Thief (summon)

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Thief (summon).jpg


Summoned thieves are NPC summoned by the Thief profession when using Thieves Guild. Like most summoned allies they will follow their summoner and fight nearby hostiles until slain or their duration expires. Though the gender may vary, they are always the same race and level as their summoner. The male version wields two Bandit Revolvers and the female two Bandit Shivs or a Bandit Slicer. Both genders are dressed in full Sneakthief armor. Although they only have a small pool of skills to use in combat, each skill deals a fairly large amount of damage in comparison to the player.

A double-dagger and double-pistol thief will always be summoned, along with a third summon which varies. If summoned by a thief without any elite specialization, the third summon will wield one sword. If summoned by a Daredevil, a staff-wielding Daredevil (NPC) will spawn. If summoned by a Deadeye, a rifle-wielding Deadeye (NPC) will spawn. And if summoned by a Specter, a scepter-wielding Specter (NPC) will spawn. Unlike the pistols and daggers summon, the third summon (regardless of elite spec) will randomize gender.

List of thief summoning skills[edit]

Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Thief icon small.png Thief[edit]

Thieves Guild.png Thieves Guild 10.5½ 120 Deception. Call more thieves to support you in combat.

Combat abilities[edit]

The following approximate base damage is for level 80 summoned thieves versus a Standard Kitty Golem. Summoned thieves have ~5% crit chance and will deal an additional 50% more damage if it becomes a critical hit.

  • The attributes of the summoned thieves depend only on their level and not on the attributes of their summoner. None of the thieves use Stealth Attacks, so they gain no offensive benefit from stealth. The male thieves can evade attacks. While the females cannot, they will try to avoid area damage effects such as Choking Gas by moving outside of their range.
  • Since the male thieves do not have a basic attack skill, they will stand idle when they are out of Initiative.
  • The summoned thieves will always be of the true race of the summoning player. If the player is a human disguised as a charr, the summoned thieves will still be human.
  • Using Thieves Guild again when thieves are already summoned will despawn the thieves before summoning new ones.

Male dual pistols thief[edit]

  • Inflicts Blindness
  • Evades Attacks
Skills (above water)
  • Black Powder.png Black Powder (468-533 damage.)
  • Unload.png Unload (109-128 Damage per shot. Shoots 12 shots instead of 8.)
Skills (underwater)
  • Deluge.png Deluge Ranged attack. Shoot 4 shots, dealing 250-280 damage each.
  • Ink Shot.png Ink Shot Ranged attack. Deals ~550 damage to a single target and inflicts blindness for 12 seconds.

Female dual daggers thief[edit]

  • Inflicts Weakness
  • Pulls
Skills (above water)
  • Double Strike.png Double Strike (386-409 damage per strike. Strikes twice.)
  • Scorpion Wire.png Scorpion Wire (972-1022 damage. While this is significantly more damage than the player can deal with the skill, it can only be used once by the summoned thief due to the long recharge time.)
Skills (underwater)
  • Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab Melee attack. Deals ~600 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Jab (thief skill).png Jab Melee attack. Deals ~1000 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Poison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike Melee attack. Deals ~1600 damage and inflicts weakness instead of poison for 2 seconds. Only affects one target rather than 3.
  • Scorpion Wire.png Scorpion Wire Ranged attack. Pulls a single target and deals damage.

Sword thief[edit]

  • Inflicts Cripple
  • Shadowsteps
Skills (above water)
Skills (male underwater)
  • Deluge.png Deluge Ranged attack. Shoot 4 shots, dealing 250-280 damage each.
  • Ink Shot.png Ink Shot Ranged attack. Deals ~550 damage to a single target and inflicts blindness for 12 seconds.
Skills (female underwater)
  • Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab Melee attack. Deals ~600 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Jab (thief skill).png Jab Melee attack. Deals ~1000 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Poison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike Melee attack. Deals ~1600 damage and inflicts weakness instead of poison for 2 seconds. Only affects one target rather than 3.
  • Scorpion Wire.png Scorpion Wire Ranged attack. Pulls a single target and deals damage.


