Waiting Sorrow
Waiting Sorrow
- Race
- Kodan
- Profession
- Elementalist
- Level
- 80
- Rank
- Legendary
- Location
- Strangers among Lands
(Lowland Shore)
Twice Stricken
(Janthir Syntri)
Finding Balance
(Janthir Syntri)
Against the Wall
(Janthir Syntri)
Sorrow in These Halls
(The Wizard's Tower, Lowland Shore)
Battle's Eve
(Lowland Shore)
Balrior Peak
(Lowland Shore, Mount Balrior) - Organization
- Wizard's Court
Lowland Kodan
“For beings that know "all," I don't know enough. Not about myself.
Waiting Sorrow is an ancient female kodan wizard. She is a former member of the Wizard's Court, and former leader of the Bastion of the Celestial,[1] having been Dagda's mentor and close friend. She left her fellow wizards relatively recently on somewhat precarious terms.[2] Before leaving, Waiting Sorrow crafted the Heart of the Obscure, a device that channels emotions and can open and seal rifts, and left it behind for another wizard to find. She was the mentor, as well as close friend or even soulmate, of the ancient female jotun Dagda.[3][4][5]
Since leaving the Wizard's Court centuries ago, Waiting Sorrow has observed the lives of kodan to protect them from the Elder Dragon Jormag. Adopting the identity of a healer named Fading Aurora, she has settled among the Lowland Kodan of Harvest Den and has earned a place in their council. Because of the rising titan activity emerging from Janthir that threatens not only the Lowland Kodan but Tyria itself, Waiting Sorrow is eventually forced to reveal her true identity and returns to the Wizard's Court, her future uncertain. |
Early years[edit]
Life in the north[edit]
Waiting Sorrow was born to the kodan in the far north millennia ago. She was magically adept from an early age, receiving visions and images, and she would become the youngest Voice of Koda for her community in that era. As she acclimated to her role, she bonded with and eventually became the mate of Southward Claw, the Claw of Koda of that community.
When the Elder Dragon Jormag rose and created a lengthy Dragonstorm which affected the denizens of the north, the various kodan tribes were forced to seek shelter from the raging blizzard in the caves together and grew increasingly hungry over the following years as they had access to fewer and fewer game to feed their people. As the storm picked up, Koda's voice turned angry and began affecting some of the Voices, Waiting Sorrow included. She began losing herself and could no longer trust the visions which she identified as false. She came to believe that she was not necessarily hearing Koda's voice anymore. She hated having a destiny and the burden that came with it, and she worried that she would become a threat to her community, so she fled before she would hurt her loved ones. Waiting Sorrow would have been consumed by the Rage of Koda in her growing madness and grief if not for her meeting with the Seer wizard Isgarren who helped sever her tie to the Mists to remove Koda's burden from her as he helped her ascend and turned her immortal.[6]
However, the ascension ended up affecting Waiting Sorrow's memories too as she distanced herself from her former life and community, while Isgarren let her roam alone for a time. Southward Claw, against the wishes of the Voices of the other tribes, made the tough choice to lead his eventual Lowland Kodan tribe south to Janthir to seek new hunting grounds instead of waiting for his mate's return.[7][8][9][10] Waiting Sorrow eventually met with the Forgotten Vass and began traveling with her near Frostgorge Sound where they observed the highland kodan settling the area as the Elder Dragons fell to slumber. At some point Isgarren, who had been banished from the Seer horde for interfering with mortal lives one time too many, approached the pair and invited them to join him and his mursaat friend Mabon in the Wizard's Court, a fledgling organization of ascended wizards whose task would be to guard Tyria from Mistborn threats. However, Isgarren's offer was both sympathetic and pragmatic: as he had witnessed Waiting Sorrow's growing arcane power, he realized that he could not let her go again.[11][12]
Life as a wizard[edit]
As a wizard, Waiting Sorrow helped design the defenses of the Wizard's Tower which Isgarren had acquired. According to her, the sentient tower always liked her best out of all the wizards. She founded the Bastion of the Celestial in Amnytas, a floating chain of islands acting as the base for the wizards as well as their eventual Astral Ward disciples. She became a mentor and dear friend to Dagda, a female jotun with magical abilities who was saved during the jotun civil war and who underwent ascension to become a wizard herself.
Some time after the Astral Ward's founding in 604 AE, the demonic Kryptis of Nayos possessed the first Warden of the Wizard's Court, Taryn.[13][14] This ultimately led Eparch, the Midnight King of the Kryptis who had once been Isgarren's ward before his banishment, to usher the first major Kryptis invasion attempt into Tyria in 635 AE so he could have his revenge on Isgarren for denying him a seat in the Wizard's Court.[14] The Kryptis horde targeted the Wizard's Tower with Eparch himself leading the incursion alongside his powerful lieutenants Cerus and Deimos. The assault led to the deaths of the wizards Akeem and Vass and culminated in Isgarren and Eparch's second confrontation. Waiting Sorrow was so traumatized by the Kryptis' actions and the deaths of her fellow wizards that she could neither speak nor move, leaving the rest of the wizards to carry on the fight without her. Isgarren and his allies were ultimately able to force the Midnight King and the Kryptis back into Nayos despite the tower sustaining heavy damage in the ensuing clash.
As centuries passed, Waiting Sorrow began to harbour reservations against the wizards, as a desire to know more about herself and her past grew and haunted her. Upon voicing her reservations to Isgarren, the Seer asked the kodan if she would like to put an end to her immortal life, to which Waiting Sorrow declined, refusing to believe that there isn't a path forward that doesn't involve moving to the next wave of existence. This conversation would only further the kodan's desire to depart from the order.
