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Living World Season 4 content

Redeemer Kossan

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Elona calls, and my family has a long history of answering that call.

Redeemer Kossan

Redeemer Kossan Dejarin is a descendant of Koss Dejarin and Melonni, and the right-hand man of Keeper Pamir in the Order of Shadows. He views his ancestor Koss with reverence and does his best to be the hero Elona deserves in its time of need.


Path of Fire[edit]

In his youth, Kossan Dejarin heard tales of his famous ancestors Koss Dejarin and Melonni, and he grew to idolize them for their bravery and skills. At some point he joined the ranks of the Order of Shadows in order to fight against the Awakened and free Elona from the grip of Palawa Joko. He was eventually made the right-hand man of Keeper Pamir who, realizing Kossan's charisma and skills, began grooming him to become the hero Elona needed and whom the Order could use to rally people behind.

While stationed at Torment's Watch as a Redeemer, Kossan handled operations for the camp, which included scheduling watches and patrols around the Mouth of Torment, and kept morale up among the agents. He earned the respect of many of his fellow agents, some of whom became bashful in his presence. According to the agents' tales Kossan had single-handedly broken into the Bone Palace and killed a member of the dreaded Mordant Crescent.[1]

When Balthazar's Forged army invaded Elona in 1330 AE and began using the Mouth of Torment as their staging ground, the Order of Shadows observed their progress and witnessed clashes between the Forged and the Awakened. Kossan frequently investigated strange disturbances near the Chantry of Shadows, and in his patrols he experienced the cunning and strength of the Forged who proved to be formidable adversaries. He put down a tenacious Forged officer, who had been ambushing agents, as well as "Scraps", which had been sabotaging the Order's surveillance devices.

Kossan ran into the Pact Commander during these excursions, and the two exchanged ideas while Kossan informed the Commander about his lineage with Koss and Melonni and how significant those heroes of the past had been to Elona. He eventually learned of the Commander's success in stopping Balthazar in the Battle of Kodash Bazaar.

Living World Season 4[edit]

Following the death of Palawa Joko in the Battle of Gandara in 1331 AE, Kossan accompanied Shadows Agent Kito and other delegates from the Order of Shadows to attend a summit at the Fortress of Jahai where they witnessed the Commander's dragon ally Aurene landing there much to some of the delegates' shock. Although Kossan was receptive to the treaty by Spearmarshal Zaeim who had been gathering various factions in the fortress to decide on a post-Joko ruling council for Elona, the attempted coup by the Mordant Crescent's Archon Iberu nearly ended the summit if not for the timely intervention by an Awakened Koss Dejarin who killed the archon.

The summit was interrupted again, however, when the Death-Branded Shatterer assaulted the fortress with its Branded minions on behalf of the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik and forced the Commander and the delegates to flee into the courtyard before it gave chase to Aurene. Kossan finally got to talk with Koss in the aftermath, revealing that they were related and asking to speak with him in private.

After the Order of the Sunspears decided to move survivors of the attacks and local refugees to a safer location to withstand Branded incursions, Kossan accompanied Koss, the Commander and Braham Eirsson to the old Sunspear base in Jahai Bluffs. The group divided into two pairs and began a friendly competition to clear the cave of the spiders and the Colossal Broodmother, which had been dwelling there, and lighting protective braziers before Koss named the reclaimed base as Sun's Refuge.

Shortly after clearing the cave, the group met with the Commander's other allies who arrived there, only to witness another Branded invasion from rifts which suddenly appeared. Kossan stayed with Aurene to protect her along with other allies while the Commander took a small group to fight the Branded head-on. After the invasion had been thwarted, Kossan witnessed the Commander return to Aurene with the ghosts of Eir Stegalkin and Snaff who had come with great urgency: Kralkatorrik was devouring magic in the Mists, and Aurene needed to confront the Elder Dragon before it would become too powerful to face. Aurene shared visions of multiple futures, however, in which she died no matter which allies she brought with her for the confrontation with Kralkatorrik, and fled while leaving the Commander and the allies behind to worry about the future.

To stop panic from spreading, the Commander's ally Blish pointed out that he and the Commander already had a plan to attach a tracker to Kralkatorrik via a magical lure so they could monitor the Elder Dragon's movements and evacuate settlements before the Branded could invade populated areas. Sometime later, Kossan witnessed the Commander and Blish returning to Sun's Refuge with Balthazar's greatsword in tow and restoring its lost flame with the assistance of Rytlock Brimstone's Sohothin. Upon learning that the Commander and Blish were to depart to the Mists to attach the tracker, Kossan wished them luck and reminded them that the fate of Elona depended on their success. He later learned of Blish's sacrifice to ensure the tracker would function despite a faulty battery.