  • Long-Range Damage
Skills (above water)
Skills (male underwater)
  • Deluge.png Deluge Ranged attack. Shoot 4 shots, dealing 250-280 damage each.
  • Ink Shot.png Ink Shot Ranged attack. Deals ~550 damage to a single target and inflicts blindness for 12 seconds.
Skills (female underwater)
  • Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab Melee attack. Deals ~600 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Jab (thief skill).png Jab Melee attack. Deals ~1000 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Poison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike Melee attack. Deals ~1600 damage and inflicts weakness instead of poison for 2 seconds. Only affects one target rather than 3.
  • Scorpion Wire.png Scorpion Wire Ranged attack. Pulls a single target and deals damage.


  • Dashes and Strikes
Skills (above water)
  • Impairing Daggers.png Impairing Daggers (185-202 damage.)
  • Vault.png Vault (1797-1938 damage.)
  • Weakening Whirl.png Weakening Whirl (309-344 damage. Strikes three times, but may pass through smaller targets, meaning some hits won't connect.)
Skills (male underwater)
  • Deluge.png Deluge Ranged attack. Shoot 4 shots, dealing 250-280 damage each.
  • Ink Shot.png Ink Shot Ranged attack. Deals ~550 damage to a single target and inflicts blindness for 12 seconds.
Skills (female underwater)
  • Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab Melee attack. Deals ~600 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Jab (thief skill).png Jab Melee attack. Deals ~1000 damage. Only affects one target rather than 3.
    • Poison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike Melee attack. Deals ~1600 damage and inflicts weakness instead of poison for 2 seconds. Only affects one target rather than 3.
  • Scorpion Wire.png Scorpion Wire Ranged attack. Pulls a single target and deals damage.


  • Applies Conditions
  • ??? health
  • ?-? dps
Skills (above water)
Skills (male underwater)
Skills (female underwater)



  • Aggro
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura Never capitulate!
Assemble the krewe!
Zero tolerance!
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr Step right up!
Let's do this.
Beat them into submission.
Harr! A brawl!
Kill them quickly!
I'll slice you open!
Bring it!
I'll slice you open.
Human tango icon 20px.png Human Hahaha! You're kidding right?
You're kidding, right?
Leave me be!
You must like pain!
You must like pain.
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn Say good-bye!
Move in.
Time to die, insect.
Quickly, now.
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari You chose this!
Quiet. This will end quickly.
Have at you!
Let's roll.
Time to fight!
Time to fight.
Defend yourself!
I will end you.
  • Disengaging
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura Abandon hope, fiend.
Transferring to thanatology!
We are besieged.
Befoul this locale no more!
First blood doubles the pot!
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr You lily-livered rat!
Don't come back.
That's right! Run!
That's right! Run!
We failed. They fled.
Narr! No fun.
Keep running!
We won!
Human tango icon 20px.png Human Until next time!
Until next time.
This isn't worth it!
I give up.
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn You can't run forever!
One more time!
This is not over.
Over already?
I could do this all day.
You're not worth killing.
Over already?
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari On to more important things.
I thought you came to fight.
Run, miscreant!
That'll do.
Your time will come.
It's over.
  • Death
Race Gender
Male Female
Asura tango icon 20px.png Asura It all makes sense now!
I regret nothing!
I miscalculated the odds.
My role has ended.
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr So, it ends.
Damn your eyes.
Cheap shot.
You fought well.
You'll get yours.
Bring it!
Human tango icon 20px.png Human You got me! What have you done?
Nice one.
Norn tango icon 20px.png Norn I'll take you with me!
Bear calls to me.
I've been waiting for you.
This is the end...?
Not yet...
It can't be.
Sylvari tango icon 20px.png Sylvari I will never surrender.
This is the end?
At least I dreamed.
I am undone.
What happened?


Although the female thief's melee attacks functions much like the Double strike chain, all her melee attacks are called Twisting Fang when seen in the combat log.