Projectile finisher

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the combo finisher. For the generic game mechanic, see Projectile.

A Projectile finisher is a skill that can create a combo effect by interacting with a combo field. Projectile effects are applied directly to the skill's target, or, in case of the Water and Light fields, to a single ally adjacent to the target. Projectile finishers are unique among finishers insofar that some projectiles, particularly those from skills with no cooldown and that fire multiple projectiles, will only combo 20% of the time. For such skills, the combo indicator will still appear and the projectile will take on the visual appearance of the combo, but will not necessarily apply the additional effect. Piercing projectiles will apply the combo effect to every enemy hit.

Combo effects by field[edit]

Field Effect Notes
Dark Lifesteal
Damage.png Damage: 202 (0.03)?
Healing.png Healing: 202 (0.1)?
Ethereal Confusion
Confusion.png Confusion (5s): 55 Damage, 49 Damage on Skill Use
Fire Burning
Burning.png Burning (1s): 131 Damage
Ice Chilled
Chilled.png Chilled (1s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Light Remove Condition
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions Removed: 1
Lightning Vulnerability
Vulnerability.png Vulnerability (5s): +1% Incoming Damage, +1% Incoming Condition Damage
Poison Poisoned
Poisoned.png Poison (2s): 67 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness
Smoke Blinded
Blinded.png Blindness (3s): Next outgoing attack misses.
Water Regeneration
Regeneration.png Regen (2s): 260 Heal

Related skills[edit]

Some skills only have a 20% chance to trigger a projectile finisher. These have been referred to in update notes as "small projectile finishers".

Weapon skills with a 100% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Bundle skills with a 100% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Transform skills with a 100% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Utility skills with a 100% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Profession mechanic skills with a 100% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Pet skills with a 100% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Racial skills with a 100% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Weapon skills with a 20% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Bundle skills with a 20% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Transform skills with a 20% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Profession mechanic skills with a 20% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Pet skills with a 20% chance to cause a projectile finisher

Racial skills with a 20% chance to cause a projectile finisher


  • Projectile finishers generally apply their effects to targets that the projectile touches, and can only apply to each target once per projectile.
    • Projectiles that can pass through targets more than once, like Throw Wrench, will still only be able to apply one finisher effect to each target (ie. not multiple, like once when going out and once when returning).
    • A projectile that only applies its implicit effects in an area zone, such as Mortar Shot, can pass through a target and apply its finisher effect without actually applying its implicit effect to the target.
  • It appears that if a projectile passes through targets (eg. Mortar Shot), its combo finisher will affect only the targets it touches; but if it dissipates on hitting a target (eg. Surprise Shot), it will apply its finisher effect in a small radius around the target, provided it does not miss.
    • In this way, it is sometimes possible to affect yourself with your own projectile finishers, for example if they travel slowly and you can run into their path (eg. Mortar Shot), or if you stand close enough to an enemy as the projectile finisher dissipates on it (eg. Surprise Shot).
  • If you are too close to a target (basically, if your hitboxes are touching), projectiles may not take on their combo effect, due to the projectile not "passing through" enough of the field.
  • It appears that projectile finishers may prioritise targets based on what that target requires, so a healing projectile may not apply Regeneration to targets that already have full health.

See also[edit]