She crafted the Heart of the Obscure, a mysterious device capable of opening and sealing rifts in the Mists by channelling emotions, as well as pointing the user to the nearest rift. She left this device on her desk in The Wizard's Tower.[2]
Waiting Sorrow, still a wizard, abandoned the order in secrecy, leaving behind an Old Letter for her close friend and apprentice, Dagda, to find. The kodan left in a hurry, fearing that Isgarren would stop her if he knew, as the immortal wizards are forbidden from leaving the order with their powers intact.[3][4][5] The exact date that Waiting Sorrow left is unclear, but it was "over a century ago" according to the Astral Ward[15] and may be referenced in the An Unofficial History of the Wizard's Court, dated 716 AE.[16]
Interim years[edit]
In 1165 AE, Jormag rose once somewhere beyond the Far Shiverpeaks in the latest dragonrise, creating a years-long Dragonstorm as they began creating icebrood and pushing south. Waiting Sorrow, plagued by fragmented visions of her past life and guilt for abandoning her bearkin, decided to aid them while also masking her magic so Isgarren or her fellow wizards could not locate her.
Janthir Wilds[edit]
Act 1[edit]
Act 2[edit]
Story involvement[edit]
Janthir Wilds story[edit]
- Act 1
- Act 2
- Godspawn
Combat abilities[edit]
- Abilities
- Wizard of the Astral Ward
- Effects
- One of the following:
- Air Attunement - Attuned to air.
- Fire Attunement - Attuned to fire.
- Earth Attunement - Attuned to earth.
- Water Attunement - Attuned to water.
Related achievements[edit]
Sorrow's Lost: III: The Mother Sovereign — Empathy, compassion, and nurturing nature; one must know sorrow to heal sorrow. One can almost picture an entire sea of lamentation out there... Somewhere.
Janthir Wilds: Act 2: Forgiveness — Witness an exchange of apology and acceptance. (1 )
Janthir Wilds: Act 2: Teaching Trust — Witness a teacher and pupil rebuild trust. (1 )
Godspawn: A Moment of Quiet — Check in with all of your allies following the meeting. (1 )
Godspawn: Life of the Party — Speak with the other guests at the battle's eve feast. (1 )
- Waiting Sorrow is voiced by Tina Huang.
- As a millennia-old kodan, Waiting Sorrow was born during a time when most kodan had two names, a tradition still in use by the kodan of Still Waters Speaking. Their first name, referred to as "Koda's Promise" is based on a characteristic wished by the family or tribe of the newborn kodan cub, such as "humble", "stoic", "aiding", or "noble". The second name, referred to as "Koda's Gift", is one of nature, such as "mountain", "thunder", "cloud", or "cove". A handful of sanctuaries, however, used pliable names which changed based on circumstance and mood, describing singular things and lacking a first or last name. These sanctuaries would eventually become established in the Shiverpeaks possibly following Jormag's awakening.[17] Waiting Sorrow, based on her name, might have belonged to one such sanctuary.
See also[edit]
- Associated items
- ^ "An Unofficial History of the Wizard's Court, Volume 1" by A. Hawthorn
- ^ a b
Mother of Stars
- Story journal: Rian taught me how to use the Heart of the Obscure—the device that Zojja gave me in the battle prior that we used to close rifts at the Beacon of Ages. Apparently, it was crafted by a kodan wizard named Waiting Sorrow who has since left the Astral Ward (on somewhat precarious terms, I hear). Whenever I channel the device's power, strange waves of emotion seem to guide me forward. Though I can't describe why, I feel a strong connection to it already.
- ^ a b Zojja's Journal: Primal Maguuma
- ^ a b Old Letter
- ^ a b Dagda's Diary
- ^ Balrior Peak
- Waiting Sorrow: Thousands of years ago, long before Orr's prime, I...I was born of whispers.
- Waiting Sorrow: Visions and images. I was destined to become a Voice of Koda. The youngest the kodan of that era had seen.
- Waiting Sorrow: My Claw... He was kind. Fierce. He sat with me many a night as I acclimaed to my role. We bonded.
- Waiting Sorrow: But the dragonstorm raged outside our dens. And as the storm picked up...Koda's voice turned angry. My reality changed.
- Waiting Sorrow: I started losing myself. I couldn't trust the visions; they lied to me. I'm not certain it was Koda that I heard.
- Waiting Sorrow: I hated having a destiny, and I felt like a threat. So I left.
- Stoic Alder: I know this story.
- Isgarren: Sorrow came to me, and I helped her sever her tie to the Mists. Koda's voice no longer burdened her.
- Poised Arrow: You are the missing Voice of our ancestors?
- Waiting Sorrow: I am. And I have regretted leaving my people every day since. That's why I came here.
- ^ The Wisdom and Power of the Kodan
- ^ Spirits' Refuge ambient dialogue
- ^ Harvest Den ambient dialogue
- ^ Unending Tribute
- ^ Mabon's Journal (Item)
- I may find myself in Frostgor–Waiting Sorrow is there, now, watching the remaining Kodan sett–
- ^ Borrowed Journal
- ^ Foundation of the Astral Ward
- ^ a b Collect evidence of Kryptis infiltration
- ^ Foot Soldier Gustava
- ^ "An Unofficial History of the Wizard's Court, Volume 4" by A. Hawthorn
- ^ Koda's Promise, Koda's Gift