List of thief skills

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This is a list of core thief skills. For additional skills available to thief's elite specializations, see:

Note that after you've unlocked Weaponmaster Training, you can use all weapons that are normally tied to an elite specialization even if you don't have it active.

Profession mechanic[edit]

The thief has 4 profession mechanics.

Stealing is the main mechanic, with Steal occupying the F1 slot above the skill bar, and the stolen skill occupying the F2 slot. For a list of the available secondary skills related to stealing, see stolen skills.

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
F1 Steal.png Steal 25 Shadowstep to your foe and steal from them.

Stealth Attacks are the second mechanic, with a distinct stealth skill for each main hand weapon. While in stealth, the skill in slot 1 is replaced by a stealth attack skill and hitting an enemy with it will break stealth. These skills are listed in the weapon tables below.

Dual Wield skills are the third mechanic, with a distinct Dual Wield skill for each possible combination of main- and off-hand weapons. These skills are always in slot 3, and are listed in the weapon tables below. A table with the various combinations can be seen on the Dual Wield page.

Initiative is the fourth mechanic. Unlike most other classes, a thief's weapon skills have no recharge; instead, they are activated by spending one or more points of initiative, which is passively generated over time. The Initiative page has a full breakdown of initiative costs and skills/traits that can restore or increase maximum initiative.

Weapon skills[edit]

Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png indicates a main-hand weapon's Stealth Attack. All stealth attacks have 1 Recharge time.


# Skill Activation.png Initiative.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Short bow[edit]

1 Trick Shot.png Trick Shot 0.5½ Fire an arrow that bounces between nearby foes and inflicts bleeding when striking poisoned enemies.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSurprise Shot.png Surprise Shot 0.25¼ 1 Stealth Attack. Shoot an arrow that bleeds and immobilizes your foe.
2 Cluster Bomb.png Cluster Bomb 0.5½ 3 Fire a cluster bomb at the target area. Detonate in midair for multiple explosions.
2 ChainDetonate Cluster.png Detonate Cluster 1 Detonate your cluster bomb in midair.
3 Disabling Shot (thief short bow skill).png Disabling Shot 0.25¼ 4 Leap away from your foe while firing a crippling shot.
4 Choking Gas.png Choking Gas 0.5½ 4 Fire an arrow that dazes enemies on impact and poisons the target area.
5 Infiltrator's Arrow.png Infiltrator's Arrow 6 Fire an arrow and shadowstep to the target area, blinding nearby foes.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngWeaponmaster Training or Daredevil icon small.pngDaredevil)
1 Staff Strike.png Staff Strike 0.5½ Strike your enemies with your staff.
1 ChainStaff Bash.png Staff Bash 0.5½ Swing your staff a second time, striking multiple enemies.
1 ChainPunishing Strikes.png Punishing Strikes 1 Whirl your staff around, striking nearby enemies.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngHook Strike.png Hook Strike 0.75¾ 1 Stealth Attack. Attack your foes with stealth, knocking enemies down.
2 Weakening Charge.png Weakening Charge 0.5½ 3 Deliver multiple strikes, weakening foes.
3 Debilitating Arc.png Debilitating Arc 4 Strike enemies in front of you and roll backward, breaking immobilizing effects. Gain access to Helmet Breaker.
3 ChainHelmet Breaker.png Helmet Breaker 0.5½ 2 Leap at your target with an overhead strike that dazes them. You can use Helmet Breaker again if you strike your enemy with this attack.
4 Dust Strike.png Dust Strike 0.75¾ 4 Spin your staff in the air, creating a vortex of dust around you that blinds enemies and reflects projectiles.
5 Vault.png Vault 0.75¾ 5 Leap toward your destination, damaging foes upon impact.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngWeaponmaster Training or Deadeye icon small.pngDeadeye)
1 Brutal Aim.png Brutal Aim 0.75¾ Fire a shot that inflicts vulnerability on your target. Applies additional vulnerability when used against your marked target.
1 ChainDeadly Aim.png Deadly Aim 0.75¾ Kneel. Fire a shot that inflicts vulnerability on your target. Applies additional vulnerability against your marked target.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngMalicious Death's Judgment.png Malicious Death's Judgment 0.5½ 1 Stealth Attack. Reveal yourself and fire a powerful shot at your target that pierces but deals less damage to unmarked foes. If this attack hits your mark, it consumes all malice and deals increased damage for each malice consumed.
2 Skirmisher's Shot.png Skirmisher's Shot 0.5½ 3 Fire a bullet that inflicts conditions on your target and grants you a boon.
2 ChainSpotter's Shot.png Spotter's Shot 0.75¾ 3 Kneel. Fire a bullet that grants you boons and inflicts conditions on your target.
3 Double Tap.png Double Tap 0.75¾ 4 Fire two bullets that grant might if they hit your target.
3 ChainThree Round Burst.png Three Round Burst 1 4 Kneel. Fire three bullets that grant might if they hit your target.
4 Death's Retreat.png Death's Retreat 0.25¼ 4 Shadowstep away from your target and lose conditions. Poisons foes at your starting location.
4 ChainSniper's Cover.png Sniper's Cover 0.25¼ 4 Kneel. Create a barrier of shadows that blocks incoming missiles. Kneeling while within the barrier allows you to use Death's Advance.
4 ChainDeath's Advance.png Death's Advance 0.25¼ 2 Kneel. Shadowstep forward while granting yourself stealth.
5 Kneel.png Kneel 0.5½ 1 0.5½ Your base and maximum movement speed is reduced. Gain access to kneel skills, which have increased projectile velocity. You can still dodge roll while kneeling. Kneeling is canceled if you swap weapons or use Free Action.
5 ChainFree Action.png Free Action Kneel. Stop kneeling and move freely. If you used at least one kneel skill, gain swiftness.

