Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Strangers among Lands

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Strangers among Lands

1337 AE
Janthir Wilds
Strangers among Lands
Lowland Shore
Preceded by
Missing in Action
Followed by
Storm Clouds over Janthir

Strangers among Lands- Festering Basin loading screen.png

Festering Basin loading screen.

Strangers among Lands is the fifth chapter of the Janthir Wilds story.


Leave the area to plan your next move.
Read the letter from Crecia.
  • Read the letter from Crecia.
Attend the second council meeting of the Tyrian Alliance.
  • Return to Lion's Arch for an emergency meeting.
  • Talk with Stoic Alder.
  • Accompany Stoic Alder into the council chamber.
  • Take your place at the podium.
  • Vacate the podium while Stoic Alder addresses the assembly.
  • Retake your place at the podium and warn the alliance about the titans.
  • Discuss the Scepter of Orr with Delegates
    Event bar empty green.jpg
  • Return to your podium for the vote.
  • Cast your vote.
  • Meet with Stoic Alder to discuss your next steps.
  • (Optional) Discuss voting with the delegates.
  • Leave the council chamber.
Return to Harvest Den and calibrate your next steps.
  • Travel to Harvest Den.
  • Speak with Poised Arrow.
Find Fading Aurora.
  • Pursue Fading Aurora into Janthir Synthri.
  • Examine the corpses.
  • Catch up to Fading Aurora.
Deplete the power the titan is drawing from the environment so that it can be defeated.
  • Titanspawn Defeated
    Event bar empty green.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Destroy Rotten Material the Titan Draws Power From
    Event bar empty green.jpg
  • Seeds Planted
    Event bar empty green.jpg
  • Defeat Greer, the Blightbringer.
    Event bar green.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Confront Waiting Sorrow.
  • Check in with Poised Arrow.
  • Speak with Waiting Sorrow again to discuss her fate.
  • Complete!




Map travel to the guild initiative headquarters using Waypoint (map icon).png Guild Bluff Waypoint. Inside the instance, greet Stoic Alder and bring him to the council. Interact with the podium, listen to the lengthy dialogue. Vacate the space for Stoic Alder, then return to listen to further dialogue. Interact with the delegates to fill the bar. Return to the podium and vote yes or no (the Wayfinder's vote is insufficient to sway the room). After the vote, optionally speak to the seven groups for the "Everyone Loves Democracy" achievement. Speaking to Stoic Alder again finishes this instance. Before leaving, head to the south side of the instance and collect the five books for the "It's Going to Be a Long Day" achievement.

Travel back to Waypoint (map icon).png Harvest Den Waypoint. Talk to Poised Arrow outside the lodge. Travel to Waypoint (map icon).png Harvest Shore Waypoint and take the instance entry on the dockside (not the zone portal into Janthir Syntri).

Investigate the titan corpse. Combat in the next bit is mostly optional and can be skipped with a mount. In the clearing, deal with the bits of nature marked on the map (ignore the big titan for now). At the seed phase, Poised Arrow will make their way to the north edge of the clearing; deal with any nearby titans and then grab a seed. Bringing any seed to a fertile soil spot without taking damage will grant the "Seed Savvy" achievement. Plant all six, and then a cinematic triggers the boss fight. Talk to the NPCs after the kill to complete the mission.


This achievement rewards items. Strangers among Lands Janthir Wilds: Act 1 Janthir Wilds mastery point 1Achievement points
Pursue the threat.Journal: Strangers among Lands
Reward: Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins.pngLarge Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins
Completed Strangers among Lands 1Achievement points
  • Complete the story mission.
It's Going to Be a Long Day Janthir Wilds: Act 1 1Achievement points
Find and read all the Tyrian Alliance reports.Journal: Strangers among Lands
Objectives: 5 objectives in total
  • Tyrian Alliance Report: Questions
  • Tyrian Alliance Report: The Sea
  • Tyrian Alliance Report: The Commander
  • Tyrian Alliance Report: Orr
  • Tyrian Alliance Report: Economy
Read 5 Tyrian Alliance Reports 1Achievement points
We Vote On It Janthir Wilds: Act 1 1Achievement points
Vote both ways during the vote.Journal: Strangers among Lands
Objectives: 2 objectives in total
  • Voted Yea
  • Voted Nay
Voted Both Ways during the Vote 1Achievement points
  • Available during the council meeting instance.
  • For the vote on whether or not the Scepter of Orr should be used, vote both yes and no.
    • Since you can only vote once when doing the mission, you will have to either exit the mission after voting or play it again to complete the achievement.
Everyone Loves Democracy Janthir Wilds: Act 1 1Achievement points
Listen to every delegate's thoughts on the vote.Journal: Strangers among Lands Listened to All of the Delegates 1Achievement points
  • Available during the council meeting instance, as the optional objective "Discuss voting with the delegates.", which occurs after having voted yes or no on using the Scepter of Orr.
  • Speak to all 7 groups marked on the mini-map, clockwise from southwest as follows:
    1. Caithe, Dagonet and Empress Ihn
    2. Crecia, Malice
    3. Imann, Sianna, Zaeim, Kalidris
    4. Ludo
    5. Braham, Skarti
    6. Isgarren, Frode
    7. Jennah, Anise, Livia
  • Since progress is an all-or-nothing deal (i.e. you can only tell whether or not you have gotten the achievement), make sure the achievement has been completed before leaving. The sylvari group in the far southwest corner are somewhat hard to see if not using the mini-map.
Seed Savvy Janthir Wilds: Act 1 1Achievement points
Take no damage while carrying a seed.Journal: Strangers among Lands Took No Damage while Carrying a Seed 1Achievement points
  • Available during the titan fight instance.
  • It's possible to mount up when carrying a seed. As such, using either the Raptor or Skyscale to quickly reach one of the closest planting spots and quickly put down the seed (an instant process) can get the achievement quickly.
  • Any damage taken when carrying a seed immediately removes eligibility for the achievement for the rest of the instance.
    • The only way to regain this eligibility is to either restart the instance (by exiting to the character select screen and returning) or playing it again.
  • Eligibility can be tracked via Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Seed Savvy.








