commands the mech to use their second skill on the current target.
F3 Barrier Burst.png Selected Mech Command skill 3 — commands the mech to use their third skill on the current target.
F4 Recall Mech.png Recall Mech — recall your mech for repairs. The cooldown of Crash Down is increased by a percentage of your mech's depleted health.
Redirect Arrow.pngCrash Down.png Crash Down — summon your Jade Mech at the target area. Foes in the area are damaged and launched.
F6 Attack My Target.png Attack My Target — commands the mech to attack the currently selected target.
F7 Return to Me.png Return to Me — commands the mech to stop attacking and move close to the owner.
Guard (mech).png Guard — instructs the mech to automatically assist the mechanist in combat or to defend the owner if they were attacked.
Redirect Arrow.pngAvoid Combat (mech).png Avoid Combat — instructs the mech to avoid combat; the mech won't defend the engineer from foes that attack them.

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Jade Tech Battle Mech

DefianceLocked defiance bar (Immune to control effects – only in PvE)

Attribute Value
Power 1000
Precision 1 (5% base critical chance)
Toughness 1000
Vitality 1000
Base health 15922
Condition damage 0
Expertise 0
Concentration 0
Healing power 0

The Mech attributes, except precision, are increased by 50% of the mechanist's attributes due to Mechanical Genius trait.

The Mech's base attributes cannot go above the following numbers. Boons and buffs can make it exceed these limits.

  • Power: 2250
  • Precision: 2500
  • Vitality: untested
  • Toughness: untested
  • Ferocity, condition damage, concentration, expertise, healing power: 1500 (halved when not using their respective "Mech Frame" trait.)


Auto-attacking skills
# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Melee skills available with Mech Arms: Single-Edge Cutters Mech Arms: Single-Edge Cutters or Mech Arms: High-Impact Drivers Mech Arms: High-Impact Drivers.
Hard Strike.png Hard Strike 0.25¼ Strikes foes in front of you.
ChainHeavy Smash (Mech).png Heavy Smash 0.5½ Perform a second, powerful strike.
ChainTwin Strike (Mech).png Twin Strike 0.5½ Strikes foes in front of you.
Ranged skills available with Mech Arms: Jade Cannons Mech Arms: Jade Cannons.
Anchor.png Jade Energy Shot ...
Mech Command skills
# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
The available F1 skill is based on which of the three major adept trait is selected.
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRolling Smash.png Rolling Smash 0.75¾ 20 Mech Command. Slam at the target with both cutters, inflicting severe bleeding to enemies in the area.
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngExplosive Knuckle.png Explosive Knuckle 0.5½ 15 Mech Command. Order your mech to dash at a target, punching with an explosive strike that weakens enemies near the point of impact.
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSpark Revolver.png Spark Revolver 0.75¾ 20 Mech Command. Fire a rapid volley of jade energy bolts from both arms, piercing through all enemies.
The available F2 skill is based on which of the three major master trait is selected.
F2 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngDischarge Array.png Discharge Array 30 Mech Command. Cycle energy into your mech's armor to turn it into a lightning rod. Jade energy strikes nearby foes and inflicts conditions on them.
F2 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngCrisis Zone.png Crisis Zone 30 Mech Command. Your mech removes conditions, breaks stuns, and grants boons to itself and nearby allies.
The mech does not count against the target count for this skill.
F2 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngCore Reactor Shot.png Core Reactor Shot 0.75¾ 25 Mech Command. Charge up and then release a powerful ball of jade energy at your target that explodes on contact.
The available F3 skill is based on which of the three major grandmaster trait is selected.
F3 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngJade Mortar.png Jade Mortar 0.5½ 20 Mech Command. Launch a powerful mortar attack at the target.
F3 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngBarrier Burst.png Barrier Burst 30.75¾ 30 Mech Command. Pulse a barrier and boons to all nearby allies.
The mech does not count against the target count for this skill.
F3 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSky Circus.png Sky Circus 10.5½ 30 Mech Command. Your mech jets into the air and fires a missile at each nearby foe before crashing down and dealing additional damage to anything caught underfoot.
The F4 skill summons Jade Mech CJ-1 on land while it only requests a barrage from your mech underwater.
F4 Recall Mech.png Recall Mech 0.75¾ 10 Recall your mech for repairs. The cooldown of Crash Down is determined by the amount of damage your mech has taken.
Right-click to rename your mech.
F4 ChainCrash Down.png Crash DownNot available underwater 0.75¾ 50 Summon your jade mech at the target area. Foes in the area are damaged. The recharge time of this skill is based on how damaged your mech is.
Right-click to rename your mech.
F4 Mech Support- Depth Charges.png Mech Support: Depth ChargesUnderwater skill 0.5½ 25 Request a barrage from your mech on the target foe.
Active skills triggered by other mechanist's abilites
Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Rocket Fist Prototype.png Rocket Fist Prototype Not available underwater 0.5½ 12 Launch a fist that explodes on the first target hit, damaging and stunning nearby enemies.
ChainExplosive Knuckle.png Rocket Punch 0.5½ 5 Your mech launches an explosive fist that detonates on hit, dealing defiance damage to enemies with active defiance bars. This skill is only used when you activate Skill 3 on your weapon.
Overclock Signet.png Overclock Signet Not available underwater 90 Signet Passive: Reduces recharge of other signets.
Signet Active: Order your mech to fire its ultimate weapon, the jade buster cannon. If your mech is not present, instead your mech is summoned, even if Crash Down is on cooldown.
ChainJade Buster Cannon.png Jade Buster Cannon Not available underwater 30.25¼ 1 Fire the main cannon, obliterating targets in a line. The mech may swivel to track targets while firing the Jade Buster cannon, but it is unable to move.

