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Disambig icon.png This article is about the continent. For the planet, see Tyria (world).


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Tyria map (clean).jpg
Map of Tyria


Tyria is a continent in the world of the same name, although this name is often used to refer to its western region, also known as Central Tyria.[1][2] It is part of the same supercontinent as Elona.

Over ten thousand years ago, the Great Giants once roamed the land. Before all recorded history, the Elder Dragons roamed—whether before or during the time of the Giganticus Lupicus is still unknown. And over a thousand years ago, before the exodus, the Six Gods lived in the continent of Tyria. Throughout the ages, the continent has changed—from seas turning to deserts, to sinking kingdoms and scorching lands, to flooding cities, and to deserts turning green by diverted rivers—and may continue to change.

Tyria was once the crucible of the human realms where the kingdoms of Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr were founded. The continent has a large number of different races that have established their own settlements and nations. The jotun and the dwarves ruled the Shiverpeak Mountains, and the norn once dwelt in the Far Shiverpeaks. Over time many nations and kingdoms have fallen, and Tyria has changed with the displacement of various races during the recent awakening of the Elder Dragons, which has also led to losing contact with the other continents of Elona and Cantha.


Early history[edit]

See also: History of Tyria

In the distant past Great Giants roamed the land and dragons ruled the skies. The elder racesdwarves, Forgotten, jotun, mursaat, and Seers—were among the most magically adept. They had thriving civilizations until the Elder Dragons arrived and devastated both the land and the inhabitants in their ravenous search for magic. The Elder Dragons' actions diminished the elder races as a result and even caused the extinction of several other once notable races like the great giants.[3][4]

At the end of the previous dragonrise millennia ago, the Seers created the first Bloodstone to seal their and other races' magic within it to hide it from the Elder Dragons. While most of the elder races gave up their magic, the mursaat, however, refused and waged a war against the Seers before betraying the other races in the alliance and phasing into the Mists.[5] Deprived of their sustenance, many Elder Dragons eventually concentrated around Central Tyria before going into hibernation to wait for the levels of ambient magic to rise so they could feast on it once more.

Glint, the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik's champion who had been freed by a Forgotten ritual, shielded the surviving races through the calamity until it was safe for them to emerge again. During this time, some Tyrians like the jotun regressed into savage brutes or lost their former power while many other races like the charr, kodan, and tengu became more prominent.[3][6][7] Little information from this time has survived to the present day except for some ancient writings like Mursaat Lore Tablets or jotun stelae.

Legacy of the Gods[edit]

King Doric prostrates himself before the gods.

The arrival of the Six Gods and humanity from the Mists in 786 BE was a turning point in Tyria's history.[8] According to the Orrian History Scrolls and various myths of other races, the gods terraformed the land they walked on, restoring life to where it had been taken in the dragonrise.

As humanity sailed to Cantha, Orr and eventually to Kryta, Ascalon and beyond, they conquered the lands they settled in, warring against the native races in order to claim Tyria as their own with the urging of Balthazar, the God of Fire and War.[9] These early settlers and conquerors paved way for the eras of various thriving human civilizations that arose in their wake, such as the Primeval Dynasty of Elona, although their actions also earned the ire of native Tyrian races like charr and centaurs who would become humanity's unrelenting enemies for centuries to come.

In 1 BE, Abaddon, the God of Knowledge and Water, gifted all sentient Tyrian races with the gift of magic. However, the gift was abused by all as each race tried to use it to destroy the others. After a plea from King Doric, the gods sealed most of the magic away in the Seers' Bloodstone which they then shattered into several smaller shards in Arah before throwing the five largest shards into a volcano, Abaddon's Mouth, in the Ring of Fire island chain.[10]

Abaddon, who had opposed the reduction of magic, attempted to lead a war against the other gods and was defeated; however, the clash between the gods turned the Crystal Sea into the Crystal Desert and a once fertile southern region into the sulfurous Desolation. After imprisoning Abaddon in the Realm of Torment and realizing how much damage their actions had caused to the world, the other five gods departed from Tyria and went into the Mists in an event known as the Exodus of the Gods.

