User:Erasculio/List of revenant skills

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This article is a list of core revenant skills. For additional skills available to revenant's elite specializations, see:

Profession Mechanic[edit]

Revenants can channel various legends, which determine their healing, utility and elite skills. Two legends can be equipped at a time, while F1 switches the active one, putting the previous one on a 10 second recharge.

Skill Description
Legendary Assassin Stance.png Legendary Assassin Stance Invoke the power of the legendary assassin Shiro Tagachi.
Legendary Demon Stance.png Legendary Demon Stance Invoke the power of the legendary demon Mallyx the Unyielding.
Legendary Dwarf Stance.png Legendary Dwarf Stance Invoke the power of the legendary dwarf King Jalis Ironhammer.
Legendary Centaur Stance.png Legendary Centaur Stance Invoke the power of the legendary centaur Ventari.

Weapon Skills[edit]


Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 Hammer Bolt.png Hammer Bolt 0.75¾ 0 Hurl your weapon at enemies, striking foes in its path.
Damage.png Damage: 363 (0.9)?
Damage.png Damage: 202 (0.5)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range.png Range: 1,200
2 Coalescence of Ruin.png Coalescence of Ruin 0.75¾ 5 4 Slam the ground with your hammer, creating a cascading eruption of energy.
Damage.png Damage: 807 (2.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 525 (1.3)?
Damage.png Damage: 367 (0.91)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Range.png Range: 1,200
3 Phase Smash.png Phase Smash 10.25¼ 5 8 Leap through the Mists to the target area. When you land, damage and chill foes in an area, then teleport back to your previous location.
Damage.png Damage: 888 (2.2)?
Damage.png Damage: 549 (1.36)?
Damage.png Damage: 404 (1.0)?
Chilled.png Chilled (2s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Evade.png Evade: 10.25¼ seconds
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast
Range.png Range: 1,200
4 Field of the Mists.png Field of the Mists 0.75¾ 10 12 Create a field from the Mists that blocks incoming projectiles in front of you, then fire bolts at foes around your target.
Damage.png Damage: 726 (1.8)?
Damage.png Damage: 444 (1.1)?
Aegis.png Aegis (2s): Block the next incoming attack.
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Duration.png Duration: 6 seconds
Duration.png Duration: 3 seconds
Radius.png Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Field: Dark
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range.png Range: 1,200
5 Drop the Hammer.png Drop the Hammer 0.5½ 10 15 Summon a massive hammer from the Mists to strike the ground. Recharge Coalescence of Ruin if you strike an enemy.
Damage.png Damage: 1,090 (2.7)?
Damage.png Damage: 4 (0.01)?
Knockdown.png Knockdown: 3 seconds
Knockdown.png Knockdown: 2 seconds
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast
Evade.png Defiance Break: 200
Range.png Range: 1,200


1 Rapid Swipe.png Rapid Swipe 0.5½ 0 Swipe your staff at your foe.
Damage.png Damage: 262 (0.65)?
Damage.png Damage: 175 (0.433)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 130
1 Rapid Swipe, Forceful Bash, Rejuvenating AssaultRedirect Arrow.pngForceful Bash.png Forceful Bash 0.5½ 0 Bash your foe with your staff.
Damage.png Damage: 303 (0.75)?
Damage.png Damage: 202 (0.5)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 130
1 Rapid Swipe, Forceful Bash, Rejuvenating AssaultRedirect Arrow.pngRejuvenating Assault.png Rejuvenating Assault 1 0 Cleave foes around you with your staff, healing nearby allies.
Damage.png Damage (2x): 404 (1.0)?
Damage.png Damage (2x): 268 (0.666)?
Healing.png Healing: 394 (0.3)?
Healing.png Healing: 394 (0.15)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Radius.png Healing Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Whirl
Range.png Range: 130
2 Mender's Rebuke.png Mender's Rebuke 0.75¾ 5 5 Smash the ground in front of you to damage foes. After a delay, allies in the area are healed. Heals for more if an enemy was struck.
Damage.png Damage: 605 (1.5)?
Damage.png Damage: 440 (1.09)?
Healing.png Healing: 650 (0.2)?
Weakness.png Weakness (3s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, +50% Fumble (Unrestricted)
Healing.png Healing Increase on Enemy Hit: 50%
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240
Range.png Range: 130
2 Punishing Sweep, Debilitating SlamRedirect Arrow.pngDebilitating Slam.png Debilitating Slam 0.25¼ 10 Imbue your staff with mist energy and slam it down, damaging and dazing nearby foes.
Damage.png Damage: 605 (1.5)?
Daze.png Daze: 0.5½ seconds
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 240
3 Warding Rift.png Warding Rift 10.5½ 10 12 Create a rift from the Mists that blocks incoming attacks. When the rift closes it blinds foes in front of you.
Damage.png Damage: 161 (0.4)?
Damage.png Damage: 40 (0.1)?
Blinded.png Blindness (4s): Next outgoing attack misses.
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Duration.png Duration: 2 seconds
Range.png Range: 180
4 Renewing Wave.png Renewing Wave 1 15 15 Release a burst of Mists energy that heals and removes conditions from allies. Create a healing orb for each ally that loses conditions.
Healing.png Healing: 1,295 (0.65)?
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions Removed: 2
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Range.png Range: 300
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast
5 Surge of the Mists.png Surge of the Mists 1 15 20 Charge forward, knocking back enemies that cross your path.
Damage.png Damage (9x): 1,305 (3.24)?
Damage.png Damage (9x): 9 (0.009)?
Knockback.png Knockback: 120
Evade.png Evade: 1 second
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Evade.png Defiance Break: 150
Range.png Range: 600


Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 Preparation Thrust.png Preparation Thrust 0.5½ 0 Stab your foe with your sword, inflicting vulnerability.
Damage.png Damage: 275 (0.75)?
Damage.png Damage: 171 (0.466)?
Vulnerability.png Vulnerability (6s): +1% Incoming Damage, +1% Incoming Condition Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 130
1 Preparation Thrust, Brutal Blade, Rift SlashRedirect Arrow.pngBrutal Blade.png Brutal Blade 0.75¾ 0 Slice foes, damaging them and inflicting vulnerability.
Damage.png Damage: 293 (0.8)?
Damage.png Damage: 196 (0.535)?
Vulnerability.png2 Vulnerability (6s): +2% Incoming Damage, +2% Incoming Condition Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 130
1 Preparation Thrust, Brutal Blade, Rift SlashRedirect Arrow.pngRift Slash.png Rift Slash 0.5½ 0 Slash foes, creating a rift on them that explodes for additional damage after a short delay.
Damage.png Damage: 330 (0.9)?
Damage.png Damage: 257 (0.7)?
Damage.png Rift Damage: 80 (0.2175)?
Damage.png Rift Damage: 53 (0.145)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Duration.png Duration: 1 second
Radius.png Radius: 180
Range.png Range: 130
2 Chilling Isolation.png Chilling Isolation 0.5½ 5 5 Strike all nearby foes, then release a burst of mist energy that deals a second strike. The second strike deals bonus damage if it hits only one enemy.
Damage.png Damage: 293 (0.8)?
Damage.png Isolated Damage: 587 (1.6)?
Damage.png Damage: 257 (0.7)?
Damage.png Isolated Damage: 330 (0.9)?
Chilled.png Chilled (2s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Chilled.png Chilled (1s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Whirl
Range.png Range: 450
3 Unrelenting Assault.png Unrelenting Assault 0.75¾ 15 12 Shadowstep and unleash fierce attacks on nearby foes. Gain might each time you damage a foe.
Damage.png Damage: 288 (0.7865)?
Damage.png Damage: 139 (0.38)?
Might.png Might (8s): 30 Condition Damage, 30 Power
Might.png Might (3s): 30 Condition Damage, 30 Power
Evade.png Evade: 10.5½ seconds
Miscellaneous effect.png Number of Hits: 5
Range.png Range: 450