Letter from Crecia

Storyline (interface).png

Imperator Crecia Stoneglow

Emergency Session of Tyrian Alliance

The Tyrian Alliance has called an emergency session to address recent reports coming out of Janthir. This threat must be addressed immediately.

Please return to Lion's Arch at once. Details to follow.

—Imperator Crecia Stoneglow

Guild Initiative Headquarters instance[edit]

Speaking with Stoic Alder outside the building
Stoic Alder: This is where your alliance congregates?
If asura:
<Character name>: A calculated choice. Lion's Arch is neutral territory.
If charr:
<Character name>: Hard to miss.
If human:
<Character name>: I hope this isn't overwhelming.
If norn:
<Character name>: Not unlike the homesteads of Hoelbrak.
If sylvari:
<Character name>: It is quite grand, I think. But I suppose an event like this beckons decorum...
Stoic Alder: The stories from this trip will make good fodder when I return. Gossip sits in their bellies like a fresh harvest.
<Character name>: You'll get plenty of that. How can I prepare you for the audience?
Stoic Alder: Honey wine, but we've none to spare. I'll be fine.
Stoic Alder: We've hosted travelers over time, with little more to bargain besides information.
Stoic Alder: I'm not unaware of the world. Just been a long time since we've needed to seek aid from the others.
<Character name>: You and I are aligned, at least.
Stoic Alder: Good. After you, Wayfinder.
Speaking with Cresting Wave
Who is your guest, Commander?
Talk more option tango.png Stoic Alder, you mean? He is the Claw of the lowland kodan.
Stoic Alder... It is not often that the lowlanders leave the forest.
Talk more option tango.png So you know each other?
No. They've always kept their distance from the Shiverpeaks. And we avoid their bay.
Talk more option tango.png Why's that?
Disagreements far older than me or you. A lot of that strife sank with Orr, though. I'm curious to see them join the rest of the world.
Talk end option tango.png Tense times call for allies, I suppose.
Speaking with Dougal Keane upstairs
Talk more option tango.png Hanging in there, champ?
Bored senseless. Can't get anything done with these surprise meetings... Say, do you need a partner? Want to take me on one of your little adventures? I'll leave retirement.
Talk end option tango.png Next time. I have a meeting to get to.
Speaking with Queen Chrii'kkt V
I quite adore the interior of this place... Perhaps Cragrock Palace is due for a renovation.
Talk more option tango.png Hey, don't I know you?
Me? No. This is my first venture into the Tyrian political sphere. MY people have long clung to the comfort of Dry Top.
Talk more option tango.png Dry Top?
Yes. I am Queen Chrii'kkt V. I took on my mother's crown when she passed...
Talk more option tango.png I'm sorry about the late queen.
Oh, she was stubborn. Died protecting a couple of shiny stones just as the battle against the Mordrem began... Ah, the plight of my people.
Talk more option tango.png People have died for worse causes.
Yes, I suppose. Well, I'm quite curious to see how this little alliance will benefit my commonwealth. The battle against Mordremoth left Dry Top in shambles.
Talk more option tango.png I'm sorry to hear that.
We could use some aid. Though it's worth noting that the Zephyrites have been delightful company and more than eager to help us rebuild. With more help, the skritt dominion will rise.
Talk end option tango.png Long live the queen!
Speaking with Skritt King LXXV
No talk to skritt king. Here to accompany skritt queen.
Talk end option tango.png Oh, whoops. Sorry.
Speaking with Gixx
Commander. I can't say I was too surprised to learn that you're involved in this whole Astral Ward conundrum. You tend to enjoy a pinch of chaos. Good to see you, at least.
Talk more option tango.png Hello, Steward. Glad to see the Priory here.
Yes, well, you wouldn't be able to keep us away from an event such as this. There seems to be a lot of change swirling in Tyria, and we intend to stay at the front of it.
Talk more option tango.png I'm sure you and the Astral Ward have a lot to talk about.
Indeed we do. I've already been in contact with an individual named Lyhr. A joyous fellow. He's going to give me and my leading archivists a tour of their library soon.
Talk more option tango.png You'll have a field day.
It's a research opportunity I wouldn't miss. Now, on to more pressing matters... I'm curious about this emergency meeting. All eyes on you, Commander.
Talk end option tango.png We'll see how it goes.
Speaking with General Jhavi Jorasdottir
Hey, you. Long time no see.
Talk more option tango.png Jhavi, it's so good to see you!
And you. Heard that you've been pretty busy, too.
Talk more option tango.png You could say that. How's the Vigil? Feel like you've learned the ropes?
Heh, yeah. Largely in part to Laranthir's guidance, I feel like a proper general. Well, I AM the general now.
Talk more option tango.png Good for you. Well deserved, General Jhavi.
Thank you, Commander. Would've been an honor to have the "Pact Commander" at the ceremony, but now I see the spoils of your productivity. You have been busy, haven't you?
Talk end option tango.png Indeed. Buckle up; we've got a lot to cover today.
Speaking with Laranthir of the Wild
Old friend. We should meet for a meal sometime, rather than being reunited under dire circumstances.
Talk more option tango.png Laranthir, what a surprise!
Ha! That's what the tacticians say when they don't want me to eavesdrop on their training. But it's good to see you, too.
Talk more option tango.png Are you here for the Pact, or...?
I'm acting as Jhavi's advisor with the Vigil. Doesn't care much for these events. She, Gixx, and Riel are representing the Pact in Logan's stead.
Talk more option tango.png How is Logan, by the way?
As far as I know, just fine. Taking a long-deserved sabbatical. Probably hunkered down in some shack in Southsun Cove. He needed a break. Though it's been a while since I heard a word back...
Talk more option tango.png At least he's getting some time to himself. How is the Pact?
Might want to take me for that meal before dropping the hard questions.
Talk more option tango.png A response like that makes me think the worst.
It's a little better than that, at least. The Pact is fine. We've just found ourselves at one of life's many crossroads.
Talk more option tango.png (Listen intently.)
After Soo-Won, we failed to find purpose. That's when Logan decided to take a pause, too. The orders went off and did their own work for a while. The Kryptis, as we know them now, drew us back together.
Talk more option tango.png Leave it to a couple of demons to bring back unity.
Ha! Yes, well, we're also eager to get involved with the alliance. And not just to cozy up with this mysterious Astral Ward. I want to keep a close eye on that lot.
Talk end option tango.png More for us to discuss over that dinner.
Speaking with Agent Riel Darkwater
Commander, I have words for you.
Talk more option tango.png Oh, yeah? What kind of words, Riel?
Yes. You knew that there was a more covert organization than my own, and you didn't tell me.
Talk more option tango.png I didn't think that was my story to tell.
