Guild Trek

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Think you know Tyria? Well the Tyrian Explorer's Society has a challenge for you! Find the list of locations before time runs out.

— Official website

Guild Trek.png

Guild Trek icon.png Guild Treks are open world guild missions where members work together to find several locations across Tyria within a set minute time limit. These locations are randomly chosen from a list of 186 possible locations. Guilds must find five locations for the first tier, fifteen for the second, and thirty for the third and final tier.


Open-world mission in which members work together to find specific locations across Tyria within a time limit.

— In-game description

Trek marker.

Any player with the 'Mission Control' permission for their Guild Rank can trigger the trek from the guild missions tab of the guild panel. Guild members can view the target locations using the missions tab or share the information via chat or other means. Each location is stamped with a yellow sparkling mark that is only visible during a trek if it is one of the target locations. It can be stamped on the ground or wall. Once found, the guild member must interact with it once to claim the mark. Pressing the keybind multiple times will reset the cooldown of the mark, so only interact one time and wait several seconds for credit to be given.

Personal rewards are received immediately on completion of a single location for the individual activating it, and others in the circle even if they did not activate it.

The locations do not have to be found in order, so guild members are encouraged to split up and search for the locations individually. All locations can be found in the open PvE world, although they may be found on land, underground, or even underwater. Jumping may be required to reach some locations, and a few require the completion of a jumping puzzle.


Member rewards[edit]

Members of a guild earn one of the following rewards immediately upon successful completion of a single Trek location:

  • 1 or 2 pieces of rare or better equipment (depending on Difficulty Tier)
  • 70 Silver coin to 80 Silver coin (depending on Difficulty Tier)
  • 1 or 2 Guild Commendations (depending on Difficulty Tier)
  • There is also a chance to receive an ascended accessory.
    • Guild members near the circle will receive credit even if they were not the ones to interact with it.

Guild rewards[edit]

Guilds that successfully complete a Trek will receive Favor based on the difficulty that was completed. Higher difficulties require more locations for guild members to find.

Tier Locations Time (m) Favor
Guild Trek icon.png Easy 5 15 300
Guild Trek tier 2 icon.png Medium 15 17 400
Guild Trek tier 3 icon.png Hard 30 20 500

Non-guild member rewards[edit]

Only guild members may participate in this mission.

Reward Caps[edit]

  • Each member can only receive the individual rewards once per week. If a guild member has received their rewards for a guild mission, the small chest icon beside that mission slot will display as open and glowing gold from within.
  • The guild can only earn favor from this mission once per week, per Difficulty Tier. If a guild has successfully completed and earned rewards for a guild mission, the small shield icon beside that mission slot will appear filled in and glowing gold.

Possible locations[edit]

When the trek is initiated, the guild is given a list of locations, each accompanied by an image of that location.