Main-hand only[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Initiative.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 Slice (thief skill).png Slice Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainSlash (thief skill).png Slash 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe again.
1 ChainCrippling Strike.png Crippling Strike 0.5½ Cripple your foe with a final strike.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngTactical Strike.png Tactical Strike 1 Stealth Attack. Daze your foe by bashing them with your sword hilt. Daze them for a longer duration if you attack from behind or they are defiant. Applies vulnerability.
2 Infiltrator's Strike.png Infiltrator's Strike 3 Shadowstep to a foe and strike them. Use Shadow Return[sic] to shadowstep back and cure one condition.
2 ChainInfiltrator's Return.png Infiltrator's Return 0.25¼ 2 Return to your original location. Cure one condition.
3 Stab (thief sword skill).png Stab (without offhand) 0.5½ 4 Stab your foe.
3 Flanking Strike.png Flanking Strike (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ 4 Dual Wield. Evade and stab your foe.
3 ChainLarcenous Strike.png Larcenous Strike (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ 1 Dual Wield. Stab your foe and steal boons from them. Deals increased damage if it hits a foe with no boons.
3 Pistol Whip.png Pistol Whip (with offhand Pistol) 0.75¾ 5 Dual Wield. Pistol-whip your foe, stunning them, then slash repeatedly with your sword.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngWeaponmaster Training or Specter icon small.pngSpecter)
1 Shadow Bolt.png Shadow Bolt 0.75¾ Chain. Fire a projectile that hinders foes and helps allies.
1 ChainDouble Bolt.png Double Bolt 0.75¾ Chain. Fire two projectiles that hinder foes and help allies.
1 ChainTriple Bolt.png Triple Bolt 10.5½ Fire three missiles that hinder foes and help allies.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngShadowsquall.png Shadowsquall 20.5½ Stealth Attack. Unleash a barrage from the shadows towards your target.
2 Shadow Sap.png Shadow Sap 0.75¾ 3 Hurl a bolt that hinders foes and helps allies.
3 Triple Threat.png Triple Threat (without offhand) 10.5½ 4 Fire three missiles that hinder foes and help allies.
3 Twilight Combo.png Twilight Combo (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ 4 Dual Wield. Fire a slow-moving projectile, then fire a quick shot that accelerates the first.
3 Measured Shot.png Measured Shot (with offhand Pistol) 0.5½ 3 Dual Wield. Shadowstep and fire a shot that hinders foes and helps allies.
3 ChainEndless Night.png Endless Night (with offhand Pistol) 20.25¼ 3 Dual Wield. Fire a beam that hinders foes and helps allies.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngExpanded Weapon Proficiency)
1 Spinning Axe.png Spinning Axe 0.5½ Throw an axe that bleeds enemies and leaves a spinning axe on the ground.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngCunning Salvo.png Cunning Salvo 0.5½ 1 Stealth Attack. Throw an axe that explodes when it hits a target, crippling nearby enemies. Gain initiative if you strike an enemy.
2 Venomous Volley.png Venomous Volley 0.75¾ 3 Throw a fan of poisonous axes that leaves spinning axes on the ground.
3 Recall Axes.png Recall Axes (without offhand) 0.5½ 4 Pull spinning axes to your target. Axes deal increased strike damage, and enemies struck by a number of axes will be immobilized.
3 Harrowing Storm.png Harrowing Storm (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ 4 Teleport behind your target and drag any spinning axes back at your target. Returning axes also inflict torment, and enemies struck by a number of axes will be immobilized.
3 Orchestrated Assault.png Orchestrated Assault (with offhand Pistol) 0.5½ 4 Pull spinning axes to your target. Axes deal increased strike damage, and enemies struck by a number of axes will be immobilized.

