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Disambig icon.png This article is about the upgrade component for weapons. For the upgrade item for armor, see Rune.

A sigil is a type of upgrade component used in weapons. Like all upgrade components, attaching a sigil to a weapon of masterwork, rare, or exotic rarity will make that weapon Soulbound; fine or basic weapons will become Account Bound. You can replace a sigil with a new one or recover it with a Black Lion Salvage Kit.

Sigil tiers[edit]

There are three tiers of sigils, Minor, Major, and Superior, each with its own minimum level requirement. Additionally there are Legendary Sigils which have the same function as Superior Sigils.

  • Minor sigils have no minimum level.
  • Major sigils require a level 39 weapon or above.
  • Superior sigils require a level 60 weapon or above.
  • Legendary Sigils have the power to take on the properties of any Superior sigil.


Random Superior Sigil
Mystic Forge
Output qty.

Sigil interaction[edit]

A character can always equip two sigils at a time (either one sigil each on a main-hand and off-hand weapon, or two sigils on a two-handed weapon). In general, the two sigils will both provide their effects independently as long as the base sigil is different.[1] The exceptions to this are the attribute increasing stacking sigils: only one stack effect can be active at a time. Additionally, sigils with the same base sigil will share cooldowns between weapon sets.

  • A warrior is wielding a greatsword with both a Superior Sigil of Air (chance to deal additional damage to target on critical hit) and a Superior Sigil of Earth (chance to inflict Bleeding on critical hit) attached to it. Both sigils will roll their chance to activate on every attack the warrior makes, and each sigil will run its own cooldown timer after it activates.
  • A thief is wielding a main-hand dagger with a Minor Sigil of Agony (+10% Bleeding duration) and an off-hand pistol with a Major Sigil of Agony (+15% Bleeding duration). Only the major sigil's effect will apply, giving the thief +15% bleeding duration.
  • A warrior with Fast Hands is wielding a greatsword and axe/mace, with Superior Sigil of Battle in both weapon sets. The warrior can swap weapons every 5 seconds, but the sigils will trigger only every 9 seconds, since they share the same cooldown.
  • A mesmer is wielding a scepter with a Minor Sigil of Bloodlust (gain a stack of +Power for every kill) and a focus with a Major Sigil of Perception (gain a stack of +Precision for every kill). The main-hand's stacking sigil will take precedence, and the mesmer will only gain stacks of Bloodlust.

Sigil categories[edit]

There are six categories of sigils based on how their effects are activated. For simplicity of documentation, only Superior sigils as they exist in PvE/WvW are listed below. See PvP Build#Sigils for PvP versions.


Sigils in this group provide a constant effect while the weapon is wielded. There are three subtypes.

Attribute bonus[edit]

Provide a static bonus to a specific attribute.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Accuracy.pngSuperior Sigil of Accuracy +7% Critical Chance
Superior Sigil of Force.pngSuperior Sigil of Force +5% Damage
Superior Sigil of Bursting.pngSuperior Sigil of Bursting +5% Condition Damage
Superior Sigil of Malice.pngSuperior Sigil of Malice +10% condition duration.
Superior Sigil of Concentration.pngSuperior Sigil of Concentration +10% Boon Duration
Superior Sigil of Transference.pngSuperior Sigil of Transference Healing to other allies is increased by 10%.

Duration bonus[edit]

Increased Condition Duration for a specific condition, or increased base duration for a control effect.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Agony.pngSuperior Sigil of Agony Increase Inflicted Bleeding Duration: 20%
Superior Sigil of Smoldering.pngSuperior Sigil of Smoldering Increase Inflicted Burning Duration: 20%
Superior Sigil of Chilling.pngSuperior Sigil of Chilling Increase Inflicted Chill Duration: 20%
Superior Sigil of Hobbling.pngSuperior Sigil of Hobbling Increase Inflicted Cripple Duration: 20%
Superior Sigil of Venom.pngSuperior Sigil of Venom Increase Inflicted Poison Duration: 20%
Superior Sigil of Demons.pngSuperior Sigil of Demons Increase the duration of inflicted torment by 20%.
Superior Sigil of Peril.pngSuperior Sigil of Peril Increase Inflicted Vulnerability Duration: 20%
Superior Sigil of Debility.pngSuperior Sigil of Debility Increase Inflicted Weakness Duration: 20%
Superior Sigil of Paralyzation.pngSuperior Sigil of Paralyzation +30% Stun Duration