Trek Icon Zone Area Closest waypoint Map Notes
Altar Brook Lair Altar Brook Lair.png Queensdale Altar Brook Vale Waypoint (map icon).png Crossing Waypoint
Trek Altar Brook Lair Location.jpg
Anthem's Hold Anthem's Hold.png Cursed Shore Desmina's Hallows Waypoint (map icon).png Shipwreck Rock Waypoint
Trek Anthem's Hold Location.jpg Mark is at the very bottom of the ship.
Anya's Patch Anya's Patch.png Diessa Plateau Town of Nolan Waypoint (map icon).png Nolan Waypoint
Trek Anya's Patch Location.jpg A small jumping section must be climbed to reach the location. The mark is under a small tree a little west of the strawberry patch.
Arctodus Haunt Arctodus Haunt.png Wayfarer Foothills Frusenfell Creek Waypoint (map icon).png Vendrake's Homestead Waypoint
Trek Arctodus Haunt Location.jpg
Backroot Fountain Backroot Fountain.png The Grove The Quester's Terrace Waypoint (map icon).png Reckoner's Waypoint
Trek Backroot Fountain Location.jpg
Badjelly Kelpbed Badjelly Kelpbed.png Snowden Drifts Valslake Waypoint (map icon).png Valslake Waypoint
Trek Badjelly Kelpbed Location.jpg Mark is underwater.
Bandit's Cabbage Patch Bandit's Cabbage Patch.png Harathi Hinterlands Ruins of Holy Demetra Waypoint (map icon).png Wynchona Rally Point Waypoint
Trek Bandit's Cabbage Patch Location.jpg
Beetlestone Mirador Beetlestone Mirador.png Queensdale Shire of Beetletun Waypoint (map icon).png Beetletun Waypoint
Trek Beetlestone Mirador Location.jpg
Black Lion Root Cellar Black Lion Root Cellar.png The Grove Reckoner's Terrace Waypoint (map icon).png Reckoner's Waypoint
Trek Black Lion Root Cellar Location.jpg From Reckoner's Waypoint, take the left entrance into the Black Lion trade post, then head right down an incline.
Blackblade Butte Blackblade Butte.png Diessa Plateau Font of Rhand Waypoint (map icon).png Font of Rhand Waypoint
Trek Blackblade Butte Location.jpg Mark is located on the top of the hill.
Blasted Sepulchre Blasted Sepulchre.png Diessa Plateau The Blasted Moors Waypoint (map icon).png Blasted Moors Waypoint
Trek Blasted Sepulchre Location.jpg Mark is underground. The fastest way down from the waypoint is through the well overlapping the Old Grendich Aqueduct PoI.
Bluup's Comeuppance Bluup's Comeuppance.png Rata Sum Lower Research Stacks Waypoint (map icon).png Research Waypoint
Trek Bluup's Comeuppance Location.jpg
Brandstrike Dig Brandstrike Dig.png Fields of Ruin Varim's Run Waypoint (map icon).png Helliot Mine Waypoint
Trek Brandstrike Digs Location.jpg Mark is located in hidden room on bottom of Branded Mine jumping puzzle, accessible through a crack in the wall.
Briarthorn Barrier Briarthorn Barrier.png Caledon Forest Morgan's Spiral Waypoint (map icon).png Spiral Waypoint
Trek Briarthorn Barrier Location.jpg Mark is up the ramp on the overlook.
Broken Falls Courtyard Broken Falls Courtyard.png Black Citadel Ruins of Rin Waypoint (map icon).png Ruins of Rin Waypoint
Trek Broken Falls Courtyard Location.jpg Jump down into the courtyard and the mark is in a tunnel at the back.
Broodmother Falls Broodmother Falls.png Frostgorge Sound Yakkington's Toil Waypoint (map icon).png Yak's Bend Waypoint
Trek Broodmother Falls Location.jpg
Brothers' Notch Brothers' Notch.png Hoelbrak Veins of the Dragon Waypoint (map icon).png Hero's Compass Waypoint
Trek Brother's Notch Location.jpg
Burstbubble Blind Burstbubble Blind.png Blazeridge Steppes Blightwater Basin Waypoint (map icon).png Tumok's Waypoint
Trek Burstbubble Blind Location.jpg
Cache of the Pursued Cache of the Pursued.png Cursed Shore Pursuit Pass Waypoint (map icon).png Caer Shadowfain Waypoint
Trek Cache of the Pursued Location.jpg
Cademkrall Overlook Cademkrall Overlook.png Plains of Ashford Cadem Forest Waypoint (map icon).png Watchcrag Tower Waypoint
Trek Cademkrall Overlook Location.jpg Mark is located on top of cliff, accessed by small passage.
Canyonweb Cave Canyonweb Cave.png Blazeridge Steppes Relliatus Canyon Waypoint (map icon).png Brandview Waypoint
Trek Canyonweb Cave Location.jpg Mark is inside spider cave.
Captain's Berth Captain's Berth.png Malchor's Leap Drowned Brine Waypoint (map icon).png Lights Waypoint
Trek Captain's Berth Location.jpg Mark is located inside sunken ship, near Veteran captain.
Castavall Corner Castavall Corner.png Bloodtide Coast Flooded Castavall Waypoint (map icon).png Castavall Waypoint
Trek Castavall Corner Location.jpg Do not descend; take the horizontal tunnel next to the waypoint to reach the mark.
Cathedral's Cavity Cathedral's Cavity.png Malchor's Leap Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Waypoint (map icon).png Union Waypoint
Trek Cathedral's Cavity Location.jpg Mark is located underneath the Cathedral.
Cave Bear Cache Cave Bear Cache.png Snowden Drifts Reaver's Dale Waypoint (map icon).png Snowhawk Landing Waypoint
Trek Cave Bear Cache Location.jpg
Cave Spider Nidus Cave Spider Nidus.png Lornar's Pass Frostgate Falls Waypoint (map icon).png Pinnacle Enclave Waypoint
Trek Cave Spider Nidus Location.jpg
Claypool Bailey Claypool Bailey.png Queensdale Township of Claypool Waypoint (map icon).png Claypool Waypoint
Trek Claypool Bailey Location.jpg
Constellation Parapet Constellation Parapet.png The Grove Constellation Shelter Waypoint (map icon).png Reckoner's Waypoint