While imprisoned, Abaddon continued scheming and used his servants to cause catastrophes such as the Searing of Ascalon and the Cataclysm of Orr which devastated their respective landscapes. In 1075 AE, over a thousand years after the Exodus, Abaddon attempted to usher in Nightfall to merge Tyria with the Realm of Torment and thus allow himself to be released from his prison.[8] Some areas of Elona suffered the effects of Nightfall although Abaddon was ultimately defeated by a group of heroes, including Spearmarshal Kormir who ascended to take Abaddon's place in the pantheon and save all of Tyria from being ravaged by the fallen god's rampant magic. However, the temporary spike in magic lasted long enough to stir the Elder Dragon Primordus from its millennia-long slumber, leading to the latest cycle of dragonrise.[11]


Concept art of Zhaitan by Kekai Kotaki.

The Elder Dragons awoke one by one over the decades following Primordus's rise. Each dragon caused untold destruction and displaced various races over the following decades.

In 1120 AE, Primordus invaded the Depths of Tyria, forcing the dwarves who had undergone the Rite of the Great Dwarf to fight a losing battle against its Destroyer minions. The great cities of the asura fell to Primordus, forcing both the asura and the skritt to the surface.[12] The Elder Dragon's movements also caused volcanic activity in Mount Maelstrom and beyond.

The deep sea dragon assaulted the Unending Ocean, causing the karka and the krait to flee to the surface waters. The largos have fought against "horrors" which may have been the deep sea dragon's minions, with occasional largos assassins and their apprentices surfacing on Tyrian shores to practice hunting their prey in a safer environment.[13][14] The southern quaggan society fell into turmoil as the fleeing krait either massacred or captured the quaggan royalty, dividing the surviving quaggan into separate villages each led by a varonos.[15]

Jormag's rise in 1165 AE led to a blizzard that lasted for four years, the eventual exodus of the norn and the kodan, and the disappearances of the spirits of Eagle, Owl, Ox and Wolverine.[16] The actions of the Elder Dragon and its icebrood minions also created a large inland sea in the Far Shiverpeaks.[17]

In 1175 AE, the lich Palawa Joko dammed and diverted the Elon River, changing the landscape of the Crystal Desert and Elona before conquering the latter with his Awakened army. Joko solidified his grasp on Elona by killing or converting the Order of the Sunspears as well as massacring local centaurs who were used for dark experiments as well as building material for his expanded Bone Palace.[8][18]

Zhaitan's awakening in 1219 AE caused the Rising of Orr from the depths of the Sea of Sorrows and the flooding of old Lion's Arch. Its Risen minions wreaked havoc in nearby areas, wrecking ships and causing corruption to spread past the shores deeper into Tyria.

In 1320 AE, Kralkatorrik created the Dragonbrand which reached from Ascalon all the way south to the Crystal Desert. It caused occasional Brandstorms and left several powerful Branded minions behind to terrorize Tyrians.

Modern times[edit]

In the year 1325 A.E. Claw Island was attacked by the Blightghast the Plaguebringer, so members of the three orders of Tyria banded together to help stop this invasion with the help of the future Pact Commander. With the invasion at the hands of the risens of the Blightghast the Plaguebringer stopped, the Pact was founded, uniting various members of the three orders for the Firstborn Sylvari Trahearne, who holds the position of Pact Marshal, and the player character who serves as his second-in-command with the rank of Pact Commander. It was from this moment that a strong campaign would begin to stop the invasions of the resurrected and build bases, in the same way they began to recruit several members of other races for their battle against the ancient dragon Zhaitan, shortly after the Pact used a abandoned fortress which was named as Fort Trinity which would be protected by the Blue Orb capable of protecting against corruption. And finally the operation to attack the Ruins of Orr and make their way to the dragon was carried out, with the help of the Edge of Destiny they could board The Glory of Tyria, which they would use to finish off Zhaitan, after After an arduous battle, the elder dragon Zhaitan was slain.