Damage bonus[edit]

Increase strike damage, usually with a condition that must be met.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Centaur Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Centaurs; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Demon Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Demon Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Demons; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Destroyer Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Destroyer Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Destroyers; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Sorrow.pngSuperior Sigil of Sorrow +7% Strike Damage vs. Dredge; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Elemental Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Elemental Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Elementals; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Smothering.pngSuperior Sigil of Smothering +7% Strike Damage vs. Flame Legion; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Ghost Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Ghost Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Ghosts; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Grawl Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Grawl Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Grawl; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Hologram Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Hologram Slaying +17% Strike Damage vs Dragon Bash Holograms; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Icebrood Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Icebrood Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Icebrood; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Mad Scientists.pngSuperior Sigil of Mad Scientists +7% Strike Damage vs. Inquest; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Justice.pngSuperior Sigil of Justice +7% Strike Damage vs. Outlaws; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Karka Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Karka; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Serpent Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Serpent Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Krait; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Dreams.pngSuperior Sigil of Dreams +7% Strike Damage vs. Nightmare Court; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of the Night.pngSuperior Sigil of the Night Outgoing damage is increased by 3% with an additional 7% at night.
Superior Sigil of Ogre Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Ogre Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Ogres; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Wrath.pngSuperior Sigil of Wrath +7% Strike Damage vs. Sons of Svanir; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Impact.pngSuperior Sigil of Impact +7% Strike Damage vs Stunned or Knocked-Down Foes; +3% Strike Damage
Superior Sigil of Undead Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Undead Slaying +7% Strike Damage vs. Undead; +3% Strike Damage

On flanking strike[edit]

These sigils activate on a flanking attack and have an internal cooldown.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Nullification.pngSuperior Sigil of Nullification Remove a boon with a flanking strike or when they are defiant. (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Purity.pngSuperior Sigil of Purity Remove a condition after striking a foe from its flank or when they are defiant. (Cooldown: 4 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Frailty.pngSuperior Sigil of Frailty Inflict 2 stacks of vulnerability for 8 seconds after striking a foe from behind or the flank or when they are defiant. (Cooldown: 2 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Ice.pngSuperior Sigil of Ice Chill a foe for 2 seconds after striking from its flank or when they are defiant. (Cooldown: 10 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Incapacitation.pngSuperior Sigil of Incapacitation Cripple a foe for 2 seconds after striking from its flank or when they are defiant. (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)

On critical hit[edit]

These sigils activate on critical hits, and they also have an internal cooldown.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Air.pngSuperior Sigil of Air Unleash a lightning strike upon critically hitting a foe. (Cooldown: 3 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Fire.pngSuperior Sigil of Fire Trigger a flame blast with a 240 radius upon critically hitting a foe. (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Blood.pngSuperior Sigil of Blood Steal a foe's health upon landing a critical hit. (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Generosity.pngSuperior Sigil of Generosity Transfer a condition upon critically hitting a foe. (Cooldown: 6 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Rage.pngSuperior Sigil of Rage Gain quickness for 3 seconds upon critically hitting a foe. (Cooldown: 20 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Strength.pngSuperior Sigil of Strength Gain might for 10 seconds upon critically hitting a foe. (Cooldown: 1 Second)
Superior Sigil of Water.pngSuperior Sigil of Water Heal allies within a 360 radius of your target upon landing a critical hit. (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Blight.pngSuperior Sigil of Blight Inflict nearby enemies with 2 stacks of poison for 4 seconds upon landing a critical hit. (Cooldown: 8 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Earth.pngSuperior Sigil of Earth Inflict bleeding for 6 seconds upon critically hitting a foe. (Cooldown: 2 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Torment.pngSuperior Sigil of Torment Inflict 2 stacks of torment for 5 seconds to enemies around your target upon landing a critical hit. (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)

On kill[edit]

These sigils apply their effect whenever a foe dies while the weapon is wielded. There are two subtypes.

Immediate bonus[edit]

Provides an instantaneous effect.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Frenzy.pngSuperior Sigil of Frenzy Recharge all equipped skills by 2 seconds upon killing an enemy. Cooldown: 10 seconds
Superior Sigil of Luck.pngSuperior Sigil of Luck 75% chance to gain a random boon on killing an enemy.
Superior Sigil of Speed.pngSuperior Sigil of Speed Gain Swiftness (20 Seconds) on Killing a Foe
Superior Sigil of Stamina.pngSuperior Sigil of Stamina Your endurance is refilled each time you kill a foe.