Trek Constellation Parapet Location.jpg Head straight into Starbower Nursery and up the ramp, taking the first right into a dark tunnel. Pass the first stained glass window, and exit the tunnel through the second opening - a short mushroom staircase leads to an open platform.
Corruption's Teeth Corruption's Teeth.png Frostgorge Sound Drakkar Spurs Waypoint (map icon).png Drakkar Waypoint
Trek Corruption's Teeth Location.jpg There is an alternate, faster way for players with access to Bitterfrost Frontier. From Koda's Welcome Waypoint [&BIEJAAA=] travel south to Frostgorge Sound. The trek spot is just to the southeast of the portal to Bitterfrost Frontier.
Covington's Stowage Covington's Stowage.png Bloodtide Coast Laughing Gull Island Waypoint (map icon).png Laughing Gull Waypoint
Trek Covington's Stowage Location.jpg Jump two huts onto the deck and descend two sets of stairs. Mark is located at the very bottom of the pirate ship.
Cutthroat's Rest Cutthroat's Rest.png Gendarran Fields Brigantine Isles Waypoint (map icon).png Brigantine Waypoint
Trek Cutthroat's Rest Location.jpg
Cymbel's Glen Cymbel's Glen.png Fields of Ruin Wildlin Narrows Waypoint (map icon).png Ogre Road Waypoint
Trek Cymbel's Glen Location.jpg
Dawngleam Pergola Dawngleam Pergola.png The Grove Garden of Dawn Waypoint (map icon).png Ronan's Waypoint
Trek Dawngleam Pergola Location.jpg Travel underwater to the north to reach hidden area with mark.
Deepmire Diver Deepmire Diver.png Mount Maelstrom The Mire Sea Waypoint (map icon).png Oxbow Isle Waypoint
Trek Deepmire Diver Location.jpg Right on top of the submarine.
Defiled Delve Defiled Delve.png Kessex Hills Darkwound Defile Waypoint (map icon).png Darkwound Waypoint
Trek Defiled Delve Location.jpg
Delight's Balcony Delight's Balcony.png Malchor's Leap Theater of Delight Waypoint (map icon).png Pagga's Waypoint
Trek Delight's Balcony Location.jpg A small jumping section must be climbed to reach this mark.
Destiny's Guildhall Destiny's Guildhall.png Queensdale Village of Shaemoor Waypoint (map icon).png Shaemoor Waypoint
Trek Destiny's Guildhall Location.jpg The south cave entrance is in the side of the hill, to the right of the gate.
Dirtclaw Cleft Dirtclaw Cleft.png Iron Marches Bloodfin Lake Waypoint (map icon).png Bloodfin Lake Waypoint
Trek Dirtclaw Cleft Location.jpg Tucked in a cave before and to the right of the waterfall.
Doefalls Court Doefalls Court.png Plains of Ashford Human's Lament Waypoint (map icon).png Ascalon City Waypoint
Trek Doefalls Court Location.jpg Go via a tunnel inhabited by trolls into a courtyard full of ghosts.
Drakecleft Shelf Drakecleft Shelf.png Fields of Ruin Highden Caves Waypoint (map icon).png Fangfury Watch Waypoint
Trek Drakecleft Shelf Location.jpg Enter from southern entrance, head left into small cleft. Jump up to shelf with mark.
Drakehatch Shore Drakehatch Shore.png Diessa Plateau Breachwater Lake Waypoint (map icon).png Breachwater Waypoint
Trek Drakehatch Shore Location.jpg Inside a cave accessed along the lake-floor, behind the vegetation.
Droknah Gate Droknah Gate.png Mount Maelstrom Sunken Droknah Waypoint (map icon).png Old Sledge Site Waypoint
Trek Droknah's Gate Location.jpg Inside a cave, entrance is end point of path drawn in picture. Mark is on the ground.
Drowned Plaza Drowned Plaza.png Straits of Devastation Strait of Malediction Waypoint (map icon).png Signal Peak Waypoint
Trek Drowned Plaza Location.jpg
East End Falls East End Falls.png Brisban Wildlands Skrittsburgh East End Waypoint (map icon).png East End Waypoint
Trek East End Falls Location.jpg Mark is on a waterfall lip that is difficult to see.
Eastlurk Alley Eastlurk Alley.png Divinity's Reach Eastern Commons Waypoint (map icon).png Dwayna Waypoint
Trek East Lurk Alley Location.jpg
Elise's Surprise Elise's Surprise.png Harathi Hinterlands Bonerattler Caverns Waypoint (map icon).png Demetra Waypoint
Trek Elise's Surprise Location.jpg
Ettinbreath Lair Ettinbreath Lair.png Lornar's Pass Demon's Maw Waypoint (map icon).png Demon's Maw Waypoint
Trek Ettinbreath Lair Location.jpg
Fathom Five Forcefield Fathom Five Forcefield.png Straits of Devastation Terzetto Bay Waypoint (map icon).png Vesper Bell Waypoint
Trek Fathom Five Forcefield Location.jpg Underwater cave, accessed through point to NW of mark. Mark is on the sea floor right before the force field at the end of the minidungeon.
Fawcett's Porch Fawcett's Porch.png Harathi Hinterlands Arca Lake Waypoint (map icon).png Arca Waypoint
Trek Fawcett's Porch Location.jpg Must complete the Fawcett's Bounty jumping puzzle to reach mark. The target is at the stern of the ship.
Fire Imp Pocket Fire Imp Pocket.png Mount Maelstrom Maelstrom's Bile Waypoint (map icon).png Maelstrom's Waypoint
Trek Fire Imp Pocket Location.jpg
Firefrog Springs Firefrog Springs.png Sparkfly Fen Flamefrog Vale Waypoint (map icon).png Flamefrog Waypoint
Trek Firefrog Springs Location.jpg Mark is located in small pool on the other side of jail-like rock formations.
Firewatch Flybridge Firewatch Flybridge.png Iron Marches The Granite Front Waypoint (map icon).png Firewatch Encampment Waypoint