Main- and off-hand[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Initiative.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 Double Strike.png Double Strike Chain. Strike your foe twice.
1 ChainWild Strike.png Wild Strike Chain. Strike your foe again, bleeding them. Gain endurance with a successful strike.
1 ChainLotus Strike.png Lotus Strike 0.25¼ Strike your foe and inflict Poison.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngBackstab.png Backstab 0.25¼ 1 Stealth Attack. Attack your foe from the shadows, striking for double damage if you hit from behind or they are defiant.
2 Heartseeker.png Heartseeker 0.75¾ 3 Leap and strike your foe. The less health your target has, the more damage you cause.
3 Twisting Fangs.png Twisting Fangs (without offhand) 0.5½ 4 Spin in place, hitting nearby foes. Each hit causes bleeding.
3 Shadow Shot.png Shadow Shot (with offhand Pistol) 4 Dual Wield. Fire an unblockable shot at your foe, which blinds them, and then shadowstep to them for a dagger strike.
3 Death Blossom.png Death Blossom (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ 4 Dual Wield. Do an evasive attack over your target, striking nearby foes three times. Each hit causes bleeding.
4 Dancing Dagger.png Dancing Dagger 0.25¼ 3 Throw a dagger that cripples nearby foes and returns to you.
5 Cloak and Dagger.png Cloak and Dagger 0.5½ 5 Stab your foe and vanish in stealth, leaving them vulnerable.


1 Body Shot.png Vital Shot 0.5½ Bleed your foe with a shot to the vitals.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSneak Attack.png Sneak Attack 1 1 Stealth Attack. Sneak attack with rapid fire from your pistol and make your foe bleed.
2 Bola Shot.png Bola Shot 0.5½ 4 Fire a set of immobilizing bolas at your foe.
3 Repeater.png Repeater (without offhand) 10.25¼ 3 Blast your foe with rapid fire from your pistol.
3 Shadow Strike.png Shadow Strike (with offhand Dagger) 4 Dual Wield. Stab your foe, then shadowstep away and shoot them. Unlock Repeater at reduced initiative cost for a short time.
3 ChainRepeater.png Repeater (with offhand Dagger) 10.25¼ 3 Dual Wield. Blast your foe with rapid fire from your pistol.
3 Unload.png Unload (with offhand Pistol) 10.5½ 3 Dual Wield. Blast your foe repeatedly with both pistols. Gain initiative if all attacks hit.
4 Headshot.png Head Shot 4 Daze your foe with a head shot.
5 Black Powder.png Black Powder 0.5½ 6 Fire a black-powder shot, blinding your target and nearby foes with smoke.