Mm. I suppose any reveal would have been compromising... But that doesn't mean I don't have a great many questions for this "Astral Ward."
Talk more option tango.png A lot of people do. They'll talk to you.
I've only spoken to their warden thus far. Frode. He's going to put me in contact with one of their specialists. It won't be an interrogation, I promise, but they owe us some answers.
Talk more option tango.png That they do. Like I said, they'll be down for talks.
Eyes and ears to the conflict at hand, then? I hear you have something to do with it?
Talk more option tango.png Been on a diplomacy mission with Caithe and Imperator Malice. Got news to share.
Ah, "news." If the urgency demonstrated in the invitation is evocative of anything, color me fascinated.
Talk end option tango.png Get ready.
Speaking with Ambassador Sianna
Always a pleasure to run into you, Commander, although this is an interesting venue and situation...
Talk more option tango.png And you, Sianna. Good to see you added to these ranks.
I appreciated Imann's invitation. It feels like a genuine gesture of trust. Elona has come a long way.
Talk more option tango.png So, it's been going well?
Yes, I think. We've rebuilt, and the Free Awakened feel more welcome among the citizenry by the day. Amnoon has become a sanctuary for us all.
Talk more option tango.png That's wonderful. I know it's been a long process.
It has. But mind you, there are still sour days. Even after all this time, I still catch the odd distrustful gaze... But I welcome progress. The entire event today is a demonstration of that progress.
Talk end option tango.png Well, get ready. It's going to be interesting.
Inside the meeting chamber, after taking your place at the podium
Countess Anise: All members are present– Ah, welcome, leadership from the Pact. Finally. The room is getting fuller by the day. We can begin.
Crecia Stoneglow: We thank the council for their discretion and speed. Your summons said as much, but recent developments are troublesome.
Councilor Ludo: Are the Kryptis back? Are they not so "contained"?
Crecia Stoneglow: A different threat. Warden Frode, your report?
Frode: A titan has been sighted in Janthir. A few of my Astral Ward in the area got a good look after it fled into the bay.
Skarti Knutsson: A titan...?
Firstborn Dagonet: I've certainly read of them... The burning of Ascalon, the Door of Komalie. Stories filled with deception. Are you sure?
Frode: Yes. Multiple firsthand accounts of a giant insectile beast. The ward is gathering all the readings we can.
Isgarren: Our records are likely dated, mind you. And this one may be more evolved than the hive we encountered before.
Crecia Stoneglow: Luckily, the commander was in the right place at the right time. Witnessed the attack alongside Caithe and Imperator Malice.
Councillor Ludo: Oh, yeah? That's convenient.
Countess Anise: Councillor.
<Character name>: It's all true. While working with the Astral Ward in Janthir, we encountered the kodan of Harvest Den.
<Character name>: We sought to establish diplomatic bonds with them on behalf of Queen Jennah when the titan attacked.
<Character name>: Its spawn kept us busy while we fled into the bay. Smart enough to avoid a fight.
<Character name>: But my experience is limited. Today I've brought Stoic Alder, the Claw of the lowland kodan, to share his.
Stoic Alder takes the podium
Stoic Alder: We noticed a change three seasons ago. The wildlife reacted first; they fled south. Bearkin went missing.
Stoic Alder: We kept our suspicions level. It could've been any great creature; Janthir is fierce. But then the land started to sour.
Stoic Alder: I assumed it was your Kryptis, but those ones attacked our minds. Not the grasslands. This is a very different beast.
Stoic Alder: My bearkin have lived in Janthir longer than your cities have stood tall. We know danger well; we respect its boundaries.
Stoic Alder: But this being mats my fur. Whatever a titan is, whatever this creature seeks...we should be cautious.
Stoic Alder: The fact that he's taken refuge near the ruins of Bava Nisos paints an uncertainty that we shouldn't allow to brew.
Retaking place at the podium
Firstborn Dagonet: How many are there? One, you say?
Caithe: That we've confirmed. He fled to the north while his spawn kept us distracted. Even the little one was nasty.
Isgarren: Titans aren't solitary. We'd know if there were twenty, but I'd expect at least two. Maybe six. And I don't count their spawn.
Skarti Knutsson: What does the Astral Ward advise? This feels like the definition of your expertise.
Councillor Ludo: I'd like to hear that too.
Countess Anise: (sighs)
(While the conversation is ongoing, Livia dazes the guard at the building's entrance and walks in to interrupt the meeting.)
Livia: The Astral Ward should offer the Scepter of Orr.
Countess Anise: Lady Livia. Do I want to know what happened to the poor guards stationed at the door...?
Livia: I haven't protected that thing for a century and a half for it to collect dust and foul memories.
Councillor Ludo: Lost to time, I thought. You have the scepter?
Isgarren: We do. The lady surrendered it not long ago. Safer in my reserves than a velvet crypt beneath Divinity's Reach.
Livia: You know it's a good idea, Isgarren.
Skarti Knutsson: I don't know this legend. What is this "Scepter of Orr"? A weapon?
Isgarren: Legavo. Cast from raw magic by the seers... It was made to control beasts from the Mists.
Councillor Ludo: A solution perfectly sculpted to our problem? The answer is dropped into our laps!
Queen Jennah: The scepter should remain dormant.
Councillor Ludo: And why's that, Your Majesty?
Queen Jennah: Pick a legend. That is a history caked in blood. All of its wielders have met some ill-carved fate...
Livia: Besides myself, of course.
Councillor Ludo: And she looks great.
Queen Jennah: Until we know what we're dealing with, I'd sooner pick up a sword again than leave our fate to archaic mysticism.
Isgarren: Stubborn as Linus. Your mother would be horrified.
Crecia Stoneglow: Enough. Are we walking on coals? Queen Jennah, if you don't see this as feasible, what do you propose?
Queen Jennah: The scepter is an extreme solution to a fresh problem. We should send the commander back to Janthir to learn more.
Firstborn Dagonet: I agree with the queen. We don't know nearly enough about the threat at hand or how useful the scepter would be here.
Councillor Ludo: Well, I think we should get it over with and just try the damn thing. What are we risking here?
Queen Jennah: This creature is closer to my borders than yours. And Stoic Alder's kodan are even closer. Harming our people is the risk.
Councillor Ludo: Letting this thing roam about is just as dangerous to them.
Queen Jennah: Perhaps, but the scepter could do much worse. We are simply at an impasse.
Councillor Ludo: Then what do we do?
<Character name>: We vote on it.
Crecia Stoneglow: It's a sound motion. We did form the alliance for a reason.
Queen Jennah: Someone will be disappointed with the decision. Or dead.
Councillor Ludo: Ideally these titans, and not us.
<Character name>: The queen is right–I don't think everyone is going to agree.