After Zhaitan's death in 1326 AE. began various attacks on various parts of Tyria made by Scarlet Briar through her alliances and minions of the Twisted Watchwork, though the Pact Commander along with his allies tried to stop these attacks, in 1327 AE. the city of Lion's Arch is attacked and destroyed, along with the death of Scarlet Briar and at that time Tyria witnessed the awakening of the elder dragon Mordremoth, thanks to the actions of Scarlet Briar during their invasion of the city, soon the minions and roots mordrem of the jungle dragon, affected much of the Heart of Maguuma, tearing apart the land itself. Thus, an invasion would begin in certain parts of Tyria where the Mordrem and the roots attacked some settlements or places, thanks to the help of the Pact Commander and his allies, this attack was stopped. That same year the Pact assembles the forces of the five major nations of central Tyria to confront Mordremoth, but not before facing a direct attack on the Grove by the Shadow of the Dragon.

In the year 1328 AE, once the forces of the Pact gathered together, some members of the Destiny's Edge advancing in several Airships towards the Heart of Maguuma were surprised by the Mordremoth attack, which destroyed it. several of their airships with their roots, causing them to crash leaving wrecks scattered throughout the jungle. Once they regrouped, they spent 43 days in battle against the Mordrem army, culminating in the death of Mordremoth and Marshal Trahearne, leaving several casualties to the Pact. The increased levels of Ley Lines after the death of Zhaitan and Mordremoth caused mutations in the Tyrians, who had been exposed to too much magic, as well as various magical phenomena, as some Tyrians witnessed. strange abnormal visions of glowing humanoid figures.

After Mordremoth's death, in 1329 AE, the explosion of Maguuma's Bloodstone reshaped the entire Bloodstone Fen as well as the rise of the White Mantle, that rose up against the throne of Kryta, causing a civil war and the return of the god Balthazar, caused destruction in various places in Tyria such as Draconis Mons and Lake Doric. That same year Aurene, the second scion of Glint, is born. Finally the Krytan civil war ends and Lazarus the last mursaat dies.

Although they have ended the war in Kryta, Balthazar continued his campaign now to the Crystal Desert with his Forged army in 1330 AE, his battles with Vlast, the Awakeneds and Kralkatorrik further damaged the land, causing a wave of refugees to flee to Lion's Arch. Balthazar's death in the Domain of Vabbi prompted Kralkatorrik to absorb the old god's power and cause the Elder Dragon to fly south while the Brandstorms occurred as far north as the Free City of Amnoon.

That same year with the death of Balthazar, the Commander and his allies decide to attack Palawa Joko and stop his plans to invade Tyria and unleash the Scarab Plague, with the defeat of Joko , Elona is freed from Joko's yoke. But there was still the Kralkatorrik that was still a threat and that had vanished into the Mists, however Aurene had set a trap for him, and they had a battle in the Thunderhead Peaks, ending the battle and leaving the crystal dragon weakened and badly injured, however Kralkatorrik fled again and unfortunately, the Commander and his allies believed that Aurene had died, however when they removed the crystals that pierced Aurene, she returned. And so it was that the Commander mounted on top of Aurene, entered the Mist and managed to knock him down by cutting off his wing, causing various parts of the realms of the gods together with Kralkatorrik's body to form an island known as Dragonfall, place where he would finally take the last encounter and fight, where Kralkatorrik would end up being killed, causing Aurene to absorb the dragon's magic, causing her to become an ancient Dragon of Crystal and Light.

That same year the Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer held a gathering of all the legions, including the Flame Legion, once the news of the Pact's victory against Kralkatorrik spread. and Aurene's ascension as a new Elder Dragon. However during the meeting and the celebration that was taking place, the true intentions of Bagnar and his belt Ryland Steelcatcher who had stolen the bow from Braham Eirsson were revealed, sparking the charr civil war, at the same time in the Far Shiverpeaks, Jormag began to move, this led to a chase across the Shiverpeaks, where they discovered and fought corrupted dragon abominations of ice as the aberrants, fallens and the Icebrood herself, together with the Sons of Svanir, discovered that Bagnar wanted to awaken and control Jormag, using the Bow of Eir that was stolen from Braham, the charr civil battle was finally fought where the forces of the Dominion led by Bagnar and the United Legions of the other legions, led by the imperators, fought, ending in defeat. of Bagnar and his army.

