Pyromancer's Training

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Pyromancer's Training.png

Pyromancer's Training

Elementalist icon small.png Fire (trait list)
Training cost
6 Hero points
Game link
Pyromancer's Training

Your fire-weapon skills gain reduced recharge. Deal increased strike damage to burning foes.

Damage.png Damage Increase: 10%
Count Recharge.png Recharge Reduced: 20%

— In-game description

Related skills[edit]

Skill Traited recharge
Dagger Drake's Breath.png Drake's Breath (PvE) 5 4
Drake's Breath.png Drake's Breath (WvW, PvP) 6 4.8
Burning Speed.png Burning Speed 12 9.6
Ring of Fire.png Ring of Fire 15 12
Fire Grab.png Fire Grab 20 16
Pistol Raging Ricochet.png Raging Ricochet (PvE) 6 4.8
Raging Ricochet.png Raging Ricochet (WvW, PvP) 8 6.4
Searing Salvo.png Searing Salvo (PvE) 12 9.6
Searing Salvo.png Searing Salvo (WvW, PvP) 15 12
Scepter Dragon's Tooth.png Dragon's Tooth (PvE) 6 4.8
Dragon's Tooth.png Dragon's Tooth (PvP, WvW) 8 6.4
Phoenix.png Phoenix (PvE) 10 8
Phoenix.png Phoenix (WvW, PvP) 20 16
Sword Flame Uprising.png Flame Uprising 8 6.4
Cauterizing Strike.png Cauterizing Strike 15 12
Focus Flamewall.png Flamewall 20 16
Fire Shield.png Fire Shield 25 20
Transmute Fire.png Transmute Fire (WvW, PvP) 3 2.4
Transmute Fire.png Transmute Fire (PvE) 10 8
Warhorn Heat Sync.png Heat Sync 30 24
Wildfire.png Wildfire 30 24
Hammer Surging Flames.png Surging Flames 8 6.4
Flame Wheel.png Flame Wheel 18 14.4
Triple Sear.png Triple Sear (WvW, PvP) 15 12
Triple Sear.png Triple Sear (PvE) 20 16
Molten End.png Molten End (WvW, PvP) 20 16
Molten End.png Molten End (PvE) 25 20
Staff Lava Font.png Lava Font 6 4.8
Flame Burst.png Flame Burst 10 8
Burning Retreat.png Burning Retreat 18 14.4
Meteor Shower.png Meteor Shower 30 24
Spear Blazing Barrage.png Blazing Barrage 6 4.8
Seethe.png Seethe 15 12
Meteor.png Meteor (WvW, PvP) 15 12
Meteor.png Meteor (PvE) 20 16
Etching- Volcano.png Etching: Volcano 25 20
Trident Boil.png Boil 8 6.4
Steam (elementalist skill).png Steam (PvE) 10 8
Steam (elementalist skill).png Steam (WvW, PvP) 15 12
Lava Chains.png Lava Chains (PvE) 16 12.8
Lava Chains.png Lava Chains (WvW, PvP) 20 16
Heat Wave.png Heat Wave 20 16

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
May 11, 2021
  • Text on many damage-increasing profession traits, runes, and sigils has been clarified to indicate whether they increase outgoing strike damage, condition damage, or all damage, as appropriate.
July 16, 2019
  • This trait has been moved to the grandmaster minor slot, and its functionality has changed.
  • It now reduces recharge on fire weapon skills by 20% and causes the elementalist to deal 10% increased damage to burning foes.
July 26, 2016
  • The cooldown of this trait has been reduced from 33% to 20%.
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • Pyromancer's Training has been added to the game.