Kossan spoke with Koss whenever he could in Sun's Refuge, only to see Koss leaving temporarily upon the latter learning that Tahlkora, an old friend from the past, had been Awakened. While waiting for Koss to return, Kossan conversed with Zaeim, and the two men came to respect one another although Zaeim was amused by Kossan's enthusiasm about Koss. When Koss returned to Sun's Refuge, Kossan found himself unable to ask him all the questions he had been thinking of. However, Koss sensed the younger man's uncertainty and answered the most important question the agent had had in mind: he was proud of Kossan but also reminded him that the agent's combat stances and shouts still needed some polishing.[2]


Crystal Desert

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 4[edit]

Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan (Scraps) (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan (Forged Officer) (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan (Forged Attack) (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Koss's Legacy

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png


(If human)
Hello, friend. I'm Kossan, Pamir's right-hand man. I handle operations for the camp: scheduling watches and patrols, keeping morale up... Whatever's needed.
An/A <character race>! Unexpected. I'm Kossan, Pamir's right-hand man. I handle operations for the camp: scheduling watches and patrols, keeping morale up... Whatever's needed.
(if the "Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan" event is ready to begin)
Talk ready option.png Did you need volunteers for a patrol?
(after the "Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan" event)
Talk more option tango.png I get the impression you're well respected around here.
Maybe. I'm a descendant of Koss and Melonni, and when your ancestors are famous, people have high expectations.
Talk more option tango.png So why are you only second-in-command?
I'd rather go out and get my hands dirty than sit in meetings all day. Pamir has that covered. Saving Elona will take both strategy and action, and I know my strengths.
Talk back option tango.png I'd like to ask something else.
What do you want to know?
Talk more option tango.png How are things going for the Order? (same as below)
Talk more option tango.png I've traveled from Central Tyria in search of Balthazar. (same as below)
Talk end option tango.png Nothing, thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Knowing your strengths is a strength in itself.
Talk end option tango.png I'm sure you inherited their finest qualities.
(If asura)
Talk more option tango.png I heard what Pamir said. Does he really expect you to be Elona's hero?
Sometimes it feels like too much. I wonder what the great Koss and Melonni would say. My folks used to tell me stories about them to encourage me.
Talk more option tango.png Those names sound familiar. Who were they?
Sunspear heroes from long ago who defended Elona from Abaddon. Koss was courageous to the point of brashness. Melonni was just as fiercely devoted but showed more restraint.
Talk more option tango.png So, Koss would say something...aggressively motivational?
That's probably accurate. He'd wave his hand at my doubts and say, "Forged. Branded. If it can be cracked, we can kill it."
Talk more option tango.png Melonni had strong opinions, too, I'm sure.
Well, she believed in the gods but believed in Elona even more. She'd tell me, "Kormir would want us to save her people. That's all there is to it."
Talk back option tango.png I have an additional inquiry.
What do you want to know?
Talk more option tango.png How are things going for the Order? (same as below)
Talk more option tango.png I've traveled from Central Tyria in search of Balthazar. (same as below)
Talk end option tango.png Nothing, thanks.
Talk end option tango.png We have similar objectives. Let's accomplish them.
Talk end option tango.png "You never fight alone." Isn't that what the Sunspears say?
Talk end option tango.png Hmm. Maybe a modicum of caution would be wise.
Talk back option tango.png I have an additional inquiry. (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png I think we can deduce they would both support you.
Talk end option tango.png Then, logically, they would say something encouraging.
(If charr)
Talk more option tango.png That's quite the load Keeper Pamir put on you, eh, soldier?
Sometimes it feels like too much. I wonder what the great Koss and Melonni would say. My folks used to tell me stories about them to encourage me.
Talk more option tango.png I think I've heard those names. Who were they?
Sunspear heroes from long ago who defended Elona from Abaddon. Koss was courageous to the point of brashness. Melonni was just as fiercely devoted but showed more restraint.
Talk more option tango.png Then Koss would probably try to rally the to speak.
He might just skip the pep talk and rush straight in to battle. I can picture him running past me, yelling, "Look out, Forged. Here comes Koss!"
Talk more option tango.png Melonni sounds more like legionnaire material.
She'd say, "Don't let the Awakened get away with this! They've done enough harm to Elona."
Talk back option tango.png I've got another question. (same as above)
What do you want to know?
Talk more option tango.png That's quite the load Keeper Pamir put on you, eh, soldier? (same as above)
Talk more option tango.png How are things going for the Order? (same as below)
Talk more option tango.png I've traveled from Central Tyria in search of Balthazar. (same as below)
Talk end option tango.png Nothing, thanks.
Talk end option tango.png That Sunspear motto: "You never fight alone." Don't forget it.
Talk end option tango.png Take that mettle to the battlefield!
Talk back option tango.png I've got another question. (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png I think they'd tell you not to sweat it so much.
