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Specialization background.

"You can't outrun my arrow."

Marksmanship augments and improves ranged combat, utilizing a powerful opening strike to debilitate enemies and pick them off before they can close the distance. Signets can also be enhanced.

— In-game description


Marksmanship is a core specialization for the ranger that focuses on long range damage and the use of signets.

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Opening Strike.png Opening Strike You and your pet inflict vulnerability with your first strike when entering combat.
Major Adept Stoneform.png Stoneform Use Lesser Signet of Stone when you use an elite skill.
Major Adept Hunter's Gaze.png Hunter's Gaze 1 Gain might when you strike a foe based on their health percent.
Major Adept Clarion Bond.png Clarion Bond Cast Lesser Call of the Wild when you swap pets.
Minor Master Alpha Focus.png Alpha Focus Your opening strikes inflict cripple on your foes.
Major Master Brutish Seals.png Brutish Seals Activating a Signet grants might and fury to nearby allies.
Major Master Steady Focus.png Farsighted Ranger weapon skills deal increased strike damage. Damage is further increased for foes above the range threshold.
Major Master Moment of Clarity.png Moment of Clarity Gain an attack of opportunity for you and your pet on interrupting a foe. Daze and stun durations that you inflict last longer.
This trait can only grant an attack of opportunity against enemies with defiance bars once per interval.
Minor Grandmaster Precise Strike.png Precise Strike Opening Strike has an increased chance to critically strike.
Major Grandmaster Predator's Onslaught.png Predator's Onslaught You and your pet deal increased strike damage to disabled, defiant, or movement-impaired foes.
Affected conditions are stun, taunt, daze, cripple, fear, immobilize, and chilled.
Major Grandmaster Remorseless.png Remorseless Regain opening strike whenever you gain fury. Opening strike deals more damage.
Major Grandmaster Lead the Wind.png Lead the Wind 15 Your longbow and harpoon-gun skills pierce and recharge faster. Point-Blank Shot grants boons.
See also: List of ranger traits