“Dredge are vile little mole people. They live in caves, they smell bad, and they chase anyone who lives on the surface. They're constantly staging sneak attacks on all settlements in the area.
The dredge are a mole-like race. They were enslaved by the Stone Summit dwarves in the past and were ready to fight alongside any who would help free them from their masters' whips. After the Transformation of the Dwarves, the dredge gained their freedom once and for all, and established themselves as the heirs to the dwarven kingdom in the Shiverpeak Mountains, where they battle the displaced norn for control of dwarven territory. They have made their capital in Sorrow's Embrace, formerly the main mine of the Stone Summit.
The dredge are intelligent and roughly humanoid with hunched postures and, due to their race's history beneath the surface, underdeveloped eyes, to the point of nearly being blind. They have a highly developed sense of hearing, and all their repurposed dwarven technology is sound-based, earning them the respect of the asura.[1][2][3]
Living in darkness for generations and relying only on their hearing has given almost all dredge immunity to being Blinded. The exception are Molten Alliance dredge as well as those found in the Underground Facility Fractal.
Little is known of dredge culture, only that they value highly the freedom of their race—a fact that is ironically used by their government to limit personal freedoms, and keep the dredge subservient, much like the dwarves did centuries ago. As such, the dredge can be considered to be in a state of permanent revolution.
The dredge have, in the past, strived to remain independent, but were recently manipulated into cooperation with the Inquest. They have recently become increasingly xenophobic, and the kodan, who have fled south from the Elder Dragon Jormag into dredge territory, view them as expansionist, and see their presence on the surface as an attempt to "pull an asura."[4]
The dredge were, until recently, ruled by a dictatorship of the moletariate, but due to their involvement with the Inquest, a group of opportunistic young officers overthrew the old generals, including Koptev, Zadorojny, and War Minister Shukov, and installed a military dictatorship instead. The military leaders claimed the Inquest the sole "good outsiders" and allied with them to gain control over the Destroyer of Worlds, intending to use it to wage war on the surface races. To this end, Minister Shukov, once considered honorable, took to Inquest methods and enslaved his own people, forcing them to work harder in the name of patriotism.
Countering this, a revolution has begun to take form circa 1325 AE. One front at the heart of Sorrow's Embrace is led by Rasolov. The revolution aims to free the workers and overthrow the moletariate as a whole to bring in a new leadership. The revolution has only taken place in two places thus far: in Sorrow's Embrace and Groznev Delve, within Frostgorge Sound, though it is unclear if both are the same or separate revolutions.
Despite the revolution, however, the moletariate began working with the Flame Legion as part of the Molten Alliance for access to fire magic, and assisted Scarlet Briar in the assault on Lion's Arch in 1326 AE. It remains unclear if the forces that joined the Molten Alliance were the old or the new moletariate, however.
Early history[edit]
In 1072 AE, the dredge were under the thumb of the Stone Summit dwarves, who used them as slaves in the mines of Sorrow's Furnace. At one point, a few desperate escapees from the Shiverpeak Mountains tunneled for hundreds of miles to reach a strange new home—the Echovald Forest of Cantha, where their offspring jealously defended their prized freedom. These dredge were ferocious and aggressive, having escaped slavery on their own, and planned to establish their race anew in the then-petrified woodlands. With Emperor Usoku's campaign against non-humans, it is unknown if they succeeded.
Meanwhile, in the far north, the dwarven civil war came largely to an end as the nation of Deldrimor launched a pre-emptive strike and destroyed the Stone Summit's superweapon, the Iron Forgeman. Some dredge remained in Sorrow's Furnace, which remains the dredge capital to this day, and others were taken north by the fleeing Stone Summit and put to work in the Vloxen Excavations in the Woodland Cascades, where the Stone Summit used them to unearth an ancient lich known as Zoldark the Unholy. After the final defeat of the Duncan the Black and the Stone Summit in Slavers' Exile, the dredge were finally able to claim their freedom, and rose to inherit the former lands of the dwarves. When the norn fled south from the ravages of the Elder Dragon Jormag, it put them into conflict with the dredge, and to this day the two races battle for territory in the Shiverpeaks.
Personal story[edit]
In 1325 AE, Snaff's former apprentice Kudu approached War Minister Shukov and convinced him to allow the historically isolationist dredge to cooperate with the Inquest. Shukov was promised a "great opening of the world", and planned for the dredge to flood the surface, conquer the charr and norn, humble the sylvari, and put the ancient humans in their place. This plan was disrupted by Zojja, Caithe, and the Pact Commander, who destroyed Kudu's masterpiece, a rebuilt Iron Forgeman powered by draconic energies. The defeat of the Inquest plunged dredge society into chaos resulting in a revolution against the moletariate, and the outcome of the turmoil is not yet known.