1 Misery Swipe.png Misery Swipe 0.25¼ 0 Swing your mace at your foe.
Damage.png Damage: 128 (0.35)?
Damage.png Damage: 85 (0.233)?
Torment.png Torment (3s): 66 Damage, 95 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png Torment (5s): 110 Damage, 159 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 130
1 Misery Swipe, Anguish Swipe, Manifest ToxinRedirect Arrow.pngAnguish Swipe.png Anguish Swipe 0.5½ 0 Sweep your mace back for a second blow.
Damage.png Damage: 147 (0.4)?
Damage.png Damage: 98 (0.266)?
Torment.png Torment (3s): 66 Damage, 95 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png Torment (5s): 110 Damage, 159 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 130
1 Misery Swipe, Anguish Swipe, Manifest ToxinRedirect Arrow.pngManifest Toxin.png Manifest Toxin 0.5½ 0 Deliver a crushing blow that sends toxic energy chaining to enemies behind each target.
Damage.png Damage: 220 (0.6)?
Damage.png Damage: 147 (0.4)?
Damage.png Chaining Damage: 110 (0.3)?
Damage.png Chaining Damage: 73 (0.2)?
Poisoned.png Poison (12s): 402 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness
Miscellaneous effect.png Number of Bounces: 3
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 1
Radius.png Radius: 300
Range.png Range: 130
2 Searing Fissure.png Searing Fissure 0.75¾ 5 3 Smash your mace into the ground, causing flames to erupt from the Mists. The first strike of this attack is more powerful.
Damage.png Initial Strike: 183 (0.5)?
Damage.png Additional Strikes: 92 (0.25)?
Burning.png3 Initial Burning (3s): 1,179 Damage
Burning.png Initial Burning (10s): 1,310 Damage
Burning.png Initial Burning (5s): 655 Damage
Burning.png Additional Burning (1s): 131 Damage
Burning.png Additional Burning (4s): 524 Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Miscellaneous effect.png Pulses: 4
Duration.png Duration: 3 seconds
Combo.png Combo Field: Fire
Range.png Range: 480
3 Echoing Eruption.png Echoing Eruption 0.75¾ 5 8 Leap at your foe and deliver a massive attack that cascades outward.
Damage.png Damage: 367 (1.0)?
Torment.png4 Torment (7s): 616 Damage, 890 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png4 Torment (8s): 704 Damage, 1,018 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Weakness.png Weakness (3s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, +50% Fumble (Unrestricted)
Might.png3 Might (9s): 90 Condition Damage, 90 Power
Miscellaneous effect.png Number of Impacts: 3
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Count Recharge.png Count Recharge: 8 seconds
Radius.png Radius: 180
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast
Range.png Range: 1,200


Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


4 Shackling Wave.png Shackling Wave 1 10 15 Slice through the air, sending a wave of energy from the Mists toward your foe and dealing rapid strikes. Immobilize duration is increased per target you strike.
Damage.png Initial Damage: 440 (1.2)?
Damage.png Additional Strikes (5x): 735 (2.0)?
Damage.png Initial Damage: 37 (0.1)?
Damage.png Additional Strikes (5x): 365 (1.0)?
Immobile.png Immobilize Duration per Target (1s): Unable to move.
Vulnerability.png8 Vulnerability (5s): +8% Incoming Damage, +8% Incoming Condition Damage
Vulnerability.png12 Vulnerability (5s): +12% Incoming Damage, +12% Incoming Condition Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 450
5 Deathstrike.png Deathstrike 0.5½ 10 15 Shadowstep to your foe and deliver a quick attack, then deliver a second devastating blow if it hits.
Damage.png Initial Damage: 165 (0.45)?
Damage.png Initial Damage: 37 (0.1)?
Fury.png Fury (8s): +25% Critical Chance
Fury.png Fury (8s): +20% Critical Chance
Miscellaneous effect.png Attack Range: 130
Miscellaneous effect.png Shadowstep Range: 600


4 Frigid Blitz.png Frigid Blitz 0.5½ 10 10 Hurl your axe at your target, damaging and chilling the foes the axe passes through. When the axe reaches your target, shadowstep to it and deliver a large blow.
Damage.png Pass-Through Damage: 55 (0.15)?
Damage.png Final Damage: 550 (1.5)?
Chilled.png Chilled (2s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Torment.png3 Torment (6s): 396 Damage, 572 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Unblockable.png Unblockable
Range.png Range: 900
5 Temporal Rift.png Temporal Rift 0.5½ 10 15 Slice into the Mists, creating an unstable rift. After a short duration, this rift will collapse in on itself, pulling in enemies.
Damage.png Damage: 275 (0.75)?
Damage.png Damage: 4 (0.01)?
Torment.png4 Torment (10s): 880 Damage, 1,272 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png Torment (1s): 22 Damage, 32 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Duration.png Duration: 0.75¾ seconds
Radius.png Width: 300
Range.png Range: 900

Slot Skills[edit]

Due to the profession mechanic of the revenants, the second half of their skill bars are dictated by their current legend.