# Skill Activation.png Initiative.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Harpoon gun[edit]

1 Piercing Shot.png Piercing Shot 0.25¼ Bleed multiple foes in a line with a piercing shot.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngThe Ripper.png The Ripper 0.75¾ 1 Stealth Attack. Fire a shot from stealth to bleed your target.
2 Deluge.png Deluge 10.25¼ 5 Fire four shots at your foe.
3 Poison Tip Strike.png Escape 0.5½ 4 Shoot a harpoon and retreat, leaving a trail of poison.
4 Crippling Shot (thief harpoon gun skill).png Crippling Shot 1 4 Fire a harpoon that cripples your foe.
5 Ink Shot.png Ink Shot 0.25¼ 5 Shoot an ink shot that blinds foes in a line. Detonate the shot and shadowstep to it.
5 ChainSmoke Trail.png Smoke Trail Detonate your ink shot and shadowstep to it. Gain stealth if enemies are struck by this skill.


1 Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (thief skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainPoison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike 0.75¾ Poison your foe with a final attack.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngDeadly Strike.png Deadly Strike 0.5½ 1 Stealth Attack. Attack from stealth, bleeding and weakening your target.
2 Flanking Dive.png Flanking Dive 0.75¾ 3 Evade your foe and then strike, dealing increased damage from the side or behind.
3 Nine-Tailed Strike.png Nine-Tailed Strike 10.5½ 5 Block your foe and counterattack with a series of strikes. Gain initiative if you are not attacked.
3 ChainBreak Stance.png Break Stance 2 Spend initiative to break your blocking stance and immediately initiate the nine-tailed strike.
4 Tow Line.png Tow Line 0.5½ 4 Throw a spear that pulls enemies to you. Gain stealth and access to Hooked Spear if this skill hits.
4 ChainHooked Spear.png Hooked Spear 0.75¾ 3 Spin around quickly, bleeding enemies caught in your spear's path.
5 Shadow Assault.png Shadow Assault 0.5½ 5 Strike your foe repeatedly with a shadowy assault. Evades while active.

Slot skills[edit]


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Hide in Shadows.png Hide in Shadows 1 25 Deception. Vanish in stealth and cure conditions. Then gain regeneration and heal yourself.
Signet of Malice.png Signet of Malice 10.25¼ 12 Signet Passive: Heals when you attack.
Signet Active: Gain health.
Withdraw.png Withdraw 18 Trick. Cure conditions, then roll backward while healing and evading attacks.
Skelk Venom.png Skelk Venom 1 25 Venom. Heal yourself. Your next few attacks heal you.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


Blinding Powder.png Blinding Powder 0.25¼ 20 Deception. Blind nearby foes and grant stealth to nearby allies.
Shadow Refuge.png Shadow Refuge Not available underwater 0.25¼ 35 Deception. Create a pulsing refuge at the target area that heals allies and cloaks them in stealth.
Shadowstep.png Shadowstep Not available underwater 30 Deception. Shadowstep to target area. Becomes Shadow Return, which returns you to your starting area and cures three conditions.
ChainInvisible Stalker.png Shadow Return Not available underwater Deception. Return to your starting location, and cure three conditions.
Smoke Screen.png Smoke Screen Not available underwater 0.5½ 25 Deception. Create a smoke screen that blocks missiles and blinds foes.