Stacking bonus[edit]

Gain up to 25 stacks of an effect that grants an attribute bonus per stack. On-kill sigils gain 5 stacks upon killing an enemy player in all areas of the game. You can only have one attribute stacking bonus at a time. The bonus is lost when you are downed, when you travel to a different zone, or when you unequip the weapon. Unequip includes switching to and from underwater weapons while not having the identical sigil in the weapon sets that you start using (this means player only need 2 same sigils to keep the stack; 1 sigil on any land weapon, the other on any underwater weapon).

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Bounty.pngSuperior Sigil of Bounty Gain a charge of +9 concentration each time you kill a foe, five charges if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of Corruption.pngSuperior Sigil of Corruption Gain a charge of +10 condition damage each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of Cruelty.pngSuperior Sigil of Cruelty Gain a charge of +10 ferocity each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of Sanctuary.pngSuperior Sigil of Benevolence Gain a charge that grants 0.5% outgoing healing effectiveness toward other allies each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of Life.pngSuperior Sigil of Life Gain a charge of +10 healing each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of Bloodlust.pngSuperior Sigil of Bloodlust Gain a charge of +10 power each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of Perception.pngSuperior Sigil of Perception Gain a charge of +10 precision each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of Momentum.pngSuperior Sigil of Momentum Gain a charge of +5 toughness each time you kill a foe, five if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)
Superior Sigil of the Stars.pngSuperior Sigil of the Stars Gain a charge of +2 to all stats each time you kill a foe, 5 charges if you kill an enemy player. (Max 25 stacks; ends on down.); (Only one attribute-stacking sigil can be active at a time.)

On weapon swap[edit]

These sigils activate whenever you weapon swap during combat to a weapon set that includes the sigil. Weapon swap sigils on your currently equipped weapon(s) also trigger on mechanics that change your weapon skills outside of weapon swap; this includes changing elementalist attunements, revenant's legends, entering death shroud, equipping/stowing engineering kits, engaging/disengaging Photon Forge, dropping a bundle, etc. (see: weapon swap for a more complete list). There is an internal cooldown of 9 seconds.

Although they don't change weapon skills, revenants swapping legends will activate these sigils.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Agility.pngSuperior Sigil of Agility Gain 5 seconds of swiftness and 1 second of quickness when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Battle.pngSuperior Sigil of Battle Gain 5 stacks of might for 12 seconds when swapping to this weapon in combat. (Cooldown: 9 seconds)
Superior Sigil of Cleansing.pngSuperior Sigil of Cleansing Remove 3 conditions when swapping to this weapon in combat. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Doom.pngSuperior Sigil of Doom Your next attack will inflict 3 stacks of poison for 8 seconds after swapping to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Energy.pngSuperior Sigil of Energy Gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9 seconds)
Superior Sigil of Geomancy.pngSuperior Sigil of Geomancy Inflict bleeding on nearby foes for 8 seconds when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9 seconds)
Superior Sigil of Hydromancy.pngSuperior Sigil of Hydromancy Damage nearby foes and chill them for 2 seconds when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9 seconds)
Superior Sigil of Leeching.pngSuperior Sigil of Leeching Your next attack after swapping to this weapon while in combat steals some health. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Mischief.pngSuperior Sigil of Mischief Launch up to 4 blinding snowballs at foes in front of you when you swap to this weapon in combat. (Cooldown: 9 seconds)
Superior Sigil of Renewal.pngSuperior Sigil of Renewal Heal Nearby Allies on Weapon Swap (360 Radius); (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Vision.pngSuperior Sigil of Vision Critically strike an enemy for 3 seconds after swapping to this weapon in combat. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)

On interrupt[edit]

These sigils have an active when interrupting a foe.

