Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds

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ArenaNet® and NCSOFT™ announced Guild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™, the fifth expansion for the award-winning and critically acclaimed MMORPG Guild Wars 2. The expansion will introduce a suite of new features long-requested by fans beginning with Homesteads, the most player-friendly housing system in an MMORPG. With a brand new customization and decorating interface, heroes can create and adorn their very own housing space for their friends and guild mates. New weapons and mount skills welcome adventurers to the uncharted, primordial region of Janthir, be it by taking hold of a spear, a new character terrestrial weapon type, or by hopping into the saddle of the enhanced Warclaw mount, further enriching the subscription-free online world of one of the most enduring and beloved PC games of all time.

Official press kit

Janthir Wilds logo.png

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will be the fifth expansion pack for Guild Wars 2. It was confirmed on August 22, 2023.[1] with reveal on June 4, 2024.[2] The release date will be Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 16:00 UTC+00:00.


The in-game panel to purchase Janthir Wilds.
The in-game popup about Janthir Wilds.

The expansion is available through the online store and the in-game Black Lion Trading Company panel.

  • External source — creating a new account or upgrading an existing account requires the redemption of the serial code
  • In-game panel — upgrading an existing account will automatically be applied to the account used to purchase the upgrade
Editions available
  • Standard Edition ($24.99 / €24,99 / £20.99)
  • Deluxe Edition ($49.99 / €49,99 / £42.99)
  • Ultimate Edition ($74.99 / €74,99 / £64.99)
Items Standard Deluxe Ultimate
Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds (expansion) 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes
Shared Inventory Slot 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes
Max Level Boost 1Yes 1Yes 1Yes
Additional Character Slot 0No 1Yes 1Yes
Wayfinder's Versatile Table homestead decoration 0No 1Yes 1Yes
Eldritch Horror infinite gathering tools 0No 1Yes 1Yes
Identity Repair Kit 0No 1Yes 1Yes
4000 Gems ($50 / €50 / £42.50 value) 0No 0No 1Yes

Upgrading to Deluxe Edition[edit]

Players who have bought the Standard version of the expansion can choose to upgrade to the Deluxe version via the Black Lion Trading Company for 2,400 Gem. You cannot upgrade to Ultimate from either Standard or Deluxe.


Pre-purchase became available on June 4, 2024 and accounts that pre-purchased any edition received:[3]



Primary article: Janthir Wilds story

Bristling with mursaat ruins and harrowing to navigate, the fabled Isles of Janthir have been carefully guarded by the wizards of the Astral Ward—and to most of Tyria’s denizens, they are a distant legend. But recent events have inspired the world’s leaders to create a Tyrian Alliance and dispatch the wayfinder to befriend new allies. As you seek out the lowland kodan colony in Janthir, you will explore, fight, and learn more about the mysteries of Tyria’s past.


Combat features[edit]

  • Expanded Land Spear Weapon Proficiency for all professions[6]
    • Beta event to try out the new spear gameplay from June 27-30[6]


  • New improved Warclaw[6]
    • New masteries to traverse the new area, including a double-jump


See also: Janthir Wilds mastery tracks

New Masteries routes[6]


  • Craft a legendary spear and backpack[6]
  • Cosmetic items
  • Relic effects[6]
  • More

Group Content[edit]

Raids and encounters[edit]

  • A new raid comprising three encounters, available with the first major release after the expansion, around November 2024.[7][6]
    • The story of these encounters will also be available through open-world group events
    • Optional challenge and legendary challenge modes for the raid version available with the second major update after the expansion, in the first quarter of 2025

Fractals of the Mists[edit]

  • A new Fractal with optional challenge mode in the third seasonal update[7]

Public instances[edit]


Player vs Player[edit]

  • New game mode (coming 2025)[6]

Other features[edit]


Additional releases[edit]

Expansion launch
(August 20, 2024)
November 2024 Q1 2025 TBA
Story Launch Story Arc Story Continues Story Continues Story Concludes
Maps Lowland Shore, Janthir Syntri Map 3 part I Map 3 part II
Instanced Combat New raid, extended Convergences Challenge mode and legendary challenge mode for the raid New fractal with a challenge mode
Weapon New Spear Proficiency
Armor Two new armor sets TBA TBA TBA
Wizard's Vault Seasonal Refresh Seasonal Refresh Seasonal Refresh Seasonal Refresh



Concept art[edit]


  • The artistic vision of the expansion's zones was inspired by Iceland.[10]

External links[edit]

Previews and interviews