Living World Season 1[edit]
In 1326 AE, the dredge formed a Molten Alliance with the Flame Legion of the charr. They lent their technology to the Flame Legion, who gave them use of magic in return to invade the Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau, razing homesteads and ranches, and displacing refugees. The Wolfborn and the Adamant Guard formulated a response to these attacks, leading to the raids on Molten Facilities in the affected regions to put an end to the Molten Alliance's acts of aggression.
Living World Season 4[edit]
Known mines[edit]
- Bloodtide Coast
- Mole's Head (Abandoned)
- Dredgehaunt Cliffs
- De Molish Post
- Dostoev Sky Peak
- Firebase Molek
- Fridgardr Lodge
- Kapellenburg
- Sorrow's Embrace (Capital)
- Tribulation Rift
- Unnamed camp at Heimdahl's Last Stand
- Frostgorge Sound
- Bore Lynch
- Groznev Delve
- Iron Horse Mines
- Unnamed mine in Stonesledge Draft
- Thunderhead Peaks
- Refiner's Joy (Above ground settlement)
- Timberline Falls
- Molodets Excavation
- Sector Zuhl (Abandoned)
- See also: Category:Dredge
- Aya
- Bandit
- Builder
- Captain Strazny
- Caster
- Caster
- Champion Dredge Bomber
- Champion Dredge Commissar
- Champion Dredge Overseer
- Champion Dredge Resonator
- Champion Dredge Reverberant
- Champion Molten Reverberant
- Champion Rabsovich
- Champion Weapons Test Engineer
- Chevnik
- Commissar Rykov
- Commissar Szeged
- Directorate Chief Spalaxinov
- Discouraged Dredge Excavator
- Dredge Artillery General
- Dredge Bomber
- Dredge Controller
- Dredge Cubnapper
- Dredge Disaggregation General
- Dredge Disaggregator
- Dredge Diving Suit
- Dredge Engineer
- Dredge Excavation General
- Dredge Excavator
- Dredge Exterminator
- Dredge Grenadier
- Dredge Jailer
- Dredge Miner
- Dredge Mining Suit
- Dredge Oscillator
- Dredge Ratnik
- Dredge Rebel
- Dredge Repair Crew
- Dredge Resonator
- Dredge Resonator General
- Dredge Reverberant
- Dredge Rifleman
- Dredge Salvager
- Dredge Security Contractor
- Dredge Security Officer
- Dredge Siege Engineer
- Dredge Strazar
- Dredge Supplier Yuliya
- Dredge Tinkerer
- Dredge Tunneler
- Dredge Worker
- Elite Dredge Bomber
- Elite Dredge Disaggregator
- Elite Dredge Excavator
- Elite Dredge Mining Suit
- Elite Dredge Oscillator
- Elite Dredge Resonator
- Elite Dredge Reverberant
- Elite Dredge Rifleman
- Elite Dredge Soldier
- Elite Molten Oscillator
- Elite Molten Protector
- Elite Molten Ratnik
- Elite Molten Reverberant
- Elite Molten Strazar
- Elite Sentry
- Fishermole Irina
- Foreman Korov
- Foreman Kreutzerova
- Foreman Tomak
- Foreman Webarov
- Foreman Zeleoniy
- Foreman's Crew
- General Molradovich
- General Volkov
- General Zadorojny
- Gigarg the Cruel
- Havel
- Ivan
- Karamoleoff
- Karchev
- Koptev
- Lead Scientist Kostya
- Legendary Dredge Power Suit
- Marat
- Miner Mikhail
- Miner Voss
- Molten Disaggregator
- Molten Excavator
- Molten Firestorm
- Molten Mining Suit
- Molten Oscillator
- Molten Ratnik
- Molten Resonator
- Molten Reverberant
- Molten Strazar
- Molvarpa
- Molwurve
- Nimble Sentinel Suit
- Oppressed Worker
- Overminer
- Protector Sentinel Suit
- Rasolov
- Rebel Alexsei
- Rebel Constantine
- Rebel Isaak
- Rebel Supplier
- Rebel Sympathizer
- Rifleman
- Sage Ninukab
- Sonic Rifleman
- Spymaster Golosk
- Tarleov
- The Foreman
- The Grey Terror
- The Taskmaster
- Vambery
- Varya
- Veteran Dredge Bomber
- Veteran Dredge Commissar
- Veteran Dredge Controller
- Veteran Dredge Disaggregator
- Veteran Dredge Diving Suit
- Veteran Dredge Excavator
- Veteran Dredge Exterminator
- Veteran Dredge Mining Suit
- Veteran Dredge Oscillator
- Veteran Dredge Prisoner
- Veteran Dredge Raidmaster
- Veteran Dredge Resonator
- Veteran Dredge Reverberant
- Veteran Dredge Siegemaster
- Veteran Dredge Strazar
- Veteran Dredge Tunneler
- Veteran Dredge Weapons Guard
- Veteran Dredge Worker
- Veteran Molengrad Commissar
- Veteran Molten Disaggregator
- Veteran Molten Excavator
- Veteran Molten Mining Suit
- Veteran Molten Oscillator
- Veteran Molten Protector
- Veteran Molten Ratnik
- Veteran Molten Resonator
- Veteran Molten Reverberant
- Veteran Molten Shaman
- Veteran Molten Strazar
- Veteran Sergei
- Veteran Worker
- Vladok
- Voldav
- Vyacheslav
- War Minister Shukov
- Worker
- Elite Molten Disaggregator (historical)
- Elite Molten Excavator (historical)
- Molten Protector (historical)
- Molten Shaman (historical)
- Aggro
- Slavery! Never again!