Sigil Description
Superior Sigil of Absorption.pngSuperior Sigil of Absorption Steal 3 boons when interrupting a foe. (Cooldown: 10 seconds) (Cooldown against defiant foes: 3 seconds)
Superior Sigil of Celerity.pngSuperior Sigil of Celerity Gain quickness for 5 seconds after disabling a foe. (Cooldown: 20 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Concentration.pngSuperior Sigil of Draining Steal life when interrupting an enemy. (Cooldown against defiant foes: 3 seconds)
Superior Sigil of Rending.pngSuperior Sigil of Rending Inflict 5 stacks of vulnerability for 10 seconds when interrupting a foe. (Cooldown: 3 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Restoration.pngSuperior Sigil of Restoration Gain health when interrupting a foe. (Cooldown: 5 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Ruthlessness.pngSuperior Sigil of Ruthlessness Gain 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds when interrupting a foe. (Cooldown: 3 Seconds)
Superior Sigil of Severance.pngSuperior Sigil of Severance Upon interrupting an enemy, gain up to 250 precision and ferocity for 4 seconds, depending on level. (Cooldown: 1 second)

List of sigils[edit]

  • The following table gives an overview of all available sigils.

Sigil Tier Crafting Superior Sigil Price
Minor Major Superior PvP Disciplines Recipe Element TP (buy) TP (sell)
Sigil of Absorption Superior Sigil of Absorption.pngSuperior Sigil of Absorption Superior Sigil of Absorption.pngSigil of Absorption Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Accuracy Minor Sigil of Accuracy.pngMinor Sigil of Accuracy Major Sigil of Accuracy.pngMajor Sigil of Accuracy Superior Sigil of Accuracy.pngSuperior Sigil of Accuracy Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Agility Minor Sigil of Agility.pngMinor Sigil of Agility Major Sigil of Agility.pngMajor Sigil of Agility Superior Sigil of Agility.pngSuperior Sigil of Agility Scribe tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Agony Minor Sigil of Agony.pngMinor Sigil of Agony Major Sigil of Agony.pngMajor Sigil of Agony Superior Sigil of Agony.pngSuperior Sigil of Agony Superior Sigil of Agony.pngSigil of Agony (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Air Minor Sigil of Air.pngMinor Sigil of Air Major Sigil of Air.pngMajor Sigil of Air Superior Sigil of Air.pngSuperior Sigil of Air Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Battle Major Sigil of Battle.pngMajor Sigil of Battle Superior Sigil of Battle.pngSuperior Sigil of Battle Superior Sigil of Battle.pngSigil of Battle (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Benevolence Minor Sigil of Benevolence.pngMinor Sigil of Benevolence Major Sigil of Benevolence.pngMajor Sigil of Benevolence Superior Sigil of Sanctuary.pngSuperior Sigil of Benevolence Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Blight Superior Sigil of Blight.pngSuperior Sigil of Blight Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Blood Minor Sigil of Blood.pngMinor Sigil of Blood Major Sigil of Blood.pngMajor Sigil of Blood Superior Sigil of Blood.pngSuperior Sigil of Blood Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Bloodlust Minor Sigil of Bloodlust.pngMinor Sigil of Bloodlust Major Sigil of Bloodlust.pngMajor Sigil of Bloodlust Superior Sigil of Bloodlust.pngSuperior Sigil of Bloodlust Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Bounty Superior Sigil of Bounty.pngSuperior Sigil of Bounty Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Bursting Minor Sigil of Bursting.pngMinor Sigil of Bursting Major Sigil of Bursting.pngMajor Sigil of Bursting Superior Sigil of Bursting.pngSuperior Sigil of Bursting Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Celerity Minor Sigil of Celerity.pngMinor Sigil of Celerity Major Sigil of Celerity.pngMajor Sigil of Celerity Superior Sigil of Celerity.pngSuperior Sigil of Celerity Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Centaur Slaying Minor Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Centaur Slaying Major Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Centaur Slaying Superior Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Centaur Slaying Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Chilling Minor Sigil of Chilling.pngMinor Sigil of Chilling Major Sigil of Chilling.pngMajor Sigil of Chilling Superior Sigil of Chilling.pngSuperior Sigil of Chilling Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Cleansing Superior Sigil of Cleansing.pngSuperior Sigil of Cleansing Sigil of Cleansing (PvP).pngSigil of Cleansing (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Compounding Sigil of Compounding (PvP).pngSigil of Compounding (PvP)
Sigil of Concentration Minor Sigil of Blood.pngMinor Sigil of Concentration Major Sigil of Blood.pngMajor Sigil of Concentration Superior Sigil of Concentration.pngSuperior Sigil of Concentration Scribe tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Confusion Sigil of Confusion (PvP).pngSigil of Confusion (PvP)
