Pet swap
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Pet swap is a game mechanic available to the ranger which allow switching between the two selectable pets. If the ranger has their pet hidden by using Stow Pet, entering combat will trigger a pet swap (which in turn triggers any pet swap linked traits) that will not induce the recharge timer.
The recharge timer of pet swap is 20 seconds. If the pet dies, the recharge timer is increased to 60 seconds.
Related traits[edit]
Traits that affect pet swapping
Clarion Bond (Marksmanship) — Cast Lesser Call of the Wild when you swap pets.
Empathic Bond (Wilderness Survival) — Remove conditions when you swap pets.
Spirited Arrival (Nature Magic) — Grant boons to nearby allies when swapping pets.
Loud Whistle (Beastmastery) — While your health is above the threshold, your pet deals increased strike damage. Your pet swap gains recharge reduction.
Zephyr's Speed (Beastmastery) — Cast Lesser Quickening Zephyr when you swap pets.