Countess Anise: And so we vote.
Countess Anise: Take some time to think. When everyone is prepared to make their decisions and has returned to their places, we'll begin.
Speaking with Livia
Wayfinder. Having fun?
Talk more option tango.png Can you tell me more about the scepter?
What do you want to know?
Talk quest option tango.png Why is the scepter so dangerous to use?
Livia: The seers were...are frustrating collaborators. Not overly fond of sharing.
Livia: You saw how specific and arcane the Shining Blade was. Legavo is similarly complex.
Livia: It tests the will of its user, judges their intent.
Livia: If the user is found wanting, well, those names have long been lost to time and memory.
Talk quest option tango.png How were you able to wield the scepter?
Livia: (chuckles) Isn't it obvious?
Livia: It saw my intent, to bring the White Mantle and their mursaat overlords to ruin for their abuse of the bloodstones...
Livia: The sacrifices, King Jadon's death... Ignore me. Musings from long ago.
Livia: It offered me vengeance. I sent many enemies of Kryta to their oblivion. It probably liked the blood.
Livia: It was fortunate that Isgarren and I crossed paths when we did, though. Even I have limits.
Livia: As for you, well... You don't lack for will; even death couldn't stop you. I wouldn't bet against you.
Talk quest option tango.png Why do you think the scepter would be helpful here?
Livia: Before those unfortunate bandits, and then myself, its prior wielder was...let's just say, a little problematic?
Livia: Vizier Khilbron. He was responsible for sinking Orr. I'm sure you've heard that particular story many times.
Livia: While the scepter wasn't responsible for the Cataclysm, it was a very dense situation.
Livia: Whenever a god is involved, an especially fiendish one at that, certain cultural anxieties come to light.
Livia: I don't suggest it lightly, but it was cast to control creatures from the Mists. Khilbron used it to control the titans.
Livia: There is risk, certainly. We don't know how well it works, or if it does anymore. But we should try.
Talk end option tango.png I need to speak to the others.
Speaking with Firstborn Dagonet
What must our new kodan ally think of us, watching us bicker like saplings? They are an old race, deriving wisdom from thousands of years of history. We should stand together! Not brawl.
Charisma Firstborn, we cannot leave our ally to wither on the vine.
Dignity That wisdom will tell them to be cautious. We shouldn't risk anything.
Ferocity Firstborn, the lowland kodan also understand strength and when to use it.
I must stand by my decision, Commander... Think on yours.
Talk end option tango.png For the kodan's sake, I hope it's the right one.
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Firstborn Dagonet: I don't know, Commander. I'm prone to agree with the queen's hesitation. We know so little.
Speaking with Chief Councilor Imann
Dragons, rogue gods, plagues, a lich. Why not the return of the titans?
Charisma Your people have suffered enough. Why not use the scepter?
Dignity Your people are survivors, and now we need to help the kodan survive.
Ferocity We must purge the titans before they also turn into a disaster!
Perhaps. But none of those problems had easy solutions, either.
Talk end option tango.png If only they had...
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Chief Councilor Imann: When Queen Jennah invited me to the alliance, I didn't think things would spice up so quickly.
Chief Councilor Imann: Elona has a long history with events such as this. I know my response. Think on yours.
Speaking with Skarti Knuttson
Ludo may be a blowhard, but that doesn't mean she is wrong. We should not let the risk of what the scepter could do eclipse what we know the titans are doing.
Charisma The scepter is dangerous, though. We know that...
Dignity Stacking one problem on top of another doesn't seem wise.
Ferocity You are right. The titans must be put down, whatever the risk.
Another day, another crisis. Let's hope caution does not prevent the proper response.
Talk end option tango.png We'll see what the others think.
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Skarti Knutsson: I hear everyone's concerns, but between us, I... I don't know. We've endured so much pain already.
Skarti Knutsson: Can you blame anyone for wanting to end things quickly?
Braham Eirsson: Kinda speaking from experience here, but leaning on ancient magic isn't worth the cost...
Speaking with Queen Jennah
Commander, you have seen the consequences of rash actions. Using the scepter is a mistake. Anything the White Mantle has touched should never be trusted.
Charisma Like what you did when Branded were at the gates of Ebonhawke?
Dignity You're right. Caution is going to be critical moving forward.
Ferocity There will be blood with or without the scepter, Your Majesty.
The titans have not yet pushed onto the mainland. We have time.
Talk end option tango.png Let's hope we don't regret this.
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Queen Jennah: I wish they could understand that what seems like an easy solution is often muddled with complication.
Queen Jennah: But the final call is not mine. It can't be, if we seek genuine unity. But whatever is chosen...we will live with it.
Speaking with Isgarren
I'm starting to regret my decision to open up the ward to the world... Our hands are tied, and half these delegates are voting on things they know nothing about!
Charisma Part of being part of the world is accepting that you cannot stand alone.
Dignity It's enough that the ward is joining the fight this time.
Ferocity They know the scepter has a bloody history. They don't want that repeated.
We have things far worse than the scepter locked away. If they are afraid of it, I doubt they are ready to learn the real truth of the world.
Talk end option tango.png Let's just worry about the scepter for now.
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Isgarren: I don't disagree with caution, though risk is critical in dire moments. But I will abide by their decision.
Isgarren: Historically, if the ward needed to take action, we simply took it. I must wait now. I don't want to regret this.
Speaking with Empress Ihn
I never thought I'd say it, but dealing with Joon is easier than dealing with this. Canthans are not afraid of taking risk, but Jennah is right: risk without thought leads to tragedy.
Charisma Empress, you used dragon magic to help your people. Is this so different?
Dignity I don't disagree. I don't know if we can calculate that risk yet.
Ferocity You took a risk on me, against your own advisor!
Cantha has had enough tragedy, Commander. I know what I have to do.
Talk end option tango.png Fair enough, Empress.
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Empress Ihn: Thankfully, Cantha had not yet closed its borders before the events Dagonet described. I've read of the titans.
Empress Ihn: And I've read of all that connected them. Abaddon. Shiro. It feels too complicated to make a sudden choice.
Empress Ihn: I'd advise caution, but I see it in your eyes already.
Speaking with Councillor Ludo