Sigil of Corruption Minor Sigil of Corruption.pngMinor Sigil of Corruption Major Sigil of Corruption.pngMajor Sigil of Corruption Superior Sigil of Corruption.pngSuperior Sigil of Corruption Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Courage Sigil of Courage (PvP).pngSigil of Courage (PvP)
Sigil of Cruelty Superior Sigil of Cruelty.pngSuperior Sigil of Cruelty Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Debility Minor Sigil of Debility.pngMinor Sigil of Debility Major Sigil of Debility.pngMajor Sigil of Debility Superior Sigil of Debility.pngSuperior Sigil of Debility Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Demon Slaying Minor Sigil of Demon Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Demon Slaying Major Sigil of Demon Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Demon Slaying Superior Sigil of Demon Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Demon Slaying Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Demons Superior Sigil of Demons.pngSuperior Sigil of Demons Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Destroyer Slaying Minor Sigil of Destroyer Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Destroyer Slaying Major Sigil of Destroyer Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Destroyer Slaying Superior Sigil of Destroyer Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Destroyer Slaying Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Doom Minor Sigil of Doom.pngMinor Sigil of Doom Major Sigil of Doom.pngMajor Sigil of Doom Superior Sigil of Doom.pngSuperior Sigil of Doom Superior Sigil of Doom.pngSigil of Doom (PvP) Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Draining Superior Sigil of Concentration.pngSuperior Sigil of Draining Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Dreams Minor Sigil of Dreams.pngMinor Sigil of Dreams Major Sigil of Dreams.pngMajor Sigil of Dreams Superior Sigil of Dreams.pngSuperior Sigil of Dreams Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Earth Minor Sigil of Earth.pngMinor Sigil of Earth Major Sigil of Earth.pngMajor Sigil of Earth Superior Sigil of Earth.pngSuperior Sigil of Earth Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Elemental Slaying Minor Sigil of Elemental Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Elemental Slaying Major Sigil of Elemental Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Elemental Slaying Superior Sigil of Elemental Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Elemental Slaying Artificer tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Energy Major Sigil of Energy.pngMajor Sigil of Energy Superior Sigil of Energy.pngSuperior Sigil of Energy Superior Sigil of Energy.pngSigil of Energy (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Enhancement Sigil of Enhancement (PvP).pngSigil of Enhancement (PvP)
Sigil of Escape Sigil of Escape (PvP).pngSigil of Escape (PvP)
Sigil of Exploitation Sigil of Exploitation (PvP).pngSigil of Exploitation (PvP)
Sigil of Exposure Sigil of Exposure (PvP).pngSigil of Exposure (PvP)
Sigil of Fire Minor Sigil of Fire.pngMinor Sigil of Fire Major Sigil of Fire.pngMajor Sigil of Fire Superior Sigil of Fire.pngSuperior Sigil of Fire Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Force Minor Sigil of Force.pngMinor Sigil of Force Major Sigil of Force.pngMajor Sigil of Force Superior Sigil of Force.pngSuperior Sigil of Force Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Frailty Minor Sigil of Frailty.pngMinor Sigil of Frailty Major Sigil of Frailty.pngMajor Sigil of Frailty Superior Sigil of Frailty.pngSuperior Sigil of Frailty Artificer tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Frenzy Superior Sigil of Frenzy.pngSuperior Sigil of Frenzy Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Generosity Minor Sigil of Generosity.pngMinor Sigil of Generosity Major Sigil of Generosity.pngMajor Sigil of Generosity Superior Sigil of Generosity.pngSuperior Sigil of Generosity Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Geomancy Minor Sigil of Geomancy.pngMinor Sigil of Geomancy Major Sigil of Geomancy.pngMajor Sigil of Geomancy Superior Sigil of Geomancy.pngSuperior Sigil of Geomancy Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Ghost Slaying Minor Sigil of Ghost Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Ghost Slaying Major Sigil of Ghost Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Ghost Slaying Superior Sigil of Ghost Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Ghost Slaying Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Grawl Slaying Minor Sigil of Grawl Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Grawl Slaying Major Sigil of Grawl Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Grawl Slaying Superior Sigil of Grawl Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Grawl Slaying Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Hobbling Minor Sigil of Hobbling.pngMinor Sigil of Hobbling Major Sigil of Hobbling.pngMajor Sigil of Hobbling Superior Sigil