Legendary Assassin Stance.png Legendary Assassin Stance[edit]

Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Healing Skill[edit]

Enchanted Daggers.png Enchanted Daggers Legendary Assassin Stance 0.5½ 5 30 Legendary Assassin. Summon enchanted daggers that will attack as you attack, siphoning life from targets hit.
Damage.png Siphon Damage: 1,028 (0.06)?
Damage.png Siphon Damage: 858 (0.05)?
Healing.png Siphon Healing: 768 (0.2)?
Healing.png Initial Heal: 1,640 (0.25)?
Miscellaneous effect.png Number of Hits: 6
Duration.png Duration: 15 seconds
Interval.png Interval: 0.5½ seconds
Range.png Range: 1,200

Utility Skills[edit]

Phase Traversal.png Phase Traversal Legendary Assassin Stance 0.5½ 30 5 Legendary Assassin. Step through the Mists to your target. Your next few attacks can't be blocked.
Damage.png Damage: 532 (2.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 266 (1.0)?
Unblockable (effect).png2 Unblockable (5s): Your attacks are unblockable
Quickness.png Quickness (3s): Skills and actions are faster.
Unblockable.png Unblockable
Range.png Range: 1,200
Impossible Odds.png Impossible Odds Legendary Assassin Stance 5 Legendary Assassin. Empower yourself with Shiro's incredible speed and destructive prowess, gaining great movement speed and striking foes an additional time when you hit them.
This effect can occur once per interval.
Damage.png Damage: 173 (0.65)?
Damage.png Damage: 120 (0.45)?
Impossible Odds.png Impossible Odds: Your attacks gain a follow-up strike.
Miscellaneous effect.png Movement Speed Increase: 50%
Duration.png Strike Delay: 0.25¼ seconds
Interval.png Interval: 0.25¼ seconds
Impossible Odds, Relinquish PowerRedirect Arrow.pngRelinquish Power.png Relinquish Power Legendary Assassin Stance 0 Legendary Assassin. End the Impossible Odds skill.
Riposting Shadows.png Riposting Shadows Legendary Assassin Stance 30 Legendary Assassin. Dodge backward through the Mists. Remove movement-impairing conditions, and gain fury.
Fury.png Fury (6s): +25% Critical Chance
Fury.png Fury (6s): +20% Critical Chance
Immobile.png Condition Removed
Chilled.png Condition Removed
Crippled.png Condition Removed
Evade.png Evade: 0.75¾ seconds
Breaks stun.png Breaks Stun

Elite Skill[edit]

Jade Winds.png Jade Winds Legendary Assassin Stance 1 35 10 Legendary Assassin. Call upon the Jade Wind to turn nearby enemies into jade, stunning them for a short duration.
Damage.png Damage: 798 (3.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 532 (2.0)?
Damage.png Damage: 3 (0.01)?
Vulnerability.png6 Vulnerability (6s): +6% Incoming Damage, +6% Incoming Condition Damage
Vulnerability.png10 Vulnerability (6s): +10% Incoming Damage, +10% Incoming Condition Damage
Stun.png Jade Duration: 3 seconds
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 600
Evade.png Defiance Break: 300

Legendary Demon Stance.png Legendary Demon Stance[edit]

Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Healing Skill[edit]

Empowering Misery.png Empowering Misery Legendary Demon Stance 0.75¾ 5 30 Legendary Demon. Heal yourself. Heal more for each condition currently applied to you.
Healing.png Healing: 4,600 (1.0)?
Healing.png Heal per Condition: 596 (0.1)?

Utility Skills[edit]

Banish Enchantment.png Banish Enchantment Legendary Demon Stance 0.5½ 20 0 Legendary Demon. Deal damage, apply chill, and remove boons from your foe.
Damage.png Damage (3x): 318 (1.2)?
Damage.png Damage (3x): 81 (0.3)?
Chilled.png Chilled (1s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Miscellaneous effect.png Boons Removed: 3
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Range.png Range: 900
Unblockable.png Unblockable
Call to Anguish.png Call to Anguish Legendary Demon Stance 0.75¾ 30 3 Legendary Demon. Leap toward the targeted area and pull foes toward your landing point.
Damage.png Damage: 319 (1.2)?
Damage.png Damage: 3 (0.01)?
Chilled.png Chilled (2s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Pull.png Pull: 360
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 360
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Leap
Evade.png Defiance Break: 150
Range.png Range: 600
Pain Absorption.png Pain Absorption Legendary Demon Stance 0.5½ 30 0 Legendary Demon. Grant resistance to yourself and nearby allies. Absorb conditions from those allies, gaining resolution and additional resistance per condition.
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions Transferred: 1
Resistance.png Resistance (3s): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective.
Resolution.png Resolution (5s): Incoming condition damage decreased by 33%.
Resistance.png Self-Resistance per Condition (1s): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective.
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Range.png Range: 600
Breaks stun.png Breaks Stun

