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Epilogue: Ashes of the Just

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Epilogue- Ashes of the Just.png

Epilogue: Ashes of the Just

Guardian icon small.png Guardian (skill list)
Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand
Parent skill
Tome of Justice.png Tome of Justice
Tome of Justice
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.png
Game link
Ashes of the Just.jpg

Click to enlarge

0.75¾ Activation time  20 Recharge time  
Epilogue: Ashes of the Just

Tome. Recall the memory of fallen heroes, granting allies the searing blades of justice.

Epilogue- Ashes of the Just.png2 Ashes of the Just (10s): Your next strike burns with justice.
Epilogue- Ashes of the Just.png3 Ashes of the Just (10s): Your next strike burns with justice.
Burning.png Burning (3s): 393 Damage
Might.png8 Might (10s): 240 Condition Damage, 240 Power
Might.png5 Might (8s): 150 Condition Damage, 150 Power
Maximum Count.png Page Cost: 1
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Interval.png Interval: 1 second
Radius.png Radius: 600

— In-game description

Related traits[edit]

Zeal Zeal

Radiance Radiance

Valor Valor

Virtues Virtues

Firebrand Firebrand

  • Legendary Lore Legendary LoreTome skills gain bonuses from scribbling in the margins by ancient bards.
  • Loremaster Loremaster — Retain Resolve passive while it is on cooldown. You generate pages more quickly.


  • Unlike Virtue of Justice, this skill uses the firebrand's condition stats to determine the effectiveness of the Burning, and is credited to them for purposes of damage dealt.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
June 25, 2024
  • Increased the might stacks from 5 to 8 and increased the duration from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvE only.
November 28, 2023
  • This skill now also applies 5 stacks of might to nearby allies for 8 seconds.
May 02, 2023
  • Reduced stacks from 3 to 2 in PvE only.
December 13, 2022
  • Reduced page cost from 2 to 1.
November 29, 2022
  • The page mechanic for firebrand tomes has been reworked. Pages are now shared across all tomes and refill at a set interval instead of when summoning a tome.
  • Page cost and cooldown has been adjusted to the following: 2 pages, 20 seconds.
February 28, 2022 End of Dragons release:
  • The internal cooldown of this effect is now tracked per target per player, allowing stacks of Ashes of the Just to be expended faster when multiple targets are hit.
November 30, 2021
  • Fixed issues related to source attribution of Ashes of the Just when multiple firebrands have put Ashes of the Just on the same targets.
June 08, 2021
  • This skill now properly attributes its damage to the source for each stack of the effect.
May 11, 2021
  • This effect now has a 1-second internal cooldown.
April 09, 2019
  • Added the number of targets to this skill's tooltip.
February 06, 2018
  • Fixed a bug that could inflict burning on allies in rare circumstances.
September 22, 2017 Path of Fire release:
  • Epilogue: Ashes of the Just has been added to the game.