- Stand together!
- Disengage
- And don't come back!
- Begone from Dredge world!
- Greeting
- Hello.
- Hello, comrade.
- Greetings, comrade!
- For the moletariot.
Related objects[edit]
- Dredge Cannonball
- Dredge Mining-Laser
- Dredge Sonic Rifle
- Dredge Suit
- Dredge Walker
- Machine Cog
- Molachev Cocktail
- Molachev Cocktail (level 52)
- Overminer's Boomstick
- Unexploded Fire Bomb
- Dredge Automated Cannon
- Dredge Automated Turret
- Dredge Cannon
- Dredge Drilling Machine
- Dredge Heat-Targeted Mortar
- Dredge Mining Turret
- Dredge Mortar
- Dredge Mortar Cannon
- Dredge Mortars
- Dredge Siege Mortar
- Dredge Sonic Emitter
- Dredge Storm Generator
- Dredge Turret
- Field Mortar
- Gun Turret
- Interloper Security Countermeasure
- MkII Gun Turret
- Pulse Cannon
- Reactivated Dredge Turret
- Sonic Cannon
- Sonic Turret Prototype
- Sonic Vaporizer
- Stolen Mortar
- Unstable Dredge Cannon
- Unstable Dredge Storm Generator
- Weapon Prototype Mk. 1
- Broken-Down Dredge Tank
- Dredge APC
- Dredge Carrier
- Dredge Digging Machine
- Dredge Personnel Carrier
- Dredge Transport
- Mining Machine
- Personnel Carrier
- Sonic Drill
- Tunneling Machine
- Air Duct
- Air Vent
- Broken Ventilation System
- Checkpoint
- Command Tower
- Coolant Box
- Door Mechanism
- Dredge Armory
- Dredge Armory Gate
- Dredge Blockade
- Dredge Rock Crusher
- Dredge Watchtower
- Facility Escape Lever
- Grinder
- Guard Tower
- Pipe Weakness
- Reinforced Door
- Repurposed Rock Grinder
- Tar Storage
- Thermal Core
- Wall Segment
Other objects[edit]
- Documents
- Dredge Chest
- Dredge Document Barrel
- Dredge Focusing Disc
- Dredge Land Mine
- Dredge Mine
- Dredge Mining Supplies
- Dredge Munitions Crate
- Dredge Tunnel
- Dredge Weapons Cache
- Mining-Laser Rack
- Oil Reclamation Pump
- Sonic Harmonizer
- Tunneler
- Weapon Crate
Concept art by Matthew Barrett.
Related items[edit]
Sigil of Sorrow | Rarity | Level | Bonus |
Minor Sigil of Sorrow | Masterwork | 0 | +3% Strike Damage vs. Dredge |
Major Sigil of Sorrow | Rare | 39 | +5% Strike Damage vs. Dredge |
Superior Sigil of Sorrow | Exotic | 60 | +7% Strike Damage vs. Dredge +3% Strike Damage |
- Weak Potion of Dredge Slaying
- Minor Potion of Dredge Slaying
- Potion of Dredge Slaying
- Strong Potion of Dredge Slaying
- Potent Potion of Dredge Slaying
- Powerful Potion of Dredge Slaying
- Mini Comrade Molechev
- Mini Dredge Excavator
- Mini Dredge Mining Suit
- Mini Dredge Resonator
- Mini Dredge Strazar
- Mini Molten Firestorm
Related achievements[edit]
Slayer: Dredge Slayer — Kill 1000 dredge. (16 )
Marshaling the Skritt: Daily: Skritt Enemies — Defeat 20 dredge. (0
) (Historical)
- The history and culture of the dredge seem to be based largely off that of the Soviet Union. Many aspects of the Soviet Union are referenced, usually for the purposes of mole-based puns, such as the "Moleteriat" in reference to the dredge leadership.
See also[edit]
![]() |
The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Dredge. |
- ^ In The Mind Of Genius, SecretAgentCat.com (Archived)
- ^ PAX 2010 Panel recording, Part 5, YouTube.com
- ^ Makk
- ^ Pensive Moments