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Active effects can be seen to the right of the health orb above right side of the skill bar.

Effect refers to any kind of status that alters the state and standard characteristics of characters or NPCs. Active effects on characters can be seen in the effects monitor, directly to the right of the health orb. When a target is selected, active effects on that target can be seen underneath their health bar. Most effects are temporary; however, certain NPCs can possess permanent effects such as invulnerability or unshakable.


While many effects are unique and limited to a couple sources or NPCs, there are some common effects seen in the game. There are several groups of effects that play an integral role in combat:

Other effects[edit]

Effects from skills[edit]

Common effects
Base Profession Specialization Profession-specific effects
Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist Elementalist icon small.png Attunements
Elementalist icon small.png Soothing Mist Soothing Mist
Elementalist icon small.png Stone Heart Stone Heart
Elementalist icon small.png Glyph of Elementals Glyph of Elementals
Elementalist icon small.png Glyph of Lesser Elementals Glyph of Lesser Elementals
Elementalist icon small.png Conjures
Elementalist icon small.png Scorching Shot.png Fire Bullet
Elementalist icon small.png Soothing Splash.png Ice Bullet
Elementalist icon small.png Electric Exposure.png Air Bullet
Elementalist icon small.png Piercing Pebble.png Earth Bullet
Tempest icon small.png "Rebound!".png "Rebound!"
Weaver icon small.png Unravel.png Unravel
Catalyst icon small.png Augments
Catalyst icon small.png Flame Wheel.png Flame Wheel
Catalyst icon small.png Icy Coil.png Icy Coil
Catalyst icon small.png Crescent Wind.png Crescent Wind
Catalyst icon small.png Rocky Loop.png Rocky Loop
Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer Mesmer icon small.png Distortion.png Blur
Mesmer icon small.png Distortion
Mesmer icon small.png Portal Entre.png Portal Weaving
Mirage icon small.png Mirage Cloak (effect).png Mirage Cloak
Mirage icon small.png Mirage Advance.png Mirage Advance
Virtuoso icon small.png Deadly Blades Deadly Blades
Virtuoso icon small.png Psychic Riposte Psychic Riposte
Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer Necromancer icon small.png Death Shroud.png Death Shroud
Necromancer icon small.png Vampiric Presence Vampiric Presence
Necromancer icon small.png Last Rites Last Rites
Reaper icon small.png Reaper's Shroud.png Reaper's Shroud
Scourge icon small.png Sandstorm Shroud.png Sandstorm Shroud
Scourge icon small.png Sand Swell.png Path Uses
Harbinger icon small.png Harbinger Shroud.png Harbinger Shroud
Engineer icon small.png Engineer Engineer icon small.png A.E.D..png A.E.D.
Holosmith icon small.png Heat Therapy Heat Therapy
Holosmith icon small.png Solar Focusing Lens Solar Focusing Lens
Holosmith icon small.png Overheat Overheat
Mechanist icon small.png Mechanical Genius Mechanical Genius
Ranger icon small.png Ranger Ranger icon small.png "Strength of the Pack!".png "Strength of the Pack!"
Ranger icon small.png Nature's Strength.png Nature's Strength
Druid icon small.png Natural Mender Natural Mender
Druid icon small.png Lingering Light Lingering Light
Druid icon small.png Glyph of the Stars.png Glyph of the Stars
Soulbeast icon small.png Twice as Vicious Twice as Vicious
Untamed icon small.png Unleash Ranger.png Unleash Ranger
Untamed icon small.png Unleashed Power Unleashed Power
Untamed icon small.png Forest's Fortification.png Forest's Fortification
Thief icon small.png Thief Thief icon small.png Venoms
Thief icon small.png Invisible Stalker.png Shadow Return
Thief icon small.png Infiltrator's Return.png Infiltrator's Return
Thief icon small.png Shadow Portal.png Shadow Portal
Thief icon small.png Axe Counter.png Axe Counter
Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye's Mark.png Deadeye's Mark
Specter icon small.png Enter Shadow Shroud.png Shadow Shroud
Specter icon small.png Siphon.png Shrouded Ally
Guardian icon small.png Guardian Guardian icon small.png Virtues
Guardian icon small.png Binding Blade.png Binding Blade
Dragonhunter icon small.png Spear of Justice.png Spear of Justice
Firebrand icon small.png Quickfire Quickfire
Firebrand icon small.png Epilogue- Ashes of the Just.png Ashes of the Just
Firebrand icon small.png Epilogue- Eternal Oasis.png Eternal Oasis
Firebrand icon small.png Epilogue- Unbroken Lines.png Unbroken Lines
Willbender icon small.png Rushing Justice.png Rushing Justice
Willbender icon small.png Flowing Resolve.png Flowing Resolve
Willbender icon small.png Crashing Courage.png Crashing Courage
Willbender icon small.png Repose.png Repose
Revenant icon small.png Revenant Revenant icon small.png Enchanted Daggers.png Enchanted Daggers
Revenant icon small.png Impossible Odds.png Impossible Odds
Revenant icon small.png Vengeful Hammers.png Vengeful Hammers
Revenant icon small.png Rite of the Great Dwarf.png Rite of the Great Dwarf
Herald icon small.png Facets
Renegade icon small.png All for One.png All for One
Renegade icon small.png Kalla's Fervor.png Kalla's Fervor
Renegade icon small.png Razorclaw's Rage.png Razorclaw's Rage
Renegade icon small.png Soulcleave's Summit.png Soulcleave's Summit
Vindicator icon small.png Urn of Saint Viktor.png Urn of Saint Viktor
Warrior icon small.png Warrior Warrior icon small.png Peak Performance Peak Performance
Warrior icon small.png Berserker's Power Berserker's Power
Warrior icon small.png Furious Furious
Warrior icon small.png Adrenal Health Adrenal Health
Warrior icon small.png Soldier's Focus Soldier's Focus
Berserker icon small.png Berserk.png Berserk
Berserker icon small.png Savage Instinct.png Feel No Pain
Spellbreaker icon small.png Attacker's Insight Attacker's Insight
Spellbreaker icon small.png Magebane Tether Magebane Tether
Spellbreaker icon small.png Winds of Disenchantment.png Winds of Disenchantment
Bladesworn icon small.png Positive Flow.png Positive Flow
Bladesworn icon small.png Gunsaber Mode.png Gunsaber Mode
Bladesworn icon small.png Fierce as Fire Fierce as Fire
Bladesworn icon small.png Combat Stimulant.png Stim State
Bladesworn icon small.png Overcharged Cartridges.png Overcharged Cartridges
Bladesworn icon small.png Tactical Reload.png Tactical Reload

Guild effects[edit]

Mastery effects[edit]

Location/Encounter specific effects[edit]

See also[edit]