Fools! Surrounded by fools! Magic, like anything, is a tool. We would not misuse the scepter!
Charisma Councilor, please. All of us have faced disaster. Lets[sic] not sow decision now.
Dignity Diplomacy means accepting the decision, regardless.
Ferocity You're right. The risks are high, but letting the titans run amok is worse.
Talk end option tango.png I'll give you some space to think and cool off.
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Councillor Ludo: You know my take. If we have a solution, we should use it. If the Astral Ward is so powerful, they owe us a demonstration.
Speaking with Crecia Stoneglow
If Rytlock was here, he wouldn't hesitate to use the scepter. He'd dive in without a thought, just like before, and suffer the consequences after...
Charisma So do whatever Rytlock wouldn't do?
Dignity He also wouldn't hesitate to save lives. I'm with Rytlock on that one.
Ferocity Unlike that time, the scepter is not in the hands of a mad god.
I've made my decision, Commander.
Talk end option tango.png Let's hope it's the right one.
Talk end option tango.png I need to think about this.
Crecia Stoneglow: Lot to consider, but I think I know my stance. We'll see how this resolves.
Returning to the podium for the vote
Countess Anise: The last delegate has returned to their podium. It is time.
Countess Anise: All in favor of utilizing the Scepter of Orr to combat the titan threat, say "yea."
Countess Anise: And those who oppose, preferring the commander return to Janthir to conduct further research: "nay."
Empress Ihn: We're all so shy. I'll start: nay.
Chief Councilor Imann: Nay.
Isgarren: Yea.
Councillor Ludo: Yea.
Queen Jennah: A firm "nay."
Crecia Stoneglow: Nay.
Malice Swordshadow: Crecia?
Skarti Knutsson: Yea.
Firstborn Dagonet: Nay.
Voting at the podium
Talk quest option tango.png We can't afford hesitation. Let's use the scepter. (Yea)
<Character name>: Yea.
Talk quest option tango.png It's not the time for rash choices. (Nay)
<Character name>: Nay.
Queen Jennah: And we will not be using the scepter. More research is critical before we make such a call.
Councillor Ludo: And when we do need the scepter, are we voting again?
Countess Anise: We very well might, Councillor. For now, we are investigating the threat. If more action is needed, we will approach that.
Countess Anise: Imperator Malice, Caithe, and the commander will return to Janthir with Stoic Alder immediately. Learn all you're able.
Crecia Stoneglow: Stoic Alder, do your people have a secure route into the isles? If Isgarren is correct...
Isgarren: And I am.
Crecia Stoneglow: ...Then we should expect the worst. At least one titan has returned to Tyria.
Stoic Alder: I've sent scouts to map the ruins before. We can approach from the south, take the river inland, and establish camps.
Stoic Alder: These things threaten my home. My son. My spear will aid this alliance.
Countess Anise: Adjourned.
Speaking with Caithe, Empress Ihn, and Firstborn Dagonet after the vote
Empress Ihn: What was it like?
Caithe: Horrifying. We've faced many threats–big ones. But this time felt different.
Caithe: I don't want to catastrophize and call it an omen, but this creature escaping or entering from the a scary concept.
Firstborn Dagonet: You're not catastrophizing. Things that used to be rare suddenly feel like a routine season.
Speaking with Crecia Stoneglow and Malice Swordshadow after the vote
Crecia Stoneglow: Imperator, I would watch your tone. Anyone but me might disapprove.
Malice Swordshadow: My tone? My tone is fine; it's your logic that isn't. This is a titan we're dealing with!
Malice Swordshadow: What they did to our people–
Crecia Stoneglow: Awful. And the things they made us do were worse. But that doesn't mean we should turn to some cursed wand.
Crecia Stoneglow: I hear your opinion. I agree. But you're Ash! Collecting data and understanding every corner is how you rose to imperator.
Crecia Stoneglow: So. Are you level-headed enough to return to the field?
Malice Swordshadow: Yes.
Crecia Stoneglow: Are you sure?
Malice Swordshadow: Yes.
Speaking with Chief Councilor Imann and Kalidris Sparrowhawk after the vote
<Character name>: Any strong feelings about the vote, you two?
Chief Councilor Imann: I'm happy with the result. When we're dealing with gods–or creatures that pretend to be gods–caution must be observed.
Chief Councilor Imann: Maybe they want us to make the obvious choice. There's no way to know until we do our research.
Kalidris Sparrowhawk: It's certainly not my place. I'm just the royal messenger to the Dominion's Great House, after all...
Chief Councilor Imann: "Just the royal messenger." She is very modest.
Kalidris Sparrowhawk: But I can see both sides. I see the want to dissolve the problem swiftly, and I also see the need to be patient...
Chief Councilor Imann: Politics can be very delicate, indeed. And knowing the song behind your opposition's march is critical in informing your own.
Kaladris Sparrowhawk: Sure don't envy you two. I just hope this gets cleaned up before anyone else gets hurt.
Speaking with Councillor Ludo after the vote
Councillor Ludo: Foolish. What a silly decision. One more bad report for the Arcane Council.
Councillor Ludo: I'll be fine! Just fuming. Move along.
Speaking with Braham Eirsson and Skarti Knuttson after the vote
Skarti Knutsson: Well, I can't argue with the majority... Their suspicions must be warranted. I just...I just don't want more destruction.
Braham Eirsson: Neither do I, brother.
Speaking with Isgarren and Frode after the vote
Frode: Isgarren, must I remind you that we are trying to prove a point in our participation here–
Isgarren: If we weren't in this alliance, the titans would be taken care of.
Frode: –that the Astral Ward does not make quick decisions. We think things through. And you don't know that.
Frode: We have so few members now; the spire may be irreparable! And you are tired, my friend.
Frode: We all need each other. Tyria isn't safe from the Mists anymore.
Speaking with Queen Jennah, Countess Anise, and Livia after the vote
Livia: I wouldn't have advised that call, my queen. I think there's a better option. A smarter option.
Countess Anise: It's good you're not her advisor, then.
Queen Jennah: This is why I don't keep both of you on my shoulder at the same time.
Queen Jennah: Agree to disagree, Lady Livia. You are welcome to express your opinion, but I do not share it.
Speaking with Stoic Alder after the vote
If asura:
<Character name>: Ah, well...could've been worse?
If charr:
<Character name>: Back to Janthir, then.
If human:
<Character name>: Welcome to Tyrian politics.
If norn:
<Character name>: Might need some of that honey wine myself.
If sylvari:
<Character name>: That was quite the affair.
Stoic Alder: I don't envy your status, Wayfinder. My mate was the globetrotter. I prefer the personal politics of the village council.
Stoic Alder: The isles should make us nervous. The lowlands are familiar, but we never stay long. If you haven't heard my warnings yet...
<Character name>: Starting to get a good idea.
Stoic Alder: Remain honest, and we'll wash our paws of this.
Stoic Alder: We meet in Janthir.

