Grothmar Valley
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Grothmar Valley
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Grothmar Valley is a zone in the Blood Legion Homelands. This is the territory of the Charr of the Blood Legion and the location of their headquarters known as the Blood Keep. Kralkatorrik's Emergence Zone can be found here, which was created years ago when the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik awoke from his slumber and flew south, forming the Dragonbrand. The area was later reclaimed by Aurene and her prismatic crystals.
Getting there[edit]
- Complete the Story mission Coming Home from The Icebrood Saga, Prologue: Bound by Blood.
- Using a Grothmar Valley Portal Scroll after unlocking and purchasing it on one character.
- Using Teleport to Friend on a party member in the zone, if the appropriate story episode has been unlocked as above.
- Using the Vigil Chopper located east of Jora's Keep in Bjora Marches.
- From the Eye of the North strike portal, enter Strike Mission: Shiverpeaks Pass, then exit using the blue portal.
Completion rewards[edit]
- Hatched Chili (25)
- "Recovered" Charr Artifact
- One of the following:
Interactive map[edit]
Previous 2 hoursNext 2 hours
00:00 UTC
- Meta events
- A Concert for the Ages
- Stop the haywire concert finale! (80)
- [Group Event] A Concert for the Ages (80)
- Stop the haywire concert finale! (80)
- Ceremony of the Sacred Flame
- Damage the elementals to help Flame Legion siphon their power! (80)
- Pass the flame from torch to torch to transport it to the upper brazier (80)
- Ignite the effigy with the Sacred Flame! (80) [Group Event]
[Group Event]
[Group Event] - Pass the flame from torch to torch to transport it to the upper brazier (80)
- Damage the elementals to help Flame Legion siphon their power! (80)
- The Haunting of Doomlore Shrine
- Escort the shaman to Doomlore Shrine (80)
- Defend the Flame Legion shaman as he casts his spell to summon Doomlore's Bane by force (80)
- Defeat Murakai, Doomlore's Bane (80) [Group Event]
[Group Event]
[Group Event] - Defend the Flame Legion shaman as he casts his spell to summon Doomlore's Bane by force (80)
- Escort the shaman to Doomlore Shrine (80)
- The Ooze Pit Trials
- Capture control points, enable poison wells, and defeat immunized oozes (80) [Group Event]
- Defeat the ley-crazed ooze! (80) (x3) [Group Event]
- Defeat the grand champion ooze! (80) [Group Event]
- Fill the center vent with oil (80) [Group Event]
- Defeat oozes and deal with any obstructions (80) [Group Event]
- Race events
- Other events
- Help the cubs defeat Kasmeer's illusions! (80)
- Keep the furnace firing to help manufacture new plate metal! (80)
- Lure the devourers into the portal before they kill the cattle (80) [Group Event]
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (x6)
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (80) (Champion River Drake Broodmother) [Group Event]
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (80) (Champion Devourer) [Group Event]
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (80) (Champion Ancient Ghost Captain) [Group Event]
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (80) (Champion Ancient Ghost Mage) [Group Event]
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (80) (Champion Parasite Devourer) [Group Event]
- Defeat the threat to the festivities! (80) (Champion Valg Portermauler) [Group Event]
- Help Chef Mellitus prepare dishes for the festival (80)
- Help the bartender keep the customers liquored up! (80)
- Shoot targets to demonstrate your marksmanship to the cubs (80)
Crafting resources[edit]
- Mithril Ore
- Rich Mithril Vein
- Orichalcum Ore
- Rich Orichalcum Vein
- Hatched Chili Pepper Bush
- Cayenne Pepper
- Cabbage
- Lettuce
- Potato
- Strawberry
- Sugar Pumpkin
- Zucchini
- Mussels
- Asparagus
- Raspberries
- Verdant Herbs
- Portobello Mushrooms
- Ancient Sapling
- Red Oak Sapling
Ambient dialogue[edit]
Through the entire Grothmar Valley, the following announcements can be heard:
- Minister of Morale: Become more than you are, and win a home with a legion! Gladia, get ready to showcase your skills at the Ooze Pit trials!
- Minister of Morale: Gladia, prepare yourselves! The Ooze Pit offers a chance to flaunt your skill and win a home with a legion! Trials open soon!
- Minister of Morale: Soon Metal Legion will make the Blood Stand shake. Don't miss the show!
- Minister of Morale: Metal Legion fans! The band's coming to the Blood Stand—live and uncensored!
- Minister of Morale: Metal Legion has taken the Blood Stand stage! As the cubs say, they'll fry your fur and bash your bones!
- Minister of Morale: Now on the Blood Stand stage: Metal Legion! Go now! The mosh pit is murderous!
- Minister of Morale: A bonfire of healing will rage soon at the Flame Legion camp! Join in, and burn away the past in the light of the future!
- Minister of Morale: Let's commemorate the return of our Flame Legion sisters and brothers with a great conflagration!
- Minister of Morale: Flame Legion sets things ablaze with truly feverish zeal! Don't miss this epic inferno. Head to their camp now!
- Minister of Morale: The fires of unification have been lit! Head to the Flame Legion camp to bask in a renewed charr spirit!
- Minister of Morale: Attention, celebrants! For your safety, the Doomlore Ruins are off limits! This isn't the time to stir up ancient spirits!
- Minister of Morale: Due to spectral infestation, the Doomlore Ruins are off-limits during the celebration. That's an order.
- The announcements below can be heard after completing Coming Home and until completion of A Race to Arms
- Bangar Ruinbringer: Your cubs are the next generation of legionnaires, centurions, and tribunes.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: Show them what it means to be charr. Strength. Loyalty. Victory.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: Charr! Celebrate future conquests, not just present triumphs. Anticipate the sweet taste of victory—and spit out the rest.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: Blood Legion—finest infantry in the world, the charr's relentless right arm—has set up challenges throughout the festival.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: Show the world what makes the charr a force to be reckoned with.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: Iron Legion brought their war machines with them—destruction incarnate! Be sure to check out their expo.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: And Ash is here, of course—if you can find them. Their quietly lethal methods are well worth learning.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: I brought Flame Legion here to make amends. They are charr. Embrace them.
- Bangar Ruinbringer: Let their numbers and very literal firepower strengthen us. Together we are mighty—and not to be crossed.
- This zone is part of Ascalon, and counts for all Ascalon related daily achievements.
- Experience gained on this map goes towards Icebrood Saga mastery tracks.
- The Gauntlet of the Khan-Ur is a hidden jumping puzzle containing a vista and an Ancient Grothmar Coin. It is left of the meta reward gate (Vault of the Khan-Ur point of interest), and behind a mass of foliage along the wall. Players must light all 4 braziers to open the final reward chest.
- Players do not need to do the full jumping puzzle to reach either the coin, or the vista. Both can be reached after players reach the water.
- After finishing the Bad Blood story step on any character, the western half of Grothmar Valley features permanent light snowfall.
- It is located in the Blood Legion Homelands, mechanically part of Ascalon.
- Likely a portmanteau of Grothmar Wardowns and Sacnoth Valley, two adjacent zones in Guild Wars: Eye of the North.
- Before the release of Whisper in the Dark experience gained on this map went towards Path of Fire mastery tracks.