Western Commons

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Western Commons

2Point of interest (map icon).png

Western Commons map.jpg
Map of Western Commons

Western Commons locator.svg
Location within Divinity's Reach


Western Commons.jpg

Click to enlarge.

The Western Commons is an area within Divinity's Reach located in the southwest section of the city.


Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png Mina's Target Shooting
Point of interest (map icon).png The Busted Flagon





Ambient dialogue[edit]

Poet: Where lies our surcease of sorrow?
Ingolf Roaldson: BEER!
Poet: Where do we find strength for tomorrow?
Ingolf Roaldson: BEER!
Poet: What heals our wounds and numbs our pain? Liquid barley, hops, and grain!
Poet: Barkeep! Fill my pint again!
Ingolf Roaldson: BARKEEP! MORE BEER!
Seraph Soldier: Everyone, raise your mugs in honor of minister Caudecus!
Citizen (1): To the minister!
Citizen (2): May he live a long and healthy life!
Seraph Soldier: And long may he host the best festivals in the city!
Seraph Soldier: To Caudecus!
Citizen (1): To Caudecus!
Citizen (2): To Caudecus!
Citizen (2): Aren't you supposed to be on patrol?
Seraph Soldier: Duty calls. Don't forget to pay the barkeep.
Citizen (1): There goes one of Divinity's finest.
Citizen (1): Whatsa matter? Can't keep up with the big boys?
Citizen (2): I think I'm full up to my eyeballs.
Citizen (1): You seein' double?
Citizen (2): Only if you're buying another round.
Citizen (1): I think you're smarter after you've had a few.
Citizen (2): Barkeep! Another round of "intelligence potion"!
Alleyway Lurker (1): Ey. You get the message?
Alleyway Lurker (2): Yeah the kid tipped me off. Here ya go.
Alleyway Lurker (1): All right. If I like what I see, I'll pay for more tomorrow.
Barmaid Karlena: The Busted Flagon is looking for part-time bouncers! Previous bar-brawl experience preferred but not required!
Barmaid Karlena: Are you skilled enough to drop a drunken norn? Then the Busted Flagon wants YOU as a part-time bouncer!
Beggar: All donations are tax deductible!
Beggar: Bring me your gently used gold coins and half-full ale mugs!
Beggar: Money for a poor man?
Beggar: Spare a little change?
Beggar: Who says beggars can't be choosers?
Beggar: I accept all gifts with a smile.
Child: I bet I can run faster than you!
Child: I saw this hunter who had a doggie. It was bigger than me, and it said, "Woof!"
Child: Tonight, I'm going to sneak in and see the queen!
Child: When I grow up, I'm going to be a brave hero!
Noble: Whoa! (laugh) Did you see that?
Noble: Praise the Six!
Worker: (weary laugh) This is one of those days, isn't it?
Worker: Listen to my advice: never assume you can outrun a wild animal.
Child (1): Fighting bandits is hard work.
Child (2): Mmm hmm.
Child (1): Enjoying your rations, soldier?
Child (2): Mmm hmm.
Child (1): Good man. We'll attack the centaurs next.
Child (2): Um, I hear my mom calling me.
Child (1): Stop right there!
Child (2): In the name of the queen, I demand you surrender!
Child (3): You'll never take us alive!
Child (2): Brenner!
Child (4): Pew! Pew! Pew!
Child (1): Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!
Child (4): Agh! Tell my wife I love her!
Child (2): Prepare to die! Bang! Bang!
Child (3): I regret... nothing!
Citizen (1): Do you think the gods like helping us? Or do you think it's a chore for them?
Citizen (2): I suspect it's as much a chore for them as cleaning the porch is for me.
Citizen (1): You haven't cleaned the porch in years.
Citizen (2): Kind of my point.
Citizen (1): Guess what I heard? The queen rejected another suitor before he even set foot in town.
Citizen (2): Good for her. She's young. Her life is fine just the way it is.
Citizen (1): You've got to be kidding. You know she doesn't have a child, right? What if something happens to her? Without a descendant to the throne...
Citizen (2): What? You're mad that she's not married and pregnant? She's your queen. Watch what you're saying. She knows what she's doing.
Citizen (1): How're you doing?
Citizen (2): The usual. Drinking and fighting.
Citizen (1): Brawling isn't ladylike.
Citizen (2): Them's fightin' words.
Citizen (1): Oh, right! Then let me buy you a drink.
Citizen (2): Finally, a guy who understands me. I'll meet you at the bar after I've killed a few bandits.
Citizen (1): The minister's a helluva guy spending money on something like that.
Citizen (2): He acts like a nice guy hosting a carnival for the kids, while the city goes to hell.
Citizen (1): You gonna tell me about how kind and generous Queen Jennah is, and what a shame it is she isn't married yet?
Citizen (2): Keep you voice down.
Citizen (2): You say the wrong thing in the wrong place, and we're gonna have trouble.
Citizen (1): Think she had a few ribs removed before she bought that corset?
Citizen (2): You could wear something like that... if you stopped eating. And breathing.
Citizen (1): Who does she think she is? Anise?
Citizen (1): You can't trust those damn norn. They trade with charr!
Citizen (2): This again?
Citizen (1): It's nothing personal. I hate everyone.
Citizen (2): You're a prince among men.
Citizen (1): You think this is bad, you should try trading with the tengu. Talk about strict!
Citizen (2): Oh, come on. It can't really be that much of a hassle, can it?
Citizen (1): Let me put it this way: you know how they say the emperor threw all of the nonhumans out of Cantha?
Citizen (1): He probably got tired of haggling with them!
Citizen (1): One, two, three...shoot!
Citizen (1): Paper wraps rock. I win!
Citizen (2): You're a fool. Rock tears through paper!
Citizen (1): Is this like those rock-cutting scissors you had yesterday?
Citizen (2): They were really good scissors! And this is a really heavy rock. You lose!
Citizen (1): You're crazy. If I didn't love you so much, I'd ditch you in centaur country.
Citizen (2): You just love me for my rock-cutting scissors. I win again.