Harvest Den[edit]

Speaking to Poised Arrow
Poised Arrow: You're back. We need to reach the northern shore. Yesterday. No time to pack–
If asura:
<Character name>: You're stressed. Tell me what happened.
If charr:
<Character name>: Retract your claws, brother. What happened?
If human:
<Character name>: Calm down. Walk me through it.
If norn:
<Character name>: Your spirit is raging. What's wrong?
If sylvari:
<Character name>: You're distraught. What's the matter?
Poised Arrow: Fading Aurora–she left the village. We have to go after her. She won't survive a day on the isles by herself.
<Character name>: She went to the isles? Why?
Poised Arrow: I don't know– She didn't say, exactly. When Paw returned, he told the council about your meeting. The titans.
<Character name>: Did he go with her?
Poised Arrow: No. He's with the council now. She left on her own.
Poised Arrow: I'll bet you my best skipping stone that she went after the stranger. I'm...I'm going after her, too.
<Character name>: We should tell your father. See if we can rally a few spears–
Poised Arrow: I'm not asking for his permission. And I don't need you to lead the way.
Poised Arrow: I'm heading to the north shore. I'll take a boat into the isles and see if I can catch up to her...
Poised Arrow: You're not obligated to join me, but I won't turn you away.
If asura:
<Character name>: You've got spunk, kid. I'll give you that.
If charr:
<Character name>: Scalding... Damn it. Fine. Let's go.
If human:
<Character name>: Don't make me regret this.
If norn:
<Character name>: The determination of a warrior. I hope your father doesn't skin me for this.
If sylvari:
<Character name>: Well, I certainly can't let you go alone.