of Hobbling.pngSuperior Sigil of Hobbling Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Hologram Slaying Minor Sigil of Hologram Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Hologram Slaying Superior Sigil of Hologram Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Hologram Slaying Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Hydromancy Minor Sigil of Hydromancy.pngMinor Sigil of Hydromancy Major Sigil of Hydromancy.pngMajor Sigil of Hydromancy Superior Sigil of Hydromancy.pngSuperior Sigil of Hydromancy Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Ice Minor Sigil of Ice.pngMinor Sigil of Ice Major Sigil of Ice.pngMajor Sigil of Ice Superior Sigil of Ice.pngSuperior Sigil of Ice Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Icebrood Slaying Minor Sigil of Icebrood Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Icebrood Slaying Major Sigil of Icebrood Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Icebrood Slaying Superior Sigil of Icebrood Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Icebrood Slaying Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Impact Minor Sigil of Impact.pngMinor Sigil of Impact Major Sigil of Impact.pngMajor Sigil of Impact Superior Sigil of Impact.pngSuperior Sigil of Impact Artificer tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Incapacitation Superior Sigil of Incapacitation.pngSuperior Sigil of Incapacitation Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Justice Minor Sigil of Justice.pngMinor Sigil of Justice Major Sigil of Justice.pngMajor Sigil of Justice Superior Sigil of Justice.pngSuperior Sigil of Justice Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Karka Slaying Minor Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Karka Slaying Major Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Karka Slaying Superior Sigil of Centaur Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Karka Slaying Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Leeching Major Sigil of Leeching.pngMajor Sigil of Leeching Superior Sigil of Leeching.pngSuperior Sigil of Leeching Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Life Major Sigil of Life.pngMajor Sigil of Life Superior Sigil of Life.pngSuperior Sigil of Life Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Luck Minor Sigil of Luck.pngMinor Sigil of Luck Major Sigil of Luck.pngMajor Sigil of Luck Superior Sigil of Luck.pngSuperior Sigil of Luck Artificer tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Mad Scientists Minor Sigil of Mad Scientists.pngMinor Sigil of Mad Scientists Major Sigil of Mad Scientists.pngMajor Sigil of Mad Scientists Superior Sigil of Mad Scientists.pngSuperior Sigil of Mad Scientists Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Malice Minor Sigil of Malice.pngMinor Sigil of Malice Major Sigil of Malice.pngMajor Sigil of Malice Superior Sigil of Malice.pngSuperior Sigil of Malice Artificer tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Mischief Minor Sigil of Mischief.pngMinor Sigil of Mischief Major Sigil of Mischief.pngMajor Sigil of Mischief Superior Sigil of Mischief.pngSuperior Sigil of Mischief Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Misery Sigil of Misery (PvP).pngSigil of Misery (PvP)
Sigil of Momentum Superior Sigil of Momentum.pngSuperior Sigil of Momentum Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Nullification Superior Sigil of Nullification.pngSuperior Sigil of Nullification Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Ogre Slaying Minor Sigil of Ogre Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Ogre Slaying Major Sigil of Ogre Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Ogre Slaying Superior Sigil of Ogre Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Ogre Slaying Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Opportunity Sigil of Opportunity (PvP).pngSigil of Opportunity (PvP)
Sigil of Paralyzation Minor Sigil of Paralyzation.pngMinor Sigil of Paralyzation Major Sigil of Paralyzation.pngMajor Sigil of Paralyzation Superior Sigil of Paralyzation.pngSuperior Sigil of Paralyzation Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Perception Major Sigil of Perception.pngMajor Sigil of Perception Superior Sigil of Perception.pngSuperior Sigil of Perception Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Peril Minor Sigil of Peril.pngMinor Sigil of Peril Major Sigil of Peril.pngMajor Sigil of Peril Superior Sigil of Peril.pngSuperior Sigil of Peril Superior Sigil of Peril.pngSigil of Peril (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Purging Sigil of Purging (PvP).pngSigil of Purging (PvP)
