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Tyrian Alliance Report: Orr Resettlement

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Tyrian Alliance Report: Orr Resettlement

Tyrian Alliance Report- Orr Resettlement.jpg

Strangers among Lands
(Lowland Shore)

Tyrian Alliance Report: Orr Resettlement is a note that can be found in the Guild Initiative Headquarters during the story instance Strangers among Lands. It is located at the end of the wooden beam supporting the last stair, just before the top of the building.

Story involvement[edit]

Janthir Wilds story[edit]


Tyrian Alliance Report: Orr Resettlement

A topic has been broached by the upper crust of Divinity's Reach and other notables: Now that the threat of the dragons is gone for good—assuming Aurene stays friendly and remains uncorrupted—what should be done with the peninsula of Orr? Thanks to the Pact's efforts (steered by the Priory, mind you), with help from the sylvari and benevolent spirits that dwell within the ruins, life is slowly returning to the shores. Perhaps, with the ward's help, it could cross the line into becoming a viable home.

The problem now is who has claim to the land. As usual, humans argue that it is a strictly human territory and always has been, while the Pact claims ownership as they were the ones who spilled blood to reclaim it. Quite a few believe that it could be considered an extension of Lion's Arch itself—a multiracial kingdom the likes of which we have never seen before. Still, the spirits residing there claim ownership regardless of who or what shows up to help. I recommended the Alliance sort out the mess before the cooperative spirit breaks down.

Related achievements[edit]