Talk end option tango.png You can probably answer that for yourself.
(If norn)
Talk more option tango.png From what I just heard, Pamir has mighty plans for you!
Talk more option tango.png From what I just heard, Pamir has high expectations for your legend!
Sometimes it feels like too much. I wonder what the great Koss and Melonni would say. My folks used to tell me stories about them to encourage me.
Talk more option tango.png I might've heard those names. Who were they?
Sunspear heroes from long ago who defended Elona against Abaddon. Koss was courageous to the point of brashness. Melonni was just as fiercely devoted but showed more restraint.
Talk more option tango.png Koss would tell you to find your courage.
That's probably accurate. He'd wave his hand at my doubts and say, "Forged. Branded. If it can be cracked, we can kill it."
Talk more option tango.png And Melonni was the brain behind the brawn?
Well, she believed in the gods but believed in Elona even more. She'd tell me, "Kormir would want us to save her people. That's all there is to it."
Talk back option tango.png I think there's more you can tell me.
What do you need to know?
Talk more option tango.png How are things going for the Order? (same as below)
Talk more option tango.png I've traveled from Central Tyria in search of Balthazar. (same as below)
Talk end option tango.png Nothing, thanks.
Talk more option tango.png You must rise to the challenge, friend. Good luck.
Talk more option tango.png Just remember, "You never fight alone." Or so the Sunspears say.
Talk end option tango.png True fearlessness! I approve.
Talk back option tango.png I think there's more you can tell me.
Talk end option tango.png They sound like legends worthy of song.
Talk end option tango.png Don't let your doubts hold you back.
(If sylvari)
Talk more option tango.png I heard what Pamir said. Does he really expect you to be Elona's hero?
Talk more option tango.png I overheard Pamir talking about your calling. Do you agree with him?
Sometimes it feels like too much. I wonder what the great Koss and Melonni would say. My folks used to tell me stories about them to encourage me.
Talk more option tango.png Those names sound familiar. Who were they?
Sunspear heroes from long ago who defended Elona from Abaddon. Koss was courageous to the point of brashness. Melonni was just as fiercely devoted but showed more restraint.
Talk more option tango.png I think Koss would tell you to be brave.
He might just skip the pep talk and rush straight in to battle. I can picture him running past me, yelling, "Look out, Forged. Here comes Koss!"
I think you're right. He'd grin and say something like, "Let's go show Joko's troops what real adventurers can do!"
He was fearless. He'd take up arms, look me in the eye, and say, "There's not enough Awakened in the world to defeat us!"
I bet he'd take one look at the Awakened, sneer, and say, "I'd take on Joko single-handedly. Is he afraid to face Koss?"
Talk more option tango.png And what wisdom would Melonni have to share?
She'd say, "Don't let the Awakened get away with this! They've done enough harm to Elona."
She believed in Elona and its people. She'd say, "I remember when all of Elona was free, and it will be free again."
Talk back option tango.png Would you answer another question for me?
What do you want to know?
Talk more option tango.png I heard your discussion with the Keeper. (same as "I heard what Pamir said...")
Talk more option tango.png How are things going for the Order? (same as below)
Talk more option tango.png I've traveled from Central Tyria in search of Balthazar. (same as below)
Talk end option tango.png Nothing, thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Listen to your ancestors. You know what is asked of you.
She'd offer me her strength. She would tell me, "We can still save Elona. Screw your courage to the sticking place, my friend."
She would tell me to defend my people. She would face my enemies beside me and say, "Those who threaten our country shall regret doing so."
Talk back option tango.png Would you answer another question for me? (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Find courage in that motto: 'You never fight alone.' [sic]
Talk end option tango.png Take courage from his words, my friend.
Talk back option tango.png Would you answer another question for me? (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png I think they both would have supported you.
Talk end option tango.png Remember the stories, and take heart.
Talk more option tango.png How are things going for the Order?
It's a constant struggle. We're understaffed and undersupplied. Joko's army was a challenge, and Balthazar's arrival has elevated the situation.
Talk back option tango.png I'd like to ask something else. (if not asura, same as above)
Talk back option tango.png I have an additional inquiry. (if asura, same as above)
Talk end option tango.png That is decidedly subideal, I agree. (if asura)
Talk end option tango.png Hopefully it won't be this way forever. (if human)
Talk end option tango.png Sounds tough! I wouldn't want to be in your boots. (if norn)
Talk end option tango.png I must believe this is only temporary. Have hope. (if sylvari)
Talk more option tango.png I've traveled from Central Tyria in search of Balthazar.
I have an inkling you're on the right path. Not sure how I know. Maybe it's the Forged everywhere. More seem to show up every day.
Talk back option tango.png What else is going on around here?
Talk end option tango.png So this is a good place to take out some Forged? Great.
Talk end option tango.png Keep up the good work.

Related achievements[edit]


  • Kossan's line "Screw your courage to the sticking place" is an homage to the same line said by Lady Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 7 of the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. It is also a reference to the Guild Wars Nightfall hero Melonni, from whom he is descended.