Elite Skill[edit]

Embrace the Darkness.png Embrace the Darkness Legendary Demon Stance 0.5½ 5 3 Legendary Demon. Summon the power of the legendary demon to transform into a powerful avatar. Pulse torment to nearby foes. Using skills that cost energy increases the torment applied on the next pulse.
Damage.png Damage: 80 (0.3)?
Torment.png Torment (5s): 110 Damage, 159 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png Torment (6s): 132 Damage, 191 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png2 Additional Torment (5s): 220 Damage, 318 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png2 Additional Torment (6s): 264 Damage, 382 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Torment.png Additional Torment (6s): 132 Damage, 191 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Interval.png Interval: 1 second
Radius.png Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Field: Dark
Embrace the Darkness, Resist the DarknessRedirect Arrow.pngResist the Darkness.png Resist the Darkness Legendary Demon Stance 0 Legendary Demon. End Embrace the Darkness early.

Legendary Dwarf Stance.png Legendary Dwarf Stance[edit]

Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Healing Skill[edit]

Soothing Stone.png Soothing Stone Legendary Dwarf Stance 1 5 30 Legendary Dwarf. Remove conditions and heal yourself. Gain resolution.
Healing.png Healing: 5,501 (1.0)?
Resolution.png Resolution (5s): Incoming condition damage decreased by 33%.
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions Removed: 5

Utility Skills[edit]

Forced Engagement.png Forced Engagement Legendary Dwarf Stance 0.5½ 10 15 Legendary Dwarf. Launch a chain at your target. When the chain connects with a foe, it slows and taunts them. You take less damage from taunted foes.
Damage.png Damage: 133 (0.5)?
Damage.png Damage: 3 (0.01)?
Damage.png Damage Reduced: 33%
Forced Engagement.png Forced Engagement (4s): Take less damage from taunted foes.
Taunt.png Taunt (4s): Involuntarily attack foes.
Taunt.png Taunt (2s): Involuntarily attack foes.
Slow.png Slow (4s): Skills and actions are slower.
Slow.png Slow (2s): Skills and actions are slower.
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 1
Range.png Range: 900
Vengeful Hammers.png Vengeful Hammers Legendary Dwarf Stance 5 Legendary Dwarf. Invoke hammers to circle around you, damaging foes.
Damage.png Damage: 53 (0.2)?
Healing.png Healing: 53 (0.004)?
Vengeful Hammers.png Vengeful Hammers: -20% Incoming Damage, -20% Incoming Condition Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Hammers: 3
Radius.png Radius: 180
Unblockable.png Unblockable
Vengeful Hammers, Release HammersRedirect Arrow.pngRelease Hammers.png Release Hammers Legendary Dwarf Stance 0 Legendary Dwarf. Release the hammers to end Vengeful Hammers.
Inspiring Reinforcement.png Inspiring Reinforcement Legendary Dwarf Stance 0.25¼ 30 10 Legendary Dwarf. Create a stone road that damages and weakens foes as it's created. Once it's created it will pulse, granting stability to allies.
Damage.png Damage: 399 (1.5)?
Damage.png Damage: 199 (0.75)?
Weakness.png Weakness (6s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, +50% Fumble (Unrestricted)
Miscellaneous effect.png Cascading Attacks: 6
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Miscellaneous effect.png Pulses: 5
Duration.png Duration: 5 seconds
Combo.png Combo Field: Lightning
Range.png Range: 900

Elite Skill[edit]

Rite of the Great Dwarf.png Rite of the Great Dwarf Legendary Dwarf Stance 10.25¼ 40 Legendary Dwarf. Channel the power of the Rite of the Great Dwarf to turn yourself and nearby allies to stone to reduce incoming damage.
Rite of the Great Dwarf.png Rite of the Great Dwarf (5s): Gain 50% damage reduction. You are still susceptible to conditions and control effects.
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 600
Breaks stun.png Breaks Stun