Trek Firewatch Flybridge Location.jpg Mark is located on top of structure. Access ladder and steps are a short distance east of the waypoint (jump up the ladder).
Fisher's Crag Fisher's Crag.png Metrica Province Fisher's Beach Bend Waypoint (map icon).png Old Golem Factory Waypoint
Trek Fisher's Crag Location.jpg
Flakk's Lapidary Nook Flakk's Lapidary Nook.png Rata Sum Dynamics Union Waypoint (map icon).png Accountancy Waypoint
Trek Flakk's Lapidary Nook Location.jpg Go straight northwest from the bank waypoint, mark is all the way in the back.
Forager's Midden Forager's Midden.png Dredgehaunt Cliffs Dissun's Mine Waypoint (map icon).png Steelbrachen Waypoint
Trek Forager's Midden Location.jpg Mark is in cave. Entrance marked at red arrow in image.
Forbidden Shear Forbidden Shear.png Malchor's Leap Jinx Isle Waypoint (map icon).png Murmur Waypoint
Trek Forbidden Shear Location.jpg
Foreman's Recess Foreman's Recess.png Dredgehaunt Cliffs Black Earth Coalmine Waypoint (map icon).png Dociu Waypoint
Trek Foreman's Recess Location.jpg The mark is located on a ledge, at the top of a couple wooden beam ramps, accessed behind a Veteran Dredge Mining Suit.
Forgotten Grotto Forgotten Grotto.png Blazeridge Steppes Terra Carorunda Waypoint (map icon).png Terra Carorunda Waypoint
Trek Forgotten Grotto Location.jpg Start doing the jumping puzzle by going up the stairwell and then out into the open area to the northeast. The mark is located in a ruined building in the northeast corner of the grassy area.
Founder's Flagon Hearth Founder's Flagon Hearth.png Fields of Ruin Stronghold of Ebonhawke Waypoint (map icon).png Kestrel Waypoint
Trek Founder's Flagon Hearth Location.jpg The mark is in a room on the second floor.
Freestand Scaffold Freestand Scaffold.png Black Citadel Ligacus Notos Waypoint (map icon).png Ruins of Rin Waypoint
Trek Freestand Scaffold Location.jpg Mark is at the top of the scaffolding.
Frozen Antrum Frozen Antrum.png Timberline Falls The Iron Veil Waypoint (map icon).png White Paper Waypoint
Trek Frozen Antrum Location.jpg Mark is inside cave. Entrance at red arrow on image.
Gallow Canyons Gallow Canyons.png Brisban Wildlands The Gallowfields Waypoint (map icon).png Gallowfields Waypoint
Trek Gallow Canyons Location.jpg The mark is located on the deepest level.
Gardenroot Alcove Gardenroot Alcove.png The Grove Order's Terrace Waypoint (map icon).png Reckoner's Waypoint
Trek Gardenroot Alcove Location.jpg
Gnashar's Viewpoint Gnashar's Viewpoint.png Brisban Wildlands Gnashar's Hills Waypoint (map icon).png Wendon Waypoint
Trek Gnashar's Viewpoint Location.jpg Mark is on top of hill past stone steps.
Green Moa Paddock Green Moa Paddock.png Caledon Forest Trader's Green Waypoint (map icon).png Caledon Haven Waypoint
Trek Green Moa Paddock Location.jpg
Grenth's Pavillion Grenth's Pavillion.png Divinity's Reach Plaza of Grenth Waypoint (map icon).png Grenth Waypoint
Trek Grenth's Pavillion Location.jpg Mark is located inside building.
Grimsdottir's Duty Grimsdottir's Duty.png Hoelbrak Shelter Rock Waypoint (map icon).png Shelter Rock Waypoint
Trek Grimdottir's Duty Location.jpg Mark is located on small ledge accessible only from above.
Guardian Overwatch Guardian Overwatch.png Harathi Hinterlands Thunder Rock Waypoint (map icon).png Grey Gritta's Waypoint
Trek Guardian Overwatch Location.jpg
Hawkeye Perch Hawkeye Perch.png Timberline Falls Serpent Stones Waypoint (map icon).png Serpent Waypoint
Trek Hawkeye Perch Location.jpg
Heart Speaks Notch Heart Speaks Notch.png Fireheart Rise Havoc Steppes Waypoint (map icon).png Apostate Waypoint
Trek Heart Speaks Notch Location.jpg
Heartwoods Honey Cache Heartwoods Honey Cache.png Queensdale The Heartwoods Waypoint (map icon).png Phinney Waypoint
Trek Heartwood Honey Cache Location.jpg
Heidi's Showpiece Heidi's Showpiece.png Harathi Hinterlands Greystone Rise Waypoint (map icon).png Seraph's Landing Waypoint
Trek Heidi's Showpiece Location.jpg Mark is on top floor of building directly west of waypoint.
Hermit's Roost Hermit's Roost.png Fields of Ruin Halkor Meadows Waypoint (map icon).png Rosko's Campsite Waypoint
Trek Hermit's Roost Location.jpg Some jumping is needed to reach this mark. Follow path in image.
Hidden Owl Distillery Hidden Owl Distillery.png Snowden Drifts Owl's Abattoir Waypoint (map icon).png Owl Waypoint
Trek Hidden Owl Distillery Location.jpg
Holystone Sanctum Holystone Sanctum.png Diessa Plateau Holystone Caves Waypoint (map icon).png Sanctum Waypoint
Trek Holystone Sanctum Location.jpg Mark is on campfire in grawl cave.
Icewurm Trench Icewurm Trench.png Frostgorge Sound The Sea of Lamentation Waypoint (map icon).png Dimotiki Waypoint
Trek Icewurm Trench Location.jpg Mark is on the bottom of trench, under rocky structure.
Ideation Leap Ideation Leap.png Rata Sum Idea Incubation Lab Waypoint (map icon).png Incubation Waypoint
Trek Ideation Leap Location.jpg Mark is directly to the east, on small ledge below main platform.
Imphaunt Hallow Imphaunt Hallow.png Caledon Forest Wychmire Swamp Waypoint (map icon).png Wychmire Waypoint
Trek Imphaunt Hallow Location.jpg
Irondock Viewpoint Irondock Viewpoint.png Plains of Ashford Cadem Forest Waypoint (map icon).png Duskrend Overlook Waypoint
Trek Irondock Viewpoint Location.jpg Climb up on top to reach mark.