There was still a threat and it was Jormag, however tremors were soon felt announcing the awakening of Primordus, this caused his minions the destroyers and their champions to attack various parts of Tyria, causing the Commander together their allies will stop this threat by destroying the champions of Primordus with the help of the dwarvess of Deldrimor. Shortly after, Braham Eirsson is summoned by the Spirits of the Wild as the norn of the prophecy, causing him to agree to be the champion of Primordus and thus face off against Jormag's champion, Ryland. With both dragons prepared for a showdown, they are drawn to Anvil Rock so that their champions and minions can fight each other, during the battle Jormag and Primordus face off and annihilate each other at the same time, making their champions return to normal. Though with the death of Jormag and Primordus the magic was released, which flowed south.

With the defeat of the five Elder Dragons, Tyria was finally rid of almost all of them, and the nations were able to take a breather from all this threat. However a year later in the year 1335 AE, a group of pirates called the Aetherblades appear kidnapping the asura Gorrik, who was rescued by the Commander along with Aurene, without first seeing the arrival. to a distant land, known as Cantha, where they discovered the last Elder Dragon named Soo-Won. The Empress Ihn decided to reopen her Empire borders to foreigners, and sending a message to the kingdom of Kryta, which Queen Jennah sent a delegation led by ambassador Kasmeer Meade, to establish certain agreements and talks. At the end of the Commander's battle with his allies with the death of Soo-Won, the empress embarked on the kingdom of Kryta.

Geography - Climate[edit]

Tyria has several biomes, ecosystems and climates depending on the main areas and landscapes.

Ascalon is a region with forested areas, rivers and lakes, but closer to a plain or plateau, it has a volcano to the northeast known as Hrangmer, in which you can see rivers of lava. However with The Searing that occurred many years ago, the area was left mostly littered with the ruins of the human civilization, over time Ascalon has gradually recovered, but with the awakening of Kralkatorrik the area was threatened and corrupted with the Dragonbrand, leaving a large scar. Ascalon connects to the Blazeridge Mountains which is a mountain range to the east and to the north to the Blood Legion Homelands, most of which is a forested region of wildlife.

Snowy weather, certain forests and severe cold can be observed in the high Shiverpeak Mountains, being colder in the Bitterfrost Frontier and in certain areas of the Deldrimor Front and the Far Shiverpeaks, just as you can see that it has inland seas full of icebergs. The Steamspur Mountains is a mountainous area to the south of the Shiverpeaks, in which is the Steamspur Bay and the volcano of Mount Maelstrom, it is a swampy, forested area with a climate snowy in the northern part.

While the Maguuma Wastes is a desert, sandy, and sandstorm region, the Maguuma Jungle, Tarnished Coast, and Heart of Maguuma regions It corresponds to the tropical forests, it has exuberant vegetation, where there are several rivers and lakes, mountainous areas, underground and with access to the sea.

The Ring of Fire is a dark area, with volcanoes that have volcanic activity, in which rivers of lava flow that flow into the sea, making it sulphurous and boiling which makes it dangerous to swim, it has little vegetation, it is also an archipelago that is mostly surrounded by the Unending Ocean and in the eastern part is the Strait of Malchor that connects with the peninsula of Orr. With the Rising of Orr the region is a desolate area, with a landscape filled with mostly ruins and gloomy, full of death and twisted that has been corrupted by the Elder Dragon Zhaitan.

Meanwhile Kryta is a tropical site, which has coastal beaches, swamps and forested areas, although most of its land is cultivated, it has access to the Sea of Sorrows and the part To the north is the Woodland Cascades a mostly forested region, which connects with the Janthir Bay where the Isles of Janthir of which little is known are found.