Related traits[edit]

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Mace Proficiency.png Mace Proficiency You can wield maces in your main hand.
Minor Adept Mechanical Genius.png Mechanical Genius Through your mechanical genius, you have utilized Canthan jade technology to build a customized battle mech that will fight at your side.
Your mech inherits a percentage of all of your combat attributes except precision, which is added to its own.
Your tool belt skills are replaced with Mech Commands, customized by your trait choices.
Mech Commands take longer to recharge when using them far away from your mech.
Gain access to signet utility skills.
Major Adept Mech Arms- Single-Edge Cutters.png Mech Arms: Single-Edge Cutters Unlocks the Mech Command skill Rolling Smash. Your mech's attacks apply bleeding. This attack's effect may only affect a certain target once per interval.
Major Adept Mech Arms- High-Impact Drivers.png Mech Arms: High-Impact Drivers Unlocks the Mech Command skill Explosive Knuckle. Your mech's attacks now generate might for allies within a radius. This effect may only occur once per interval.
The mech does not count against the target count for this trait.
Major Adept Mech Arms- Jade Cannons.png Mech Arms: Jade Cannons 1 Melee attacks become ranged, have an increased chance to critically hit, and apply vulnerability. Unlocks the Mech Command skill Spark Revolver.
Minor Master Mech Fighter.png Mech Fighter New combat subroutines enable your mech to use Rocket Punch when you activate Skill 3 on your equipped weapon. Your mech gains a greater percentage of your own toughness and vitality stats.
Major Master Mech Frame- Conductive Alloys.png Mech Frame: Conductive Alloys Unlocks the Mech Command skill Discharge Array. Your mech gains a greater percentage of your own condition damage and expertise stats.
Major Master Mech Frame- Channeling Conduits.png Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits 1 Unlocks the Mech Command skill Crisis Zone. When you or your mech apply barrier, also grant alacrity to the affected target. Your mech gains a greater percentage of your concentration and healing power stats.
Major Master Mech Frame- Variable Mass Distributor.png Mech Frame: Variable Mass Distributor Unlocks the Mech Command skill Core Reactor Shot. Your mech gains a greater percentage of your own precision stats.
Minor Grandmaster Exigency Protocols.png Exigency Protocols 60 When your mech is struck while under half health, it activates Exigency Protocols, gaining damage reduction and regeneration for a short duration. Regeneration boons you apply are stronger.
Major Grandmaster Mech Core- Jade Dynamo.png Mech Core: Jade Dynamo Unlocks the Mech Command skill Jade Mortar. Mech Command skills grant you quickness when used and have a reduced cooldown.
Major Grandmaster Mech Core- Barrier Engine.png Mech Core: Barrier Engine Unlocks the Mech Command skill Barrier Burst. While in combat, your mech will automatically grant a small barrier each interval to nearby allies. The mech does not count against the target count for this trait.
Major Grandmaster Mech Core- J-Drive.png Mech Core: J-Drive Gain access to the Mech Command skill Sky Circus. While dismissed or away for repairs, your mech supports you with an occasional aerial bombardment.
Signet skills gain improved passive effects and continue to grant their passive bonuses while recharging.

