List of trait skills

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Trait skills are skills that correspond to a trait and are activated automatically when a certain condition is met, e.g. health threshold or when hit by a control effect.

List of trait skills[edit]

Skill Trait Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

Litany of Wrath.png Lesser Litany of Wrath Redemption Meditation. Heal yourself. For a brief time, heal yourself based on a percentage of damage dealt to enemies.
Shield of Absorption.png Lesser Shield of Absorption Protective Reviver 24 Create a dome around you that pushes foes back and absorbs projectiles. After a duration, it detonates, healing nearby allies.
Signet of Wrath.png Lesser Signet of Wrath Wrath of Justice 25 Signet. Immobilize your target.
Smite Condition.png Lesser Smite Condition Smiter's Boon 20 Meditation. Cure conditions and damage nearby foes. Deal more damage if a condition is cured.
Symbol of Protection.png Lesser Symbol of Protection Protector's Restoration 20 Symbol. Create a symbol that gives protection to you and your allies.
Symbol of Swiftness.png Lesser Symbol of Resolution Zealot's Resolution 30 Symbol. Sear a mystic symbol into the target area, damaging foes and granting resolution to allies.
RN5.png Mystic Rebuke Shattered Aegis Lash out against nearby foes.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant

Legendary Alliance Stance.png Call of the Alliance Song of the Mists Gain endurance and strike enemies around you, gaining bonus endurance for each enemy struck.
Legendary Assassin Stance.png Call of the Assassin Song of the Mists Strike enemies around you, inflicting vulnerability and gaining quickness. Gain additional quickness for each foe you hit.
Legendary Centaur Stance.png Call of the Centaur Song of the Mists Heal yourself and nearby allies.
Legendary Demon Stance.png Call of the Demon Song of the Mists Strike enemies around you, inflicting conditions on struck foes.
Legendary Dragon Stance.png Call of the Dragon Song of the Mists Strike enemies around you, inflicting multiple conditions.
Legendary Dwarf Stance.png Call of the Dwarf Song of the Mists Strike enemies around you, inflicting weakness, gaining barrier, and gaining additional barrier per target hit.
Legendary Renegade Stance.png Call of the Renegade Song of the Mists Strike enemies around you, inflicting bleeding and gaining Kalla's Fervor. Gain additional fervor stacks for each foe you hit.
Dome of the Mists.png Dome of the Mists Planar Protection 20 Create an area that blocks projectiles and weakens foes.
Invoke Torment.png Invoke Torment Invoking Torment Charge up and release a burst of torment energy on nearby foes.
Rite of the Great Dwarf.png Rite of the Great Dwarf Versed in Stone 45 Legendary Dwarf. Channel the power of the Rite of the Great Dwarf to turn yourself and nearby allies to stone to reduce incoming damage.

Renegade icon small.png Renegade

Chaotic Release.png Empowering Roar Bold Reversal 5 Ferociously roar, gaining several boons.

Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator

Forerunner of Death.png Death Drop Forerunner of Death Drop from above, delivering a massive strike on the focused area.
Vassals of the Empire.png Imperial Impact Vassals of the Empire Drop from above, delivering a powerful attack to enemies while granting boons to allies.
Saint of zu Heltzer.png Saint's Shield Saint of zu Heltzer Drop from above, granting barrier and healing to allies in the affected area.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior

Endure Pain.png Lesser Endure Pain Defy Pain Stance. Take no damage from attacks. You are still susceptible to conditions and control effects.
Signet of Might.png Lesser Signet of Might Signet Mastery 20 Signet. Your attacks become unblockable.
Stomp.png Reckless Impact Reckless Dodge Damage foes at the end of your dodge roll. Gain might for each foe struck by this attack.
"Shake It Off!".png "Shake It Off!" Shrug It Off 25 Shout. Cure conditions on yourself and nearby allies.

Berserker icon small.png Berserker

Eternal Champion.png Eternal Champion Eternal Champion Exit berserk mode.

Spellbreaker icon small.png Spellbreaker

Magebane Tether (trait skill).png Magebane Tether Magebane Tether 12 Tether yourself to your target. If they move beyond the range threshold, pull them to you. Grants might and reveals your target every second.

Bladesworn icon small.png Bladesworn

Arcing Slice.png Unseen Sword Unseen Sword 4 After a delay, deliver a circular attack to foes around you. Increases flow rate if it hits.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