Festering Basin instance[edit]

Entering the instance
Poised Arrow: This is as far inland as we can get. We'll have to continue on foot.
Malice Swordshadow: Have you been here before?
Poised Arrow: A few times, but never without Maw or Grandmaw.
<Character name>: What about Stoic Alder?
Poised Arrow: He wouldn't bring me, no. Doesn't think it's safe.
Caithe: Look.
Examining the corpses
Poised Arrow: We follow those, I bet we'll find Fading Aurora.
Encountering titanspawn
Poised Arrow: Strangers ahead. We'll fight through them.
Malice Swordshadow: Careful, cub. This isn't a race.
Continuing the search
Poised Arrow: The valravn should be drawn to the carnage... But the presence of the strangers keeps them away.
Caithe: Mother, watch us. I hope your friend is alive.
Finding Fading Aurora
Poised Arrow: Wait. There.
Poised Arrow: Fading Aurora. C'mon.
Reaching Greer
Greer, the Blightbringer: The multiplicity of your bestial nature flickers dull without air... I am Greer. And you are small.
Poised Arrow: Aurora, we came to help. Let's kill this thing and go home. Please.
Fading Aurora: My boy, you need to get out of here.
Greer, the Blightbringer: (chuckles) More moths to flame, sizzling with melancholy as they reach my ember...
Fading Aurora: No time. You all need to listen to me.
Fading Aurora: We need to clear the spawn and debris from the area. Right now he holds control of this environment.
Fading Aurora: If we can balance the odds, I may be able to overwhelm him. Just enough. Poky, do you have my seeds?
Poised Arrow: I never leave home without them.
Fading Aurora: Good.
Greer, the Blightbringer: Fascinating is your dedication to dying plots. I will turn this swamp to rot.
After clearing the debris and initial titanspawn
Poised Arrow: It's done. What now, Aurora?
Fading Aurora: Plant the seeds throughout the swamp. I'll warn you, they're very magical.
Picking up the first seed from Poised Arrow
Caithe: Watch out for his spawn! Dodge out of their way–we don't want to lose any seeds.
While planting seeds
Caithe: I see now. Your plants are undoing his corruption. It's magic, but it's balance.
Fading Aurora: Exactly.
Poised Arrow: I...I trust you.
After planting the seeds
Poised Arrow: It's working, Aurora! It's working.
Greer, the Blightbringer: So sweet is the honey on your lips, just before his talons catch victory by the throat.
Fading Aurora: Calm your tantrum. We have a score to settle.
Fading Aurora: Poky!
Greer, the Blightbringer: Sweet is this.
Fading Aurora: I'm speaking to you. Look at me.
During the cinematic cutscene
(Greer turns to attack Poised Arrow while Fading Aurora begins glowing.)
Fading Aurora: Last warning.
(Greer ignores Fading Aurora and prepares to crush Poised Arrow.)
Waiting Sorrow: Very well.
Poised Arrow: A-Aurora?
(Fading Aurora's eyes begin glowing as she unleashes her magic, dashing in front of Greer to block his advance. She casts a glyph on the ground, staggering Greer.)
Resuming the battle
<Character name>: Waiting Sorrow.
Poised Arrow: I... I...
Waiting Sorrow: I will explain.
Poised Arrow: Who... What are you?
After defeating Greer
Greer, the Blightbringer: Choking on the weight of my own dejection...
Waiting Sorrow: It is done.
Speaking with Waiting Sorrow
Malice Swordshadow: I don't know about the rest of you, but I've got a burning question or two...
<Character name>: I wouldn't get too close. Not until we have answers.
Poised Arrow: Who are you?
Waiting Sorrow: Poky. I will not hurt you.
Poised Arrow: Don't call me that. That's what my maw called me. Who are you?
Waiting Sorrow: I am Waiting Sorrow.
Poised Arrow: Not some healer from the Shiverpeaks, I take it? I can practically feel the magic dripping from your paws.
Waiting Sorrow: I am not. I'm...
<Character name>: A rogue wizard. The Astral Ward is looking for you, Waiting Sorrow.
Waiting Sorrow: The moment they called you "wayfinder," I assumed your mission was to hunt me down.
<Character name>: "Hunt" is a strong word.
Waiting Sorrow: What fables did he tell you of me? That I take children and siphon their young magic?
<Character name>: Only that I'm to assume you're dangerous.
Waiting Sorrow: I helped you kill the beast, didn't I? If I was going to harm any of you, my hands would already be cleaned of it.
Waiting Sorrow: Pok– Poised Arrow, I'm sorry. I can explain everything. I just need you to give me some time before we tell anyone–
Poised Arrow: You don't want my paw to know.
Waiting Sorrow: It's not the right time.
<Character name>: And I still have a few questions myself.
Waiting Sorrow: With time.
Speaking with Poised Arrow
<Character name>: Are you okay?
Poised Arrow: I feel sick. My gut is turning and my arms won't still. I don't...I don't know what to think.
Poised Arrow: I just... I need to count the trees and mull it over.
<Character name>: Are you going to tell your father? I wouldn't blame you if you did.
Poised Arrow: I want to, but...I don't know if I should. I'll think about it.
Poised Arrow: My maw taught me to step away when a hunt became too taxing. My thoughts and tongue aren't aligned.
<Character name>: Wise advice. Take as long as you need. I'll keep an eye on her.
Poised Arrow: Yeah. They, uh, they're getting some research camps set up nearby. I'll be there. Gonna take a walk.
(Poised Arrow leaves)
Speaking with Waiting Sorrow again
Waiting Sorrow: Where is he going?
<Character name>: To think. If I just learned that my mentor was wanted for ambiguous transgressions, I'd be on the fence too.
Waiting Sorrow: I left a note. Ren should've known I meant no harm.
<Character name>: If you're talking about Isgarren, I think we both know better than to assume he's rational.
Waiting Sorrow: What do you suggest, then? Shall you haul me back to Amnytas, paws in chains?
Caithe: Do titans still roam the isles? Can we count this battle fought?
Malice Swordshadow: Isgarren said to expect numbers, even if those numbers are low.
Waiting Sorrow: The earth here rumbles. I wouldn't blink if another stranger still walked upon these lands.
Waiting Sorrow: The tendrils of my power reach outward, but the Mistburn is disrupting my senses...
Caithe: Mistburn? Does that have something to do with the titans?
Waiting Sorrow: In part. Energy radiates from the Mists. I expect wherever our titan came from, it was steeped in it; it bleeds into our realm.
If asura:
<Character name>: Another incalculable variable. Fun
If charr:
<Character name>: Great.
If human:
<Character name>: Not a single dull blade in the armory.
If norn:
<Character name>: It'll be an exciting hunt.
If sylvari:
<Character name>: Oh, wonderful.
<Character name>: So, what are we going to do with you?
Waiting Sorrow: Well, I'm not in chains yet. Why don't you tell me?
Waiting Sorrow: If you don't tell the ward, I will not flee. Let us deal with them later.
Caithe: I don't know the stakes under which you were advised to track her down, but she did help us kill the thing.
<Character name>: I've carried enough secrets in my pocket to know how burdensome that weight can be.
Waiting Sorrow: Then let me offer you this: I will return to them, but only when I know my kin are secured from immediate danger.
Waiting Sorrow: Let me roam on my own terms until then. I've only just adjusted to life without Isgarren's shackling gaze.
If asura:
<Character name>: Whoops, I lost your detainment paperwork. Who are you again?
If charr:
<Character name>: Who am I to lock you up? Sounds like a lot of work.
If human:
<Character name>: I suppose I've made more questionable choices. What's one more?
If norn:
<Character name>: The flame in your core is bright. Let's agree to a... truce. For now.
If sylvari:
<Character name>: If I can learn to trust Caithe, I can learn to trust you.
Waiting Sorrow: I haven't fought like that in a few decades. Maintaining a facade absent magic has left my flame flickering and delicate.
Waiting Sorrow: Will you make sure Poky is well while I recover?
<Character name>: We'll tend to the cub, but don't get any ideas.
Waiting Sorrow: Impossible.
Speaking with Caithe and Malice
Caithe: Commander. You're far more versed on the Astral Ward than we are... But you might owe us a bit of an explanation.
<Character name>: Not your mess... It's hardly mine. I don't want to put you two in a tough spot.
Caithe: Please. You're traveling with the imperator of the Ash Legion and a thief-turned-diplomat. We can do covert.
Malice Swordshadow: With all the intel we've gathered so far... Probably not far behind with our own assessments.
<Character name>: I suppose. When I met with Frode back in Moon Camp, he told me to keep an eye out for their missing wizard.
<Character name>: I've heard the name, but not much else. She left the Astral Ward on uncertain terms, which makes Isgarren nervous.
Caithe: Isgarren makes me nervous. Should we be afraid of her?
<Character name>: Maybe caution over fear. Didn't strike me as dangerous when she threw herself in front of Poky.
Caithe: We can do cautious, Commander.
Malice Swordshadow: Far as I know, she helped us fight that thing. Hell of a lot more than Isgarren has done here.