Legendary Centaur Stance.png Legendary Centaur Stance[edit]

Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Healing Skill[edit]

Project Tranquility.png Project Tranquility Legendary Centaur Stance 0 2 Project Ventari's tablet into the world. The tablet will heal allies near it every few seconds.
(The tablet will disappear if you move outside the tether distance.)
Healing.png Healing: 363 (0.05)?
Healing.png Healing: 325 (0.05)?
Project Tranquility.png Tranquil: Your centaur skill is empowered.
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Interval.png Interval: 3 seconds
Radius.png Radius: 240
Miscellaneous effect.png Tether Distance: 1,500
Range.png Range: 900
Project Tranquility, Ventari's WillRedirect Arrow.pngVentari's Will.png Ventari's Will Legendary Centaur Stance 0 0.25¼ Legendary Centaur. Will the tablet toward the target location.
Range.png Range: 900

Utility Skills[edit]

Protective Solace.png Protective Solace Legendary Centaur Stance 5 5 Legendary Centaur. Summon a protective barrier around the tablet that blocks enemy projectiles.

If this skill is empowered, it also grants protection to allies around the tablet.
Duration.png Duration: 20 seconds
Skill fact text only icon.pngWhen Empowered
Protection.png Protection (4s): -33% Incoming Damage
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Field: Light
Protective Solace, Diminish SolaceRedirect Arrow.pngDiminish Solace.png Diminish Solace 0 5 Collapse the protective barrier that formed around the tablet.
Natural Harmony.png Natural Harmony Legendary Centaur Stance 20 2 Legendary Centaur. Collect energy, pulling it into the tablet to build up its power. After a short delay the energy will be released, healing nearby allies.

If this skill is empowered, healing is increased and endurance is granted to affected allies
Healing.png Healing: 1,124 (2.75)?
Healing.png Healing: 1,124 (1.75)?
Healing.png Healing: 1,124 (1.0)?
Duration.png Delay Time: 1 second
Skill fact text only icon.pngWhen Empowered
Miscellaneous effect.png Endurance Gained: 15
Healing.png Healing Increase: 25%
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240
Purifying Essence.png Purifying Essence Legendary Centaur Stance 25 5 Legendary Centaur. Remove conditions from allies near the tablet, and heal them for a small amount per condition removed.

If this skill is empowered, remove additional conditions from allies.
Healing.png Healing per Condition Removed: 325 (0.2)?
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions Removed: 3
Skill fact text only icon.pngWhen Empowered
Miscellaneous effect.png Additional Conditions Removed: 1
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240

Elite Skill[edit]

Energy Expulsion.png Energy Expulsion Legendary Centaur Stance 35 2 Legendary Centaur. Force energy to erupt from the tablet, knocking down nearby foes and healing nearby allies.

If this skill is empowered, grant stability to allies near the tablet.
Healing.png Healing: 1,970 (1.0)?
Healing.png Healing: 1,478 (0.5)?
Miscellaneous effect.png Conditions Removed: 1
Knockdown.png Knockdown: 3 seconds
Knockdown.png Knockdown: 2 seconds
Skill fact text only icon.pngWhen Empowered
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Radius.png Radius: 240
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast

Downed Skills[edit]

Skill Type Activation.png Energy.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Essence Sap.png Essence Sap 0.25¼ 0 Throw energy at your target, slowing them.
Damage.png Damage: 133 (0.5)?
Slow.png Slow (1s): Skills and actions are slower.
Range.png Range: 900
2 Forceful Displacement.png Forceful Displacement 0.75¾ 0 10 Displace your foe through the Mists, forcing them away from you.
Damage.png Damage: 133 (0.5)?
Torment.png3 Torment (8s): 528 Damage, 763 Damage if Foe Is Stationary
Miscellaneous effect.png Enemy Shadowstep Distance: 600
Range.png Range: 900
3 Vengeful Blast.png Vengeful Blast 0.5½ 0 10 Pull energy towards you from the Mists, damaging nearby foes. The damage is increased as the energy is drawn inwards.
Damage.png Damage: 133 (0.5)?
Damage.png Damage Increase per Pulse: 133 (0.5)?
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5
Miscellaneous effect.png Pulses: 4
Radius.png Radius: 360
4 Bandage.png Bandage 490.25¼ 0 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.