Living World Season 4 content


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4Waypoint (map icon).png 21Point of interest (map icon).png 8Vista (map icon).png

Dragonfall map.jpg
Map of Dragonfall

Crystal Desert

Dragonfall loading screen.jpg
Loading screen



Click to enlarge.

Dragonfall is a zone available via Living World Season 4 episode War Eternal. It is located lore-wise in the Unending Ocean south of the Ruins of Orr, but mechanically belongs to the Crystal Desert.

It comprises the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik's body trapped under chunks of land pulled from the human god realms in the Mists—the Burning Forest from Balthazar's Fissure of Woe, a section of Grenth's Underworld, and Melandru's domain.

Getting there[edit]

Map completion[edit]


Area Area objectives
Crystal Bloom Camp
Waypoint (map icon).png Burning Forest Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Balthazar's Folly
Point of interest (map icon).png Crystal Bloom Outpost
Crystal Wing
Point of interest (map icon).png Verdance Falls (Crystal Wing) (Disappears upon discovery and does not count towards map completion)
Dragon's Causeway
Point of interest (map icon).png Crystal Cudgel
Dragon's Snare
Shrine.png Southwest Shrine
Point of interest (map icon).png Shackled Grasp
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Dragonfall Insight: Dragon's Snare
Ember Gate
Point of interest (map icon).png Fire God's Precipice
Vista (map icon).png Gnarlgrove Vista
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Dragonfall Insight: Gnarlgrove Overlook
Grenth's Teeth
Point of interest (map icon).png Loathsome Pulpit
Vista (map icon).png Grenth's Teeth Vista
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Dragonfall Insight: Grenth's Teeth Coastline
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Dragonfall Insight: Skyscale Eyrie
Howling Gate
Point of interest (map icon).png Grenth's Respite
Melandru's Chalice
Point of interest (map icon).png Tower of the Third
Point of interest (map icon).png Verdance Falls
Vista (map icon).png Melandru's Chalice Vista
Mist Warden Camp
Waypoint (map icon).png Melandru's Lost Domain Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Mist Warden Outpost
Shrine.png Southeast Shrine
Vista (map icon).png Mosswood Vista
Necrotic Coast
Point of interest (map icon).png Wailing Basin
Vista (map icon).png Necrotic Coast Vista
Olmakhan Camp
Waypoint (map icon).png The Underworld Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Olmakhan Outpost
Pact Command
Waypoint (map icon).png Pact Command Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Airdrome Port
Point of interest (map icon).png Charnel Gate
Point of interest (map icon).png Ember Gate (point of interest)
Point of interest (map icon).png Pact Outpost
Point of interest (map icon).png Verdant Gate
Vista (map icon).png Pact Command Vista
Scorched Cliffs
Vista (map icon).png Scorched Cliffs Vista
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Dragonfall Insight: Scorched Cliffs Treetop
Sky's Reach
Point of interest (map icon).png Skyscale Eyrie
The Skein
Umbral Battlegrounds
Point of interest (map icon).png Trail of Cinder
Vista (map icon).png Umbral Battlegrounds Vista
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Dragonfall Insight: Above the Umbral Battlegrounds
Virulent Wastes
Shrine.png Northwest Shrine
Point of interest (map icon).png Ashen Steppes
Wing's Shadow
Point of interest (map icon).png Chaos Gate

Interactive map[edit]



Crafting resources[edit]

Resource nodes
Mine resource (map icon).png Mithril Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Orichalcum Ore
Wood resource (map icon).png Baobab Sapling
Wood resource (map icon).png Red Oak Sapling
Wood resource (map icon).png Mebahya Sapling
Wood resource (map icon).png Ancient Sapling
Mistborn Mote (node).png Mistborn Mote
Plant resource (map icon).png Flax
Plant resource (map icon).png Jungle Plants
Plant resource (map icon).png Verdant Herbs
Plant resource (map icon).png Black Crocus
Plant resource (map icon).png Cayenne Pepper
Plant resource (map icon).png Ghost Pepper
Plant resource (map icon).png Lentils
Plant resource (map icon).png Mussels

Related achievements[edit]

Primary article: War Eternal (achievements)