Fire Rocket Barrage.png Aim-Assisted Rocket Aim-Assisted Rocket Fire a seeking rocket at your foe.
Over Shield.png Ally Ward Over Shield Grant protection to nearby allies.
Summon D-Series Golem.png Bandage Bunker Down 1 Drop a pack of bandages that provides a little healing.
Bunker Down.png Bunker Down Bunker Down 1 Detonates when enemies draw near.
Supply Crate.png Cleansing Pulse Cleansing Synergy Cleanse a condition from nearby allies.
Analyze.png Controlled Analysis Lock On 25 Analyze a disabled foe, applying vulnerability.
Throw Gunk.png Drop Gunk Streamlined Kits Drop gunk at your location to inflict a random condition.
Grenade Kit.png Drop Mine Streamlined Kits Drop a mine that deals damage to enemies that trigger it.
Bomb.png Explosive Entrance Explosive Entrance 0.25¼ Your first attack explodes, dealing extra damage to nearby enemies.
Fire Shield.png Fire Shield [[Streamlined Kits|]] Activate a fire shield that burns enemies who strike you, granting might for each burn applied.
Slick Shoes.png Glue Trail [[Streamlined Kits|]] Leave a trail of glue behind you that hampers enemy movement.
Analyze.png Invisible Analysis [[Lock On|]] 25 Analyze a stealthed foe, applying vulnerability.
Elixir B.png Lesser Elixir B Hidden Flask 24 Elixir. Quaff an elixir, gaining boons.
Elixir C.png Lesser Elixir C Transmute 60 Elixir. Quaff an elixir, converting conditions into boons.
Grenade Barrage.png Lesser Grenade Barrage Grenadier 20 Throw several grenades at once.
Utility Goggles.png Lesser Utility Goggles Reactive Lenses Gadget. Gain resistance, clear blindness, and remove damaging conditions.
Long-Fused Powder Pack.png Long-Fused Powder Pack Takedown Round Drop a delayed explosive pack at your foe's location.
Med Kit.png Magnetic Aura [[Streamlined Kits|]] Become surrounded in a magnetic shield that reflects projectiles.
Bomb.png Magnetic Bomb [[Streamlined Kits|]] Set a timed charge that pulls nearby foes.
Orbital Strike.png Orbital Command Strike [[Aim-Assisted Rocket|]] Call down energy from the sky to blast an area.
Bomb.png Smoke Bomb Autodefense Bomb Dispenser 20 Set a timed charge that creates a cloud of smoke, blinding nearby foes.
Chain Lightning.png Static Discharge Static Discharge Hit multiple foes with arcs of chain lightning. Critical hits with this ability deal increased damage.
Tool Kit.png Superspeed [[Streamlined Kits|]] Run at double speed.

Holosmith icon small.png Holosmith

Overheat.png Overheat Photon Projector Reaching the heat maximum results in a self-damaging explosion. Photon Forge is disabled until all heat is lost. Other tool belt skill cooldowns are increased.
Anchor.png Vent Exhaust Thermal Release Valve Damage nearby foes and apply conditions to them. Lose heat. This attack activates Heat Therapy if you have not overheated.

Mechanist icon small.png Mechanist

Anchor.png Aerial Support Mech Core: J-Drive ...
Explosive Knuckle.png Rocket Punch Mech Fighter 0.5½ 5 Your mech launches an explosive fist that detonates on hit, dealing defiance damage to enemies with active defiance bars. This skill is only used when you activate Skill 3 on your weapon.

Ranger icon small.png Ranger

Carnivore.png Carnivore Carnivore Steal health from a disabled foe.
Call of the Wild.png Lesser Call of the Wild Clarion Bond 15 Weaken nearby enemies. Grant fury, might, and swiftness to yourself and nearby allies.
"Guard!".png Lesser "Guard!" Protective Ward 15 Command. Order your pet to guard nearby allies; your pet takes damage on behalf of those allies. Gain might when your pet receives damage.
Muddy Terrain.png Lesser Muddy Terrain Child of Earth 20 Survival. Use mud to cripple, slow, and immobilize foes.
Quickening Zephyr.png Lesser Quickening Zephyr Zephyr's Speed 15 Survival. You and your pet gain quickness and superspeed.
Signet of Stone.png Lesser Signet of Stone Stoneform Signet. You and your pet take no damage from attacks. You and your pet are still susceptible to conditions and control effects.
"Search and Rescue!".png "Search and Rescue!" Allies' Aid 60 Command. Your pet will seek out and revive a downed ally.

Thief icon small.png Thief

Shadow Flare.png Burst of Shadows Collateral Damage 1 Invoke an explosion of shadows at your marked target's location that blinds nearby foes.
Caltrops.png Lesser Caltrops Uncatchable Scatter caltrops that cripple and bleed foes.
Haste.png Lesser Haste Burst of Agility 60 Trick. Gain quickness, fury, and swiftness.

Daredevil icon small.png Daredevil

Bounding Dodger.png Bound Bounding Dodger 0.75¾ Leap into an area, and deliver a massive blow to enemies.
Temp icon (orange).png Dash Unhindered Combatant 0.75¾ Remove conditions and gain swiftness, then rush forward and evade attacks.
Lotus Training.png Impaling Lotus Lotus Training Evade attacks and hurl damaging daggers, dealing multiple conditions to enemies.
Palm Strike.png Pulmonary Impact Impacting Disruption Physical. Cause a rupture that deals massive damage when this skill ends. This ability cannot critically hit.

