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Specialization background.

"Just a couple more twists here and...done!"

Specializing in inventions grants access to protective boons and several defensive gadgets that'll help you out of...sticky situations. From smoke bombs to proximity mines and turrets, this specialization offers a plethora of creative options for dominating the battlefield.

— In-game description


Inventions is a core specialization line for the engineer that focuses on healing, protection and improving turrets.

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Cleansing Synergy.png Cleansing Synergy 10 Using a heal skill triggers a cleansing pulse around you.
Major Adept Over Shield.png Over Shield Shield skills grant protection to nearby allies. Protection on you gains increased damage reduction.
Major Adept Automated Medical Response.png Automated Medical Response Grant regeneration to nearby allies when you use a healing skill's associated tool belt skill.
Major Adept Autodefense Bomb Dispenser.png Autodefense Bomb Dispenser Drop a smoke bomb when you are disabled.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Minor Master Heal Resonator.png Reconstruction Enclosure Grant protection to nearby allies when you use a heal skill.
Major Master Experimental Turrets.png Experimental Turrets Turret. Turrets create a reflective barrier when built and grant boons to allies around them on a regular interval.
Major Master Soothing Detonation.png Soothing Detonation Heal nearby allies when using a tool belt skill.
Major Master Mecha Legs.png Mecha Legs Gain resistance when you dodge.
Minor Grandmaster Energy Amplifier.png Energy Amplifier Your healing power is increased while you have regeneration.
Major Grandmaster Anticorrosion Plating.png Anticorrosion Plating When you grant protection to an ally, cleanse conditions from them.
Major Grandmaster Bunker Down.png Bunker Down 1 Create a proximity mine at your target's location and a med kit at your location when you disable an enemy.
Major Grandmaster Medical Dispersion Field.png Medical Dispersion Field While in combat, a percentage of healing you apply to yourself is stored by your Medical Dispersion Field. Each interval, stored healing is spent to heal nearby allies.
See also: List of engineer traits