My Story[edit]

Strangers among Lands- Festering Basin loading screen.png

The Tyrian Alliance has officially been called for a second summit to discuss what happened to Caithe, Malice, and me in Janthir. Time to see what the rest of the world thinks.


Stoic Alder met me outside of the venue—this is going to be his first big introduction to the rest of modern Tyria. He was nervous but expectedly prepared. His people are in danger, and putting them above himself is the way of the Claw.

The room was already tense when we entered. I took my place at the podium, and things kicked off. The Astral Ward confirmed what Malice seemed to know immediately upon the first encounter: Titans had indeed returned to Tyria. Demonic creatures from the Mists. Until now, they were thought to be eliminated from Tyria.

I listened to the room's rising concerns, confusion, worry, and fear. As we broached another moment of tension, Livia appeared at the door to toss a little more fuel on the fire. She called for utilization of the Scepter of Orr—or Legavo—an ancient seer weapon designed to control or manipulate creatures from the Mists. No one had a straight answer about whether or not the thing actually works, but at least a few of the council were willing to risk it to calm this threat as quickly as possible. The room couldn't come to an agreement on what to do, so I called for a vote. Queen Jennah and Ludo were at each other's throats, but even they agreed that neither would concede. Everyone took a moment to dwell on their stance before reconvening.

With everyone decided, the council voted. We will not be using the scepter; most of the room couldn't rationalize the risk. As a result, Countess Anise ordered Malice, Caithe, and me to return to Janthir with Stoic Alder to do more research and determine the scope of the threat. I saw Alder off and will make my own preparations before heading back to Harvest Den.

Let's see if we can even kill a titan.


When I arrived back at the village, Poised Arrow was in a panic. Fading Aurora had left Harvest Den on her own, likely in pursuit of the titan and whatever survivors it may have dragged along. She was headed straight to the isles. Alone. I figured the kid was going to throw himself into that fight whether I decided to join him or not, so we're sailing right into the thick of the storm.


Poky guided us across the bay and to the first island. Damp and eerie, it was uncomfortably still when we stepped off the skiff and onto land. We made our way west, where we found the corpses of those shard-like creatures, which I'm now piecing together as being connected to the titan. Did Fading Aurora do this? We didn't have long to linger, though, as even more of them ambushed us on the path.

As we pushed westward, Poky saw a clearing ahead in the swamp—and Fading Aurora. We finally caught up.


A bit brave for a healer from the Shiverpeaks, Fading Aurora stood face-to-face with the titan. He called himself Greer, and nothing about us was threatening to him.

Aurora told Poky to flee, but the kid refused. We threw ourselves into the fight in a desperate attempt to keep Poky alive. Aurora was unexpectedly grounded, given the circumstances. She immediately looked for a solution to overcome Greer's rapidly spreading rot—magically imbued seeds. Aurora ordered us to kill Greer's minions so that we could cleanse the arena of twisted, rotten magic.

When we thought that we'd achieved the upper hand, Greer turned to Poky instead. Before the titan could attack, Aurora stepped between them. And in that moment, her façade finally dropped. After conjuring a spell far exceeding the capabilities of a humble healer from the Shiverpeaks, it became clear: Waiting Sorrow was standing before us. She halted Greer's attack with ease.

With her full powers revealed, overcoming Greer was an easy task. But all eyes immediately snapped to the missing wizard. Poky was distressed; his mentor had lied to him, and another facet of his once-comfortable reality was shaken. He told me that he needed to walk it off, so he's headed to a nearby research camp to do just that.

With Poky out of earshot, I turned to Waiting Sorrow for an explanation. Beyond establishing diplomatic bonds with the lowlanders, finding her was my next priority. Powerful, certainly, but not the intimidating runaway she was painted as—another melodramatic musing from Isgarren, perhaps? Her concern was with Poky first, and then the titans. Caithe and Malice, who remained as stalwart as you'd expect, prodded her with additional questions: Are there more? Are we safe? Waiting Sorrow was hazy, claiming that an uptick in Mistburn—energies radiating from the Mists—were causing unnatural disturbances on the island. She asked if I intended to detain her, but if a titan does indeed roam this island still, she might be the ally we need to shut it down, since she's helped us take out one already. Keeping her identity from the kodan might be a more complicated challenge given their hesitance toward magic, but at least the majority of the Astral Ward wouldn't be able to recognize her. She's kept her identity a secret for this long, after all.

Even while tensions are high, Caithe and Malice handled Waiting Sorrow's reveal with curiosity—leave it to the spymasters to be unphased by secrets. While they mull over the news, I'll see if I can track down Poky and see how he's doing. Kid's been through a lot, and he shouldn't be left alone in a place like this.

My story


During the optional objective, speaking to delegates already spoken to more than once may end the optional objective early, preventing hearing all the opinions from remaining delegates. This does not affect the completion of the achievement Everyone Loves Democracy, which will be completed when the optional objective is completed.