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist

Updraft.png Blinding Flash Evasive Arcana 10 Blind nearby foes.
Cleansing Wave.png Cleansing Wave Evasive Arcana 10 Heal yourself and nearby allies, curing a condition.
Flame Burst.png Flame Burst Evasive Arcana 10 Burn nearby foes.
Pyromancer's Puissance.png Flame Expulsion Pyromancer's Puissance After a short delay, consume might on yourself and release a torrent of flame. Allies are granted might, while damage and burning is increased based on might consumed.
Arcane Shield.png Lesser Arcane Shield Final Shielding 20 Arcane. Block attacks with an energy shield. If it blocks three attacks, it explodes.
Cleansing Fire.png Lesser Cleansing Fire Burning Fire 40 Cantrip. Cure conditions and burn foes. Gain might for each condition removed.
Lightning Rod.png Lightning Rod Lightning Rod Call down lightning on a disabled foe.
Shock Wave.png Shock Wave [[Evasive Arcana|]] 10 Create a shock wave that bleeds and cripples nearby foes.
Sunspot.png Sunspot Sunspot Gain a fire aura and damage nearby foes.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver

Stone Resonance.png Lesser Stone Resonance Bolstered Elements Stance. Enter an earthen state, gaining barrier periodically over the course of the stance.

Catalyst icon small.png Catalyst

Temp icon (red).png Air Sphere Depth of Elements 0.5½ 15 Throw your sphere, creating a combo field and granting boons to allies within range based on your active attunement.
Temp icon (red).png Earth Sphere Depth of Elements 0.5½ 15 Throw your sphere, creating a combo field and granting boons to allies within range based on your active attunement.
Temp icon (red).png Fire Sphere Depth of Elements 0.5½ 15 Throw your sphere, creating a combo field and granting boons to allies within range based on your active attunement.
Temp icon (red).png Water Sphere Depth of Elements 0.5½ 15 Throw your sphere, creating a combo field and granting boons to allies within range based on your active attunement.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

Feedback.png Feedback Medic's Feedback 32 Glamour. Create a dome around you that reflects projectiles.
Chaos Storm.png Lesser Chaos Storm Method of Madness 35 Create a magical storm at the target location that applies random conditions to foes and boons to allies. The first strike of the storm dazes foes.
Power Cleanse.png Lesser Power Cleanse Mender's Purity 1 Remove conditions from you and nearby allies.

Mirage icon small.png Mirage

Phantasmal Seeking Axe.png Phantasmal Seeking Axe Mirrored Axes Release a phantasmal axe that seeks out a target after a delay, inflicting conditions.
Sand through Glass.png Reformed Mirage Mirror Desert Distortion Your shattered illusion reforms into a mirror. Touching the mirror shatters it, granting mirage cloak to you and weakening foes.

Virtuoso icon small.png Virtuoso

Rewinder.png Phantasmal Blade Phantasmal Blades Shoots a blade at the phantasm's current target.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

Life Blast.png Dhuumfire Not available underwater Dhuumfire 1 Blast your foe with life force, setting them alight.
Life Blast.png Dhuumfire Underwater skill Dhuumfire 0.5½ Blast a foe with a plague that transfers one condition to them.
Enfeebling Blood.png Lesser Enfeeble Weakening Shroud Bleed and weaken nearby foes.
Mark of Blood.png Lesser Mark of Blood Mark of Evasion Mark. Inscribe a mark that bleeds foes when they trigger it, and grants regeneration to allies.
Signet of Vampirism.png Lesser Signet of Vampirism Blood Bond 16 Signet Active: Mark a foe. Allied players will siphon life from that enemy.
Spinal Shivers.png Lesser Spinal Shivers Chill of Death 20 Chill your target and remove up to three boons, dealing extra damage based on the number of boons removed.
Well of Blood.png Lesser Well of Blood Ritual of Life 30 Summon a well of blood to heal nearby allies.
Corrosive Poison Cloud.png Poison Nova Death Nova 10.75¾ Corruption. The target area is enveloped in a noxious cloud of poison.
Unholy Feast.png Spiteful Spirit Spiteful Spirit Cripple nearby foes and convert their boons into conditions. Gain resolution for each foe you strike. Converts additional boons on foes below the health threshold.

Reaper icon small.png Reaper

Chilling Nova.png Chilling Nova Chilling Nova Create a nova at the target that damages and chills nearby foes.

Scourge icon small.png Scourge

Sandstorm Shroud.png Sandstorm Shroud Herald of Sorrow 20 Shade. Enter the final shroud, pulsing barrier to allies around yourself and priming the shroud for a powerful detonation that damages enemies and bolsters allies.
Targets can only be affected by this skill once per activation.

Harbinger icon small.png Harbinger

Monster Skill.png Approaching Doom Doom Approaches Nearby foes are tormented and weakened.
Temp icon (red).png Cascading Corruption Cascading Corruption Damage and cripple nearby enemies.
Deathly Haste.png Deathly Haste Deathly Haste Grant boons to yourself and nearby allies.