Beneath the earth lie the interconnected caverns of the Depths of Tyria containing abandoned structures of some races such as the dwarf, asura or skritt and even older, of origins unknown, dating back to a time before humanity.

However, with the awakening of the ancient dragons, some regions have been affected and corrupted, an obvious example is Ascalon and the Crystal Desert that its landscape has been transformed into a lifeless and crystallized area with some Brandstorms.


Target Shootout in stylized New Krytan.


The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Languages.
See also: Languages of Tyria

Throughout the centuries Tyria has had several languages, each race has its own language, dialect, runes or some type of writing or cave drawings. Currently the predominant language is New Krytan which is used by most other races. New Krytan comes from Old Ascalonian and Old Krytan, was accepted as an official language in the year 1105 AE.

However, there are different races that still maintain their own language, dialect or way of communicating with each other.


See also: Religion

Religion is something important and sometimes so fundamental in various races of Tyria, each race has its own beliefs, gods, traditions or different concepts of seeing life and how everything around them works and what they cannot see yet. There are even races that do not have a religion or deities as such, and are governed and their beliefs are different from the others. As the sylvaris, being a new and young race, they do not have a deity.


The biodiverse continent has a multitude of different cultures and races. Although they are different cultures, the widely accepted recording of time is called the Mouvelian Calendar which is based on the solar system, while Elona has the Dynastic Reckoning calendar and Cantha has the Canthan calendar. The Mouvelian Calendar begins to be used after the Exodus of the gods, the years before this date are indicated with a.É (Before the Exodus) and the years after this date with d.É (After the Exodus). They also have festivals such as Halloween, Wintersday that is celebrated in most of the continent, among various races, there are certain festivities that are new such as Dragon Bash where celebrate the defeat and resistance against the Elder Dragons.

Throughout the lifetime of Tyria it has seen cultures of elder races rise up and prosper, and see how over time many of them have become extinct, or are treated to resist with the threat of the Elder Dragons. There was also a time when the human kingdoms of Kryta, Ascalon and Orr were prosperous and as they stood above other races, however there were other races that were in against humans, even the human kingdoms themselves also did not get along so well so they went to war with each other and at the same time with other races such as the Centaurs, Charr and Mursaat, this caused the conflict to end in total disaster decimating two of the three kingdoms, leaving the kingdom of Kryta as the only crucible of human resistance in Tyria, to the present day.

Many are the cultures of these races, which have been maintained or have changed over time, leading some to become allies. At present you can see new nations that have grown and prospered, the main ones would be the charr who built their nation on the ruins of Ascalon founding the Black Citadel as a domain of their power, the humans reorganizing and uniting under one same realm in Divinity's Reach, the asura building their city on the surface and making Rata Sum prosperous for them and their influence in the world can grow, the norn organizing somehow in the southern Shiverpeak Mountains founded Hoelbrak and ultimately the Sylvaris a new and young race in the world, in which they have made their home in around the Pale Tree called the Grove.

And other races that also stands out are the tengu in the Dominion of Winds, the tribes of the centaurs that have created an alliance between them. And countless other races, including races that have been displaced by the Elder Dragons and settled in Tyria like the quaggan, skritt, among others. New species such as the karkas or the Choyas have even been seen.

The other races have also been threatened over time by civil conflicts, or differences between other races or themselves, which is why there have always been many conflicts and wars over time, there are even wars that continue in force until today that have not been resolved or at least not completely. However, many of these races have had to put aside their differences to join a common enemy that are the ancient dragons that threaten their world and destroy them.


Each race has its way of governing or organizing itself, for example: humans are governed by a monarchy, while the charr are governed by their imperators and legions, the norn do not have a leader as such, so they are free to unite with anyone or work alone. The asura have the Arcane Council who are the ones who make the decisions, just like among themselves they can form Krewes to work together in certain experiments. The Sylvari follow the teachings of the Ventari's Tablet and the Pale Tree.

