Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Hardy Conduit

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Hardy Conduit.png

Hardy Conduit

Tempest icon small.png Tempest (trait list)
Training cost
10 Hero points
Game link
Hardy Conduit

Overloads grant protection to nearby allies. Protection gains increased damage reduction.

Protection.png Protection (3s): -33% Incoming Damage
Protection.png Protection (2s): -33% Incoming Damage
Radius.png Effectiveness Increased: 20%
Radius.png Radius: 300

— In-game description

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that are improved by this trait

Bundle skills that are improved by this trait

Healing skills that are improved by this trait

Utility skills that are improved by this trait

Elite skills that are improved by this trait

Profession mechanic skills that are improved by this trait

Related traits[edit]

Traits that improve this trait

Arcane Arcane

Traits that are improved by this trait

Air Air

Earth Earth

Arcane Arcane

Tempest Tempest


  • Improves Protection.png Protection effectiveness from -33% to -39.6% incoming damage, shown rounded down as -390.5½ in in-game tooltips.
  • This trait activates at the start of Overloads (unlike Unstable Conduit).
  • Improved effectiveness does not affect allies.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
June 25, 2024
  • This trait now also grants protection to nearby allies.
July 07, 2020
  • Reduced protection duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.
October 23, 2015 Heart of Thorns release:
  • Hardy Conduit has been added to the game.