Isenfell Wash Isenfell Wash.png Snowden Drifts Isenfall Lake Waypoint (map icon).png Isenfall Waypoint
Trek Isenfell Wash Location.jpg
Isgarren Viewpoint Isgarren Viewpoint.png Kessex Hills Wizard's Fief Waypoint (map icon).png Darkwound Waypoint
Trek Isgarren Viewpoint Location.jpg
Jaguar Pride Den Jaguar Pride Den.png Metrica Province Hexane Regrade Waypoint (map icon).png Muridian Waypoint
Trek Jaguar Pride Den Location.jpg
Junker's Apex Junker's Apex.png Black Citadel Junker's Scrapyard Waypoint (map icon).png Junker's Waypoint
Trek Junker's Apex Location.jpg
Kaldar's Hot Seat Kaldar's Hot Seat.png Hoelbrak Frost Basin Waypoint (map icon).png Eastern Watchpost Waypoint
Trek Kaldar's Hot Seat Location.jpg Mark is inside building.
Kari's Hot Spot Kari's Hot Spot.png Kessex Hills Cereboth Canyon Waypoint (map icon).png Cereboth Waypoint
Trek Kari's Hot Spot Location.jpg Mark is in small cave with destroyers. Jump in hole from above to access it.
Kegbrawl Watch Kegbrawl Watch.png Hoelbrak Lake Mourn Waypoint (map icon).png Hero's Compass Waypoint
Trek Kegbrawl Watch Location.jpg
Kevach's Strongroom Kevach's Strongroom.png Wayfarer Foothills Hunter's Lake Waypoint (map icon).png Lostvyrm Cave Waypoint
Trek Kevach's Strongroom Location.jpg Enter Ice Wurm cave at northwest of rock outcropping, then follow tunnel to the right. Mark is in an alcove on the left inside tunnel.
Lakebottom Underpass Lakebottom Underpass.png Queensdale Lake Delavan Waypoint (map icon).png Ojon's Lumbermill Waypoint
Trek Lakebottom Underpass Location.jpg Mark is underwater inside small rock structure.
Lawen Grotto Lawen Grotto.png Gendarran Fields The Lawen Ponds Waypoint (map icon).png First Haven Waypoint
Trek Lawen Grotto Location.jpg
Lightfoot Dock Lightfoot Dock.png Straits of Devastation Lightfoot Passage Waypoint (map icon).png Thunderhead Waypoint
Trek Lightfoot Dock Location.jpg
Lily's Bivvy Lily's Bivvy.png Fireheart Rise Mangonel Cavern Waypoint (map icon).png Icespear's Waypoint
Trek Lily's Bivvy Location.jpg
Lionguard Larder Lionguard Larder.png Wayfarer Foothills The Icesteppes Waypoint (map icon).png Twinspur Haven Waypoint
Trek Lionguard Larder Location.jpg Go up the outside of the tower, to the top, then down the stairs into the tower.
Lychcroft Wardenship Lychcroft Wardenship.png Kessex Hills Lychcroft Mere Waypoint (map icon).png Shadowheart Site Waypoint
Trek Lychcroft Wardenship Location.jpg Mark is at top of ramp inside tree structure.
Magihedron Corner Magihedron Corner.png Rata Sum College of Statics Waypoint (map icon).png Metrical Court Waypoint
Trek Magihedron Corner Location.jpg Head north then northeast inside the main room to the far back, the mark is in a small room on the right.
Master Control LIN39 Master Control LIN39.png Metrica Province Thaumanova Reactor Waypoint (map icon).png Muridian Waypoint
Trek Master Control LIN39 Location.jpg
Melandru's Fount Melandru's Fount.png Divinity's Reach Western Commons Waypoint (map icon).png Melandru Waypoint
Trek Dwayna's Fount Location.jpg
Meltwater Cave Meltwater Cave.png Timberline Falls Naui Waters Waypoint (map icon).png Scale Strand Waypoint
Trek Meltwater Cave Location.jpg Mark is in underwater cave.
Mina's Target Shoot Mina's Target Shoot.png Divinity's Reach Western Commons Waypoint (map icon).png Commons Waypoint
Trek Mina's Target Shoot Location.jpg
Mistriven Shelf Mistriven Shelf.png Lornar's Pass Mistriven Gorge Waypoint (map icon).png Mistriven Waypoint
Trek Mistriven Shelf Location.jpg Mark is on the cliff under the wooden walkway; you can jump off the walkway and land safely. It is also possible to use the stone walkway starting north, on the right of the wooden walkway.
Moleberia Prison Moleberia Prison.png Wayfarer Foothills Moleberia Waypoint (map icon).png Halvaunt Waypoint
Trek Moleberia Prison Location.jpg Mark is in cave, located in a small structure.
Monument to the Ancient One Monument to the Ancient One.png Southsun Cove Bakestone Cavern Waypoint (map icon).png Owain's Refuge Waypoint
Trek Monument to the Ancient One Location.jpg Mark is located on the Ancient Karka carcass.
Narrowkraal Crossing Narrowkraal Crossing.png Fields of Ruin Wildlin Narrows Waypoint (map icon).png Ogre Road Waypoint
Trek Narrowkraal Crossing Location.jpg Mark is located on the bridge.
Necrolith Landing Necrolith Landing.png The Grove Caledon Path Waypoint (map icon).png Caledon Waypoint
Trek Necrolith Landing Location.jpg Mark is located on a small landing NE of the vista.
Orecart Hoist Orecart Hoist.png Fireheart Rise Pig Iron Mine Waypoint (map icon).png Pig Iron Waypoint
Trek Orecart Hoist Location.jpg Mark is located on one of the hanging containers.
Orvanic Sourcewaters Orvanic Sourcewaters.png Sparkfly Fen Orvanic Shore Waypoint (map icon).png Ocean's Gullet Waypoint
Trek Orvanic Sourcewaters Location.jpg Mark is under the waterfall on the plateau, after going through the cave entrance near the Waypoint. Follow path in image to reach it.
Osenfold Counterweights Osenfold Counterweights.png Wayfarer Foothills Breakneck Pass Waypoint (map icon).png Osenfold Waypoint
Trek Osenfold Counterweights Location.jpg Mark is located on beam hanging underneath bridge.