Lion's Arch is a nation that emerged with the destruction of the ancient city and the control of pirates who took what was left of the ruins of the city, to establish themselves and create a multiracial nation, where a type of democracy would be established and would be rigid by the Captain's Council.

The other races, nations, settlements, tribes, work differently, some have a tribal chief, king, emperor, or some kind of council, or are dictated by certain established rules. Or even manage themselves without any law involved, like the norn.

List of regions[edit]

Tyria and the surrounding islands are divided into many regions. The geographical division and the mechanical regions used by the game for achievements and the character selection screen do not always line up, so the explorable regions mention both.

Accessible regions[edit]

Once a great human kingdom, Ascalon was since retaken by the charr, scorched by the Searing and cursed by the Foefire, leaving a brown land and a human ghost army behind. The Stronghold of Ebonhawke and the Iron Legion capital Black Citadel can be found here. The Dragonbrand, created by the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik's flight to the Crystal Desert, scars the land which is infested by Branded minions.
Blood Legion Homelands
Mechanical region: Ascalon
Homelands of the charr to the north of Ascalon. The true name of the region is unknown. The majority of the Blood Legion reside here and oversee the region from the Blood Keep.
Deldrimor Front
Mechanical region: Maguuma Jungle (Labyrinthine Cliffs), Shiverpeak Mountains (Thunderhead Peaks)
Ancient dwarflands which contain the mountain range east of the Steamspur Mountains and the location of the original dwarven kingdom of Deldrimor. The Labyrinthine Cliffs, frequented by merchants and travelers and often visited by the nomadic Zephyrites, are located here, as are Thunderhead Peaks.
Far Shiverpeaks
Mechanical region: Shiverpeak Mountains
Northern reaches of the Shiverpeak Mountains and homeland of the norn. Large part of the original mountain range has now been flooded by an inland sea, following the rise of the Elder Dragon Jormag whose Icebrood minions have taken over large swathes of territory.
Heart of Maguuma
Previously called "Magus Falls" on the world map. Western areas of the Maguuma Jungle, covered by deep jungle, canyons and tunnels with various flora and fauna ranging from the insectoid chak to sentient mushrooms, fierce saurians Tarir, the Forgotten City, the lost asuran city of Rata Novus, the Nuhoch settlement Teku Nuhoch and the Itzel settlement Jaka Itzel can be found there. Primary territory of the Elder Dragon Mordremoth whose Mordrem minions threaten the other inhabitants of the jungle.
Horn of Maguuma
Mechanical region: Skies of Tyria
Found in the northwestern part of the Maguuma Jungle. It is where the Skywatch Archipelago is located, which are artifical fractals, and Amnytas, a place inhabited by the mysterious Astral Ward and their schools, hidden beneath the atmosphere. It is also the current residence of The Wizard's Tower.
Isles of Janthir
Group of islands in the Janthir Bay. Based on the Eye of Janthir, the isles are somehow associated with the White Mantle.
A lush, green area rich with fertile soil located in the central-western area of the continent. The last remaining human kingdom on Tyria, ruled by Queen Jennah, featuring the grand cities of Divinity's Reach and Lion's Arch. Despite this, its countryside is raided by marauding centaurs, while refugees come here from all over the known world.
Maguuma Wastes
Northern part of the original Maguuma Jungle which has dried out over the years. The region and its human and centaur inhabitants have been suffering from incursions of the Mordrem.
Ring of Fire
Volcanic archipelago located off the coast of Maguuma and Orr. Contains the ruins of Rata Arcanum and an ancient mursaat fortress.
Ruins of Orr
Originally a human kingdom and the residence of their gods in the city of Arah. The Orrian peninsula has sunk as a result of the Cataclysm and subsequently re-emerged with the rising of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan, whose Risen minions populate the region to this day.
Sea of Sorrows
Mechanical region: Kryta
Once known as Bay of Sirens. This large bay between the Tarnished Coast, Kryta, the Steamspur Mountains and Orr contains many islands, including the Claw Island, the karka-infested Southsun Cove and the isolated tengu city Dominion of Winds.
Shiverpeak Mountains
Giant mountain range running north to south between Ascalon and Kryta. Current home of the norn, who reside in the mighty settlement of Hoelbrak, and the kodan after being driven from the north by the Elder Dragon Jormag. The mountains hold their share of dangers for those daring to traverse them, ranging from the aggressive dredge to the hulking jotun.
Steamspur Mountains
Mechanical regions: Maguuma Jungle, Shiverpeak Mountains
Previously a southern part of the Shiverpeaks, this mountain range has thawed following the eruption of the Mount Maelstrom volcano. Destroyers, minions of the Elder Dragon Primordus, appear in great numbers near the volcano.
Tarnished Coast
Mechanical region: Maguuma Jungle
South-eastern lush coastal part of the Maguuma Jungle and the current homeland of the asura and the sylvari who live in Rata Sum and the Grove, respectively.
Woodland Cascades
Mechanical region: Heart of Maguuma (Bastion of the Penitent), Shiverpeak Mountains (Drizzlewood Coast)
Forested area north of Kryta. Centaurs have been gathering their forces there to retake the lands they have lost to humans.

