Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Glyph of the Stars

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Glyph of the Stars.png

Glyph of the Stars

Not available underwater  
Ranger icon small.png Ranger (skill list)
Druid icon small.png Druid
Training cost
25 Hero points
Game link
1 Activation time  
48 Recharge time
75 Recharge time
60 Recharge time
Glyph of the Stars

Glyph. Channel the power of the stars to prevent harm to your allies.

Celestial Avatar.pngGlyph of Empowerment (Celestial Avatar).png : Prevent health drain while downed and revive downed allies in the targeted area. Grant boons to allies in that area.
Blank.pngGlyph of the Stars.png : Cleanse conditions, and grant stability to allies in the area.
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5

— In-game description


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Glyph of the Stars.png Glyph of the Stars Not available underwater 1 48 Glyph. Heal allies, cleanse conditions, and grant stability to allies in the area.
Glyph of Empowerment (Celestial Avatar).png Glyph of the Stars Not available underwater 1 48 Glyph. Prevent health drain while downed and revive downed allies in the targeted area. Heal and grant boons to allies in that area.

Related traits[edit]

Druid Druid



  • Using non-celestial version of skills creates visual effect of spring and stones roughly indicating skill radius, and golden tethers between druid and allies within skill radius. Tether appears in pulses, indicating which allies are under Glyph of the Stars (non-celestial). Celestial version of this skill applies effect of falling stars in zone and creates celestial-looking tethers (also in pulses) with allies under Glyph of the Stars (Celestial Avatar).

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
February 11, 2025
  • Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 75 seconds and reduced the revive amount per pulse from 8% to 5% in WvW only.
March 19, 2024
  • Increased the cooldown of this skill from 48 seconds to 60 seconds in WvW and PvP.
  • (Non-celestial): Reduced the number of conditions cleansed per pulse from 2 to 1 in WvW and PvP.
  • (Celestial): Reduced the revival percentage from 12% to 8% in WvW only.
October 18, 2022
  • Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from displaying a water field visual effect.
October 06, 2022
  • Fixed an issue that caused this skill to go on full cooldown when interrupted.
October 04, 2022
  • This skill is no longer channeled and instead creates the spell area of effect after an initial casting time.
    • Non-Celestial: Reduced the number of pulses from 7 to 6. This skill now grants stability instead of preventing condition applications to allies in the area.
    • Celestial Avatar: Reduced the number of revive pulses from 18 to 6. Increased the revive percentage per pulse from 4% to 12%. This skill now grants stability instead of protection, in addition to regeneration and vigor.
  • Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 48 seconds.
June 28, 2022
  • (Undocumented) Reduced number of targets from 10 to 5.
May 11, 2021
  • Fixed a bug in which this skill did not count as an elite skill for the purposes of triggering runes.
February 25, 2020 Competitive content update:
  • Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
April 23, 2019
  • Glyph of the Stars has been added to the game.