Prepare Pitfall.png Prepare Pitfall Not available underwater 0.5½ 25 Preparation. Mark your current area with controlling magic, readying the location to crush enemies when Pitfall is released.
ChainPitfall.png Pitfall Not available underwater 3 Unleash your pitfall on the area, knocking down foes and delivering constant damage over time.
Prepare Thousand Needles.png Prepare Thousand Needles Not available underwater 0.5½ 30 Preparation. Mark your current area with inhibiting magic, readying the location to poison enemies.
ChainThousand Needles.png Thousand Needles Not available underwater 3 Unleash a hail of needles that immobilizes enemies on impact and poisons the ground, inflicting conditions over time.
Prepare Shadow Portal.png Prepare Shadow Portal Not available underwater 0.5½ 60 Preparation. Mark your current area with shadow magic, which can be detonated.
ChainShadow Portal.png Shadow Portal Not available underwater 3 Unleash shadow magic at your prepared location, creating a one-way portal for you and your allies. Allies traveling through the portal gain stealth. Weakens foes around the portal's exit.
Prepare Seal Area.png Prepare Seal Area Not available underwater 0.5½ 35 Preparation. Mark your current area with stifling magic, readying the location to seal enemies in.
ChainSeal Area.png Seal Area Not available underwater 3 Create an area that blocks projectiles and prevents enemies from entering or leaving.


Assassin's Signet.png Assassin's Signet 20 Signet Passive: Grants increased power.
Signet Active: Power is massively increased for a short duration.
Infiltrator's Signet.png Infiltrator's Signet 20 Signet Passive: Regenerates one extra initiative every ten seconds.
Signet Active: Shadowstep to your foe.
Signet of Agility.png Signet of Agility 30 Signet Passive: Grants increased precision.
Signet Active: Refill endurance and cleanse conditions from nearby allies.
Signet of Shadows.png Signet of Shadows 16 Signet Passive: Grants a 25% increase in movement speed.
Signet Active: Apply conditions to foes near your target.


Caltrops.png Caltrops Not available underwater 1 24 Trick. Scatter caltrops that bleed and cripple foes.
Haste.png Haste 20 Trick. Gain quickness, fury, and swiftness.
Roll for Initiative.png Roll for Initiative 25 Trick. Evade backward to regenerate initiative and recover from crippled, chilled, and immobilized.
Scorpion Wire.png Scorpion Wire 0.5½ 1 Trick. Throw a scorpion wire and pull your foe to you.


Devourer Venom.png Devourer Venom 40 Venom. Your next few attacks immobilize foes.
Ice Drake Venom.png Ice Drake Venom 36 Venom. Chill foes with your next few attacks.
Skale Venom.png Skale Venom 30 Venom. Apply vulnerability and torment with your next few attacks.
Spider Venom.png Spider Venom 30 Venom. Poison foes with your next few attacks.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Thieves Guild.png Thieves Guild 10.5½ 120 Deception. Call more thieves to support you in combat.
Basilisk Venom.png Basilisk Venom 1 40 Venom. Your attacks are unblockable and turn foes to stone.
Dagger Storm.png Dagger Storm Not available underwater 20.75¾ 60 Trick. Spin around, reflecting projectiles and throwing daggers that cripple and bleed nearby foes. You can move while spinning.

Downed and drowning skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 Trail of Knives.png Trail of Knives 0.25¼ Throw a knife that bounces off nearby foes, crippling them.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngVenomous Knife.png Venomous Knife Stealth Attack. Throw a knife, bleeding and poisoning your target.
2 Shadow Escape.png Shadow Escape 15 Teleport to the target location.
3 Smoke Bomb (thief skill).png Smoke Bomb 0.5½ 20 Drop a smoke bomb and vanish in stealth.
4 Bandage.png Bandage 490.25¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.


1 Diving Knife.png Diving Knife Throw a knife at your foes, bleeding them.
2 Cheap Shot.png Cheap Shot 0.75¾ 5 Knock back your foe with a kick.
3 Vanish in the Deep.png Vanish in the Deep 20 Stealth into the depths.
4 Bandage.png Bandage 490.25¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.