Overlord Lodge Overlord Lodge.png Kessex Hills Overlord's Greatcamp Waypoint (map icon).png Overlord's Waypoint
Trek Overlord Lodge Location.jpg Mark is located inside main tent at top.
Phasmatis Prospect Phasmatis Prospect.png Plains of Ashford Lamia Mire Waypoint (map icon).png Irondock Shipyard Waypoint
Trek Phasmatis Prospect Location.jpg Some climbing is needed to reach this mark.
It is on top of the plateau.
Pochtecatl's Desire Pochtecatl's Desire.png Bloodtide Coast Jelako Cliffrise Waypoint (map icon).png Jelako Waypoint
Trek Pochtecatl's Desire Location.jpg
Port Authority Lost & Found Port Authority Lost and Found.png Rata Sum Rata Sum Port Authority Waypoint (map icon).png Port Waypoint
Trek Port Authority Lost and Found Location.jpg Mark is directly to the northeast, inside the central room between blue containers.
Portmatt's Promontory Portmatt's Promontory.png Bloodtide Coast Sorrowful Sound Waypoint (map icon).png Sorrowful Waypoint
Trek Portmatt's Promontory Location.jpg Professor Portmatt's Lab must be completed to reach this mark.
It is located on the rock near the final platform.
Provatum Carcer Provatum Carcer.png Fireheart Rise Keeper's Sanctum Waypoint (map icon).png Keeper's Waypoint
Trek Provatum Carcer Location.jpg Under the entry ramp.
Ramview Peak Ramview Peak.png Dredgehaunt Cliffs Snowslide Ravine Waypoint (map icon).png Travelen's Waypoint
Trek Ramview Peak Location.jpg Mark is on top of the rocks (above the tunnel, not in it), start climbing the rocky path behind two trees next to and right of the cave entrance.
Raptor's Aerie Raptor's Aerie.png Iron Marches Glory's Steps Waypoint (map icon).png Town of Cowlfang's Star Waypoint
Trek Raptor's Aerie Location.jpg
Raptor's Perch Raptor's Perch.png Gendarran Fields Snowblind Peaks Waypoint (map icon).png Winter Haven Waypoint
Trek Raptor's Perch Location.jpg Mark moved to lower area, north of the battle pit in the open.
Rata Pten Portico Rata Pten Portico.png Mount Maelstrom Criterion Canyon Waypoint (map icon).png Criterion Waypoint
Trek Rata Pten Portico Location.jpg
Raven Nook Raven Nook.png Hoelbrak Raven Lodge Waypoint (map icon).png Raven Waypoint
Trek Raven Nook Location.jpg
Reef Drake Nesting Grounds Reef Drake Nesting Grounds.png Southsun Cove Dappled Shores Waypoint (map icon).png Pearl Islet Waypoint
Trek Reef Drake Den Location.jpg Mark is inside cave, midway between the entrances.
Restless Footings Restless Footings.png Mount Maelstrom The Mire Sea Waypoint (map icon).png Irwin Isle Waypoint
Trek Restless Footings Location.jpg Mark is at base of structure underwater.
Reverberant's Watch Reverberant's Watch.png Wayfarer Foothills Doldenvan Passage Waypoint (map icon).png Darkriven Waypoint
Trek Reverberant's Watch Location.jpg Mark is inside round structure, opposite side of the doorway.
Risewild Green Risewild Green.png Bloodtide Coast Risewild Hills Waypoint (map icon).png Remanda Waypoint
Trek Risewild Green Location.jpg
Rurik's View Rurik's View.png Divinity's Reach Rurikton Waypoint (map icon).png Rurikton Waypoint
Trek Rurik's View Location.jpg Mark is on the third floor at the top of the steps.
Saltflood Altar Saltflood Altar.png Sparkfly Fen Saltflood Mire Waypoint (map icon).png Saltflood Waypoint
Trek Saltflood Altar Location.jpg Mark is on top of an altar inside the pillar circled on the map. Go to the jungle floor and look on the southwest side for an entrance.
Sandwurm Prowl Sandwurm Prowl.png Southsun Cove Dappled Shores Waypoint (map icon).png Pearl Islet Waypoint
Trek Sandwurm Prowl Location.jpg Mark is located on crate near the back of the Onyx Field.
Scholar's Blind Scholar's Blind.png Dredgehaunt Cliffs Steelbrachen Waypoint (map icon).png Toran Hollow Waypoint
Trek Scholar's Blind Location.jpg
Scourgejaw Watchtower Scourgejaw Watchtower.png Iron Marches Scourgejaw's Vault Waypoint (map icon).png Village of Scalecatch Waypoint
Trek Scourgejaw Watchtower Location.jpg Mark is in cave up on a scaffolding.
Scriptorium Nook Scriptorium Nook.png Black Citadel Canton Factorium Waypoint (map icon).png Factorium Waypoint
Trek Scriptorium Nook Location.jpg
Sea Scorpion's Eye Sea Scorpion's Eye.png Cursed Shore Harrowed Sea Waypoint (map icon).png Meddler's Waypoint
Trek Sea Scorpion's Eye Location.jpg Mark is underwater in the eye of a circular structure (near the Risen Sea Scorpions, facing south).
Sentinel Sink Sentinel Sink.png Iron Marches Lake Desolann Waypoint (map icon).png Brandwatch Encampment Waypoint
Trek Sentinel Sink Location.jpg Mark is in underwater cave hidden by an illusionary rock. Follow path in image to access underwater entrance.
Sepulchre Skylight Sepulchre Skylight.png Straits of Devastation Zho'qafa Catacombs Waypoint (map icon).png Rally Waypoint
Trek Sepulchre Skylight Location.jpg
Sharkhollow's Edge Sharkhollow's Edge.png Blazeridge Steppes Twin Sisters Crossing Waypoint (map icon).png Twin Sisters Waypoint
Trek Sharkhollow's Edge Location.jpg Mark is in a cave accessed through an underwater tunnel behind the waterfall.
Shattered Loft Shattered Loft.png Sparkfly Fen The Shattered Keep Waypoint (map icon).png Fort Cadence Waypoint
Trek Shattered Loft Location.jpg Mark is on second floor from the top, in SE corner of building.
