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Defeat the very real devourer before the cubs are forced to retreat!

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Defeat the very real devourer before the cubs are forced to retreat!

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the very real devourer before the cubs are forced to retreat! is a level 80 group event that occurs in the Wardowns after the successful event Help the cubs defeat illusory foes to build warband cohesion.


  • Elite Devourer
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Cubs remaining: :[sic] 5


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






Event start
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Behind me. Now.
Creon : This is some kind of test!
Lady Kasmeer Meade: That devourer is flesh and blood! I don't control it!
Kaia: For the warband!
Event success (if all 5 cubs survived)
Creon : Why isn't this illusion disappearing like the other ones? Did...did we just...?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: You did.
Nidia: But...but how?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Let's get you back to the fahrar. Your primus will be missing you.
Upon returning to the training area via the portal
Kaia: No one messes with the Obsidian Warband!
Nidia: The Obsidian Warband? I like it.
Kaia: Thanks. For, uh, you know...helping.
Creon: Yeah! I'm glad you're in our warband!
Nidia: Me too.
Event success (if any of the cubs fell)
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Let's get you back to the fahrar. Your primus will be missing you.
Kasmeer and the cubs portal out but do not reappear in the camp and there is no further dialogue.
Event failure

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