Inaccessible regions[edit]

Blazeridge Mountains
Mountain range east of Ascalon.
Janthir Bay
Sea located to the far north of Kryta and Maguuma Wastes.
Strait of Malchor
Strait connecting the Sea of Sorrows to the Unending Ocean, running between the Tarnished Coast and the Ruins of Orr. Named after the Orrian sculptor Malchor who ended his life there centuries prior.
Furious Stretch
Bay bordering the Far Shiverpeaks that presumably has severe weather.

Interactive map[edit]

For every explorable map, see also: Tyria (world)#Interactive map



Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Tyria.
  • During the Phoenician golden age, the term "Tyria" was used by Phoenicians and outsiders alike to refer to the collection of city-states around the powerful ancient city of Tyre (demonym: "Tyrian"). According to legend, the city of Tyre was also the birthplace of Europa, the mythical figure after whom the continent was named.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Quartermaster Criswell
  2. ^ Redeemer Kossan
  3. ^ a b Enduring Icicle
  4. ^ Scholar Trueclaw
  5. ^ The Ruined City of Arah (explorable) Mursaat path
    Scholar Yissa: The races gathered together to fight the dragons, each contributing something.
    Scholar Yissa: Hmm. Yet the mursaat took their knowledge and fled into a half-world, out of phase with our own.
  6. ^ Myths and Legends of Ancient Ascalon
  7. ^ Genzhou Talonrend
  8. ^ a b c Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire—Road to the Desert
  9. ^ Orrian History Scrolls Volume 2—Balthazar: God of War
  10. ^ The Ruined City of Arah (explorable) Seer path
    Randall Greyston: The seers were a magical race, once close allies to the mursaat.
    Randall Greyston: When the Elder Dragons first awoke, they gathered the unspoiled magic in the world and locked it within a great artifact—the first bloodstone.
    Randall Greyston: The human gods recovered this bloodstone, and gave magic to the human race. When humanity could not handle that power, they split it into five parts.
    Randall Greyston: The first bloodstone was broken into pieces in Arah.
  11. ^ Facing the Truth
    Kormir: Abbadon remained a fallen god, imprisoned for a thousand years, until he rose to threaten Tyria one last time...
    Kormir: A mortal hero led a mission to stop him, and against all odds, succeeded. But then... [...]
    Kormir: I was there to contain the damage, but by then it was too late.
    Kormir: The surge of power upended the balance of magic in Tyria, and stirred Primordus from his slumber—triggering this latest cycle of destruction.
  12. ^ That Old College Try
  13. ^ Nanacatl
  14. ^ Master Sdias
  15. ^ The Mostly Harmless Quaggan
  16. ^ Thyrie Bylund
  17. ^ The Wisdom and Power of the Kodan
  18. ^ Palace of Bones: The Centaur Tragedy