Siamoth Refuge Siamoth Refuge.png Sparkfly Fen Darkweather Rise Waypoint (map icon).png Brackwater Waypoint
Trek Siamoth Refuge Location.jpg Correct cave is filled with Siamoth.
Skalecatch Butcher Shop Skalecatch Butcher Shop.png Iron Marches Monger's Sink Waypoint (map icon).png Village of Scalecatch Waypoint
Trek Skalecatch Butcher Shop Location.jpg Mark is inside western building.
Skalefound Cove Skalefound Cove.png Fireheart Rise Sati Passage Waypoint (map icon).png Tuyere Command Post Waypoint
Trek Skalefound Cove Location.jpg Mark is in cave accessed via crevice on the west side of the cliff walls; the crevice is more easily seen when standing near the waterfall and facing north.
Skalesplash Falls Skalesplash Falls.png Timberline Falls Mellaggan's Grotto Waypoint (map icon).png Okarinoo Waypoint
Trek Skalesplash Falls Location.jpg Mark is in cave accessed via underwater tunnel, past the Quaggan village, near the waterfall all the way in the back.
Follow path in image.
Skalestash Hideaway Skalestash Hideaway.png Plains of Ashford Lake Feritas Waypoint (map icon).png Greysteel Armory Waypoint
Trek Skalestash Hideaway Location.jpg
Skelknest Borehole Skelknest Borehole.png Frostgorge Sound Grimstone Mol Waypoint (map icon).png Slough of Despond Waypoint
Trek Skelknest Borehole Location.jpg Mark is in underwater cave, follow patch in image to get inside.
Skibo Hall Dormitory Skibo Hall Dormitory.png Rata Sum Skibo Hall Waypoint (map icon).png Auxiliary Waypoint
Trek Skibo Hall Dormitory Location.jpg Head south and go downstairs, then make a U-turn to the right to the small alcove behind the stairs to find mark.
Skyshine Scratch Skyshine Scratch.png Harathi Hinterlands Ourobore Caves Waypoint (map icon).png Grey Gritta's Waypoint
Trek Skyshrine Scratch Location.jpg
Snowden Safehouse Snowden Safehouse.png Snowden Drifts Hrothgar's Pass Waypoint (map icon).png Snowdrift Haven Waypoint
Trek Snowden Safehouse Location.jpg Mark is inside a small room accessed by jumping off the cliff NW of the outpost.
Snowhowl Den Snowhowl Den.png Snowden Drifts Tromigar Valley Waypoint (map icon).png Snowhawk Landing Waypoint
Trek Snowhowl Den Location.jpg Mark is inside a wolf cave.
Soggorsort Rotunda Soggorsort Rotunda.png Caledon Forest Quetzal Bay Waypoint (map icon).png Titan's Staircase Waypoint
Trek Soggorsort Rotunda Location.jpg Mark is inside a Quaggan house underwater.
Soren Draa Rest Stop Soren Draa Rest Stop.png Metrica Province Obscura Incline Waypoint (map icon).png Soren Draa Waypoint
Trek Soren Draa Rest Stop Location.jpg
Source of Lament Source of Lament.png Frostgorge Sound Leopard's Tail Valley Waypoint (map icon).png Skyheight Steading Waypoint
Trek Source of Lament Location.jpg
Sparwind's Lounge Sparwind's Lounge.png Black Citadel Imperator's Core Waypoint (map icon).png Imperator's Waypoint
Trek Sparwind's Lounge Location.jpg
Spectrehaunt Socket Spectrehaunt Socket.png Malchor's Leap Blighted Arch Waypoint (map icon).png Lights Waypoint
Trek Spectrehaunt Socket Location.jpg A small jumping section must be traversed to reach this mark.
Steamscrap Overlook Steamscrap Overlook.png Lornar's Pass Lake of Lamentation Waypoint (map icon).png Lamentation Waypoint
Trek Steamscrap Overlook Location.jpg
Steampipe Perch Steampipe Perch.png Southsun Cove Driftglass Springs Waypoint (map icon).png Lion Point Waypoint
Trek Steampipe Perch Location.jpg Mark is on desk at top of the area. Go up the steps winding around the back of the area.
Steamy Steps Steamy Steps.png Southsun Cove Southsun Shoals Waypoint (map icon).png Lion Point Waypoint
Trek Steamy Steps Location.jpg Mark is near the beginning of the jumping puzzle.
Steelband's Tunnel Steelband's Tunnel.png Blazeridge Steppes Tumok's Last Stand Waypoint (map icon).png Tumok's Waypoint
Trek Steelband's Tunnel Location.jpg Enter the cave right next to the waypoint. The Mark is a bit further inside the tunnel.
Stentor Shelter Stentor Shelter.png Straits of Devastation Signal Peak Waypoint (map icon).png Signal Peak Waypoint
Trek Stentor Shelter Location.jpg Mark is in cave below.
Stonebore Spiderhole Stonebore Spiderhole.png Gendarran Fields Stonebore Vaults Waypoint (map icon).png Talajian Waypoint
Trek Stonebore Spiderhole Location.jpg
Strongpaw's Garden Strongpaw's Garden.png Diessa Plateau Noxin Dells Waypoint (map icon).png Nageling Waypoint
Trek Strongpaw's Garden Location.jpg
Tactical Retreat Tactical Retreat.png Cursed Shore Desmina's Hallows Waypoint (map icon).png Shipwreck Rock Waypoint
Trek Tactical Retreat Location.jpg
Talus Steps Talus Steps.png Timberline Falls Talus Waterslide Waypoint (map icon).png Talus Waypoint
Trek Talus Steps Location.jpg Mark is inside a cave.
Tarstar Copse Tarstar Copse.png Fireheart Rise Apostate Wastes Waypoint (map icon).png Apostate Waypoint
Trek Tarstar Copse Location.jpg
Tekki's Drawing Board Tekki's Drawing Board.png Brisban Wildlands Duskstruck Moors Waypoint (map icon).png Ulta Metamagicals Waypoint
Trek Tekki's Drawing Board Location.jpg
Thaumanova Spillway Thaumanova Spillway.png Metrica Province Thaumanova Reactor Waypoint (map icon).png Muridian Waypoint
Trek Thaumanova Spillway Location.jpg Mark is located in small river path below structure.
The Karka Klub The Karka Klub.png Southsun Cove Pearl Islet Waypoint (map icon).png Pearl Islet Waypoint
