Whirl finisher

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A Whirl finisher is a skill that can create a combo effect by interacting with a combo field. Whirl effects cause projectiles to be sent out in multiple directions, applying corresponding effects. Most effects inflict conditions on foes except cleansing and healing bolts, which respectively remove conditions from allies they hit or apply stacks of Regeneration.

Combo effects by field[edit]

Field Effect Notes
Dark Leeching Bolts
Damage.png Damage: 198 (0.03)?
Healing.png Healing: 170 (0.05)?
Ethereal Confounding Bolts
Confusion.png Confusion (5s): 55 Damage, 49 Damage on Skill Use
Fire Burning Bolts
Burning.png Burning (1s): 131 Damage
Ice Chilling Bolts
Chilled.png Chilled (1s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Light Cleansing Bolts
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions Removed: 1
Lightning Brutal Bolts
Vulnerability.png Vulnerability (5s): +1% Incoming Damage, +1% Incoming Condition Damage
Poison Poisoned Bolts
Poisoned.png Poison (2s): 67 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness
Smoke Blinding Bolts
Blinded.png Blindness (3s): Next outgoing attack misses.
Water Healing Bolts
Regeneration.png Regen (2s): 260 Heal

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that cause whirl finishers

Bundle skills that cause whirl finishers

Transform skills that cause whirl finishers

Utility skills that cause whirl finishers

Elite skills that cause whirl finishers

Profession mechanic skills that cause whirl finishers

Pet skills that cause whirl finishers

Related traits[edit]

Trait skills that cause whirl finishers


  • Whirl finishers trigger where the character stops moving or upon hitting a combo field.
  • If you have a target selected, the projectiles have a chance to be sent out towards your target instead of a random direction.
  • Without a target, the bolts will fire in directions based on your camera angle.
  • Whirl finisher bolts have a range of 900 units.
    • Cleansing and Healing Bolts apply their effect in a 150 unit radius on impact, which means they can affect multiple targets, including the player who created the finisher if they're close enough.
    • Cleansing and Healing Bolts can trigger their effects on allies in their small radius, when passing through enemies or hitting objects (eg. walls). This also means the player who created the finisher can impact themselves, though note that it can be very unreliable.