Sigil of Purity Superior Sigil of Purity.pngSuperior Sigil of Purity Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Rage Superior Sigil of Rage.pngSuperior Sigil of Rage Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Rending Superior Sigil of Rending.pngSuperior Sigil of Rending Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Renewal Minor Sigil of Renewal.pngMinor Sigil of Renewal Major Sigil of Renewal.pngMajor Sigil of Renewal Superior Sigil of Renewal.pngSuperior Sigil of Renewal Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Restoration Major Sigil of Restoration.pngMajor Sigil of Restoration Superior Sigil of Restoration.pngSuperior Sigil of Restoration Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Revocation Sigil of Revocation (PvP).pngSigil of Revocation (PvP)
Sigil of Ruthlessness Superior Sigil of Ruthlessness.pngSuperior Sigil of Ruthlessness Superior Sigil of Ruthlessness.pngSigil of Ruthlessness (PvP) Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Savagery Sigil of Savagery (PvP).pngSigil of Savagery (PvP)
Sigil of Separation Sigil of Separation (PvP).pngSigil of Separation (PvP)
Sigil of Serpent Slaying Minor Sigil of Serpent Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Serpent Slaying Major Sigil of Serpent Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Serpent Slaying Superior Sigil of Serpent Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Serpent Slaying Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Severance Superior Sigil of Severance.pngSuperior Sigil of Severance Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Smoldering Minor Sigil of Smoldering.pngMinor Sigil of Smoldering Major Sigil of Smoldering.pngMajor Sigil of Smoldering Superior Sigil of Smoldering.pngSuperior Sigil of Smoldering Superior Sigil of Smoldering.pngSigil of Smoldering (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Smothering Minor Sigil of Smothering.pngMinor Sigil of Smothering Major Sigil of Smothering.pngMajor Sigil of Smothering Superior Sigil of Smothering.pngSuperior Sigil of Smothering Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Sorrow Minor Sigil of Sorrow.pngMinor Sigil of Sorrow Major Sigil of Sorrow.pngMajor Sigil of Sorrow Superior Sigil of Sorrow.pngSuperior Sigil of Sorrow Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Speed Minor Sigil of Speed.pngMinor Sigil of Speed Major Sigil of Speed.pngMajor Sigil of Speed Superior Sigil of Speed.pngSuperior Sigil of Speed Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Stagnation Sigil of Stagnation (PvP).pngSigil of Stagnation (PvP)
Sigil of Stamina Superior Sigil of Stamina.pngSuperior Sigil of Stamina Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Strength Minor Sigil of Strength.pngMinor Sigil of Strength Major Sigil of Strength.pngMajor Sigil of Strength Superior Sigil of Strength.pngSuperior Sigil of Strength Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of the Night Minor Sigil of the Night.pngMinor Sigil of the Night Major Sigil of the Night.pngMajor Sigil of the Night Superior Sigil of the Night.pngSuperior Sigil of the Night Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of the Stars Superior Sigil of the Stars.pngSuperior Sigil of the Stars Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Torment Superior Sigil of Torment.pngSuperior Sigil of Torment Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Transference Minor Sigil of Transference.pngMinor Sigil of Transference Major Sigil of Transference.pngMajor Sigil of Transference Superior Sigil of Transference.pngSuperior Sigil of Transference Superior Sigil of Transference.pngSigil of Transference Scribe tango icon 20px.png Discovery Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Undead Slaying Minor Sigil of Undead Slaying.pngMinor Sigil of Undead Slaying Major Sigil of Undead Slaying.pngMajor Sigil of Undead Slaying Superior Sigil of Undead Slaying.pngSuperior Sigil of Undead Slaying Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain
Sigil of Venom Minor Sigil of Venom.pngMinor Sigil of Venom Major Sigil of Venom.pngMajor Sigil of Venom Superior Sigil of Venom.pngSuperior Sigil of Venom Superior Sigil of Venom.pngSigil of Venom (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Vision Superior Sigil of Vision.pngSuperior Sigil of Vision Superior Sigil of Vision.pngSigil of Intelligence (PvP) Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Enhancement.pngSymbol of Enhancement
Sigil of Water Minor Sigil of Water.pngMinor Sigil of Water Major Sigil of Water.pngMajor Sigil of Water Superior Sigil of Water.pngSuperior Sigil of Water Artificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Recipe Symbol of Control.pngSymbol of Control
Sigil of Wrath Minor Sigil of Wrath.pngMinor Sigil of Wrath Major Sigil of Wrath.pngMajor Sigil of Wrath Superior Sigil of Wrath.pngSuperior Sigil of Wrath Symbol of Pain.pngSymbol of Pain


  1. ^ Same-base-sigil stacking mechanics were changed as part of the April 15, 2014 game update. You may encounter external content from before this change with conflicting information.
  • A sigil affects all skills while the weapon set with the sigil is active. For example, with an off-hand sigil of force, damage is increased for main-hand, utility, engineering kits, and bundle skills. The effects continue during most transformations.
  • Salvage research can be found here.