Trek The Karka Club Location.jpg Mark is down on the beach, on the bar.
The People's Deadlock The People's Deadlock.png Frostgorge Sound Bore Lynch Waypoint (map icon).png Groznev Waypoint
Trek The People's Deadlock Location.jpg Take spiral ramp nearby up above mark to reach ramp down to it.
The Workers' Stores The Workers' Stores.png Dredgehaunt Cliffs Dostoev Sky Peak Waypoint (map icon).png Grey Road Waypoint
Trek The Workers' Stores Location.jpg
Togatl Shore Togatl Shore.png Kessex Hills Viathan's Arm Waypoint (map icon).png Viathan Waypoint
Trek Togatl Shore Location.jpg Mark is in hidden cave through underwater tunnel, entrance by Renown Heart.
Tower of Tribulation Tower of Tribulation.png Dredgehaunt Cliffs Tribulation Rift Waypoint (map icon).png Tribulation Waypoint
Trek Tower of Tribulation Location.jpg Requires part of Tribulation Rift Scaffolding jumping puzzle. Mark is on beam extending out from tower part way up near rope and pulley.
Toxal Spill Toxal Spill.png Brisban Wildlands Toxal Bog Waypoint (map icon).png Dry Top Entry Waypoint
Waypoint (map icon).png Triforge Point Waypoint
Trek Toxal Spill Location.jpg Go to the first waypoint in Dry Top and then east through the portal to Brisban Wildlands.
Alternatively, from the Triforge Point Waypoint head east and then south.
Trader's Stash Trader's Stash.png Hoelbrak Trade Commons Waypoint (map icon).png Wolf Waypoint
Trek Trader's Stash Location.jpg Mark is beneath the lodge structure. Follow path in image (from east to west).
Trolltrap Pit Trolltrap Pit.png Lornar's Pass Durmand Priory (location) Waypoint (map icon).png Durmand Priory Waypoint
Trek Trolltrap Pit Location.jpg The mark is behind a "fake" wall in the troll's pit.
Turai Tavern Stillroom Turai Tavern Stillroom.png Divinity's Reach Ossan Quarter Waypoint (map icon).png Balthazar Waypoint
Trek Turai Tavern Stillroom Location.jpg Mark is in basement of tavern.
Ulta Scraproom Ulta Scraproom.png Brisban Wildlands Duskstruck Moors Waypoint (map icon).png Ulta Metamagicals Waypoint
Trek Ulta Scraproom Location.jpg
Unseen Scratch Unseen Scratch.png Caledon Forest Ruins of the Unseen Waypoint (map icon).png Caledon Haven Waypoint
Trek Unseen Scratch Location.jpg
Upsilon Hyperboloid Upsilon Hyperboloid.png Malchor's Leap Midwater Hollows Waypoint (map icon).png Waste Hollows Waypoint
Trek Upsilon Hyperboloid Location.jpg
Usharr's Threshold Usharr's Threshold.png Sparkfly Fen Stone of Hazaan Waypoint (map icon).png Toade's Head Waypoint
Trek Usharr's Threshold Location.jpg
Vacant Hermitage Vacant Hermitage.png Blazeridge Steppes Heretic Plain Waypoint (map icon).png Guardian Stone Waypoint
Trek Vacant Hermitage Location.jpg Mark is inside ruined building.
Venison Hollow Venison Hollow.png Lornar's Pass Venison Pass Waypoint (map icon).png Vanjir's Stead Waypoint
Trek Venison Hollow Location.jpg
Verdance Font Verdance Font.png Cursed Shore Cathedral of Verdance Waypoint (map icon).png Verdance Waypoint
Trek Verdance Font Location.jpg Mark is underwater.
Vizier's Anteport Vizier's Anteport.png Straits of Devastation Shark's Teeth Archipelago Waypoint (map icon).png Lone Post Waypoint
Trek Vizier's Anteport Location.jpg
Wassa's Terrace Wassa's Terrace.png Gendarran Fields Traveler's Dale Waypoint (map icon).png First Haven Waypoint
Trek Wassa's Terrace Location.jpg Mark is up on the highest tower.
Watchpoint Decimus Watchpoint Decimus.png Plains of Ashford Victor's Presidium Waypoint (map icon).png Guardpoint Decimus Waypoint
Trek Watchpoint Decimus Location.jpg Waypoint may not always be there due to event involving camp.
Wheelport Pub Wheelport Pub.png Black Citadel Praetor's Canton Waypoint (map icon).png Mustering Ground Waypoint
Trek Wheelport Pub Location.jpg Mark is on second level, take one of the two ramps up.
Whitland Sinkhole Whitland Sinkhole.png Mount Maelstrom Whitland Flats Waypoint (map icon).png Old Sledge Site Waypoint
Trek Whitland Sinkhole Location.jpg
Widd's Folly Widd's Folly.png Caledon Forest Mabon Market Waypoint (map icon).png Mabon Waypoint
Trek Widd's Folly Location.jpg
Wikk's Gate Wikk's Gate.png Timberline Falls Fisher's Eye Bridges Waypoint (map icon).png Valance Tutory Waypoint
Trek Wikk's Gate Location.jpg
Wildflame Monitor Wildflame Monitor.png Metrica Province Wildflame Caverns Waypoint (map icon).png Soren Draa Waypoint
Trek Wildflame Monitor Location.jpg Mark is on the second floor, use stone steps to reach.
Winterknell Impasse Winterknell Impasse.png Cursed Shore Winterknell Isle Waypoint (map icon).png R&D Waypoint
Trek Winterknell Impasse Location.jpg
Wrelk's Salon Wrelk's Salon.png Gendarran Fields Almuten Estates Waypoint (map icon).png Almuten Waypoint
Trek Wrelk's Salon Location.jpg Mark is inside on ground floor.


  • If multiple guild members congregate at the same target location, one person triggering that location will be sufficient to consider it triggered for all members present, thereby earning personal reward for each of them. This can be especially useful on the Easy and Medium treks, where there may be many more members than locations, enabling them all to get personal reward in 1 trek, instead of restarting the trek over again.
